

It’s time for the 2017 Cap-Iron Man Reverse Bang! If you
haven’t participated before, the Reverse Bang is an annual cap-ironman
event where artists submit art to be claimed by authors for fics (the
opposite of the Big Bang, where authors create fics, which artists then
claim and produce art for). This year the event will officially run from
January through May 2017.

Here are some important dates to remember:

Earliest Art Submission Acceptance: Sunday, January 1st, 2017

Art Submission Deadline: Wednesday, February 15th, 11:59pm PST (what time is it for me?)

(art will be available for viewing a minimum of 24 hours before claims begin)

Author Claims: Saturday, February 18th (exact hour TBA)

(to take place on livejournal, first-come first-served, initially 1 claim per author)

Posting Date Claims: Saturday, April 22nd

(via Doodle, limit of 2 teams per posting date, first-come first-served)

Posting Begins: Sunday, April 30th

This year’s mods are @laireshi, @viennasunrise, @einheriar, and Lore.
We’re all very excited to get started. Keep an eye out for motivation
and check-in chats in the next few weeks. Questions? See the rules below
or send us an email at cap.im.events@gmail.com.

Basic Rules and Guidelines:

Art and fic must focus on Steve and Tony in some way! The end goal does
not have to be a romantic one, but Steve and Tony and their
relationship (shippy or gen) should be central to any work produced.

2. All participating art must be submitted to cap.im.events@gmail.com
by the art deadline. Art does not need to be finished, but characters
should be recognizable without labels. It should include a universe
label or be labeled “ambiguous”. If there are specific story elements
you do NOT want to see in your partnered fic (major squicks and
triggers) please tell the mods in your submission email so that we can
include that information up front. Note about the ambiguous label: only use it if you’re sure you’re okay with getting a fic written in any Marvel Universe: MCU, 616, Noir, EMH, etc. Otherwise please just specify the universes you’re okay with the story being set in.

Art should be original work and should not have been previously posted
anywhere. Similarly, as this is a collaborative event, art created for
this event should not be posted for commercial sale until six months
after the event has ended.

4. Artists should keep their identities
as secret as possible from the larger community. Art posted for claims
will not include artist names and should remain anonymous to all but the
paired author(s).

5. Traditional and digital art are both
acceptable for art submissions. Art entries may include more than one
piece of art, but the art must all fit together into the same story.

6. Manips and fanmixes/fanmix covers will not be accepted for art submissions.

7. Each creator may submit a total of two distinct works to the event (in any combination of art and fic).

8. Fic written for this event must exceed 5,000 words in length.

and artists who have failed to complete a previous challenge will not
be allowed to participate in this event unless a full year has passed,
they complete the original challenge or they demonstrate equivalent
ability. If you have questions or concerns about banning in our events,
please email the general mods at cap.im.mod@gmail.com.

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