Before we move ahead on “How to teach yoga” understand that if you are teaching your students Yoga just to shape their bodies, this is just the peak of the iceberg . I will tell you my story that “how I became a yoga teacher”? My students keep asking me this question and I answer them this, willing and love to teach. Well, today I plan to tell the real path I followed to become a full-time yoga teacher.
People connect Yoga with body shape, but they forget that it actually has to give you a lot more than just a shape. Yoga teaches you self-mastery, rejoices your soul from inside and makes your aura full of positivity. According to the Shiva Sutras a very important scripture from Kashmir Shaivism, “for such a yogi pauseless effort brings about his attainment of god consciousness”
“Do not learn to teach yoga but learn to live yoga”. Turn it into your passion and see the changes happening around you.- According to Om Ji (Amit Raina).
How to Become A Yoga Teacher Trainer?
First of all set up your mind that whether you love to do yoga or just a temporary phase it is. in any case training for your own self-development is a sincere idea to observe where you are in the path, from which place of consciousness you are moving and acting daily Ask yourself this simple question while going to bed, “Do I really want to become a yoga teacher?”
Keep asking yourself this and follow these points until you find an answer;
Get up early in the morning. In the indian tradition, we believe that 5 to 6 in the morning is the best time to practice yoga. Get habitual of this time. At first, you will find these timings really odd and difficult to follow but gradually you will start loving the changes happening in your life. If you have students then motivate them for the morning session. They could make time in the morning without worrying about any daily chore or schedule. When a person is following or performing something stress-free it is a good sign.
Give your practice some alone time. In between the session, you will hardly get time to do the yoga for yourself. Give some time to yourself and perform it in the peace. Motivate your students as well to do yoga after the sessions are over or after hectic schedule at the office.
The Best Way to Become A Yoga Instructor
The best way to become a yoga instructor is to never let the praise and fame rule your head. By just teaching your students you can never move ahead with your own learning. Do not just get stuck in the teaching class. Keep learning , yoga is a very vast subject and is never ending, joining workshops and more advance training monthly or yearly sessions will keep you aware of this sacred science field.
Let’s agree on it the moment when you decide to become a Yoga teacher all you want is to share your learning with the world, with this you are sharing a great way to peace with the people around you and in fact sowing seeds in hearts and minds. Nowadays people are in a dire need of inner satisfaction, inner peace, and soul rejuvenation. You are helping them get what they are looking for. initially while teaching them different Yoga postures make them aware of the meaning and benefit of it. They would definitely want to know the reason behind several steps and Asanas , then naturally they will start diving deeper in the philosophical, and anatomical aspects of yoga. Your speech should have a clear tone yet motivation. Keep visiting Yoga camps. It will help you meet new people. Follow the people you meet at the camp and let people follow you as well, this will increase your presence.
Updated your Yoga Teacher Training Programs. Before that understand your students. By this, we mean yoga training depends on the type, such as, pregnancy yoga, post-pregnancy yoga, kid’s yoga, etc. Yes, this is different from the regular training camps. In this, you will learn more than you had expected and in a specific way for each stage of life given you a specialization on it. know what your students are looking for and what expectation they are carrying by joining your classes.
By following these steps you will definitely get to the conclusion of becoming a responsible yoga trainer. however this is just a brief description of some of the thoughts we do have, we will be sharing more aspects related to teaching yoga and the deeper aspects of it
Yoga Teacher Training By Kashmir Shaivism School Of Yoga:
Kashmir Shaivism School Of Yoga conducts a yoga teacher training in India and Internationally with the variety of yoga programs including lectures on aspects of Indian culture, therapeutic benefits of yoga, yoga for women, kids yoga, Kashmir Shaivism meditation, dynamic and alignment asana practice.
Kashmir Shaivism School Of Yoga conducts 200, 300 hour yoga teacher training India. Registered Yoga School (RYS) and RPYS Registered Prenatal Yoga School with Yoga Alliance which designates this teacher training program as one which follows Yoga Alliance’s standards. Students who complete an approved training with this school may be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYTs).