
Penny Bun Mushroom — Images by kenne

Looks like a loaf of bread, but it’s a penny bun ( Boletus edulis) mushroom, one of the most sort after culinary mushrooms. Young specimens can be eaten raw in salads. They have strong mushroom flavor when cooked. Once dried, it is excellent for flavoring soups, sauces, stocks.

“Boletus edulis was first described in 1782 by the French botanist Pierre Bulliard and still bears its original name.[2] The starting date of fungal taxonomy had been set as January 1, 1821, to coincide with the date of the works of the ‘father of mycology’, Swedish naturalist Elias Magnus Fries, which meant the name required sanction by Fries (indicated in the name by a colon) to be considered valid, as Bulliard’s work preceded this date. It was thus written Boletus edulis Bull.:Fr. However, a 1987 revision of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature set the starting date at May 1, 1753, the date of publication of Linnaeus‘ seminal work, the Species Plantarum.[3] Hence, the name no longer requires the ratification of Fries’ authority. Early alternate namesinclude Boletus solidus by English naturalist James Sowerby in 1809,[4] and Gray’s Leccinum edule.[5] Gray’s transfer of the species to Leccinum was later determined to be inconsistent with the rules of botanical nomenclature, and he apparently was unfamiliar with the earlier works of Fries when he published his arrangement of bolete species.[6]” – Wikipedia


“Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom.”

–Thomas Carlyle

Penny Bun Mushroom — Image by kenne

“Falling in love is like eating mushrooms, you never know if it’s the real thing until it’s too late.”

– Bill Balance

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Filed under: Education, Information, Nature, Photography Tagged: Bill Balance, Biology, Boletus, Boletus edulis, Mt Lemmon, Mushroom, Penny Bun, Santa Catalina Mountains, Thomas Carlyle, Tucson Arizona

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