
Appendix 1: DPP faction reading list

Sadly, there are few English-language resources on the DPP’s factions. The readings listed below are invaluable insights into the history and interactions of the factions, and are all highly recommended.

English readings:

Rigger, Shelley. (2001). From Opposition to Power: Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party.  Lynne Rienner Publishers, retrieved from: https://books.google.com/books/about/From_Opposition_to_Power.html?id=Twf7Uk8N0AEC&redir_esc=y

Fell, Dafydd. (2006). Party Politics in Taiwan: Party Change and the Democratic Evolution of Taiwan (1991-2004). Taylor & Francis, retrieved from: https://books.google.com.tw/books?id=0rp_AgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Party+Politics+in+Taiwan:+Party+Change+and+the+Democratic+Evolution+of+Taiwan&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Party%20Politics%20in%20Taiwan%3A%20Party%20Change%20and%20the%20Democratic%20Evolution%20of%20Taiwan&f=false

Batto, Nathan. Frozen Garlic, A Blog on Elections in Taiwan, retrieved from: https://frozengarlic.wordpress.com/?s=faction

Turton, Michael. The View from Taiwan, Commentary from Taichung, Taiwan, retrieved from: http://michaelturton.blogspot.com/search?q=faction

Garafola, Christina. (2012-10-05) China Brief Volume: 12 Issue: 19. Four More Years: The DPP Assesses its 2012 Loss and Looks Ahead to 2016. The Jamestown Foundation, retrieved from: http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=39934&cHash=9fe81df4831b3ef75b29c559a221c86e#.VuO5p8d0U_N

Hsiao, Russell, and Hsiao, Michael. (2012-06-22) China Brief Volume: 12 Issue: 12. Su Tseng-Chang and the Future of the DPP. The Jamestown Foundation, retrieved from: http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=39527#.VuO8vcd0U_N

Su Chi. (2014-06-23). An Overview of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan. The Brookings Institution, retrieved from: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/events/2014/06/23-taiwan-legislative-yuan/su-chi-presentation.pdf

Chinese readings:

There are far more Chinese-language resources on the DPP’s factions. Here are some of the more interesting readings.

(2005-02-08). 政黨政治:解析民主進步黨的派系結構. LAWTW (台灣法律網), retrieved from: http://www.lawtw.com/article.php?template=article_content&parent_path=,1,1648,&article_category_id=1170&job_id=68369&article_id=32022

(2011-07-06). 派系介入不分區? 洪智坤批新潮流. Coolloud (苦勞網), retrieved from: http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/62970

(2011-07-23).「做神的轉去廟、做鬼的轉去墓仔埔」應該高度肯定民進黨不分區立委名單. Coolloud (苦勞網), retrieved from: http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/63203

(2012-08-08). 台灣地方派系. Huaxia (華夏), retrieved from: http://big5.huaxia.com/lasd/twzlk/zzsj/2012/08/2953613.html

(2014-04-14). 蘇貞昌、謝長廷退選內幕. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/29911

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委權力改組 新系+菊系囊括9席成大贏家. ETToday, 東森新聞網, retrieved from: http://www.ettoday.net/news/20140720/380469.htm

(2016-01-30). [其他] 請教民進黨立委派系分布. PTT, retrieved from: https://bbstop.amassly.com/post/HatePolitics_1MgvmxLH

(2016-02-01). 歷屆委員查詢, (legislator list from the 9th legislature). The Legislative Yuan of Republic of China (立法院全球資訊網), retrieved from: http://www.ly.gov.tw/03_leg/0301_main/legList.action

Appendix 2: DPP legislator footnotes
New Tide faction sources:

Tuan Yi-kang (段宜康) could be considered “the face” of New Tide, being one of it’s most prominent members. Tuan is the former New Tide convenor, and was an outspoken critic of the DPP’s decision to dissolve the factions in 2006. Tuan shares a good relationship with Tsai Ing-wen, and has been humorously called “the New Tide ambassador stationed in Tsai’s office” (新系駐英代表) by news magazine, The Journalist.

(2008-04-01). Infighting continues among DPP leaders. The China Post, retrieved from: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/national-news/2008/04/01/149813/Infighting-continues.htm

(2006-07-24). 新潮流解散 段宜康批改革找錯對象. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/paper/83104

(2006-05-23). DPP faction berates Yu over Kaohsiung primary. Taipei Times, retrieved from: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2006/05/23/2003309620

(2015-12-17). 憤怒鳥狂轟軍宅 「房」如玄快被打爆. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?t=03&i=TXT20151209164052WPR

Rosalia Wu Szu-yao (吳思瑤) frequently represents New Tide as a member of the DPP’s Central Executive Committee. She is a former Taipei City councillor.

(2015-12-19). 台北市第1選區:丁守中固基本盤、吳思瑤搶中間票. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/76021

(2012-07-16). DPP election ushers in new leadership. Taipei Times, retrieved from: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2012/07/16/2003537856

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌) is the current Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Yuan. He is the pupil of Li Chin-hsiang (利錦祥), a New Tide elder with influence in Central Taiwan.

(2005-02-08). 政黨政治:解析民主進步黨的派系結構. Online PCHome, retrieved from: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/macotochen/post/1244685185

(2015-07-28) 新系整碗捧去,黨內派系忐忑難安:從縣市長到立委綿密布局 明年國會上看15席.  Wealth Magazine (財訊), retrieved from: http://www.wealth.com.tw/article_in.aspx?nid=5317&pg=2

(2016-01-30) 側寫/蔡其昌聰明熱心 民進黨中生代新星. United Daily News (聯合報), retrieved from: http://udn.com/news/story/9290/1476026-側寫%EF%BC%8F蔡其昌聰明熱心-民進黨中生代新星

Chang Liao Wan-chien (張廖萬堅) is a long-serving Taichung city councillor, and is commonly associated with New Tide in the local media. He was a participant in the Wild Lily movement.

(2015-07-28) 新系整碗捧去,黨內派系忐忑難安:從縣市長到立委綿密布局 明年國會上看15席.  Wealth Magazine (財訊), retrieved from: http://www.wealth.com.tw/article_in.aspx?nid=5317&pg=2

(2014-10-07). 派系明星掛頭牌 骨幹仍是”龍嫡系”. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT20141001170109LRP

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2015-07-30). Quick thoughts on a few races. Frozen Garlic, retrieved from: https://frozengarlic.wordpress.com/2015/07/29/quick-thoughts-on-a-few-races/

Huang Kuo-shu (黃國書) is a former Taichung city councillor, and was elected in the February 2015 by-election. He is part of the large contingent of New Tide legislators in Central Taiwan.

(2015-07-28). 新系整碗捧去,黨內派系忐忑難安:從縣市長到立委綿密布局 明年國會上看15席.  Wealth Magazine (財訊), retrieved from: http://www.wealth.com.tw/article_in.aspx?nid=5317&pg=2

(2015-06-05). 林佳龍VS.新潮流 台中釘孤枝. China Times Weekly (中時週刊), retrieved from: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20150605001087-260603

(2010-12-11) 議會龍頭戰 民進黨何敏誠李天生 搭檔參選. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/451124

(2015-09-24). 台中市第6選區:沈智慧重出江湖,苦戰新科立委黃國書. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/66067

Lin Shu-fen (林淑芬) is a former New Taipei city councillor, and has long been associated with New Tide.

(2005-02-08). 政黨政治:解析民主進步黨的派系結構. Online PCHome, retrieved from: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/macotochen/post/1244685185

(2016-01-07) 為什麼我認為支持民進黨,就能將台灣重新帶往有希望的方向?The News Lens, retrieved from: http://election2016.thenewslens.com/post2-267318/為什麼我認為支持民進黨,就能將台灣重新帶往有希望的方向?.html

(2015-08-30). 新北市第2選區:林淑芬拚連任、陳明義遞補議員挑戰立委. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/63676

Chung Chia-pin (鍾佳濱) is a subordinate of former Pingtung County Magistrate and New Tide elder Tsao Chi-hung (曹啟鴻). Chung is also a member of Pingtung’s “Big Su” faction, along with DPP elder Su Tseng-chang, and Pingtung County Magistrate Peng Men-an. (2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2012-06-21). 民進黨高雄黨部主委改選恩恩怨怨. China Review News (中國評論新聞網), retrieved from: http://www.chinareviewnews.com/doc/1021/3/9/3/102139383_5.html?coluid=33&kindid=2093&docid=102139383&mdate=0621033400

(2015-11-05). 王進士忙固基本盤、鍾佳濱爭取基層認同. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=970&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=3&lastpage=10

(2012-08-08). 台灣地方派系. Huaxia.com (華夏), retrieved from: http://big5.huaxia.com/lasd/twzlk/zzsj/2012/08/2953613_7.html

Ho Hsin-chun (何欣純) has been labelled as both an “ally” of New Tide, and a member. Ho comes from a political family background, her mother was a KMT city councillor in Taichung.

(2015-09-23). 何欣純、賴義鍠拼基層、石大哉知名度待提升. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=921&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

(2014-10-07). 派系明星掛頭牌 骨幹仍是”龍嫡系”. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT20141001170109LRP

Ye Yi-jin (葉宜津), is now labelled as an “ally” of New Tide, but was formerly part of Chen Shui-bian’s faction. She maintains a good working relationship with Tainan mayor William Lai.

(2014-06-17). 台南綠營只剩「賴派」和「非賴派」The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from:http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1423&i=TXT20140611172832RO6

(2005-01-21). 正義連線重整旗鼓 不讓新潮流坐大. New Taiwan (新台灣), retrieved from: http://www.newtaiwan.com.tw/bulletinview.jsp?bulletinid=21199

(2013-11-12). 扳倒老柯?怕變派系混戰!The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT20131106140115VOR

Huang Hsiu-fang (黃秀芳) is a former assistant to New Tide elder Wong Chin-chu (翁金珠). Her full connection to the New Tide faction is unclear.

(2015-10-21). 彰化縣第2選區:林滄敏、黃秀芳二度對決. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=950&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

(2009-10-13). 老將力搏新秀 激戰. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/342470

Hung Tsung-yi (洪宗熠) is former assistant to New Tide elder Wong Chin-chu (翁金珠), but his full connection to New Tide faction unclear.

(2015-12-22). 彰化立委/洪宗熠:發展西南角交通. United Daily News (聯合報), retrieved from: http://udn.com/news/story/7876/1392610-彰化立委%EF%BC%8F洪宗熠:發展西南角交通

(2005-07-14).China.com.cn (中國網), retrieved from: http://big5.china.com.cn/chinese/zhuanti/mjdrw/915469.htm

Chen Su-yueh (陳素月) is former assistant to New Tide member and current Changhua County magistrate Wei Ming-ku, but her full connection to New Tide is unclear.

(2015-12-04) 張錦昆戰陳素月 員林選票成關鍵. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/937690

(2015-10-28) 彰化縣第4選區:鎮長戰立委,張錦昆、陳素月再度交鋒. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from:  http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=955&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

Chen Chu faction sources:

Chiu Chih-wei (邱志偉) is a former Kaohsiung city councillor, and labels himself as one of Chen Chu’s subordinates. Chiu is a former New Tide “office assistant”.

(2015-08-04). 議員千金代母出征、菊系大將保位戰. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=804&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=3&lastpage=10

(2012-01-16). 新潮流獨大 重回派系戰國時代. Want China Times (旺報), retrieved from: http://want-daily.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=3964

Liu Shih-fang (劉世芳) is perhaps mayor Chen’s closest ally in the Legislative Yuan. She’s been labelled Chen’s “second-in-command” by netizens, and also Chen’s likely pick for Kaohsiung mayor in 2018. Liu is part of the DPP’s Central Standing Committee (CSC).

(2015-08-05) 藍營忙穩基本盤、綠營趁勢爭出頭. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=805&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

(2016-01-30).  [其他] 請教民進黨立委派系分布. PTT, retrieved from: https://bbstop.amassly.com/post/HatePolitics_1MgvmxLH

(2014-06-10). 跨越家族藩籬 菊系收編大高雄. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173905HUH

(2014-07-20). 民進黨第16屆新任中執委、中常委出爐. Taiwan-e-News (台灣e新聞), retrieved from: http://www.taiwanenews.com/doc/20140720104

Lee Kun-tse (李昆澤) is the nephew of Chen Chu. Lee also once served as assistant to “Mr. Clean”, AKA former Yilan magistrate and Minister of Justice, Chen Ding-nan (陳定南). Lee is also a former special assistant to Tsai Ing-wen.

(2015-11-09). 李昆澤推出競選文宣 找蔡英文、陳菊親筆推薦. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from:  http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1502653

(2015-08-21). 高雄市第六選區:菊系黃派的代理人之爭. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/62375

(2012-02-06) 英系人馬 黨內派系合縱連橫大轉機. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT201202011418117T6

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

Lai Jui-lung (賴瑞隆) is one of Chen Chu’s subordinates, and the victor of a DPP candidate nomination contest between the Hsieh faction, and the Chen Shui-bian faction. Lai previously worked at Kaohsiung city hall as the head of the Marine bureau. Lai is also the former assistant to former DPP legislator Lai Chin-lin (賴勁麟), also a New Tide member. Lai Chin-lin is coincidentally also the father of prominent Sunflower Movement leader Lai Pin-yu (賴品妤).

(2015-08-27). 高雄市第九選區:林國正守成不易、賴瑞隆代菊系再下一城. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/63304

(2015-03-06).「大黑馬」賴瑞隆加入戰局 與陳致中、陳信瑜搶出線. Taiwan People News (民報), retrieved from: http://www.peoplenews.tw/news/20951e67-56bc-423d-8f34-1d42fd7f2a9c

(2015-12-14). In legislative election in Kaohsiung, DPP eyes clean sweep. China Post, retrieved from: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/presidential-election/2015/12/14/453470/In-legislative.htm

Chiu Yi-ying (邱議瑩) is considered a former member of Chen Shui-bian’s faction; she’s since moved over to the Chen Chu camp, and is married to Kaohsiung deputy mayor Lee Yung-te (李永得). Chiu has had a number of public disagreements with New Tide in the past.

(2008-07-24). 新系坐大排他 民進黨新愁碼. New Taiwan (新台灣), retrieved from: http://www.newtaiwan.com.tw/bulletinview.jsp?bulletinid=81814

(2008-08-12). 扁係“立委”邱議瑩否認點燃民進黨派系戰火. China.com.cn (中國網), retrieved from: http://big5.china.com.cn/overseas/txt/2008-08/12/content_16198999.htm

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2015-12-14). In legislative election in Kaohsiung, DPP eyes clean sweep. China Post, retrieved from: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/presidential-election/2015/12/14/453470/In-legislative.htm

Lin Tai-hua (林岱樺) is a member of the local Kaohsiung Yang faction, and also a subordinate of Chen Chu. Some reports have shown her to have links with New Tide, and others only with Chen Chu herself.

(2007.03.22). 蘇謝誰主高高屏 高雄縣是決戰點. New Taiwan (新台灣), retrieved from: http://www.newtaiwan.com.tw/bulletinview.jsp?bulletinid=67803

(2008.02.28). 林岱樺任青輔會主委. Coolloud News (苦勞網), retrieved from: http://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/17403

(2014-06-10). 跨越家族藩籬 菊系收編大高雄. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173905HUH

Hsu Chih-chieh (許智傑) has an excellent working relationship with Chen Chu, whose election in 2012 was due to Chen’s tireless campaigning for Hsu. It appears Hsu does not have any direct connection the New Tide faction.

(2015-08-23). 高雄市第8選區:許智傑有連任優勢、黃璽文中興紅派. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/63136

(2016-01-30).  [其他] 請教民進黨立委派系分布. PTT, retrieved from: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1454087227.A.551.html

Chung Kung-chao (鍾孔炤) is the former director of Kaohsiung’s Labor Affairs Bureau, and has known Chen Chu for more than 20 years. It appears Hsu does not have any direct connection the New Tide faction.

(2015-11-11). 鍾孔炤列不分區安全名單 陳菊贊同. CNA (中央社), retrieved from: http://www.cna.com.tw/news/aipl/201511110113-1.aspx

(2016-01-30).  [其他] 請教民進黨立委派系分布. PTT, retrieved from: https://bbstop.amassly.com/post/HatePolitics_1MgvmxLH

(2015-11-10). 民進黨不分區 原民Kolas Yotaka、鍾孔炤列安全名單. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from:  http://www.storm.mg/article/73567

Speculative New Tide connections:

Wellington Koo (顧立雄) was New Tide and Su Tseng-chang’s choice for the 2014 Taipei City mayoral race. His connection to New Tide is speculated by PTT netizens.

(2014-03-11). 顧立雄暫領先 呂秀蓮倚老賣老. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT20140305140114QL4

(2013-12-11). DPP riven by factionalism as primary polls heat up. Taipei Times, retrieved from: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2013/12/11/2003578776

(2016-01-30). [其他] 請教民進黨立委派系分布. PTT, retrieved from: https://bbstop.amassly.com/post/HatePolitics_1MgvmxLH

Frida Tsai Pei-hui (蔡培慧) is the former secretary-general of the Taiwan Rural Front (台灣農村陣線) and one of Tsai Ing-wen’s star “professional-type” legislators. She likely does not belong to any DPP faction, but she shares a close friendship with two prominent New Tide faction members, current DPP legislator Lin Shu-fen (林淑芬), and former DPP legislator Tien Chiu-chin (田秋堇).

(2015-12-10). 蔡培慧:不要期待我遵守民進黨黨意. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?t=97&i=TXT201512021708140SN

Tsai Faction:

Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) is the speaker of the Legislative Yuan, and a close-confidante of Tsai. Su was the DPP’s losing 2012 vice-presidential candidate. Su was a former member of the Welfare State Alliance faction (福利國連線), and had a close relationship with Frank Hsieh.

(2004-05-08). 陳水扁的”超級馬伕”:新任”內政部長”蘇嘉全. Huaxia.com (華夏), retrieved from: http://big5.huaxia.com/tw/sdbd/rw/00200306.html

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2016-01-17). 會新龍頭 蘇嘉全呼聲高. China Times (中國時報), retrieved from: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160117000385-260102

(2014-06-10). 跨越家族藩籬 菊系收編大高雄. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173905HUH

Cheng Li-chun (鄭麗君) Cheng is one of Tsai’s long-term supporters, acting as Tsai’s spokesperson during her unsuccessful run for New Taipei City in 2010. Her husband is very rich. Her question period videos on youtube are legendary.

(2015-11-09). 民進黨不分區 王榮璋、吳焜裕列入安全名單. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/73473

(2012-02-06) 英系人馬 黨內派系合縱連橫大轉機. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT201202011418117T6

Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) was a short-lived mayor of Kaohsiung, and a former member of Chen Shui-bian’s faction. He has been one of Tsai’s most consistent allies within the DPP., and a former party spokesperson. His question period videos on youtube are also legendary.

(2014-01-13). 陳其邁被地方打入畏戰組. China Times (中國時報), retrieved from: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140113000350-260102

(2014-03-16). 護駕 英文系人馬擬選黨職. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/28624

Biao Ki-hsim (蕭美琴) Reports have consistently linked Biao as a member of the Tsai faction. In the past, she was reported to be an “ally” of New Tide.

(2012-02-06) 英系人馬 黨內派系合縱連橫大轉機. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT201202011418117T6

(2014-05-25). 綠立院黨團蘇退英進 蕭美琴可望任書記長. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/31512

(2015-10-06). 花蓮縣立委:王廷升苦守現任席次、蕭美琴有望綠化後山. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/77475

Lo Chih-cheng (羅致政) is Tsai’s former campaign spokesperson, and has been regarded by media reports as a Tsai subordinate. As a former New Taipei City councillor, Lo intended to run for mayor of New Taipei in 2014, but was sidelined by Yu Shyi-kun.

(2015-12-17). 新北市第7選區:羅致政火力全開、江惠貞恐難扭轉大局. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/75956

(2014-09-10) 盤算朱立倫勝選直攻總統 綠營羅致政瞄準新北市長補選. China Times (中國時報), retrieved from: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140910001239-260603

Chen Ming-wen (陳明文) is often referenced as a member of the “Chiayi Gang” (嘉義幫), however he is more often than not linked with Chiayi County’s Lin family faction. The Lin faction was formerly a local KMT faction, but switched it’s allegiance to the DPP. Chen Ming-wen has been one of Tsai’s strongest supporters and allies within the party.

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2014-03-16). 護駕 英文系人馬擬選黨職. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/28624

Lin Chun-hsien (林俊憲) Lin has acted as spokesperson for Tsai on a number of occasions, and is considered an ally of Tsai on the DPP’s Central Executive Committee. Lin is also a strong supporter of Tainan mayor William Lai.

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2011-08-01) 台南市派系分贓. Formosa News (美麗島電子報), retrieved from: http://www.my-formosa.com/DOC_11633.htm

(2015-09-06) 林俊憲贏面大、陳淑慧轉戰區域拚首勝. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/64332

Tsai leaning:

Lin Ching-yi (林靜儀) previously worked under former premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺), but resigned in protest after Jiang mobilized the police to assault student protesters during the Sunflower Movement. She was quickly scooped up by Tsai to head the DPP’s Department of Women’s Development. Her connection to a Tsai faction is speculative, and based on the assumption that Lin would have worked closely with Tsai at DPP HQ.

(2014-05-29). 學運要角休學掌綠青年部林全扛對中交流. China Review News (中國評論新聞網) retrieved from: http://www.zhgpl.com/crn-webapp/doc/docDetailCNML.jsp?coluid=93&kindid=2931&docid=103211715

(2015-12-02) 林靜儀脫白袍從政,憂社會高齡化下女性先遭殃. ETtoday (東森新聞雲), retrieved from: http://www.ettoday.net/news/20151202/605877.htm#ixzz42UUxEQsj

(2014-06-10). 小英黨內閣 少了新系當台後那隻手. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173049OYW

Cheng Yun-peng (鄭運鵬) has been linked with both Frank Hsieh and Su Tseng-chang’s camps in the past, but appears to have floated towards the “Tsai-leaning” category during his tenure as Tsai’s spokesperson during the 2016 general election campaign.

(2015-12-03). 鐵票生鏽,陳根德、鄭運鵬陷入拉拒戰(1203更新). Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=1045&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

(2014-06-10). 小英黨內閣 少了新系當台後那隻手. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173049OYW

(2012-06-05). 蘇貞昌將延攬鄭運鵬 擔任民進黨網路部主任. Huaxia.com (華夏), retrieved from: http://big5.huaxia.com/jjtw/dnzq/2012/06/2876480.html

Chen Ying (陳瑩) served as a legislator-at-large during the Chen Shui-bian era, and was part of his Justice Alliance faction (正義連線). During the 2012 general election campaign, she was pushed out of the DPP party list safe section by the factions. She was selected by Su Tseng-chang to head the DPP’s Aboriginal Affairs department during Su’s tenure as chairperson, and Tsai kept her on in that position later on. Her connection to a Tsai faction is speculative, and based on the assumption that Chen would have worked closely with Tsai at DPP HQ.

(2014-06-10). 小英黨內閣 少了新系當台後那隻手. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173049OYW

(2005-02-08). 政黨政治:解析民主進步黨的派系結構. Online PCHome, retrieved from: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/macotochen/post/1244685185

(2011-06-30).「原民不敵派系」陳瑩灑淚. Apple Daily (蘋果日報), retrieved from: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20110630/33495464/

Su Chen-ching (蘇震清) comes from the Pingtung “Small Su” faction, and is Su Jia-qyuan’s nephew. I have no resources identifying Su Chen-ching as a Tsai faction member, but we can speculate Chen-ching would follow his uncle’s lead on faction issues.

(2012-08-08). 台灣地方派系. Huaxia.com (華夏), retrieved from: http://big5.huaxia.com/lasd/twzlk/zzsj/2012/08/2953613_7.html

(2012-04-09). 民進黨派系 搶攻地方山頭. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT201204051523140BX

(2015-11-10) 屏東縣第1選區:蘇震清連任在望、宋麗華選情艱難. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/73189

Hsieh faction:

Lee Ying-yuan (李應元) is one of Frank Hsieh’s most visible and consistent allies, and has been called a “commander” of the Hsieh faction. On some occasions, he appears to act as Hsieh’s unofficial spokesperson. Lee was a dissident activist in the 1980’s, and was involved with the US-based “World United Formosans for Independence” advocacy group. He was also heavily involved in Ko Wen-je’s successful Taipei mayoral campaign.

(2000-09-04). Lee Ying-yuan: the dissident who became a diplomat. Taipei Times, retrieved from: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/local/archives/2000/09/04/0000051872

(2012-10-06). 李應元:謝長廷晚間會見王毅. CNA (中央社), retrieved from: http://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201210060046-1.aspx

(2013-06-29). 謝系大將李應元研討會致詞 發言麻辣. China Review News (中國評論新聞網) retrieved from: http://hk.crntt.com/doc/1026/0/4/9/102604982.html?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=102604982

Hsu Kuo-yung (徐國勇) is a former SET-TV news host, and now a frequent guest on political TV talk shows. He previously served as legislator from 2005 to 2008. He’s an uncle to DPP spokesperson, and prominent New Tide member Hsu Chia-ching (徐佳青).

(2015-10-29). 民進黨首批不分區名單 傳3現任、2前任立委入圍. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1490561

(2011-05-03). 綠立委提名 區域徵召名單 明出爐. Citizen Congress Watch (公民監督國會聯盟), retrieved from: http://www.ccw.org.tw/p/4079

(2006-11-08). 中執會前夕 卓榮泰密會謝系立委. TVBS, retrieved from: http://news.tvbs.com.tw/old-news.html?nid=345463

Yao Wen-chih (姚文智) is consistently labelled one of Hsieh’s “soldiers” (子弟兵). His most recent claim to fame is his unsuccessful challenge to be the 2014 DPP mayoral candidate. According to a report from the Journalist, Hsieh was “slightly embarrassed” by Yao’s challenge.

(2013-12-31). 謝系救柯文哲?姚文智拋出兩階段民調 免入黨也能初選. SETN (三立), retrieved from: http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=8964

(2014-05-27). 姚文智龍套變主角 謝長廷尷尬. he Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/SNewsView.aspx?Key=%EF%BF%BD%25&i=TXT2014052117465720E&p=4

Chiang Yung-chang (江永昌) is a New Taipei city local legislator and a member of Zhonghe’s Lin-chiang faction (林江派). Coincidentally, “30-second” legislator and Zhonghe “motel king” Chang Ching-chung (張慶忠) is also from the same faction. Chiang and Chang faced off in the 2016 legislative election. Reports claim he is part of the Hsieh faction.

(2014-12-17). 新北市議長淪陷 朱立倫恐遭蘇系整4年. China Times (中國時報), retrieved from: http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20141217001121-260901

(2013-07-05). 江永昌:謝長廷突破民進黨兩岸政策僵局. China Review News (中國評論新聞網), retrieved from: http://www.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/touch/detail.jsp?coluid=142&kindid=0&docid=102613730

(2015-09-14). 張慶忠低調團結藍營民心、江永昌力拚中間淺藍選票. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=908&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=3&lastpage=10

Kuan Bi-ling (管碧玲) is one of Hsieh’s most trusted lieutenants, and is likely gunning for the Kaohsiung mayoral seat when Chen Chu steps down in 2018. There has been some tension between Kuan and the Chen Chu faction in the past. In 2012, Chen Chu lieutenant Liu Shih-fang did not make it onto the DPP’s Central Executive Committee (CEC), and Chen accused Kuan of pooling her votes with the Su faction to keep Liu off the CEC.

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2012-07-21). 觀察:菊系內訌 謝系管碧玲將戰高雄市長. China Review News (中國評論新聞), retrieved from: http://www.zhgpl.com/doc/1021/7/3/8/102173830.html?coluid=156&kindid=5777&docid=102173830&mdate=0721004329

Chao Tien-lin (趙天麟) is a former member of the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU). He shares good relations with both Frank Hsieh and Tsai Ing-wen. Chao was head of the DPP’s China Affairs Committee.

(2014-06-10). 小英黨內閣 少了新系當台後那隻手. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1422&i=TXT20140604173049OYW

(2015-08-17). 趙天麟連任勝劵在握、黃派挺莊啟旺當立委. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=819&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

Chuang Ruei-hsiung (莊瑞雄) has also been called one of Hsieh’s “soldiers” and a core member of the faction by media reports. Chuang is a frequent guest on TV talk shows.

(2012-04-09) 民進黨派系 搶攻地方山頭, The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT201204051523140BX

(2014-11-18). 屏東立委補選 黃昭展大咖相挺 莊瑞雄籲摒派系. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/840084

(2012-07-17). 卸任黨魁當然中執委 綠派系意見不一. Formosa News (美麗島電子報), retrieved from: http://www.my-formosa.com/DOC_29835.htm

Wang Ting-yu (王定宇), is labelled as both a Hsieh “ally”, and a full member of his faction. He’s a frequent guest on the popular SETN talk show “New Taiwan Go Go Go”. Wang was thought to have a poor working relationship with New Tide’s William Lai, although this has likely changed after the recent Tainan Earthquake.

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2014-06-17). 台南綠營只剩「賴派」和「非賴派」The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from:http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1423&i=TXT20140611172832RO6

Su Chih-fen (蘇治芬) powerful figure in Yunlin and is a former member of the now disbanded Welfare State Alliance faction (福利國), which was composed of both Frank Hsieh and Su Tseng-chang. She appears to have maintained better relations with Hsieh. She may have caused a bit of a ripple in the Hsieh faction when she backed New Tide’s Lee Chin-yung (李進勇) to be the next county magistrate over Hsieh loyalist Lee Ying-yuan.

(2012-05-22). 12人競逐10席全國黨代表 成派系角力主戰場. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/585597

(2013-10-31). 新潮流整碗捧 蘇蔡想出頭就得低頭. China Review News (中國評論新聞網), retrieved from:  http://www.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/search/siteDetail.jsp?id=102834431&sw=出现

(2014-05-03). 新潮流即將席捲民進黨縣市長. Formosa News (美麗島電子報), retrieved from: http://www.my-formosa.com/DOC_50299.htm

Yu Faction:

Gao Jyh-peng (高志鵬) is one of Chen Shui-bian’s former allies, and is now a strong supporter of Yu Shyi-kun. Gao acted as Yu’s election campaign manager during Yu’s unsuccessful run for New Taipei City in 2014. As one of the DPP’s longest-serving legislators in New Taipei City, he will likely covet the mayor’s seat when Eric Chu steps down in 2018.

(2015-09-01) 新北市第3選區:泛藍分裂、高志鵬可望連任、第三勢力邊緣化. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/63998

(2016-02-25). 綠新北市長戰將 吳秉叡.高志鵬.羅致政出列. FTV (民視), retrieved from: http://news.民視.com/NewsContent.aspx?ntype=class&sno=2016225P10M1#

Wu Chi-ming (吳琪銘) was formerly a member of the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU), but later joined the DPP in 2008. Reports link him to the Yu faction, but he also has connections with the Su faction.

(2014-03-23). 大票倉搶出頭 有請天王加持. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?t=&i=TXT20140319155133AO2

(2015-09-18). 盧嘉辰挺王守藍營基本盤、吳琪銘力促翻轉前進國會. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=917&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

Chen Ting-fei (陳亭妃) is a long-serving Tainan City legislator, and one of Yu’s oldest allies. She has sometimes been a critic of Tainan mayor William Lai’s style of governance. Chen currently serves on the DPP’s Central Executive Committee (CEC).

(2016-01-06). 水牛伯跟陳亭妃走「小英路線」冒雨挑大樑. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1563472

(2014-06-17). 台南綠營只剩「賴派」和「非賴派」The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from:http://www.new7.com.tw/coverStory/CoverView.aspx?NUM=1423&i=TXT20140611172832RO6

(2014-07-20). 民進黨第16屆新任中執委、中常委出爐. Taiwan-e-News (台灣e新聞), retrieved from: http://www.taiwanenews.com/doc/20140720104

Liu Chao-hao (劉櫂豪) has been linked with the Yu faction in a number of media reports, but also shares a good working relationship with Tsai Ing-wen. Liu ran unsuccessfully for Taitung County magistrate four times in a row.

(2011-08-25). 推薦子弟兵 游錫堃扮賈伯斯笑自己頭髮少. China Review News (中國評論新聞), retrieved from: http://www.chinatw.tw/doc/1018/1/2/3/101812332.html?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101812332

(2015-11-28) 台東立委/分析:劉櫂豪vs.陳建閣 兩強對壘. United Daily News (聯合報), retrieved from: http://udn.com/news/story/7876/1342820-台東立委%EF%BC%8F

Chen Ou-po (陳歐珀) is often reported as part of the Yu faction, but has had a rocky relationship with Yu Shyi-kun in the past. Chen is known as a prickly figure, and difficult to get along with. PTT netizens think he’s a moron (白目).

(2014-05-20).「尊游」仍是宜蘭最大派系. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT2014051416222424V

(2015-10-20). [討論] 陳歐珀是好人還壞人?PTT, retrieved from: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1445301113.A.ED8.html

(2011-03-22). 立委民調初選 宜蘭陳歐珀勝出 李俊毅、王定宇今晚決戰. Yam News (番新聞), retrieved from: http://history.n.yam.com/nownews/politics/201103/20110322789598.html

Tsai Shih-ying (蔡適應) has good relations with Keelung’s current mayor Lin Shih-chang, and was a previously a Keelung city councillor. He’s been called a member of the DPP’s “party aide generation”, and is reported to not have any explicit connection to any faction. However, Yu Shyi-kun and Yu lieutenant Gao Jyh-peng paid Tsai Shih-ying an inordinate amount of visits during his campaign. Yu also shares a close relationship with current Keelung mayor Lin Shih-chang.

(2015-07-24). 基隆立委選戰-蔡適應競選辦公室成立 游錫堃揭牌. Yam News (番新聞), retrieved from: http://video.n.yam.com/20150724173686/基隆立委選戰-蔡適應競選辦公室成立%20游錫堃揭牌

(2016-01-04). 游錫堃、高志鵬輔選蔡適應 轟郝吊車尾市長. FTV (民視), retrieved from: http://www.msn.com/zh-tw/news/other/游錫堃、高志鵬輔選蔡適應-轟郝吊車尾市長/ar-AAgkggg

Su Faction:

Lu Sun-ling (呂孫綾) is the daughter of former New Taipei City councillor Lu Tzu-chang (呂子昌). Apparently, the Lu family is a powerful political force in the Tamsui area. Frozen Garlic has an excellent post about the Lu family on his blog.

Batto, Nathan. (2015-12-01). Campaign trail: DPP event in New Taipei 1. Frozen Garlic, A Blog on Elections in Taiwan, retrieved from: https://frozengarlic.wordpress.com/2015/12/01/campaign-trail-dpp-event-in-new-taipei-1/

(2014-07-20). 民進黨中執委選舉 新潮流系大贏家. The Liberty Times (自由時報), retrieved from: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/1059858

(2015-12-11). 新北市第1選區:藍營鐵票大跌、呂孫綾情勢大好、吳育昇選情受挫.

Wu Ping-jui (吳秉叡) wears his Su faction colors “on his sleeve”, according to some reports, and has also been called one of Su’s chief lieutenants. Wu will likely gun for the New Taipei City mayor’s seat when Eric Chu steps down in 2018. He’ll have strong support from Su Tseng-chang.

(2016-02-25). 綠新北市長戰將 吳秉叡.高志鵬.羅致政出列. FTV (民視), retrieved from: http://news.民視.com/NewsContent.aspx?ntype=class&sno=2016225P10M1#

(2015-09-02) 吳秉叡老神在在轉區域、國民黨陣前換將無人選、第三勢力難敵大黨夾擊. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=893&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=2&lastpage=10

(2016-01-17). 各派系席次躍進 大老們退休?再起?United Daily News (聯合報), retrieved from: http://udn.com/news/story/9291/1448204

Su Chiao-hui (蘇巧慧) is Su Tseng-chang’s daughter. In February 2016, the DPP’s party elders vigorously pushed their sons and daughters to enter the 2016 DPP primaries, with Yu Shyi-kun’s son Yu Bing-tao (游秉陶), Chen Shui-bian’s son Chen Chi-chung (陳致中), and Su Chiao-hui hoping to be named the DPP’s official candidates. Su Chiao-hui was the only successful primary candidate selected.

(2016-02-11). 是標竿也是壓力 超越父親蘇貞昌成為蘇巧慧關卡. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/81446

(2015-09-07). 新北市第5選區:蘇巧慧、黃志雄力拚形象,選情五五波. Storm Media (風傳媒), retrieved from: http://www.storm.mg/article/64415

(2015-02-26). 罵完連勝文「靠爸」後,綠營政二代準備插旗國會選舉. Buzz Orange (報橘), retrieved from: http://buzzorange.com/2015/02/26/dpp-politician-son-and-daughter-ready-for-election/

Chang Hung-lu (張宏陸) has been called one of Su Tseng-chang’s “soldiers” in the local press. According to reports, he’s been with Su since 1996.

(2011-08-16). 挺子弟兵張宏陸 蘇貞昌新北掃街. FTV (民視), retrieved from: http://m.ftv.com.tw/newscontent.aspx?sno=2015A08S06M1

(2015-09-08). 張宏陸略勝林國春一籌、第三勢力搏版面搶人心. Exchange of Wisdom (智慧交易所), retrieved from: http://www.xsmart4.com/ploy/ploy_detail.asp?id=901&ClassID=677&KeywordID=all&SearchString_Data=&page=1&lastpage=10

Chen Lai Su-mei (陳賴素美) is a long-serving Taoyuan County councillor. Chen is also the wife of DPP Chen Yi-hsuan (陳奕瑄), who appears to have sat on the DPP’s Central Standing Committee in the past. Both Chen Lai Su-mei and Chen Yi-hsuan have been linked to Su’s camp.

(2014-04-22). 靠爸族、幫夫族、英蘇新系林立. The Journalist (新新聞), retrieved from: http://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?i=TXT20140416143115TO3

(2014-04-19). 桃園綠主委4搶1 蘇系2人相煎. Central Daily News, (中央日報), retrieved from: http://www.cdnews.com.tw/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp?coluid=107&docid=102725288&page=2

Professional-type, or no known factional allegiances:

Wu Kun-yuh (吳焜裕) is an associate professor at National Taiwan University’s School of Public Health. He’s a professional-type legislator specializing in food safety issues, and does not have any factional connections.

Wu Yu-chin (吳玉琴) is secretary-general of the Federation for the Welfare of the Elderly (FWE). Wu has been a vocal critic of the KMT government’s elderly care policies. Wu is a professional-type legislator, and does not have any factional allegiances. Former DPP legislator Chen Chieh-ju (陳節如) is a key supporter of the FWE.

Mary Chen Man-li (陳曼麗) is the former chairperson of the Homemaker Union and Foundation (HUF). She is a vocal activist for environmental issues, and renewable energy. Chen is also one of two former Taiwan Green Party members now acting as a DPP legislator-at-large. She has no reported factional connections.

Wang Jung-chang (王榮璋) is the former convener of the Alliance for Fair Tax Reform. He has been a vocal critic of the country’s pension system, and has urged reform. Wang is also the League of Welfare Organizations for the Disabled’s secretary general. In addition, Wang also served as legislator-at-large during Chen Shui-bian

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