Schools face challenges that didn’t exist 20 years ago. From recruiting to philanthropy, administrators must better utilize new communication tools and marketing tactics to stay ahead.
But how has this pressure impacted the business office? What role does the business officer play in marketing an independent school?
In episode 39 of Blackbaud K-12’s Get Connected Podcast, Jeff Shields, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Business Officers Association, joins me to talk about how a business office can influence a school’s marketing strategy.
Jeff has written about digital opportunities for independent schools and how they tie back to the business office over on his LinkedIn blog.
I’m excited for him to share his perspectives on the growing importance of including the business officer’s perspective when thinking about marketing a private school.
For a full breakdown of what we covered, make sure to check out the episode questions below.
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Episode Questions:
Tell us a little bit about yourself and NBOA.
Historically, what role has the business office played in marketing the school? (Have they always been involved in creating strategy?)
From my perspective, I feel like the business office is becoming more tightly involved with marketing and admission strategy. Perhaps that has coincided with the role of CFO taking greater hold in the marketplace? From NBOA’s view, was there a particular moment or set of events that began to reshape the role of the business officer to think more about marketing?
Given the size of NBOA’s membership, you have the ability to see across schools of all shapes and sizes. Given this vantage point, how do you see CFO’s impact marketing and admissions? Any specific examples?
In 2016, what kinds of marketing skills and abilities should a new CFO bring to the position?
How does good communication practices and channels between the business office and families impact WOM and overall marketing?