Empire Avenue
Making Social Media Fun
Kim here…
The stock market is rocking… the one on Empire Avenue I mean!
Word is getting out rapidly that I’ve recently arrived on Empire Avenue…
Drop in to join me there or buy some “shares” on the social market while they’re super cheap before the stats total come in (takes 4-7 days) and push them up!
There’s quite a feeding frenzy with some really big jumps every day already!
As you can see, in not quite 72 hours, I’ve already made it into the Top 10 new members list…
What is Empire Avenue?
EA is a gamified social network for business connection, networking and increasing social reach.
It’s a social platform driven by bartering for or offering “eaves” (their internal currency).
It’s designed for business-friendly folks like yourself that have worked to build up your social reach and could benefit from that reach getting even bigger and stronger.
A lot of it is based on the activity score of your top 5 social media sites. (It takes about 4-5 days for it to import that data but I don’t recommend sitting around waiting on it.)
How does the “Barter” portion work?
This is the stuff we do in social media anyways… gamified a little and made a little more fun.
Example items for how you can gain (or spend) your eaves:
“Do xyz thing I ask (within the bounds of trackable by the platform) and I’ll give you xyz eaves”
You can buy eaves but it’s not too hard to earn them if you spend a little time.
What are stocks?
Then on top of that there is a “stock market game” where you buy and sell shares in your friends, and as their social reach goes up, your dividend from them go up, and again you earn eaves.
So you “make money” (eaves) off of owning stock in people that you then help get better reach so that stock can go up!
What Can I Promote on EA?
Besides rewarding social likes/followers…
You can write a blog post that has some sort of value but also some value to you in getting it seen.
You can give mission runners eaves for tweeting it.
Or you can share it on G+ and give them eves for sharing it on G+ publicly from your existing share.
Or you can give them eves for liking the post about it on your fan page…
etc etc
You also can give people eaves to buy your stock or the stock of your friends.
You have lots of flexibility with the tasks so be creative but not over-demanding.
What If My Blog Post Is Promotional?
EA is “business professional” friendly, so it’s not against the rules to have commercial postings.. but your eve spend will be higher just due to people not wanting to share it for as low a value.
A lot of networking space there means that I’m meeting a lot of people who are new to me. This makes it worth the need to sort through some of the commercial stuff.
How Is The Platform Monetized?
Eves just buy you more barter as well as buy you some ranking in some of the ranking charts.
There’s new “vees” too but they’re brand new and not many of them can be gotten … it’s mostly about eaves and barter and bribe.
The Vees on the other hand come from companies that don’t want to play but want to buy a real incentive to leverage… Vees are credits towards real gift cards and such. Vees are brand new (beta) so may change over time.
Monetization is from selling you extra eaves, selling you extra Vees, selling you a membership that includes that and analytics and other stuff… all optional.
The Back Scratch Effect…
And then it sometimes Empire Avenue gets interesting because some guys build up more eaves than they “need”… so they use them to scratch someone elses back… they’ve bought all the stock of you they can… so they pay a mission to get others to go buy your stock … or pay others to tweet your stuff.
Definitely some back scratching, not a ton, but just enough that it’s kinda cute.
New People?
It’s kinda refreshing in that regard. And while there are MLMers in the mix, the volume of them is is low enough that I can tell I’m meeting new people.
In fact, I don’t visually recognize more than 80% of those who have bought stock in me! (But the built in links let me go check them out and say hi!)
Where To Learn More?
So far, I’ve found two really useful posts… and an ebook.
1) This is Michael Q Todd’s guide here and while it’s minorly out of date, it gave me a lot of the direction I needed to get started with EA.
2 ) Today Gerrit shared his post with me and it helped me realize why some things I’d done weren’t working. Read it to avoid some newbie blunders.
3) Gerrit’s blog post also recommended the (99 c) ebook, “Walking Down the Avenue“, that I’ve just downloaded to my computer/kindle for reading later. I haven’t read it yet so no clue how good it is but looks like a good place to start.
… and if you get stuck, there’s always the official FAQ!
I’ll also be writing some blog posts as I learn stuff while I go. I can tell there’s things not covered in these guides so I’ll whip up some answers as I run into those things.
What Mistake Did I Make?
Above I mentioned making a mistake… so let me protect you from the same thing.
The community stock-buying process has a lot of reciprocity built in. You’ll want to buy stock from people that buy stock from you as long as they are doing “okay”.
The mistake comes in trying to “match” their buying power.
You simply can’t do it initially… even if you buy eaves. I tried that, it doesn’t work
You’re not supposed to have that kind of market strength in your early days…
So what’s the answer? Simply buy 50 or 10 stocks of the people that buy yours early on. This shows your “alive and listening”. It gives you a second chance to interact with that person… and it doesn’t leave you BROKE (of eaves). You can always (and should) buy more later if the numbers are right.
You may feel that “tug” in your gut to match their buy… because we’ve learned about reciprocity… but they understand you are limited on funds initially so just give yourself some breathing room and space it out so you don’t get stuck like I did briefly before I learned this!
Does it work?
No freakin’ clue! LOL! How’s that for truth in advertising?
Though I’ve stalked it for a long while to make sure it wouldn’t vanish (seems here to stay)… this is the first time I’ve delved into playing with it.
I must say that I’m enjoying the experience so far and it’s a rather refreshing change of pace. It definitely is in line with my 2014 goals to have more fun with social media.
Of course I’m going to keep you posted as I go so you’ll know if I learn anything revolutionary, LOL!
With a big focus of the scoring built on improvements you make to your social network scores over time… it just seems like a good fun reminder to not take our eye off the ball.
Come Play!
I invite you to come explore Empire Avenue with me.
At the worst it’s a good chance to meet new people while expanding your social connectivity…
And potentially it’s a lot more than that… so click here and join up and let’s party!
See you on Empire Avenue!
~ Kim ~
Simple Tech Tips For Marketing
PS: Want some free eaves to invest in me? Just run Alex’s mission here! (Thank you Alex!)