
How to Pair a Mindtap Course with Blackboard

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

From within the course, navigate to a Content Area. Select Partner Content and from the drop-down menu, select Content Market.

Select the Cengage Learning banner from the Available Partners display.

Link your Blackboard account with your Cengage Learning account.

Log in with your Cengage Learning Faculty Account username and password. This is a one time process to enable integration.

Select the MindTap product to use in your course.

If this the first time you are connecting a MindTap product, a prompt will display to create a course.

There are three options for creating a course:

Create a new MindTap course: Start a new course

Copy from my existing course: Use this option to copy from an existing course that contain assignments and/or customization.

Copy from another instructor’s course: Enter a course key from another instructor’s course to get a copy of their course.

Select Create a new MindTap course and complete the following fields:

Course Name – MindTap course name

Course Start Date – date that the students can access the course.

Course End Date – date that the course ends.

Time Zone — the time zone course is held.

A prompt will display informing users they are about to add a link to the MindTap course. Click Continue.

The display will show where the MindTap link will appear in the course.

Click Submit

Resources for Students

The following information provides students with tips and tricks for a successful experience with MindTap.

Make Sure Popup Blockers are Disabled. MindTap is required to open in a new Browser window from Blackboard. If you are clicking on a MindTap link and it appears nothing is happening, it is likely that your Browser’s pop-up blocker is preventing this.  Here are instructions for allowing pop-ups in various Browsers: http://www.wikihow.com/Disable-Popup-Blockers

Redeem your Access Code. The first time you click on a MindTap link, you will be prompted to enter your product access code. If you have not yet finalized your purchase, you may access Mindtap for a trial period.Any and all work you perform in MindTap will be saved during this period, but access will discontinue after the trial expiration date, until you redeem a valid access code.

Refer to the MindTap Getting Started in Blackboard Student Guide for a step-by-step walk-though on how to access MindTap through Blackboard.

Getting Around MindTap. MindTap is intuitive and easy to use, but you may want to check our MindTap YouTube site for tips on how to navigate, take assignments, and use the MindTap Reader eBook: MindTap How-To Videos for Students.

Technical Support. You can access the Cengage Technical Support department through phone, e-mail, or live chat. In order to do so you will first need to submit a Technical Support ticket. Start here to submit a ticket or to contact a Technical Support representative: www.cengage.com/support.

Who is Your Cengage Representative?

Navigate to the following link: http://www.cengage.com/repfinder/

Select Higher Education Faculty. A drop-down menu with a form will appear.

There are three ways to locate your Representative:

City & State



Choose the first option, City & State. You will be prompted to select State, City, and School.

Cengage will provide a list of representatives segmented by disciplines along with their contact information.

Instructor Quick Links:

Access Cengage Brain Learning Solutions (requires login) – CengageBrain is a division of Cengage Learning. It offers textbooks, eBooks, study tools and rentals.

Getting Started – Access walk-through demos of products divided by subject

Instructor User Guide (PDF)

Registration – Direct link to register CengageBrain product (Aphilia,CengageNOW, or MindTap)

Technical Support – contains links to Personalized Tech Support by product

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