
It’s that time of year again when we’re glad our wallets aren’t sentient beings capable of understanding the torture we impose upon them during Steam’s summer sale.  There have been some truly great deals this year.

I feel like I’m holding back, passing up some good deals waiting for something magical to go on sale.  I do this every year; I wait and resist buying anything then end up with nothing.  Part of me thinks, “If I really wanted these games, I would have bought them when they first came out.”  I don’t know why that part of me says this every year — it’s crazy nonsensical part.  The other half screams to buy everything in sight.

I’ve been watching Arma 2: Combined Operations hoping that it jumps from 20% off up to 66%.  It won’t, since the deal says it lasts until July 23, but I won’t pull the trigger until the summer sale is over and I prove to myself that I can try and be frugal.  No matter what, I’m purchasing before the 23rd to play some DayZ.

One of my friends gifted me Orcs Must Die! — today, in fact — and I’ve been having a blast with it.  I think the reason I never bought Orcs Must Die! is that it released right around the time that Dungeon Defenders came out.  What a shame, because Orcs Must Die! is awesome — maybe better than Dungeon Defenders.  I wish it had co-op because I’d buy Graev a copy.  This solidifies buying Orcs Must Die! 2 for co-op.

I bought Graev Back to the Future and Sam & Max Episode 3.  He loves those adventure games.  He just said over my shoulder that he recommends Back to the Future.

We’re still playing The Secret World.  According to Raptr we’ve put in enough time to become ‘Elite’.  We completed the first three dungeons with relative ease.  Our experience with groups thus far is quite positive.  We simply post a message or two in the LFG channel, fill our group with the first people to /t us, and go for it.  So many people post their average item quality level like it’s a gear score, or say they want experienced players only.   We die once or twice at most, learn the fights quickly, and meet nice people.

During one of our dungeon runs through Inferno, one group member said, “This is like a Zelda boss!”  It’s easy to tell that many people we’ve grouped with haven’t done a MMO dungeon or raid in their life, and it’s always an ego boost when they say, “omg your’re a badass tank” when all I’ve done is spammed my aoe taunts and avoided standing in fire.

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