
Are you using Google Alerts to keep track of news about your brand, industry and competitors?

Google Alerts is great because it’s easy to set up and it helps you monitor the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.). Recently it also got a fresh, new look. But if you’re one of the many people who suffer from email overload, getting emails whenever someone mentions your brand may be less helpful and more annoying.

Here’s a better solution: Use Feedly. You may already be using this site as an RSS reader—as a replacement for Google Reader. But you can also use it in lieu of Google Alerts.

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to monitor interesting and new content from Feedly:

Log in to your Feedly account.

Click “Add Content” on the top, left hand side.

Enter your keywords in your search box. I suggest using quotation marks if you’re tracking brand names. For example, if your company name is Salient Vision, type “Salient Vision” to get exact match. This will filter out unnecessary noise.

Scroll down on the left-hand navigation and look for the “Tracking Tools” section. Click the link for “Google News.”

Click the “Follow” button.

Type a title and select a collection (or a category).  For organizational purposes, you might want to create separate categories for your brand, your competitors, and other searches.

Scroll down and click “Add.”

That’s it! Super easy, right? Unlike Google Alerts, Feedly will NOT email you whenever there’s a new article for you, so be sure to check it every day. Also, I recommend integrating Feedly with Buffer to easily share articles on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn from your desktop, mobile or tablet.

How do you currently monitor brand mentions? Let me know! 

© 2014, KC Claveria. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Please link back to kcclaveria.com

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