
Hello friends, and welcome to the very first Healthy Habits link up! This is a new series I’ve created where we can all share our posts about healthy living- fitness, workout routines, weekly exercise recaps, healthy recipes, cute workout clothes, whatever you want! You can even just add one sentence to your post to participate! I’m hoping this will create a fun community of people working towards a healthy lifestyle and will be a place to come together each week and support and motivate each other! This is something I am truly passionate about, and I can’t wait to see what you all share!

Anybody who tweets about the link-up through this Sunday and tags me (@katiedid_what) and shares the link to this post will be entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card! There will also be more prizes along the way from awesome sponsors, just for linking up. Each week, one person who linked up will win a week’s worth of free ad space on my blog! Because it’s the first week, one other person who links up will win a 1-year subscription to Fitness magazine and another will win a box of Kind bars!

Today I just want to write a little bit about my postpartum fitness journey. As I’ve talked about before, I worked out throughout my pregnancy, and boy am I glad that I did! Because, guys, it’s no surprise that labor is no walk in the park! It was HARD and I can only imagine how much harder it would have been had I not stayed in shape! The one thing I always say, time and time again, and live by as far as fitness goes is to listen to your body. Don’t push yourself too hard- your body knows what it can do! At the same time, though, do push yourself a little. I mean, without that push, you won’t see any results! Gotta find that sweet spot. :)

I remember being so excited when my doctor okayed me for working out at my postpartum appointment. It felt amazing just to be able to get back into the swing of things and I have to say, some moves felt so much easier, simply because I didn’t have that extra 20 pounds pushing against me anymore! ;) Working out after pregnancy made me feel like myself again- I told Zack I feel “normal” finally! Ha! So I’ll be sharing here my journey getting toned up after baby. I also made a separate fitness Instagram account (@katiedidwhat_tiu) if you want to follow along day by day!

Favorite workout of the week: Tone It Up’s Inner and Outer Thighs. Loved. It. Try it out and let me know what you think! Warning: You will feel the burn. ;)


<center><a href=”http://katiedidwhat.com”target=_blank”><img src=”http://www.katiedidwhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/healthy-habits-button-border.jpg”title=”Katie Did What” /></a></center>

The rules for linking up are easy:

- Add the direct link to your post (not your homepage) below.

- Link back to me (either this page or my homepage) in the body of your post- something like “Linking up with Katie Did What for Healthy Habits!” with a link is fine!

- You can add the button above by just copying the HTML in that box and adding it to the body of your blog post.

- Mingle with other linkers and get to know some new blog friends!

This week’s prizes are:

- $25 Amazon gift card for one person who Tweets about this linkup and tags me @katiedid_what!

- One week of free ad space to one person who links up!

- 1-year subscription to Fitness magazine to another person who links up!

- Box of Kind bars to another person who links up!

An InLinkz Link-up


The post HEALTHY HABITS LINK UP appeared first on Katie Did What.

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