Here we have a list of Useful HTML5 Tools, Frameworks and jQuery plugins which are very useful for designers and developers. HTML5 is an extremely useful markup language for enhancing user experience and usability and jQuery can help to make dynamic effects like parallex scrolling, drop down menus and etc. By using both technologies designers make more friendly web & mobile apps.
Below you will find a list of HTML5 tools and jQuery plugins that are great at helping people to understand and learn how to create HTML5 websites.
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HTML5 Tools & jQuery Plugins
HTML5 is making the web design more powerful in different areas. Fast, Secure, Responsive, Interactive, beautiful. We all know HTML5 become more popular in these days.
Modern web technologies are pushing the boundaries of creativity and today we want to share a fresh tools, plugins and libraries of HTML5 and jQuery which can help to build better web design and web apps. Let’s take a quick look at Web Designing Tools and Plugins get inspired to create the design of your website with advanced HTML features and updates.
1. Resumable.js: Simultaneous, Stable and Resumable Uploads via HTML5 File API
Resumable.js, a JavaScript library, handles one of the problems: the ability to resume uploads. The library uses the HTML5 File API and offers a fault-tolerant upload mechanism by splitting each file into small parts.
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2. Google Web Designer: Interactive HTML5 Tool For Building Sites & Ads
Google has released a new tool, named Google Web Designer, for creating interactive HTML5 sites and ads. It is a modern WYSIWYG where you don’t need to dive into the code but use the features to get the output and the tools are mostly design-oriented. However, the code generated is always there and it can be edited or tweaked and the result is displayed automatically.
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3. FerroSlider: Responsive jQuery Page Slider With HTML5 & CSS3
FerroSlider is a free jQuery plugin that allows you to organize the contents of websites in a unusual and cool way and navigate through them with a sliding effect.
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4. Frame Player: Video Player without Video File
Frame Player is an original method to display video; it uses JSON data (of data URIs) and the video is mimicked by showing the images frame-by-frame. It is compatible with all browsers, can be customized however preferred and PHP + Nodejs converters are available.
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5. Freewall: Responsive jQuery Plugin to Create Flexible Grid Layouts
Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create many types of grid layouts: flexible layouts, images layouts, nested grid layouts, metro style layouts, pinterest like layouts … with nice CSS3 animation effects and call back events. Freewall is all-in-one solution for creating dynamic grid layouts for desktop, mobile and tablet.
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6. CLANK: Free HTML/CSS Framework for Prototyping Native Phone/Tablet Apps
Clank is a free and open source HTML-CSS framework for easily prototyping native mobile or tablet apps. It focuses on providing a consistent UI “without the the concern of mimicking a specific OS”.
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7. Balanced Gallery: jQuery Plugin for Set Photos In Rows or Columns
Balanced Gallery is a jQuery plugin that evenly distributes photos across rows or columns, making the most of the space provided. Photos are scaled based on the size of the ‘container’ element by default, making Balanced Gallery a great choice for responsive websites.
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8. NProgress.js: Slim Nanoscopic Progress Bar
NProgress and Skylo are 2 different jQuery plugins for creating YouTube-like thin progress bars that are positioned just under the browser toolbar.
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9. jQuery EasyDropDown: jQuery Plugin for Stylable Select Elements
EasyDropDown is a jQuery plugin that effortlessly turns humble <select> elements. Clean, semantic markup with Form and validation compatibilty. Full keyboard control with textual search and Inner-scroll for long lists. Degradation to native UI on touch devices and Fully functional IE8+.
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10. HTML(.js): Powerful Way to Work with DOM
HTML(.js) is a tiny (~2kb minified) JavaScript library that eases interacting with the DOM. JavaScript libraries, like jQuery, already have such features but HTML(.js) doesn’t wrap or hide the native DOM but exposes and enhances it.
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11. Create.js: HTML5 Web Editing Interface for Content Management Systems
Create.js is a comprehensive web editing interface for Content Management Systems. It is designed to provide a modern, fully browser-based HTML5 environment for managing content. Create can be adapted to work on almost any content management backend.
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12. Montage: HTML5 Framework For Create Modern Web Apps
MontageJS helps you build scalable and maintainable HTML5 applications optimized for today’s and tomorrow’s range of connected devices. With MontageJS, developers can create reusable user interface components and modules, bind properties among components and controllers, and synchronize DOM queries and updates to ensure a smooth user experience, especially on resource-constrained devices.
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13. iosOverlay.js: Beautiful Overlays/Notifications For Web
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14. Moment.js: A JavasSript Date Library for Parsing, Validating, Manipulating and Formatting Dates
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15. jqBar: jQuery Animated Bar Plugin
Simple jQuery plugin for creating animated vertical and horizontal bars. The plugin is called jqBar. jqBar can be used in variety of situations where you want to present data with some visual effects. It helps you crate beautiful bar charts to represent skill set or can be used as a progress bar. Plugin is very light weight and can be completely customized.
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16. jChartFX: Professional Charts and Graphs with Visualization
jChartFX is a set of Javascript libraries providing the most complete collection of charts and graphs for professional and serious business data visualization and analysis.
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17. AdminJS: Backend Administration Framework
AdminJS is a framework for building admin pages that allows us to manage the database of apps/sites. The framework is backend-agnostic. It is a self-contained Ember.js application and will work with any backend that supports EPF.
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18. Tridiv: CSS 3D Shapes Editor
Tridiv is a free-to-use web-based CSS 3D shapes editor to creating beautiful shapes easily. Using the app, we can insert 4 different shapes (cuboid, pyramid, cylinder, prism) and resize or rotate them.
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19. FlowType.JS: Responsive Web Typography (Size/Height) Based on Element Width
FlowType.JS is a jQuery plugin which can auto-resize the font-size and line-height (according to the width of the element wrapping it) so that our content is displayed just as we prefer.
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20. Pan and Zoom Touch Enable jQuery Plugin
This plugin manage smooth pan and zoom on a given dom element. The plugin works on mobile and pc and use CSS3 transitions on compatible web browsers. (javascript is used for old web browsers)
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