
In order for the body to operate properly, every organ needs to be at the top of its game and performing ideally.

This is especially true for the liver, an organ located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, secured by the ribs.

The liver gets easily attacked by numerous health problems and diseases, and today’s article explains their symptoms and how to detect liver issues more easily. Some of these health conditions include hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis, and fatty liver disease.

Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of liver disease can save your life. As with so many illnesses and diseases, liver disease, if spotted early enough, can be arrested, and cured (providing the causes have been identified and are avoided in future), and your liver can fully recover, growing new healthy tissue to replace any that has been damaged, just as long as the disease has not been allowed to progress too far – hence the importance of knowing what the warning signs to look out for.

A fatty liver is the result of excess fat in the liver. This fat builds up when a person’s diet exceeds the amount of fat their body can handle. Having a fatty liver can lead to fatty liver disease, which then leads to chronic illnesses. Many who are overweight, have belly fat, are insulin resistant, pre- diabetic and who crave sugars and starches are likely have a fatty liver. Yet many who are ultimately healthy and not overweight are finding they to, have a fatty liver.

Here are the leading symptoms that indicate liver damage:

Stomach problems

Different urine and/or stool color

Digestive tract problems

Diarrhea, constipation and intestinal bleeding

Abdominal discomfort

Fluid retention

Abdominal problems

Chronic itching

Lack of appetite


Looking after your liver is a fundamental when it comes down to following a holistic health lifestyle. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, given the chance, your liver has the ability to repair itself, providing that any damage is spotted early, and the correct avoiding action taken.

The liver naturally will cleanse itself, but there are times when our body needs a little help. Here is a list of foods that can help detox and cleanse your liver for times when you might be feeling a little sluggish, not sticking to as clean of a diet as you would like or just feeling the urge to detox.

Foods To Help Repair Your Liver



Alternative grains



Brussels sprouts


Citrus fruits

Cruciferous veggies

Dandelion root



Green tea

Leafy green veggies

Olive oil and other cold pressed natural oils





As mentioned before, the liver plays a vital role in keeping your body healthy and detoxing toxins from your body. Simply put, a healthy liver keeps you healthy. With today’s society and the amount of processed foods available, and available at a cheap price, it is important to recognize and be mindful of the various signs your body, especially your liver, is not functioning correctly.

The post 10 Symptoms Of A Damaged Liver appeared first on Just Naturally Healthy.

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