
Hamilton, OH - Kaivac, developers of the No-Touch Cleaning® system and the OmniFlex®

Crossover cleaning system, has just unveiled its newest Web site.


The site has a fresh, new look, adding considerably more color and interest, and is designed to be engaging and focused on the importance of effective, hygienic cleaning.

According to Tom Morrison, Vice President of Marketing for Kaivac, one of the first things visitors notice on the company's new home page are rotating images highlighting the many ways Kaivac systems can be used to clean restrooms, floors, carpets, and other surfaces all in an effective and environmentally responsible manner.

New to this site is the "Why Kaivac?" tab, which leads to a drop-down, discussing the many features of Kaivac products when performing different types of cleaning tasks and, more importantly, the benefits end-customers experience as a result of these features.

"Any manufacturer can discuss the features of their products till the cows jump over the moon," says Morrison. "What end-customers want to know is how can these products really help me—and that was our primary focus with this new site."

The site also includes an expansive "Support" section that includes videos, an FAQ, downloadable product manuals, and dates for Kaivac's well-known training boot camps.

"Because we have expanded to more international markets, we will be posting upcoming boot camps in Europe, the Middle East, and other parts of the world in the near future," adds Morrison.

The site, which includes links to the company newsletter and its social media sites, has also been redesigned with an emphasis on easier navigation.

"I have to admit, our old site was getting a bit top heavy over time," says Morrison. "This one makes it much easier to find information, which is important because we have much more content, videos, and related items to share with our visitors on this site."

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