
Oxygen Gtk 1.4.1
(Theme/Style for KDE 4.0)
Oxygen-Gtk is a port of the default KDE widget theme (Oxygen), to gtk.

Its primary goal is to ensure visual consistency between gtk and qt-based applications running under kde. A secondary objective is to also have a stand-alone nice looking gtk theme that would behave well on other Desktop Environments.

Unlike other attempts made to port the kde oxygen theme to gtk, this attempt does not depend on Qt (via some Qt to Gtk conversion engine), nor does render the widget appearance via hard coded pixmaps, which otherwise breaks everytime some setting is changed in kde.


- tarballs are hosted on kde ftp servers

- git repository is hosted at https://projects.kde.org


- First link point to a tarball of the official 1.0 release

- Second link point to a tarball of the official 1.1 release

- Third link point to the git repository. For the GTK 2.x version, one can get the latest sources from master branch using
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/oxygen-gtk

and from the GTK 3.x version, using
git clone -b gtk3 git://anongit.kde.org/oxygen-gtk


- See the INSTALL file in the top-level directory.

- You will likely need gtk+2.0 dev packages, as well as Cairo


- Ruslan Kabatsayev

- Cédric Bellegarde

- me


We plan to follow the same release schedule as KDE:

- one minor bug-fixing release every month;

- one major feature release every six month.


See the README file in the top-level directory, for a list of possible issues with the style.

Bugs and feature requests can be sent to KDE bug tracking system (https://bugs.kde.org/). You would need to select Product=Oxygen, and Component=gtk-engine

oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.0

New feature release.

No real feature added, except that supports for the (heavily changed) gtk3-3.10 version. New widgets have been added, and quite some method calls have been deprecated.

We cannot guarantee that this version with work with older releases of gtk3.

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.1
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.2.1

New bug fix release.

For gtk2:

- mark zotero as XUL application

- fix some antialias issue on sliders

For gtk3:

- some improvement on inner-shadows

- some extra checks on widgets validity to prevent runtime warnings

- some rendering improvements for instance regarding scrollbars and textviews

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.0
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.2.0

New feature release of oxygen-gtk2 and oxygen-gtk3. These releases can be compiled and used on non-linux platform (e.g. Windows(r)), and, for the gtk3 version, can run on non X11 backend (e.g. Broadway).

They also include the usual amount of minor bugfixes.

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.3.4
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.1.4

Fourth bugfix release of the gtk2-1.3 and gtk3-1.1 series. Fixes include:

- a crash due to the use of g_spawn_command_line_sync for some versions of gtk

- better detection of empty areas for window grabbing

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.3.3
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.1.3

Third bugfix release of the gtk2-1.3 and gtk3-1.1 series. Fixes include:

- better detection of empty areas for window grabbing

- better detection of Aurora as an XUL application

- fix to some memory leaks (some, tiny, and one critical, manifest only for some old versions of cairo)

oxygen-gtk2 - version

Exceptional fast release to fix startup bug for many applications introduced by mistake in previous release (1.3.2).

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.3.2
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.1.2

Second bugfix release of the gtk2-1.3 and gtk3-1.1 series. Changes include some fixes, mostly for running oxygen-gtk with gnome shell.

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.3.1
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.1.1

First bugfix release of the gtk2-1.3 and gtk3-1.1 series. Changes include:

- thread-proof timers used for transitions and animations

- Safer code for Groupbox appearance

- proper rendering of flat GtkEntries

- honor custom color for menu background

- more testing options for the demo application

oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.3.0
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.1.0

New major feature release of the gtk2 and gtk3 versions of the oxygen widget style. They include:

- many improvement for libreoffice, tied to its next release (libreoffice v3.6), to which Ruslan Kabatsayev has contributed directly for a better integration of oxygen-gtk's features.

- fix of most rendering issues introduced with the release of gtk+-3.5

[rest of the back logs, related to the gtk2-1.2 and gtk3-1.0 series have been removed to keep this page clean]

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