
WordPress Category 
RSS Feeds 
To The Rescue!

*cue super hero music here*

One of the hidden gems of WordPress is the built in RSS feed…

I know, you may be thinking, whoop-dee-doo… an RSS feed is an RSS feed… 

But native WordPress RSS feeds have magic powers  

Not only can you almost always locate the default feed by simply appending /feed/ to the end of the URL… for example http://just-ask-kim.com/feed/ … 

You can also do this with BOTH category and tag URLs. 

Okay, that sounds boring, I hear ya!

So why is it important? 

Well here’s an example…. 

My friend JP recently did a list of “Top 10 Up And Coming Women Bloggers“, and introduced me (again) to Lori McNee’s blog. 

Now, Lori is a blogger who specializes in helping Artists market their wares… 

Unfortunately, artistry does little for me, so her main feed wouldn’t interest me. 

However, if I dig around a little, I find that she has a category feed for social media tips: 


I can easily append “/feed/” to this URL and produce an RSS feed that I can subscribe to that is guaranteed to be on topics that interest me! 

Like this: 



Drop that into my RSS reader and now I can keep up with Lori without having to sift through for the stuff that interests me!

This trick works with any WordPress category or tag as long as the blogger has not used a plugin or htaccess edit to redirect them to the main feed. (Some bloggers like to try to force your hand when it comes to subscribing but I’m sure you know how I feel about not accommodating the visitor.) 

There you have it, a simple way to pick and choose what parts of a blog you pull into your RSS reader!

~ Kim ~
Simple Tech Tips For Marketing

Here’s a Pro-Tip: You can ALSO use this on the author URL. Which means that on a multi-author blog, you can choose to subscribe to only a single author. I do this on a number of multi-author blogs where I only subscribe to the blog owner and not the guest articles.  Example: http://basicblogtips.com/author/ileane/feed/ 

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