I believe in the Network Marketing Business Model. It has changed my life. I love to help people with my product and also helping people to earn an ethical part time income. In fact some of my team are earning full time equivalent incomes. Many people in society doubt the Network Marketing business model so I thought I would share some opinions of top business leaders in the world. People who are respected across the world of business and investments recommend network marketing to people who are searching for an investment or business opportunity starting part time. Lots of the worlds business leaders have positive things to say about Network Marketing.
Robert Kiyosaki – Author of RichDadPoorDad
Robert Kiyosaki believes in the power of network marketing! In his book,The Business of The 21st Century, he explains why this is the best time to start your own business and secure your financial future!
For the past several years, multimillionaire businessman, entrepreneur, and investor Robert Kiyosaki has been a staunch supporter of network marketing. Like many people, he was skeptical about the industry at first … until he learned first hand what network marketing is all about: helping people.
In his book,The Business Of The 21st Century, explains why he believes why Network Marketing can help new entrepreneurs get to the Business side of his famed CASHFLOW QUADRANT. In this book, Robert shares the eight wealth-building assets offered by network marketing that allow you to take advantage of these tough economic times to build a strong financial future and happier life.
Learn more about Robert Kiyosaki here: http://www.richdad.com/
Brian Tracy
“The future of network marketing is unlimited. There’s no end in sight. It will continue to grow, because better people are getting into it. They are raising the entire standard of MLM to the point where soon, it will be one of the most respected business methods in the world.” – Brian Tracy, Author and Motivational Speaker
Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 55 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.
If you’re looking at a multi-level marketing business opportunity, here is Brian’s number one considerations to know before you dive in.
Excellent Quality
“Look for a multi-level marketing business opportunity that has, number one, quality products with a good reputation. Never waste your time trying to sell anything that is not of excellent quality. Quality products are the starting point of your success in business. No successful company, including a multi-level marketing business, can ever be built on an average or mediocre product.”
Paul Zane Pilzer
“We’re in the midst of a boom in home-based businesses, and it shows no sign of slowing.” — Paul Zane Pilzer, Nobel Prize Winning Economist and Author
Paul Zane Pilzer is a world-renowned economist, a highly successful social entrepreneur, an adjunct professor, and the author of nine best-selling books.
“After two centuries of economic opportunity for the pioneers of manufacturing, we have entered the age of distribution. Today, the greatest opportunity for wealth awaits those who can deliver what Pilzer calls “intellectual distribution.”
He is describing network marketing. The Next Millionaires explains in detail why the 21st century will be known as the age of the entrepreneur, and how you can stake your claim to being one of these next 10 million millionaires—especially if you are in direct selling, technology, home-based business, product distribution, or an emerging trillion-dollar industry like wellness. It explains how old models of opportunity in physical distribution have given way to new opportunities in intellectual distribution, defined as teaching people about products or services that they didn’t even know exist. And, drawing on Pilzer’s 33 years of experience as an entrepreneur and employer, it explains how to use your past to find your place in the new economy and your ticket to becoming one of The Next Millionaires.
Fortune magazine called direct selling (of which network marketing is the largest segment) “the best kept secret in the business world.” It has experienced 91-percent growth in the last 10 years with annual sales in excess of $30 billion in the United States, and $100 billion worldwide. Financial experts say it’s a “recession proof” industry. Billionaire Warren Buffet, after purchasing a network marketing company, called it the best investment he’d ever made. Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, calls it the first truly revolutionary shift in marketing in the last 50 years.
Paul Zane Pilzer: “Network marketing today is almost wholly intellectual distribution. When you as a network marketer discuss a product with a consumer, you don’t actually hand over the product. You rely on UPS or some other delivery service to have the product shipped to your consumer.
Even more fascinating is that network marketing today is typically done person-to-person by someone who is also a user of the product. Unlike the car salesman, electronics salesman, or clothing salesperson, the network marketer is an educated, enthusiastic, experienced user of the product you’re asking about.
Those companies that prosper in network marketing will focus almost entirely on intellectual distribution, teaching people about new products and services that will improve their lives. Those that really flourish will have some sort of unique or proprietary technology. And not just unique, but efficacious–better than anything else out there.”
“I see a one trillion dollar wellness industry by the year 2010.
I see great opportunities for network marketing and network marketers.
I see certain network marketing companies, because they’re the fastest way to get the new information out there, leading that industry.
I see great opportunities coming for the network marketing industry because network marketing is clearly the best vehicle we have today, in the United States and around the world, to educate people about new products and services. There’s a great window of opportunity for network marketing companies to educate consumers about wellness products and services.”
David Bach – Start Late, Finish Rich
“When I read in Fortune magazine that Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor and one of the world’s richest men, was investing in a direct sales [network marketing] company, I decided I was missing something.”
Tom Peters – In Search of Excellence
“The first truly revolutionary shift in marketing in the last 50 years.”
T. Harv Eker – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
“Network marketing, for example, is an amazing concept. First, it doesn’t usually require you to put up a lot of up-front capital. Second, once you have done the initial work, it allows you to enjoy ongoing residual income, year after year after year. Without passive income you can never be free.”
Jason Oman – Conversations With Millionaires
“If you are not making money while you sleep, you’ll never be rich.”
Tom Peters – Business Guru, DSA 2006 Annual Meeting
“Women are the #1 business opportunity in the market. Women don’t buy brands, they join them.”
Zig Ziglar – Network Marketing For Dummies
“Don’t laugh – $100 Billion a year is serious Business.”
Stephen R. Covey – Speaking about Network Marketing
“An exciting, new business frontier.”
Fortune Magazine
“The best kept secret in the business world.”
Rod Nichols, Multi-Level Marketing Columnist
“The Internet now enables network marketers to build national and international businesses from the comfort of their home.”
Jim Rohn, Speaker and Author
“Network marketing is the greatest source of grassroots capitalism. You learn how to take a small bit of capital, which is time, and another small bit of capital, which is money, and start the American dream.”
Robert G. Allen – Multiple Streams of Income
“If you can find just one or two customers in every 100 contacts, you can build a fortune..”
Division of Consumer Protection
“Multi-level marketing companies differ from pyramid schemes because they are usually legitimate business opportunities. The sale of legitimate products is what distinguishes multi-level marketing operations from pyramids. Pyramid schemes want to make money from you, not the product sales.”
Don Failla – The 45 Second Presentation
“If you can’t talk to your friends about your Networking business, then you either don’t believe in it or don’t understand it.”
Jennifer Leigh, Staff Writer, MLM.com
“In the last few years Wall Street has finally figured out what we have known for years that MLM companies have some tremendous advantages over traditional businesses.”
Leonard W. Clements, Author, Court Expert in Network Marketing
“There are those who fail at the business and discovered that there’s scapegoats galore which to massage their ego – my sponsor didn’t support me, the products were too expensive, the pay plan was too confusing. No one ever seems to fail at MLM because they just weren’t very good at it.”
I have been involved with network marketing for many years. I love what I do now – sharing Enagic Kangen Water as both a wonderful health benefit but also helping people enjoy the income benefits of this amazing business model, network marketing.
I never imagined that I would be able to develop teams in more than 20 countries around the world and have developed special friendships from my online and offline activity in network marketing.
I hope after you have read this post that you will see that network marketing is a legitimate business model. That it can help you begin a business from your home at very little cost.
Please let me have your comments on this subject in the comment box below this post.
Peter Chapman
Global KangenWell team leader
Kangen Water UK and Kangen Water Worldwide
Telephone: +44 7823 772234 (Connected to WhatsApp, Viber and LINE)
Email: peter@kangenwell.com