
These standards are intended to be used as an adaptable tool for developing fully online courses. The following categories will serve as general guidelines on how such courses will be developed.

Course Introduction

Learning Modules


Presentation Materials



Course Introduction

The section below represents a baseline set of standards for developing the course introduction.

Course Introduction Video

Quick overview of professor

A brief explanation of course goal and objectives

A brief explanation of learner expectations

A brief explanation of assessment and collaboration

Closing remarks

Best Practice: Video should be 5 minutes or less in length.

Best Practice: All videos that are embedded must have an alternate URL that students may access should the video be unavailable

Course Syllabus

Utilize FIU Online’s Syllabus Template

Goals, objectives and learner expectations

Topics, readings, activities and assignments

Policies and procedures

Prerequisite Knowledge (Knowledge the participant should know before

starting a particular module)

Module Timeline (Suggested time for completion)

Best Practice: Do not upload word/PDF versions of your syllabus directly onto the course. Once the design team has finalized the HTML version, they will upload a PDF version if requested.

Course Map

Create a detailed outline illustrating the various paths a student can take when navigating through the content

Communication and collaborative activities in which students will be involved per module.

Reflection and demonstration exercises students are expected to complete per module.

Learning Modules

The FIU Master Template will be utilized as a base for all fully online courses. Learning Modules should be developed by topic/subject/week/module/lesson. Each module should consist of module objectives, a module introduction video, content presentation (module materials), topic assessment/evaluation, and topic discussion.

Module Objectives and Prerequisites

Clearly outline what the participant should know before starting a particular module.

Clearly outline what learners will be able to achieve after completing of the module

Module Introduction Video

Video should be “chunked” into a 5 to 10 minute lecture introducing the learner to the main concepts.

Best Practice: Raw audio and video files should be sent to your Instructional Designer

for editing and proper storage. Large multimedia files stored directly within the course causes long term performance issues for the end user (students).

Best Practice: All videos that are embedded must have an alternate URL that students may access should the video be unavailable

Module Content Presentation

PowerPoint slides

Pre-recorded lectures

Case studies

Real world examples


Best Practice: Consult with your design team before uploading content directly within the course. Large content files (Original PPTs, Word Docs, Videos, Audio, etc., stored directly within the course will cause long term performance issues for the end user (students).

Module Assessment/Evaluation

All assessments, assignments and discussions should be housed within the course tools menu and accessible (linked) within their respective modules

Clear guidelines on the expectations and requirements including:

Due dates and late assignment policies

Individual or group assignment setup

Submission of assignments/assessments

Be sure Disability Accommodations/modifications have been forwarded to you*

Best Practice: Feedback and Graded turnaround time should be listed within the syllabus

Best Practice: Rubrics should be applied to every gradable component.

Recommendation: The allotted time per question should be a minimum of one minute per question. Variables such as subject matter and content difficulty should be factored in when determining the time per question. Ultimately, the time allotted per question is at the discretion of the professor.

Module Discussion

Provide learners with the opportunity to openly exchange ideas and resources on the topic being discussed.

Adobe Connect Pro

Open Discussion Forum

Journals, Wikis, and Blogs

Social Media Platforms



Adobe Connect Best Practice: Encourage faculty members to create their own meetings. If the ID/CD is creating the meeting, you must:

Add Summary Details

Professor Name

Course ID


Tools to facilitate communication between students and faculty member (*Note: Instructional Designers are not responsible for answering email/messages, discussion forums, and/or any student inquiries within the course)

Blackboard Messages or Emails




Chat Room(s)

Discussion Boards

Adobe Connect Pro

Blackboard Analytics {Faculty Driven]:

Improve your use of the Blackboard Learn platform in support of teaching, learning and student success by incorporating the following tools and features of Student Reporting and the Analytics Dashboard within your course(s)


Enterprise Surveys

Retention Center

Course Reports

Performance Dashboard

Best Practice: Utilize the above tools to assist you in evaluating your students and course:

What student activities are correlated to desired outcomes like grades and course completion?

How can I identify students who are at-risk to increase retention and success?

How are students performing on learning outcomes over time?

What strategies to improve the quality of course design and instruction result in better student performance and success rates?

Which tools are being used in courses the most? The least? Which are most and least effective to enhance student engagement & success?

How many logins, time on task, and other metrics have occurred over time?

DRC Students

Each course should be developed with DRC users in mind.

Avoid hyperlinking empty text (i.e. “Click Here”)

Use “Alt Tag” for all images and hyperlinks

Transcripts are required for all video/audio materials developed for each course

Support Services

Faculty members are encouraged to understand the role and responsibilities of our support staff. All student technical issues/inquiries should be directed to our FIU Online Support Services team.

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