Looks like Nandamuri Balakrishna is on a mission. The actor, who is currently shooting for his much hyped 100th film Gautamiputra Satakarni, has officially announced his next project. Speaking to the media in Hindupur today, Balayya revealed that his 101st film will be directed by Krishna Vamsi.
Balayya went on to reveal that the film has been titled Raithu. Incidentally, Krishna Vamsi first pitched Raithu's script to Balayya for his 100th film and the senior star took a strong liking for the intense drama in the story. In Raithu, Balayya will be seen as a farmer who revolts for the welfare of farmers community.
However, with Krish sneaking in between Balayya and Krishna Vamsi with his story of the ancient Telugu ruler Gautamiputra Satakarni, Balayya, who immensely loved Krish's epic, had to keep Vamsi in hold and promised him that he will surely do his project in the immediate future.
With today's announcement, Balayya kept his promise to Krishna Vamsi. Gautamiputra Satakarni will be wrapped up by Dasara and even Krishna Vamsi will complete the shooting of Nakshatram starring Sundeep Kishan very soon. The two giants will then join forces post Dasara.