

Scores of parents and supporters turned out to witness this year’s Japan Karate Association/World Federation Guyana national karate tournament held last Saturday at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall on Homestretch Avenue, Georgetown and was pleased with the competitiveness, conduct, standard, performance and camaraderie displayed by the participants and other members.

The tournament commenced with opening remarks by Managing Director of Cerulean Incorporated Mrs. Lyndell Danzie-Black, who bid a warm welcome to everyone whilst briefly highlighting the facets of Shotokan karate, introduced the judges and officials and wished those competing to do their best.

The tournament consisted of students from Main HQ Dojo Thomas Lands, Craig EBD, Port Mourant and Canje Berbice Dojo’s, all competing for the top places. The tournament commenced with a Kata demonstration and an “edge of your seat” suspenseful karate display by the black belts that resulted in a wave of loud applause across the Sports Hall to get things going.

Four (4) trophies were awarded to the outstanding competitors of the tournament, these were as follows:

Best Male Competitor -Shaqueel Amin

Awardees pose with their trophies, from left, Neville Holder, Reyad Yassin, Loren Black, Kristian Chaves & Shaquillle Amin.

Best Female Competitor -Loren Black

Best Junior Competitor -Reyad Yassin

Best Junior Competitor -Runner up-Kristian Chaves

Top honors went to Neville Holder who was the recipient of the honorary student award for 2013, “The Master Funakoshi Trophy” which signifies a student who possess and represents integrity, humility, self control, respect, courtesy and the very character development that Shotokan karate seeks to inculcate.

Chief Instructor Sensei Chaves in his closing remarks, said he and the committee were satisfied with the showmanship and discipline exercised by all the participants and would also like to recognize the contribution of the referees Sensei Marvin Singh and Sensei Marlon George as well as the judges Neville Holder, Stephanie Kerry, Shankar Singh, Shermon Best, Randolph Singh and Shaqueel Amin for a job well done.  He mentioned that the top performers of this tournament will make up the team to represent Guyana at the international level at JKA/WF America International Karate Camp and Goodwill tournament to be held in Panama City, Panama in June of 2014.

Special Thanks were also extended to the Ministry of Culture Youth & Sports, the parents, sponsors especially Guyana Lotto Company and many supporters who all played a huge and pivotal part in the success of this tournament. Sensei Chaves stated that they will be going straight into preparation for their November 23rd grading examination.

The results for each category are as follows:

boys & Girls 5-7 years Kata

1st    Jared Yassin

2nd    Akeel Isaacs

3rd    Thierry Thom, Shabaka Martin

boys & Girls 5-7 years Kumite

1st    Jared Yassin

2nd    Thierry Thom

3rd    Shabaka Martin, Jaedon Yassin (all of HQ Dojo in Georgetown)

Boys 8-9 years yellow-green belts Kata

1st    Marlon George, Jnr.

2nd    Derrick Seecharran

3rd    Shakobe Barton

Boys 8-9 years yellow-green belts Kumite

1st    Derrick Seecharran

2nd    Marlon George, Jnr.

3rd    Shakobe Barton (all of Craig Dojo EBD)

Boys 8-9 years purple-brown belts Kata

1st    Camiel Melville

2nd    Kristian Chaves

3rd    Simeon Todd

Boys 8-9 years purple-brown Kumite

1st    Kristian Chaves

2nd    Simeon Todd

3rd    Cy Mc Ewan

Boys 10-11 years-purple-black belts kata

1st    Mikhail Da Costa

2nd    Reyad Yassin

3rd    Shaun Singh

Boys 10-11 years-purple-black belts Kumite

1st    Reyad Yassin

2nd    Mikhail Da Costa

3rd    Shaun Singh

Boys & Girls 13-14 years yellow-purple belts Kata

1st    Jaydan Alleyne

2nd    Emily Ramsuchit

3rd    Rekeem Wright

Boys & Girls 13-14 years yellow-purple belts Kumite

1st    Jaydan Alleyne

2nd    Emily Ramsuchit

3rd    Rahul Dhanraj

Boys & Girls 12-13 years brown belts kata

1st    Loren Black

2nd    Yutesh Dyal

3rd    Isaac Plummer

Boys & Girls 12-13 years brown belts kumite

1st    Loren Black

2nd    Jordon Denny

3rd    Timothy Khan

Boys 14-15 years orange-green belts Kata

1st    Menelik Sellasie

2nd    Shane Nurse

3rd    Brandon Samaroo

Boys 14-15 years orange-green belts Kumite

1st    Menelik Sellasie

2nd    Nicholas Brusche

3rd    Shane Nurse

Boys & Girls 14-15 years brown-black belts Kata

1st    Alex Rodrigues

2nd    Simon Bactawar

3rd    Storm Katchay

Boys & Girls 14-15 years brown-black belts Kumite

1st    Storm Katchay

2nd    Alex Rodrigues

3rd    Simon Bactawar

Male 16-17 years brown-black belts Kata

1st    Shaqueel Amin -19.2 points

2nd    Randolph Singh-18.9 points

3rd    Andy Sam-Reddy-18.7 points

Male 16-17 years brown-black belts Kumite

1st    Shaqueel Amin

2nd    Andy Sam-Reddy

3rd    Randolph Singh

Female 18+ Kata

1st     Kissandra Pitt

2nd    Babita Sohan

3rd    Oneika Ramsuchit

Female 18+ Kumite

1st     Kissandra Pitt

2nd    Babita Sohan

3rd    Oneika Sohan

Male 18+ purple-brown belts Kata

1st     Rudolph Dyal

2nd    Ashab Bacchus

3rd    Simeon Castello

Male 18+ purple-brown belts Kumite

1st     Rudolph Dyal

2nd    Simeon Castello

3rd    Ashab Bacchus

Male 18+ black belts Kata

1st    Marlon George-21.9 points

2nd    Shankar Singh-21.7 points

3rd    Shermon Best-21.3 points

Junior open team Kata Contest

1st    G/town -Kristian Chaves, Kristalia Chaves, Reyad Yassin (18.9 points)

2nd    G/town-Timothy Khan, Paulo Oliveira Reis, Jordon Denny (18.5 points)

3rd    G/town-Simeon Todd, Camiel Melville, Cy Mc Ewan (18.3 points)

Male & Female open Kata Contest

1st    G/town-Shaqueel Amin, Randolph Singh, Storm Katchay (14.6, 14.6 points

2nd    G/town-Marlon George, Shermon Best, Shankar Singh (14.6, 14.1 points)

3rd    Port Mourant-Andy Sam-Reddy, Simon Bactawar, Yudesh Singh (14.4 points)

Female open team Kata Contest

1st    G/town-Jaydan Alleyne, Nyota Rodrigues, Loren Black (14.6 points)

2nd    Canji-Emily Ramsuchit, Oneika Ramsuchit (14.2 points)

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