
Last year I started a new tradition on E's birthday. In addition to the letters I write my kids each year, I've begun conducting "The Interview"--a series of questions that will let us look back one day at exactly who they were on each birthday. Or at least, who they were for as long as they had the attention span to sit around answering said questions...

My baby girl turned (eek! gasp!) five years old last week. Here's her interview. For comparison, check out last year's Q&A here. Please note: these answers will likely change by this afternoon. Here's to celebrating small moments...

Favorite color: magenta

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Favorite dessert: chocolate chip cookies

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Favorite fruit: oranges

Favorite vegetable: lettuce

Favorite food: matzoh ball soup

Favorite song: Cherry Lane (by Ryan Adams...so not kidding...this was actually her answer and yes, it's true.)

Favorite thing to do: play with my brother

Favorite restaurant: Persian food

Favorite thing to do at school: draw

Favorite thing to do on the weekends: snuggling with my family

Favorite movie: Cinderella

Favorite TV show: Strawberry Shortcake (try not to judge)

Favorite book: Fancy Nancy and the Dazzling Book Report
Favorite animal: monkey

Favorite place to go: school

Favorite flower: morning glories

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Favorite thing to do with friends: play "toast" (seems to involve a tag/hide and seek hybrid and also a game of "family" as once the toast is "rescued" or found they become the "toast baby of the family"...I could NOT make this up if I tried.)

What do you want to be when you grow up? A singing teacher

What are you afraid of? Thunder and fire

What makes you happy?

-When the rainbow comes down after it rains, sometimes you can see it in the clouds and sometimes unicorns fall down from the rainbow.

-When I watch a movie and eat popcorn

-Going to Disneyland

Tell me about yourself:

"I like my family and my house is made of my bricks and the walls are painted brown and some of it white and the walls in my room are painted red and blue. I like when it's my birthday because I get to do an interview like we're doing right now. I'm good at doing tumbles and reading and my mommy and daddy's room is blue with white. My brother's room is blue with yellow. My favorite thing is watch TV with my family. I love my chandelier because it is so sparkly in the light. My favorite thing to do is also go swimming. My favorite thing is also to dance."

Do you want to make a five-year-old statement?

What's a statement?

It's something you say on an occasion. Like, "I'm five years old and I'd like to say..."

No, thank you. I'd like to go back to playing now.

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