Kataribe Naist. GitLab Community Edition


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News, stories and media buzz related to Kataribe Naist

  • 400+ Free Resources for DevOps & Sysadmins
    via freepythontips.wordpress

    As an Python advocate and educator, I’m always looking for ways to make my job (and yours) easier. This list put together by Morpheus Data offers a ton of great resources for Python users (more than 25 tools specific to Python) and other DevOps and Sysadmins...

  • Moving our VCS to GitHub is the best decision we’ve made in the last year. The benefits are huge, the drawbacks are minor. We now have 16 closed-source repositories hosted on our GitHub organization, plus a few open-source ones that don’t count for the...

  • Koha 3.14.0 released
    via koha-community

    The Koha community is pleased to announce the release of version 3.14.0 of the Koha library automation system. Koha 3.14.0 is a major functionality release that includes various new features, including: A new default theme, “Bootstrap”...

  • A release candidate Git v1.8.5-rc2 is now available for testing at the usual places. We now have updated l10n strings, but other than that there is not much change since v1.8.5-rc1; hopefully we can have an uneventful final release mid next week...

  • alvinashcraft shared this story from Jeff Wilcox. In this post I'm going to walk through using Visual Studio Team Services Package Management as a private npm registry for scoped npm packages using a custom deployment script for Azure App Service. ...

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  • GitLab

    GitLab Community Edition

  • NancyFx / Nancy | GitLab

    Compile, run and enjoy the simple, elegant design! Features Built from the bottom up, not simply a DSL on top of an existing framework. Removing limitations and feature hacks of an underlying framewor...

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