
Q1. うぇんでぃは どんなせいかくのこですか?
A2. きゃりーぴゃむぴゃむのようにお茶目な性格で、元気がいい子。

Q1. What kind of personality does Wendy Weekender have?
A2. She is very similar to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and is very artistic and fun! She is quirky and cute and loves strange stories from around the world.

Q2.うぇんでぃの ちゃーむぽいんとは どこですか?
A2. ファッションも髪の毛の色も気分次第で変えるのが大好きな子なので、

Q2. What are her charm points? Is it her mint green hair color ? Her fashion?
A2. Wendy changes her hair color according to her whims. So yes, it is part of her charm but so is her fashion. Especially the cat character on her t-shirt wearing the same heart sunglasses as she is.

Q3. Tシャツやパッケージにもでている「ネコののきゃらくたー」は
A3. ネコちゃんはウエンディ自身なんです。とっても似ているでしょう!

Q3. Tell us more about this cat!
A3. It's her alter ego. Don't they look alike?

Q4.うぇんでぃは ほかに どんなふぁっしょんが にあうとおもいますか?
A4. 意外とフリルがついたお嬢様のようなドレスが似合うと思っているんです。
Q4. What other types of fashion do you think she will look good in?
A4.I think she will look very nicely in a sweet dress with peter pan collars.Or maybe dressed up like Heidi with an apron.

Q5. じゅんこさんだったら うぇんでぃと どんなあそびをしたいですか?
A5. 音楽を聞きながら、手をつないで一緒に踊りたいです!
Q5.In what ways will you play with Wendy?
A5. Well, I would do something fun like dance with her to music. Hold her hand and dance around the room. Sounds funny but you try it!  I have fun doing it!

*Purchase Neo Blythe Wendy Weekender from Junie Moon! *
** ネオブライス『ウェンディウィークエンダー』**

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