
Howdy, fellow Draconiacs!  RazorFox here.

So, ummm… yeah.  That happened.

Those of you looking for a soundtrack to this page can pull up “The One I Love” by R.E.M.

This page took longer to produce than I wanted it to, but I thank you for your patience.  I hope it was worthwhile, as I’m thrilled at how the scenery came out, and how the last panel worked out.  Hope it was worth the wait!  Next page won’t take as long, I hope. Remember that you can get a first-hand look at work-in-progress pages and even see new pages hours before they’re made public by pledging your support via Patreon!  Just a few bucks per page gets you neat perks, and some neat new incentives are on their way, too!  Thanks in advance for your support!

And with that, it’s time to get back to work on the next page.  Will the Dragons be able to get who they came for, or will the Tigers mount a counteroffensive?  Stay tuned…

Take care, fellow Draconiacs, and thanks for reading!


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