I'm crazy excited (and a bit nervous) to announce that my first ever art e-course is finally coming. And soon. And you can join the wait list below, but first I have to tell you the whole story. Because I'm collector of moments and I believe the stories of how things come to life matter.
(photo by Viv McMaster)
Back in 2010, when I was considering launching my first ever e-course, I asked you guys what you wanted: an art e-course or a business e-course? I was six months pregnant with True at the time and I knew I could only squeeze in enough energy and time for one e-course. It turned out that you guys wanted the art e-course a tad more than the biz e-course.
I tuned inward, asked myself which direction called me the most and the answer was clear: the business e-course. It was during a time in my life when my little art business was soaring in big ways and I was feeling passionate about sharing everything I had learned along the way. Because I'm a firm believer in following our whispers for a gazillion reasons, I went with the biz e-course.
And I'm so glad I did.
I ran it once in 2010, once in 2011, and for the last time in 2012 before turning the content into e-books that get updated yearly. In the last three years, thousands of people have either taken the e-course or bought the e-books. Choosing to run the biz e-course changed my life. And it's been a game changer for my fellow Possibilitarians who want to start or grow their creative biz. Grateful.
(photo by Viv McMaster)
Fast forward three years.
I deeply believe in the process of divine timing. I always knew I'd offer an art e-course, but I've been waiting for my heart to leap at the thought of it. I needed the whispers and my inspiration to say now is the time, now is the time. And they have, friends. Now is most definitely the time.
I am so excited to introduce my next heart + soul e-course......
Nearly all of my paintings include an uplifting word or phrase — sometimes called a “mantra.”
People often ask me how I "come up" with all those mantras.
And honestly?
They're usually just words that my heart needs to hear, in that moment.
So, I come up with them … by tuning into my heart.
And now, it’s your turn.
With Hello Soul, Hello Mixed Media Mantras , I'll help you create a mantra (or two, or three, or four) that speaks to your soul — and then we're going to paint them into life using all of my beloved and easy mixed media techniques. Hello paint, paper, ink, and getting beautifully messy with our hands.
Whether you're new to the world of mixed-media painting (like I was just a few short years ago!) or have been at it for years, this e-course will inspire you to create meaningful, richly layered paintings that speak directly to your heart. I will walk you through every step, side by side.
It's important for me to say that this will not be just another project based e-course about creating a painting. It will be much deeper and more soulful than that. I'll not only share my techniques with you, but also soul-stirring stories about what I've learned these last few years as I've stepped into the creative life. There's a lot of beautiful metaphors and life lessons that emerge when you face a blank canvas and work with it until the finished beauty emerges. We'll be exploring all of those life-teaching morsels as well. Heart + soul + techniques. That's how I roll. And I'd love for you to roll with me.
And did I mention the community? The community that will bloom from this experience will be life-changing, too. I'm an artist, but I'm also (as one friend cleverly put it) a Connectress. When I bring people together (online or otherwise), big things happen. I can't explain it - it's just he power of creative synchronicity. And community.
I'd love it if you joined me in what I know will be a beautiful, meaningful experience. For me, and for you.
Registration will launch the first week of Jan, and our virtual classroom doors will open on Feb 24th.
(Click anywhere in the image except in the center where the Pinterest "P" is)
Because I'm expecting boatloads of gorgeous souls (hello, tribe!) who will want to embark on this journey with me, I'm creating a wait list for the class. If you'd like to join the wait list and be the first to know when registration opens (and receive a discount for class tuition), please click here to join the list.
Seriously, friends. I can't wait to see a big gallery of everybody's completed mantras paintings. Holy boots. I'm kinda weepy, just thinking about it.
Kelly Rae
ps: Got questions? Feel free to post them in the comments and I'll be happy to answer, but full details (including price, length of class, how many videos, etc etc will be announced when registration opens in Jan.)
(photo by Viv McMaster)
pps: It's been a long time since I've put my heart out into the world in this way. Honestly, I'm incredibly nervous, excited, and reminded how important it is to answer our calls and be brave. Can't thank you enough (especially those of you who have been a part of my community since the beginning) for all the support. I heart you.