
Last week we talked about our Pirate Chapter Book Booklist that I created specifically for our upcoming Saturday Book Club Linky Party coming up Saturday the 14th. It was (and still is) my hopes to provide Saturday Book Club participant with some books they can review and create activities around.

Quick Review: Our first club meeting/Linky Party will be September 14th where we’ll be reading and creating our way through a Pirate book theme and since I didn’t want to leave everyone hunting for pirate books to jump into, I decided to create a resource list that our Saturday Book Club Linky participants can use if they’d like. You can find the Pirate Chapter Books Booklist HERE.

BUT, what about those of you who prefer non-fiction books for your family?


Pirate Non-Fiction Book for Kids


Imagine You’re a Pirate by Meg Clibbon

The Short and Bloody History of Pirates by John Farman

The World of the Pirate by Val Garwood

Pirates: Robbers of the High Seas by Gail Gibbons

Lafitte: The Terror of the Gulf by Cathering Troxell Gonzalez

The Book of Pirates by Michael Hague

Read Pirates: Over 20 True stories of Seafaring Sculduggery by Clare Hibbert

Everything I know about Pirates by Tom Lichtenheld

The Pirate’s Handbook by Margarette Lincoln

Pirate by Deborah Lock

The Sea Rovers; Pirates, Privateers, and Buccaneers by Albert Marrin

Pirates! Raiders of the High Seas by Christopher Maynard

Piracy & Plunder: A Murderous Business by Milton Meltzer

Pirates by Greg Nickles

Pirates by Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne

The Pirate Princess and Other Fairy Tales by Neil Phillip

Pirates and Treasure by Saviour Pirotta

Pirate by Richard Platt

Pirates by Stewart Ross

Daring Pirate Women by Anne Wallace Sharp

Pirates by Phillip Steele

The Ballad of the Pirate Queens by Jane Yolen

See any favorites?

Did we miss any?

Don’t forget to join us on Saturday (the 14th) for even more fun pirate, books, ideas, activities, and FUN!

**some of these links are affiliate links.

Want to create your own Pirate-Themed Adventure??

For a limited time I am offering my pirate-theme Treasure Island Day Adventure Guide! 50+ pages of Treasure-Island inspired fun like pirate crafts, how to talk like a pirate, special pirate games and much, much more. This guide is FREE simply by signing up below. Ahoy matey!

Grab Your FREE Pirate-Themed Treasure Island Adventure Guide!

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The post Pirate BookList: 22 Non-Fiction Pirate Books for Kids! appeared first on Jump Into A Book.

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