

NOTE: The winners of our new Proverbs 31 devotional Encouragement for Today are:

Polly Scheider

Becky Wearich

Tori L.

Jenny Martin


Congrats ladies! Please send you name and mailing address (along with what it is that you won) to my intern at haley@karenehman.com


Are you a mom? Ever feel worn out and weary from plugging away at this often over-looked role in society?

My friend Sally Clarkson, author, speaker and homeschooling mentor, has been there. She is a wise and gentle friend whose words and prayers have helped so many moms keep a proper perspective while in the trenches of motherhood.

Sally  is the mother of four children, a popular conference speaker, and the author of numerous books and articles on Christian motherhood and parenting, including The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, and Seasons of a Mother’s Heart.  In 1994, she and Clay started Whole Heart Ministries to encourage and equip Christian parents to raise wholehearted Christian children. Since 1998, Sally has ministered to thousands of mothers through Mom Heart Conferences, and more recently through her blog, ITakeJoy.com (for Christian women).


Today, I am giving away a copy of each of her books below:

The Ministry of Motherhood

In a personal and devotional style, Sally addresses how a mother can spiritually shape and influence the precious hearts and lives entrusted to her care by looking to the life and ministry of Jesus. She examines the relationship between Jesus and his disciples, and suggests a plan for influencing children for Christ using the acrostic GIFTS: Grace, Inspiration, Faith, Training and Service. It is an uncomplicated yet strategic plan for passing on crucial gifts to your children. In the dailyness of providing for your children’s physical, emotional, and social needs, Sally helps you ensure that vital opportunities for spiritual nurture and training are not lost in the shuffle. Using biblical wisdom and practical teachings, Sally shows how you can make a lasting difference in your child’s life by following the pattern Christ set with his own disciples. The LifeGIFTS model will inspire and equip you to embrace the rewarding, desperately needed, and immeasurably valuable ministry of motherhood.

The Mission of Motherhood

In The Mission of Motherhood Sally explores the “big picture” biblical design of God for motherhood. It is a vision that transcends cultures and trends.

Drawing on challenging insights from Scripture enlightened by her own experiences as a mother for 18 years, Sally paints a biblical and very personal portrait of motherhood that reveals the heart of God for all mothers of all times. This book, filled with personal anecdotes and stories, will refresh your vision for biblical motherhood, renew your commitment to your precious children, and prayerfully bring the reviving Spirit of God into your home and family.


If you’d like to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of either of Sally’s encouraging books, leave a comment telling us about your mothering. What are your kids ages? Their interests? Your current greatest mothering challenge. Any “mom talk” you’d like.

Go ahead, comment away

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