
Just this morning, I looked at the last article posted here (yes, the “pornography” one), and I wondered what that was doing here? On the top… and how it felt time to put one without the word “pornography” up there. And then I checked DivineCosmos.com, and I see David just posted this article. And much of it is about the sex scandals of Brian Singer (and others) and the cabal influence in his films. And a few other things…

I’m only posting the text here, and the video of the radio show David appeared on. As he stated, “If you want to “hit the ground running,” you can dive in at 29:27 to avoid the opening news at the beginning of the show.”

Here are a couple of points I did get from this morning’s quick read…


Radio Show Mega-Download with David Wilcock!
by David Wilcock, May 7, 2014, 10:13 am



[David: "If you want to "hit the ground running," you can dive in at 29:27 to avoid the opening news at the beginning of the show."]


Join David in a two-and-a-half-hour epic journey through time and space — covering Flight 370, interplanetary climate change, hidden world pyramids, the holographic universe, ghosts, the defeat of the Cabal and the blending of realities!


Our epic Flight 370 article came out a month ago yesterday. I had intended to finish the next part much earlier than this, but it’s been a wild month!

Bryan Singer, a major Hollywood director who did the first and second X-Men films, has been slammed with pedophilia charges.

This event has already started triggering an avalanche of disclosure.

Until we face the problems in our world head-on, we cannot hope to ever change them.

I went through and watched all of Bryan Singer’s movies to see if they promote a Cabal agenda — and the answer became quite obvious.

“Apt Pupil” is such a Nazi-worshipping movie it was hard to watch. The degree to which the kid in the movie embraces Nazism makes it a true horror film.


Filmmaking comes from a place of passion about the subject material — and it is common for the director to emotionally identify with the content.

The teenager played by Brad Renfro discovers that a Nazi war criminal, played by Ian McKellen, is living near his home under an assumed name.

The kid singlehandedly blackmails the Nazi into revealing all sorts of details — including what it felt like to murder people in the gas chambers.

The more the boy hears, the more he wants to hear — and he becomes increasingly obsessed with the details.

The boy’s fantasy sequences led to the now-infamous shower scenes where molestation of the child actors was alleged.

“Apt Pupil” Shower Scene Controversy


In 1995, The Usual Suspects director Bryan Singer decided to buy the rights (reportedly for only $1), once they’d lapsed and been returned to [Stephen] King, in an effort to finally bring the story to the screen.

He had infinitely more luck than his predecessors and the film was released in 1998 to mixed, but predominantly positive reviews.

Despite this, rumours about Singer’s purported predilection for the young actors who were reported to have been asked to strip for the locker room shower scene were rife.

A lawsuit from the extras involved was filed but was unsuccessful, quashing Singer’s legal troubles. It was enough to leave a lasting impression and a nasty taste with some viewers….

[The movie] presents a fascinating look at the fragile psychology of a borderline sociopathic teen who happens to choose the most startlingly inappropriate mentor possible….

[Lead teenage actor Brad] Renfro is a more-than-adequate foil, proving once again what a tragedy it is that he passed away at only 25.

Compared to River Phoenix while he was alive, he followed that comparison to the letter and suffered a similarly self destructive end….


In light of the new accusations of death threats, we have to wonder if Brad Renfro really committed suicide or if he may have been murdered — as a warning to others.

This is precisely what we are hearing in the new round of allegations. Singer claimed to be part of something he called “The Group.”

This group controls Hollywood, thereby controlling public information and belief — and anyone who stands up to them is threatened with murder.

Or, as in the case of Corey Haim, the abuse Renfro endured may have been so intense that he self-annihilated in a death spiral of drug abuse.


Ian McKellen also appears in Singer’s next film — The X-Men — and again is involved with Nazis, this time as their child victim rather than participant.

The scene of the young “Magneto” being pulled away from his parents as they are hauled into the concentration camp is very intense.

Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine character in X-Men was also given his metallic skeleton by Nazis — a theme that repeats in each film.


Every single scene of “Valkyrie”, start to finish, has people dressed up in Nazi uniforms — and there is Nazi regalia everywhere.

The film crew spent every day surrounded by elaborate, highly authentic Nazi paraphernalia and military uniforms during the shoot.

And “Valkyrie” generously rewrites history, making people think everyone who stood up to Hitler in Germany was shot to death in a quick and dirty kangaroo court.

The reality is that key players in the plot to assassinate Hitler escaped, and managed to get to the United States and leak valuable intel that won the war.

Some of this information is still classified, but it is public knowledge that some of these insiders did escape.

The only hint that “Valkyrie” didn’t tell us the truth comes at the very end of the credits, where a disclaimer says characters were combined and events edited for dramatic purposes.

Please bear in mind that the actors should not be punished for the behavior of their bosses.

Most of them have no idea of the greater agenda of the people they are working for — and are just taking the best jobs that become available.


This shocking disclosure was followed by the Don Sterling scandal, where the owner of the LA Clippers basketball team was caught saying racist things to his female mistress V. Stiviano.

Don asked her not to publish photographs of herself with black men or bring them to LA Clippers games — even though she is half-black and half-Latina.

Shortly after Don Sterling’s wife sued her to reclaim the expensive assets he had given her, the nine-minute recording of their conversation leaked online.

The story has gotten weirder and weirder, including claims that Stiviano tried to extort Sterling by threatening to release even more.

It is important to remember that in addition to being a billionaire who owns a highly successful basketball team, Sterling is also a real-estate tycoon.

In the leaked audio, Sterling never says why he is so concerned about having images of Stiviano with black people go public.

Most people assume this was simply due to jealousy, even though he clearly tells her she can have sex with whomever she wants.

What if Sterling is involved with the same Hollywood-controlling cabal that was exposed in the Bryan Singer lawsuit?

If “The Group” does embrace a Nazi mindset, it is quite logical that Sterling would face extreme racism on an ongoing basis from working with them.

Perhaps the question we should be asking is “Does Sterling have powerful friends that are highly racist?”

[Cabal "Better Living Through Fear" Ad Modified by David Wilcock, divinecosmos.com]


One major faction of the Cabal embraces Nazism wholeheartedly — according to multiple whistleblowers we have interviewed and written about for many years now.

It is increasingly obvious that a mega-event involving the exposure and defeat of this Cabal is underway — but it never seems to happen as rapidly as we hope it will.

Nonetheless, we can step back and look at the progress that has been made. The Snowden revelations are just the beginning of exposing what there is to know.

This is a good thing, not a bad thing. We do have to move through fear to learn the truth, but the positive benefits are well worth it.

There are so many interconnecting threads of information going on right now that a radio show was the best way to present an overview, given my schedule.


In the midst of a very busy three weeks, with a major Ancient Aliens taping, the New Living Expo, eight episodes of Wisdom Teachings and four pilot episodes of my new show Whistleblower, I made time to do a radio show with Jimmy Church.

This ended up being a two-and-a-half-hour extravaganza. Jimmy Church has the prime-time spot on Art Bell’s Dark Matter Radio Network.

We had a great conversation before the show started and started out talking “guitar geekspeak” for a few minutes before getting to the main attraction.

If you want to “hit the ground running,” you can dive in at 29:27 to avoid the opening news at the beginning of the show.

The rest of the show lasts for two and a half hours, and you won’t be able to tear yourself away from it — so be prepared!

I follow up on Part 1 of the Flight 370 article, which I haven’t had time to finish, and cover many other fascinating subjects as well.


We are again confirmed for a major slot at the epic Contact in the Desert event in Joshua Tree, California, coming up this August 8th through 11th.

This is arguably the biggest and best UFO conference out there — and a marvelous community experience on a serene, gorgeous metaphysical campus!

By far, your biggest and best “bang for the buck” is to become a member of Gaiam TV — the Netflix of health, spirituality and truth journalism — for 9.99 a month.

You can sign up and start enjoying it today by going to wisdomteachings.com.

We are constantly expanding, and I have now taped a total of 73 episodes — about 64 of which are already available for you to watch.

Every Monday an entirely new episode comes out — and we have been working very hard to make them the best they can be!

Each episode is a half-hour in length and jam-packed with amazing information, images and illustrations — just like I present at my conferences.

In fact, this material used to only be available in conferences costing 295 dollars a person — and now it is far more affordable!

I am starting a second show in the coming months and we taped the first four episodes of it yesterday. The results were phenomenal and everyone is very excited.


If you are just getting started, I’d recommend Episode 51, which consistently seems to be everyone’s favorite.

This was shot on a day where I had to do eight episodes in a row — and it made me quite animated and punchy.

I cut loose, peer into your room through the screen, make lots of jokes and am now a legend for beseeching the Universe to invent guilt-free jelly beans.

Your support has made this the most popular show on the network. I’m throwing all my best material into Wisdom Teachings, and the feedback has been wonderful!

More and more I bump into people on the street who are Gaiam TV subscribers — and everyone is so grateful to have a weekly show to look forward to.

Supporting grassroots efforts like this is the best way to replace the Cabal-controlled media with something far more truthful — and informative.

If you haven’t already checked it out, you can sign up for a free, full-access trial for 10 days.

I thank you for helping keep us alive — in more ways than one. Enjoy the show!

Filed under: apocalypse, cabal, disclosure, earth changes, energies, new energies Tagged: David Wilcock, Divinecosmos.com

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