
WASHINGTON - Congressman John K. Delaney (MD-6) and Congressman Joe Kennedy III (MA-4) introduced the Iran Ballistic Missile Prevention and Sanctions Act today.  Iran recently tested at least two ballistic missiles and built a new ballistic missile silo, in direct violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929. This bill would ensure that the U.S. holds Iran to the highest level of accountability for its actions by permanently codifying sanctions on entities that transfer ballistic missiles or advanced conventional weapons to or from Iran.

The JCPOA, also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, will lift the U.N. embargos on conventional weapons and ballistic missiles after 5 and 8 years respectively, but the Iran Nuclear Deal does not limit the United States’ ability to implement non-nuclear sanctions. This legislation builds on current sanctions by limiting the transfer to and from Iran of any ballistic missiles and advanced conventional weapons.

Congressman Delaney released the following statement:

“Iran’s recent tests of ballistic missiles reinforce the need for the United States to stay vigilant.  Our safety and security is more important than ever, and Congress needs to take an active role in enforcing international agreements that support global security. My legislation codifies and expands ballistic and advanced conventional weapons sanctions, strengthening the President’s hand to apply sanctions both to prevent Iran from acquiring ballistic missile technology and, importantly, to prevent Iran from exporting weapons to outside militants. In crafting this legislation, we were careful to ensure that there would be no conflict with the United States’ commitments under the JCPOA, an agreement I supported.  The United States cannot allow its focus on Iran’s nuclear program to distract us from working to stop Iran’s other bad behavior.”

Congressman Kennedy released the following statement:

“Through their recent ballistic missile launches, the Iranian government has shown a blatant disregard for international laws. Those violations cannot be tolerated and this legislation sends a clear message that the United States will not allow Iran to obtain or develop missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. With the JCPOA nearing implementation, our enforcement of existing agreements outside of the deal’s parameters must remain vigorous and steadfast.”

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