A friend kindly transcribed my recent interview on The Blaze Radio Network with Kate Dalley, March 26, 2016.
Thought you might like to read it so I am posting it here. Feel free to share it with others.
Julie Rowe Interview with Kate Dalley
Recorded March 22, 2016
Aired March 26, 2016
Kate: I wanted to invite you on, because you have such a story to tell, and such an experience to share with people. I don’t normally entertain NDE experiences on my show, but yours was so different for me. I think it’s because of the way I felt when I read your book, and so many things sort of occurred to me as I was reading through your particular NDE experience. As we are heading into perilous times and I wanted to take a break from the election process this week. I know all of us are just tired of hearing about the candidates. I wanted to maybe go into an area where I haven’t ventured before on the Kate Show for The Blaze Radio Network, and discuss an experience that you had that was so amazing, I thought, people need to get this book, and it could quite possibly sort of foretell or foreshadow some of the events coming. The book is called From Tragedy to Destiny, and the experience you had was amazing. I’m going to waste no time in getting right into what this experience said to you, and the experience you had, because I thought you had such a fantastic book in telling this experience. There’s actually three books that you’ve written. This is the third one, but this is the one that I think everybody needs to get because it’s such a great synopsis of the first two plus it adds some things. A Greater Tomorrow was the first book, The Time Is Now was the second book, and I enjoyed both of those. This is the third book, From Tragedy to Destiny.
What was the goal in writing this third book, Julie?
Julie: First of all Kate, I just want to thank you for having me on. It really is an honor to be able to visit with you.
Kate: Sure. Thank you.
Julie: With this third book, it just felt like we needed to have more of a general message. The Lord loves all of His children, and I wanted to be able to share a portion of the experience I had in my near death experience in 2004, and then kind of elaborate on some of the things that I didn’t include in the other two books. Specifically, about a few of the details I see coming for the future of America, and some of the things that I remember concerning the Founding Fathers, specifically regarding the Constitution.
Kate: Okay, and I love that. You know me, I’m so interested in that anyway. We talk a lot about the Constitution on the show.
You were sick in 2004, you became ill, you entered into the hospital. What happened?
Julie: The short version is that I had some seizures and some other things that I talk about in my book, and ended up in a hospital room in a semi-conscious state if you will, where, due to the weakness I was experiencing, the sickness I was dealing with, I passed though the other side of the veil, went into the Spirit World and was able to meet up with a distant ancestor named John, who then took me to different places in the Spirit Realm.
Kate: He took you through the Book of Life. Do you want to explain that to people? A scene from the past, the present, the future; this is an amazing part of your book I thought.
Julie: I only touch upon a small portion of my experience. Most of what I experienced was of a very personal and sacred nature and so I don’t share that. But in the book, I do share what I remember and kind of agreed to with those on the other side that when I came back to my body in the future time, I guess for a lack of a better word, committed or agreed to share my witness and testimony of the divinity of our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ, of the reality that there is life after death, and that we do have loved ones- ministering angels- on the other side of the veil very close to us. And also, the reality of the days that we live in, that we truly are living in the last days, prior to the second coming of our Savior, and I agreed as part of my life mission to come back and share that with my friends and family and any and all who would be willing to listen to that message: that God loves us and He has a plan for us. And so part of that, part of my experience- I don’t really like the word “tour” but that’s kind of the best word that I can come up with here in the English language- for what I experienced as far as some of the Spirit Realm, and included in that was, like you mentioned, to be given a glimpse at least of some of my Book of Life, of the past, present, and future, including some of the premortal as well as going forward in the future immediately.
My experience happened in September 2004, so we’re several years into this now and I’ve already seen a lot of my life come to pass that I had been shown, and we’re on the cusp of a lot of other intense things coming that I expect will happen here pretty shortly.
Kate: Are there times where you think, I wish I wasn’t shown all of this? Is it scary to get these scenes in your head? Is it hard to forget?
Julie: Absolutely. I don’t want to come across as ungrateful because I am grateful for the blessings, but there have been many days where it felt like a blessing and maybe at times it felt more like a curse. Overall I am very grateful for the experience, and for what it has taught me and continues to teach me, and for the voice of warning for me, and my family, and others. But it has been and continues to be difficult. It’s a very real weight that I carry, and I am grateful that I can have those burdens lifted through the Atonement of Christ. Having said that, it’s kind of unimaginable to be able to try to explain to someone what it’s like to experience what I have, or what I continue to experience, because the veil is very thin, so I continue to have dreams and visions, and see more clearly as time goes on, some of the details of the things in my personal life.
Kate: I can understand that. You were shown scenes including the Savior’s mortal life, along with His crucifixion, resurrection, scenes kind of through history, as if you were standing there watching them? Were you given that bird’s eye?
Julie: Right. Yes, it’s not like watching a video. When I experienced them while in looking at those records and while on the other side, the closest I can come up with is it was like a virtual reality. It was as if I were there, in person, and feeling and seeing and hearing and smelling everything that would come with that experience. The emotions, being able to hear the thoughts and feelings and pick up on the emotions of those who were present. And those things stick with you.
Kate: What was one of the most vivid examples of looking at this book that taught you something new? The past, the present, the future, this Book of Life that you looked in?
Julie: Given that we’re coming up on the Easter holiday here, it wasn’t necessarily new information. I had a testimony of the Savior and of His Atonement and of His crucifixion and of His resurrection. I had a basic understanding of the scriptures and the role that some of those prophets and apostles played, and also of some of the other characters in that storyline. There WAS so much new but my mind is focused on the Easter holiday right now, so I’m not trying to not answer your question, I’m just focused on that. The emphasis on the emotion involved, the debt of gratitude that I have for that sacrifice, that commitment, in Christ fulfilling His mission. That as our older brother, He premortally promised that He would fulfill this Atonement and He followed through with it, and that it was one hundred percent of His own choice, His own will, that He at any point in time could have backed out and yet He was committed one hundred percent to Father in Heaven and to His mission and the promises that He had made to us as His brothers and sisters, to help us be able to one day return to our Father. That’s the most poignant experience that I took from everything.
Kate: I want to get into some more of what you saw in The Book of Life. This is all in the book From Tragedy to Destiny, Julie was raised in a military family, has lived in many places across the world, earned a Bachelor’s of Science, has three kids, is married. But this book From Tragedy to Destiny is sure circulating around the globe and having an impact on people.
At the beginning of this experience, you were shown a lot of scenes with the Founding Fathers, and those scenes were important to you. Did you want to talk about those before we get into the future scenes that you saw?
Julie: Thank you Kate, I do. First of all I want to share my witness and testimony about the importance of the Constitution, and about our Founding Fathers. While not perfect men, they were men who had great respect for the teachings of Jesus, whether they personally all believed them or not, they all had great respect for Him. And the majority of them were Christian men who did the best they could given their circumstances to live the law that they understood at that time.
Of those that I met when I was on the other side, and then there were others I didn’t meet that I was shown about, I came to a greater understanding and appreciation for their divine role, that they had accepted an assignment to do the works that they were sent to earth to do: in great part to establish a government in a free land that would one day be the promised land where true freedom could reside; and set an example and kind of a template for the rest of the world. The importance of the Constitution cannot be stressed enough, and there are so many lies that have been and are still being told about our Founding Fathers and revisionist history, and I agreed, after meeting with several of them and others, to come back and testify what I know to be true, which is that we have a Constitution that was designed and written and has been orchestrated by our Father in Heaven for specific purposes. The men that were inspired to write that document, and everything that has fallen in line according to those true principles, did so through prayer and often through angelic ministration, and those that seek to destroy the Constitution and the reputations of our Founding Fathers have… I don’t want to place judgment, but I do know that they have some very strong judgments coming if they do not repent and change their ways because those men live on today and are serving in capacities on the other side of the veil orchestrating the very armies that will combat those who are trying to destroy the very foundation of this nation. The work continues.
Kate: We’ve had this revisionist history going on for over a hundred years, and people have been seeking to change history, and to change us away from the truth of what we would know history is, even in our education system of course. I’m sure that it was hard for you to witness. Did you learn anything new about the Founding Fathers that you didn’t know before?
Julie: What I do know that it is true that in many cases, history repeats itself, and that caution is on the earth now is nothing new, it’s been here since the fall of Adam, when Cain and those who went with him decided to side up with Satan. I don’t like to testify of them, I like to testify of the light side, but I will say that when it comes to our Founding Fathers there are many who, while not perfect men, and those who made mistakes, a large majority of those who I came to an understanding on the other side, have been able to repent and they are very much working for The Lord. They are very much on The Savior’s side, on our Father in Heaven’s side, and they are working very hard. I have a real tender heart for Abigail Adams, for John Adams, for James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln; there are so many great men and women. I talk a little about Mother Theresa, while she’s not a Founding Father in our modern generation, she is truly a wonderful woman, and I talk a little bit about her in this book. So many good men and women, many women who have not been written about in history just due to the nature of the culture in record keeping, but wonderful, wonderful examples to me and so many people, of the strength and fortitude that they had in their day, to stand up and to say enough is enough, when we’re talking about the early revolution with England and the new colonies in America, and then going forward with the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence; what courage they had, and if I could just have an ounce of their courage, I think that I’m on the right path.
Kate: I know in this near death experience of yours, you describe a life review. Before we get into the future and what’s to come, what did you learn from your life review? I know that you had an experience that caused you to sort of go, “wow, I didn’t realize that things so little, could become such a big deal.
Julie: One thing that I continued to be reminded of was that The Lord uses weak vessels to bring to pass wonderful, eternal truths, and I’m a living example of that. Those that know me can speak to that truth. I asked for years, “Why me? Why would I have this experience?” I’ve been given some personal answers and won’t share them here, but what I do know is that, while I’m not a perfect person, in that life review I saw that when we do all we can do to love The Lord and to serve Him and to repent of the things that we know are wrong- as we have that knowledge, understanding and accountability, the slate is wiped clean as we apply the Atonement. That brings me great comfort: that it’s an infinite Atonement, so all the mistakes that I’ve made in my life or am making or will continue to make: that it’s never too late. I can repent of that, and I can start anew, and be a better person, and that is a great thing because I am such an imperfect person.
I also know that it’s important for us as we get closer to some of these events that are coming: whatever side of the veil we end up on, because if you look at the Book of Revelations, we have some intense experiences coming on a massive scale. Many of us will pass through the other side, and whether we stay here on earth or go to the Spirit Realm, we need to be prepared to meet our God. No unclean thing can enter the kingdom of God, and so it’s a lot easier to repent on this side of the veil, and that was made very clearly to me.
Kate: You had an experience where you actually hit a car in a parking lot one time. I think you were a teenager at the time, and that was brought up in the life review. What did you learn from that? Because I think we all have little things that we have maybe forgotten about, and we always wonder what will come up in that review?
Julie: Yes, that was one example that The Spirit gave me to share, because we don’t need to spill all our dirty laundry in a public setting. That was one that was heavy enough but light enough that I felt like I could share it personally. Things won’t just go away just because time passes, and we try to brush it under the rug it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened or it’s not there. We still need to clean out our closets and clear out the junk. And just because that happened when I was in High School: at the age of 31 and I had my life review and I saw that I had not taken care of that action, it was a clear reminder to me that there were other areas in my life that I needed to get in order.
Kate: I can imagine, it’s the little things.
Julie: The things that we think we’re doing in secret, and we all have them; some are more serious than others. This isn’t about fear mongering and making us be afraid to see God or any of that. We are our harshest critics and judges. When we try to enter the presence of The Lord, it’s us who will feel uncomfortable. If you are looking at basic science of energy vibration: light and dark cannot coexist. High vibration and low vibration can’t be in the same area, and so, those who love science (I love science!) study it from a scientific principle. In order for us to enter the presence of God and any degree of light and move forward in that light, we have to clear out the darkness, any and all of it, in whatever form it comes.
Kate: You were shown even the simplest of examples because, I think you probably thought as most of us will: “wow, I really need to reflect on my life and think, is this something I need to repent of?”
Julie: Right, and since 2004. Here we are in 2016, and I go, ooh, I’m sure I still have more I need to clear up. I’m 43 now, and a lot can happen in 43 years. When that is brought back into our recollection, it’s not to beat us up, it’s because someone loves us and they want to help us. So when we have a remembrance of something, that’s so we can clear it up. It’s not so we can beat ourselves up. It’s so we can move on and keep moving forward.
Kate: That’s a big difference because I think beating ourselves up over the past, only impedes our future, so we all have a life to live, and we have a certain amount of time on this earth and you’ve got to do the things you need to do.
Back to the near death experience. You were starting to see things that were going to happen. How did you feel when you started to be shown those things? I can’t imagine. What were you going through at the time?
Julie: It was deeply emotional. I don’t know about the word “shock,” but I remember just looking, and all the emotions you can imagine that would come with it because in the Spirit Realm, we’re still our same people. It’s not like we go over there and all of a sudden we’re someone different, or we have different personalities or emotions or feelings. I was the same me, and when I came back I was the same me as when I left, with the same weaknesses; I just had new understanding and knowledge, and had to and still have to work through those issues.
I remember being there in different settings, and I talk about them in the book. Towards the end of my experience I talk about looking through the Window of Heaven, and in that, being shown more in detail some of the other things I had been shown previously in my experience. I cried a lot. I cried a lot. After I saw it- I saw it more than once- I had very clear memory of sitting in a room by myself- they gave me some time to be alone for quite a while- and I literally just sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I’ve cried many days since because the emotion… not just the things coming but the things I saw in the past, and then being shown the types and shadows of, have we not learned? Did we not learn from World War II? Why are we doing this again? And yet knowing that this is part of God’s plan that we have agency and that even the most awful things that have happened to us, these terrible sufferings and atrocities, if we allow them to can be turned for our good as we take our suffering and have purpose in that suffering to become more loving, more charitable, more forgiving, and basically go through the refiner’s fire. A lot of heartache, and I still deal with a broken heart, but The Lord has continued to heal that broken heart in amazing ways. There really are no words.
Kate: Did you think you had died, or were you cognizant that you were coming back, that you were just being allowed to see things during this?
Julie: At first I wasn’t quite sure. I knew I was somewhere else, and it was within a matter of seconds that John was right by my side and then we started talking, so it became clear that I was in a Spirit Realm. I did at first kind of think that I had died because of that, and because I saw my body motionless in the bed. Later we traveled different places, like to be able to see my husband and kids at home, and different places around the world, and even to some other locations in the Spirit Realm. There was no doubt within a matter of seconds or minutes that I knew I was not in my earthly body. It was quickly related to me that I couldn’t stay, that I had unfinished work on earth. I kind of argued a little bit about that because, I love my husband and kids, but it was really nice to feel the love there and not be in pain and stuff like that. I kind of go into that a little bit in the book.
Kate: You’ve had health issues and so I was always wondering that though: did you know you would get to come back? Thank you for answering that for me.
When you started to see these scenes unfurl, what were the first scenes that you saw when it comes to what the future has in store for us? I think all of us are aware that perilous times are coming. I think we can all feel it. I think it’s pretty thick in the air. What did you start to see when you stared to see these particular scenes?
Julie: Of course I was shown the past before I was shown the future. Then I was shown future things, and then it was like they did a- I call it a type and shadow but it was a side-by-side, anywhere from two or three scenes at time in my mind. Usually on the left side of my mind would be a picture of one scene and then on the other side would be like a similar experience in our day or what will be going forward. One of the first things that caused great emotion for good reason was information about 9/11, if you’re talking more recent events. And then going forward into the 2008 and 2012 elections; there was a lot of between that if you’re talking about everything from the Oklahoma City bombing to Waco; a lot of the other things that have to do with historical significance in the United States. I was shown worldwide things, but because it had to do with my life, more of it had to do with the United States because that’s where I reside, and will continue to reside.
So, going into the 2016 elections: I don’t necessarily always remember the order of things, but as I have continued since then to have- what I’ve been told to call them are “reminder dreams and visions”- and then I get more clarity as time goes on. For instance, when I woke up, I saw things coming but I didn’t always necessarily know that Katrina was going to be in a certain year. I just knew that it was going to come. Or Sandy, or Hugo, or different events that have happened. But right before they would happen, I would have a dream or a vision and know it was coming, and it could come that night, the next day, in a week or a month, and I didn’t always know and still don’t always know when exactly that event is going to happen. Sometimes it’s more of a sequence, versus specific dates. Sometimes I am given dates but it’s usually more of a sequence, and sometimes it’s not even in sequential order.
Kate: I know you saw earthquakes, correct?
Julie: Lots of earthquakes.
Kate: I know that you didn’t get a lot of stuff in time, as far as the sequence of time, but can you tell me a little about that?
Julie: Yes. One of the first things that comes to my mind is a couple of really big earthquakes in Chile. Obviously some of the tidal waves and tsunamis that have been in different parts of the world. In the United States, one of the most clear examples are, some things I talk about in this book very vaguely, with earthquakes on the Wasatch Front in Utah, and then those on the coast in the United States. Those are examples of things that will happen all over the world, but they are specific to my life because they affect me in the United States. We talk about that in the book, some of those things: the big earthquake coming up through the New Madrid fault line and all along the coast and things like that.
Kate: Did the earthquakes trigger then some pretty big events? If you were going to say sequence, they would be after the earthquakes? Not that the earthquakes would happen first and nothing else, but that these earthquakes did trigger other stuff going on at the same time?
Julie: Yes, and there are various things that cause some of the tsunamis and earthquakes too. Some of them are man-made, and some of them are natural disasters, meaning… you know. How do you determine that? I was shown some of it, some of which I don’t feel like I want to share due to my personal safety, and being cautioned by The Spirit to make sure that I am not overstepping my bounds. I will say that some of those things that happen along the coastal areas with tsunamis and other things and in the islands do have to do with some of the things that I see in the Pacific Ocean regarding the start of warfare coming for us worldwide. I don’t really go into that in the book. In the Wasatch I did see a smaller earthquake that will be a bit of a wake-up call for people, but that’s nothing compared to what hits really hard later on, when we’re talking about absolute mass devastation on a scale that no one’s ever seen in that part of the country before.
Kate: You said “man-made…maybe natural causes” and I sort of understand what you’re saying because I know we have some capabilities to do things and I don’t know if people really realize that, and we don’t really need to get into that much, but as far as that goes, you said some events happening on the coasts that we need to be aware of that could happen.
Julie: Right. Early on when I wrote my first book and started speaking, I never really would talk on the subject of an EMP, so it was one of the first questions that people had, and the way I was told to answer that was, when I was first shown some of that topic, what I saw was a view from outer space, and then we zoomed into earth, and then I had an overview of the United States, and kind of the broader scale of the world but really focusing on the United States. What I saw was complete darkness and spots of light. I asked John, “The earth is dark. Is that literal or figurative?” And he said, “Yes.” And he said it is both literal and figurative. Maybe one day we can go into that more, as far as what I see and what that EMP has caused, but that is triggered by man made war vessels.
Kate: You saw darkness and you also saw troops coming in. That to me and to a lot of people, would be sort of a scary sight, to deal with these natural disasters.
Julie: We have the sleeper cells, and they’re not just the dreaded ISIS. I didn’t use that word for a long time, due to common sense, but now it’s all over the news. There are the ISIS sleeper cells that are kind of waiting for their trigger, and then we have other sleeper cells from members of the UN, other countries, and I don’t need to name all of those but we’ll just have cause to speak a lot of different languages here in the United States to communicate. I see that differently than the actual invasion. The actual invasion I see of foreign troops, the majority being Russian and Chinese, although there will be some others that will join up with them, but the mass numbers of people come from the Russian and Chinese troops, on every coastline.
Kate: Kind of a scary sight, but I think most people will be told they’re shipped into help us, right?
Julie: Right. They come on then, but I don’t know- I don’t really consider people parachuting out of the sky or missiles being launched “helping me,” but initially that’s what they come in under, they pretend they’re coming “to help” with earthquakes on the Wasatch and the California coast and things. Or when tsunamis and other things hit New York, they come in; somewhere in there when DC gets blasted away and our so-called “public servants” decide to relocate, they’re there “to help,” right? Isn’t that what they’re there for?
Kate: You mean “elected officials,” so we would see some elected officials going underground, because maybe they wouldn’t want to have to handle an angry populous.
Julie: Right. Most of them are pretty well set up. They’ve got a pretty good plan on where they can go. I don’t know that they’re all necessarily “in the know” a hundred percent; but they’re looking out for one another, some of them; and others are constantly checking their back to make sure they’re not going to get taken out.
Kate: Interesting. So, when you saw this invasion, these troops coming in, what did you see from there? Because it seems as though it gets a little worse from there, am I right?
Julie: Right. Well, due to the nature of my life, I’ve been shown more of what happens from the Kansas City area and going west, because that’s where I will end up going; eventually going west to get away from troops and things. So while I’ve seen a lot happening on the east coast, I’m not seeing as much as I do on the west side because it doesn’t pertain to my life as specifically. Basically I see Russians coming in up from Alaska and Canada and Washington and Oregon, mass amounts on the west coast, as well as the eastern borders on the east coast, and foreign troops coming in to really all the coasts, but they concentrate on specific areas. Some of them, the Chinese and Russians both, come in through the Gulf of Mexico and other areas there, and then I see mostly mass troops of Chinese hitting first in the L.A. area and then moving their way up the coast. But “hitting first” could be a matter of hours or days. It’s quick. If I say they hit L.A. first, that might mean they hit San Francisco an hour later, I don’t really know. Or it might be a day later. And then as they move up, it’s literally warfare, so they are taking people out. They do have some prisoners but the name of the game is to keep as much of the infrastructure and to decrease the population, so I see fewer prisoners than I do executions. But there will be a lot of chaos, and before some of that invasion happens, when the so-called “peacekeepers” come, I already see shortages of food and water supply contamination from our own internal structure that’s part of the end game plan for those internally who are corrupt. So it’s kind of a mass effort to depopulize the United States.
Kate: An economic crisis is on its way. Did you see that taking place on its own or is it part of some of these connected events?
Julie: It’s a collaborated effort. We should have collapsed already, but I feel like they are purposefully holding it off, so they can time it to have its most effect. Get us through the election, get more of our dollars, continue to lull us into a carnal security to buy houses and cars and take trips and do all of those things that we want to do even though we’re in mass debt. I do see debtors’ prisons and other things, they’re going to look for any reason they can to control the people and enslave us in whatever way they can.
Kate: That could be student loans, car loans, houses, you name it. We’re all in debt to some certain extent, right?
Julie: Right, and they’ll take out the easy targets first. It’s terrible, but they’ll take out the elderly, the disabled, the young, the weak, the poor. Those are the easier targets. People who are on an EBT card and can’t get their groceries because the government is causing problems with that, that creates their race riots and other things, or whatever issues that we see with these elections that we see that are already going on. It’s a multifaceted, multi-layered attempt to cause more of what they’ve been doing for a long time, which is fear mongering. And ultimate control requires that they cause fear in the people. How do you do that? You take away their basic resources. If they’re looking at their utilities being shut off, either because they can’t pay because they’re unemployed or they just shut off because someone decides to cut the circuits to not provide that, or they don’t put food on the shelves, so even if they have money they go to the store and there’s nothing available because nobody’s trucking it in. Food rotting on the docks. Contaminations of the water systems or of the city water.
There’s all kinds of things that they do all the time that doesn’t get reported, and what little bit that they do report is misreported, misrepresented. Most of the media is bought and sold and owned by the very corruption that we’re talking about. They just want us to look like crazy people but the end game is fear tactics that have been used for generations to control the minds of the people. If you look for instance at something like gambling: how is gambling effective? It’s negative reinforcement, sporadically. So what do they do with false flags and other things? It’s just like what we see going on right now that happened in Brussels today. A little while ago they were hit in Paris, they announced coincidentally yesterday, that they caught the main suspects that caused that, and then today they got hit again by supposed terrorists again. So we’re just going to see more of those things coming to the United States, and I look at Europe as the testing ground, because they know that the people in America are going to be harder to crack. So they fear monger through using Europe as an example. But people really need to be paying attention that that’s what they’re plan is here, and it won’t be long.
Kate: … I recently reviewed the Admiral who wrote a report that said basically, if the borders close and if we didn’t have the ports anymore, if something, you know, “happened” to them, then food would not be coming in from our imports into the United States, and boy it could cause a lot of problems. He really went into a lot of depth for “not knowing what’s going to happen in the future.” It kind of scared me I thought, wow, he’s really laying out his plans, and that is to control the food coming to America, so we would become more dependent on the government for our sustenance and also dependence-wise. But if you had troops coming in and all of this happening, could you imagine the chaos that would be here? It would be huge.
Julie: What’s crazy is literally they are throwing it in our face in the media, in movies, in TV shows, all over the place, they are laying out for us a great portion of what they have been planning for a long time, like what you said in this example. When people look at what happened with [Lavoy] Finicum, and the other ranchers that’s still going on: there’s a whole other side that people have been contacting me from the Midwest who are farmers. So we’ve got ranchers, we’ve got farmers, where the government is coming in and taking over property. It’s not because they want the land to protect, it’s because they want to control the people. If you take away the food and the water and the resources which can only come from land and land rights, then you control the people. In a matter of two days, when you have thousands and thousands or millions of starving people, you’re going to get a large majority who will suddenly become very compliant and be desperate to do almost anything to stay alive, or to keep their children and wives and families alive. So it’s a big facade, and it’s crazy to think that it’s really happening.
The good news that I see is that I have been given some glimpses of what comes after we get though this war, because that’s what we really are headed for. We are headed towards war in the United States and truly for World War III; but when we get through this war, if people had any idea about the light and the power that is going to be on this planet, and how beautiful it’s going to be when we on the light side have one hundred percent not only dominated but completely wiped out the opposition of darkness, that’s a glorious day. I look forward to that. I wish we would wipe through the next seven years of tribulations, but we’ve got to go through them. The good news is God has seen it all and He’s got a plan for it, and those that want to call me or you or anyone else crazy or fanatical, it is what it is. I know that every knee will bow, and when I start to get emotional and upset, and I realize I get taken or reeled in by the dark side on whatever realm they’re in, and I realize that’s exactly what they want from me: they want me to get worried, they want me to get angry, they want me to be upset, well you know what? We have to put our energy into pushing forward into happiness and to joy, not put our heads in the sand, but have a positive attitude that The Lord is in charge. The end game is that those dirty guys: their days are numbered, and they are losing, and they will lose, and they are losers.
Kate: I love that message of hope. You mentioned World War III; you saw some missiles launched, correct?
Julie: Lots of missiles, all over the planet. We’ve got this big facade with Obama and others with the Iran deal, with nuclear weapons and I said it in my first book, and I’m not the only one that’s apparently seen this. What I believe is the United States has and will continue to fund Al Qaeda and others, and ISIS and those who are plotting the demise of our country and a lot of other countries. We are doing the backhand, underhanded funding so they can go in and try to blow us up and a bunch of other countries. I really do see Iran launching a missile from Libya towards Israel. More than one. I see missiles in the Pacific Ocean that will potentially lead to EMP and some other things, and then them hiding the evidence, and a lot of other chaos. I also have seen that not only our military, those that choose the right, and choose to truly live up to their oath on the Constitution and not necessarily to their corrupt leaders, and then gain forces with all the righteous armies here on the planet, and especially here in the United States. I see miraculous things coming, with many of the missiles, whether they are nuclear or otherwise, will be successful, but a large majority of them will be redirected or mysteriously, miraculously they won’t go off, and that is due to the power of God and the powers of the priesthood on the other side of the veil who are able to thwart that mission of the dark side. When I look at the most recent Star Wars that came out in December 2015 that somebody decided to name “The Force Awakens,” that is very telling. Truly that is what we are in as we go into tribulations: the force awakens. The question is, what side of the force are you going to be on? I choose light. I like to be on the winning team.
Kate: It’s scary to think you even saw a missile coming out of Cuba, what’s funny is that’s been on the news lately is we have this new alliance formed with Cuba that we’ve let stay dormant for so long; it was amazing to me that that might be used in some sort of attack coming into the United States possibly.
Julie: Right.
Kate: You saw a bio-terror attack. I know that all of us fear this. You saw a gentleman walking into the middle of a major city, correct?
Julie: Right. I think I only describe only one of them. They actually have several that will do this around the continent; my understanding is in other countries as well, but again, most of what I saw had to do with the United States. Several major cities, I think I only specifically talk about one and then he’s as an example of what I’ve seen across the United States. Major cities, and it spreads very quickly. They already have been using, on a smaller scale, chemical and biological warfare against us. I’m not going to get into that. They test things out all the time on us. You could start talking about vaccines, or the corruption of the pharmaceutical companies with medications and all kinds of things. One of the favorite things they like to do is take a medication- don’t get me started on how actually they do have some cures for some cancer; that’s a whole other conversation- but where they can take a medicine and they can put something really good in it to truly help cure someone, and then they’ll put something purposefully bad in there to create a side effect or dependency or something so that you have to have another med. So that’s one example of something on a different level of some of the chemical and biological; but in terms of what you’re talking about and which I briefly touched upon in the book, is literally where he takes a bio toxin and pours it onto essentially the streets of a massive city. It’s like a liquid. In other cases, in airports, hospitals, bathrooms, all kinds of places where people are touching in public restrooms, they’ll just put that contaminate on there and it spreads very quickly. I’ve come to the understanding, just having been shown on a spiritual level that this is already going on, but the mass pandemic that will occur has yet to come, but it will not be long. I think within the next couple of years possibly.
Kate: I know that there are certain cities at stake. Did you want to talk about that, about certain major cities that maybe need to be aware of some problems?
Julie: Well, Chicago is always a favorite. Look at the mass riots at their tipping point. Not to make people paranoid, because I also don’t want people to think if I don’t name a city that they’re “safe,” because they live in the country in the outskirts of Albany, New York or something. Just think, if the name of the game is to contaminate as many people as possible, either to incapacitate them or to completely eliminate them, they’re going to concentrate their efforts where there is mass transit, communications and transportations, and a lot of people. So just look at your big cities and where those big airports are, and the most people that come and pass each other on the streets and things like that. That’s their prime focus areas. And then, for instance, they really like Salt Lake, and that’s kind of for a different reason. There’s a lot of members of the Mormon faith who are very much into preparedness, and so they’re going to try to wipe out Salt Lake and a lot of people in those valleys because again, they want to try to hit people hard before they know what’s coming so they can catch them off guard.
Kate: And it would wipe out the preparedness. So you saw it in New York, just sort of obliterated. You saw the coasts, Washington, California…
Julie: Houston, Phoenix, [inaudible] in L.A. and other places.
Kate: And Chicago is “the tipping point,” what did you mean?
Julie: We’ve already seen some race riots, and I know it’s been reported by some alternative media that they’ve got hired protestors; I have seen that that is correct, it’s not just a conspiracy theory, it’s being very orchestrated. Those that some people think are their friends- I love that we’ve got the Democrats and the Republicans and we’ve still got these- they’ve done a really great job indoctrinating people to think that there is actually a party difference, and what I see that they’re all corrupt and they’re all in it together. The so-called “establishment.” Then those who are pretending that they’re not part of the establishment like Trump, really are. They’re all in bed together. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: they’re going to have a good face off here, and Cruz will keep tagging along for a while, and it’s interesting to me because what I have learned- and there’s types and shadows in the scriptures that we see and what I continue to be reminded of is the bad guys can’t trust each other because they’re not trustworthy, so they use each other as long as they need each other, and then they stab each other in the back and take each other out. So eventually the wicked are going to kill the wicked, it’s just a matter of time. We’ll see some more assassinations; recently [Scalia] was taken out, we’ll see more of that coming to the point where if it isn’t already in our face, I don’t know what is, and it will become so blatant. How much do they have to put right in front of our face before people are going to finally say, “hey, maybe I should wake up!”
Kate: I think the climate change one is something that is so silly, and people do buy into it, that they are starting a one world carbon emission trade-off government over climate change, and they are telling us it’s our largest threat, and I’m thinking, “Does a logical person really think that?”
Julie: Want to hear something funny about that? We are going to have some climate change, we do have it, and some of it is due to just natural cycles in the earth, and some is due to the wicked dark energy that’s on the planet due to the choices people have made and continue to make. Some of it’s from the toxins that are in it, and some of it’s because the very people who are screaming at the top of their lungs that we need to have climate change are the one causing it due to their own corruption. So of course they want to tap that because it testifies of their own so-called power, but the reality is, is it’s going to be really short lived. It’s going to erupt in chaos and when it settles down, none of those people are going to be on the planet, and I’m looking forward to that.
Kate: I want to shift a little and talk about us, the people, what happens to us. I know you saw some really horrific things that you couldn’t even put in the book, that were so horrific and I think even haunt you to this day, of things carried out on the people.
Julie: “Haunt” is a good word. I have had a lot of healing and I am grateful for those who have come into my life who have helped me to get over, and continue to heal from, the devastation that I see coming. Again, really no words to describe the atrocity that I see. My hope is that this will serve as the beginning of a wake-up call for those who are not yet aware that we need to turn our hearts to the light, and we need to do all that we can to show love and kindness to our families and to our neighbors, and do what we can to get grounded in spiritual truths, and to learn about God’s plan for us if we trust in Him, because ultimately it doesn’t matter how much food, or clothing, or water, or other things that we have. We can’t live without that, but ultimately without that spiritual confirmation that we are on The Lord’s side, we will all be a hundred percent dependent upon God in every way in some point in our lives, and if not now, on the other side of the veil. Ultimately, whether it’s today, tomorrow, or ten years down the road, every knee will bow, and my hope is that I can be a voice of warning and a voice of comfort for people. That while these atrocities are coming, we can stand in faith, and we can stand united as we put our trust in God. That doesn’t mean having blind faith, it means trusting that no matter what happens to us or our loved ones, we can be okay, and it will be okay. There are certain measures we need to take because we have accountability. I do have a relief organization that I’ve started in an effort to try to prepare for some of these things to help others. The large majority of the proceeds from my book are going towards this effort.
Kate: You have a relief organization. I also want to talk about where do the people go; how do they seek relief during this? How do they adapt to all of this chaos that is going to be happening that you saw in your experience?
Julie: I touch on this in the book somewhat. It’s so layered, because this organization that I started last year, we are still working on the ground level. We have hundreds of volunteers, and we have already started getting supplies and other things, but we are still looking for volunteers. If anyone is interested in that, you can go to my website: julieroweprepare.com, and there’s a link there for my relief effort, and you can sign up there. We do do background checks and other things for obvious reasons.
What we are doing is positioning supplies throughout the country, and it’s in anticipation of where I see the movement of people- everything from foreign troops to actual people on the move- because many of us will become refugees, due to natural disasters or invasion or whatever else. That’s going to be key. There will be a lot of places of safety, some will be from churches, and some will be from families and other community organizations. What I encourage people to do is really reach out to your neighbors and find those of like mind that you trust, because that’s going to be key. It’s going to be absolutely critical for you to have your communications in order for you to know that you really can trust the guy down the street. And then learning to discern The Spirit and spirits to know that that’s someone who will help in time of need, versus coming after you with their gun and steal your food.
Kate: Exactly. Really get together as a neighborhood and discuss what everybody’s strengths are, what their weaknesses are, even in preparation, so if this chaos ensues and we need to understand who we can rely on and who we can trust, and we will have to work together as communities to accomplish that.
You saw places of light. You saw people gathering that were protected, spiritually protected.
Julie: Yes, spiritually protected. Our greatest protection comes through priesthood power through God, to be able to call upon the powers of light and ask for ministering angels, who very often are our guardian angels who are our ancestors who passed on. We all have at least a couple of them, and many of us have more than that in times of great crisis and need. We have billions and billions of ancestors who have passed on into the light who are waiting to fulfill some of their premortal missions to minister to us in these last days. That is a glorious thing. For those that have different spiritual gifts, they know that I speak the truth with this because I’ve had thousands of people tell me about their experiences with those on the other side. Especially people that get into genealogy work and stuff like that. The Lord is orchestrating His plan, and He’s putting the pieces of the puzzle together and those on the chess board, and there’s a battle coming, but again, the light always wins. Light dispels darkness. As we gather together; as you gather together wherever you are in your places of safety, don’t forget to call upon powers of light, because we can have physical protection here on earth, but what do you do when you’ve got a power that is beyond your capability? God knows all, He sees all, and He can protect us far more than we can ever protect ourselves.
Kate: People have had some really curious dreams lately that they’ve shared with me. It’s kind of like the birth of a child: you have to admit at some point that maybe miracles are occurring, and these near-death experiences are there for a reason and we need to sort of listen with an open ear to some of the things that you are saying today. Even those among us who are the hardest to convince, need to maybe rethink that a little bit, because of all of the experiences going on. I had a friend of a friend talk about the fact that the U.S. Government will implement Martial Law, and that has been a fear for a lot of people that that would even happen with inside the Obama administration still. What was your take on Martial Law?
Julie: I do see that coming, and they’re kind of testing it out when they…again, look at Europe. They’re going to shut down cities, right? First they might shut down an airport or a bus system, and shut down a city or a country. What I see in the United States is they’re going to set up some blockades in Chicago when riots show up again. Or other cities. You could duplicate that all over the country. And then these so-called “tollbooths” and stuff that we have: they’ll convert those over into checkpoints, we’re going to see more and more of those popping up. Eventually what I see is that they will declare Martial Law on a full scale, but they’ll start out with testing the certain areas, to get kind of a litmus test. Again, it goes back to that gambling scenario: they will put it in our face, and then take it away, then put it in our face, to kind of negatively reinforce us. They do it with the TSA, they’ve been doing it for years. Look what happens when you go through the airport; I’ve been flying about every other weekend for the last year and a half, and I purposefully will wear some of the same outfits to see if I am going to set off the machine that supposedly says that they have to pat me down. And I find that really interesting because I’m like, “and the computer is totally fake.” The real computer coming up with fake results because I wore the same pants last week and nothing was different. They get us used to giving away our personal space, our freedoms, our rights. They get us to where pretty soon we’re ready to just literally stand there and let them do whatever they want. They’ll do that: everything from the Chip and other things coming down the road to personal searches, body searches, what’s in our cars, you name it. The checkpoints to where we’ve given up so many of our freedoms; and we already have, so many freedoms that people don’t even question it. They want to dumb us down so we don’t ask questions, and we just follow protocol.
Kate: We become accustomed to it because “it’s for our safety,” right? So as these terror attacks keep happening everywhere, it’s going to be sold to us that “this is for your safety, we’ll catch the bad guys,” which actually doesn’t happen, but “we’ll catch the bad guys, so just comply.” And we accommodate that complicity and we say, “yes, please” because we want to make the world safer, and we’re going to see more of that.
Julie: Right. Yes.
Kate: Do you see the declaration of Martial Law across the nation?
Julie: I do. I see that eventually it will become close to impossible to transfer from state to state without taking some underground roads and some back roads and some other measures to try to sneak through, I do see that later on.
Kate: As we look into the future and people sort of go into places, tent cities, and you’re telling people to get prepared with even equipment- not just food but equipment- because you may be camping. That may be the scenario in your future, correct?
Julie: Right. So, not everybody will, but several people will be forced to be on their feet. Some people will be lucky enough to escape or move with automobiles for a time, but there will be many who will be coming from Washington, Oregon, California, some of those coastal cities where as the natural disasters happen and the foreign troops come in, they will be forced to flee on foot for various reasons. From a relief standpoint, I’m trying to prepare for that to get supplies in place, as many places as we can for those people coming through.
For those who are able to financially prepare the best they can, I first encourage people to do what any emergency responder would encourage you to do: to get food and water. You have to have water. A lot of people will get food and they forget you have to have water, and a way to purify that water through filters and things. Then you can go from there. It’s good to have a backpack because you’re going to need to carry something on your back at some point in time. There’s a list that you can find, I think I might have put it on my website, if not I need to, but I know it’s in the second book, The Time is Now. There are also lists all over the internet, but you don’t want to go to extremes especially if you don’t have the money for it. Do not go in debt, because they are going to reinstall, for lack of a better word, “debtors’ prisons.” They won’t necessarily call them that, but that’s what I see, with people that have credit card debt, and things like that. Again, not to panic people, but I would encourage people to get out of debt, that’s very important.
Kate: Did you see instances early on where they take patriots- where they take people speaking out- and they put them somewhere at all? Was that part of your experience at all?
Julie: Yes. They’ll do everything from they’ll just disappear, and sometimes they’ll make examples of them; sometimes they’ll just disappear. Other times they’ll just, when things get more intense, they’ll just shoot them execution-style. Along with some other nitty gritty methods that have been employed and are going to be employed. The name of the game is similar to World War II but it will be worse, where they separate families: men from children and women. They’ll promise them jobs or other ways to pay their bills or to feed their families, but not really. I don’t see that as a solution for people.
Kate: Come to these camps and you’ll be taken care of via the government.
Julie: Right. Yeah. You’ll have a bed, and similar tactics that have been used in generations past, but they’ve perfected their story, I guess. And that’s again one of the reasons they have revisionist history because if people were to really study history; first of all if we were to be taught correct history in school, and then people on their own were able to read about history, they might actually learn something and then they would have a clue to not fall into the same trap. But if they can re-write history, then people are not aware, and then they can use the same tactics again.
Kate: Some of the natural disasters might be a wake-up call, yet people might think, “That’s the big one, we survived and we’re fine,” and then relax too much and not be on their game so much, right?
Julie: Yeah, isn’t that interesting? I think it’s interesting that it would have that effect on people that are like, “we got through it!” Look at what happened with Hurricane Katrina and Sandy: how many of those people lived through that and they’re right back where they were, as far as their behaviors? Or how many people have loved ones who did that, or those of us who didn’t actually go through it but watched it on the news or we heard about it or we even met victims of that experience: has that changed anything for us? Did we go out and make sure that we had water and food and toilet paper? Most of the country did not.
Kate: People will seek out to live in these tent cities, cities of light, going into the mountains, going to flee really. The government’s got that set up in NORAD but we don’t have that luxury, so there might be some areas that we flee to.
Julie: There is great symbolism in the covers of my books. I was shown the covers of those books, yet I did not design them. My publisher and his company designed the covers of those books, and it’s miraculous how that came about in and of itself because they found the pictures and designed the covers, I did not tell them what it was. They found them and presented them and they were the exact ones that I had been shown. We didn’t try out ten different covers, you know? The symbolism in the first one, A Greater Tomorrow, is a spring setting in the mountains. The second one, The Time is Now, is a winter setting, and this recent book From Tragedy to Destiny is a fall setting with the Teton mountains and there’s great symbolism in that. Think of the Law of the Harvest.
Kate: You said in your book that God’s people will defend their liberty. There will be those that stand and prevail with the Constitution.
Julie: Yes. The Constitution will be hanging by a thread but The Lord’s army will come forth on both sides of the veil and we will prevail. After we come through those tribulations, it’s going to be glorious.
Kate: I want to make note, this is good people everywhere, of every persuasion, every religion. This isn’t a particular religion, a particular anything; this is good people that will move forward and say they will stand for that Constitution, and stand for their freedom, and stand for God.
Julie: Yes, and this is going to be a trial of faith for many members of different faiths as they realize that in order for us to accomplish God’s work we need to come together in a unified, collective effort, not of separate denominations and religions but as all of God’s children who choose to fight for the light, who choose to follow Jesus Christ. Who choose to come together in a unified, collective effort to serve him, and I see a lot of wonderful missionary work being done of people converting to the gospel of Jesus Christ, even those very troops who may come to invade us, coming to the Land of Freedom and realizing that they need to defect from the enemy and join the forces of God. Whether they’re in trouble or not. We’ve got enemies within our own land who are American, and then we’ve got those coming from China or Russia or whatever else; and many of those individuals will come across this message and will realize that it’s time that they get on bended knee and repent and come to The Lord. God works in mysterious ways.
Kate: I’m sure you never expected to have an experience like this. I’m sure it takes a lot of courage to come forth and be held up to that scrutiny when you have a near-death experience because you’re sharing what you saw, you’re sharing what you had happen to you, and I’m sure that that’s been difficult.
Julie: In all truth, you know Kate, as we’ve gotten to know each other, you know it has been. I’ve shared some things privately with you that I don’t share publicly as far as some of the opposition on both sides of the veil, but I will tell you that it’s worth it. That no matter what we go through in life, I do know it’s worth it, and I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful that I made choices then and that so far, I’m still making choices to be able to choose to do the best that I can to serve God, and hopefully my brothers and sisters, and serve as a warning voice. Because again, the vision I see of America and of this planet is so beautiful if we can just stick together and fight for the light, fight for the right and get through it, it is so worth it. There’s no amount of money or power or persuasion that will convince me otherwise, that I know who the winning team is, and it’s going to be great when that day comes. Between now and then, we just each need to do our part, whatever that is. I am grateful for you for having me on and for the part that you play, because you have amazing courage. I really am grateful for your friendship and for your valor and for your courage and your standing up and calling people out, Kate. Not an easy thing to do. As you and I have talked, we both get the hate mail, but that’s okay because it must mean we’re doing something right.