Midwinter sunrise, Stonehenge
Listen, there’s a hell of a good universe next door, let’s go.
Shamans have utilised crystals to access other realms of consciousness for tens of thousands of years. I find crystals make shamanic journeying so much smoother. They instantly transport you where you need to go. The subtle vibrations generated by crystals facilitate changing your level of awareness with ease. They also provide a ‘shamanic anchor’, a grounding cord that holds you safely while you journey to other realms – and facilitates your return. Some of my favourites are listed below.
A vehicle between the worlds Shaman Quartz, c. Jeni Campbell, www.angeladditions.co.uk
Shamanic power
You have only to imagine yourself standing with me at sunrise in Stonehenge with drums beating and chants rolling around the sarcen stones activating the immense forcefield created by the central Bluestones to recognise the truly awesome power of stone. I don’t use that word awesome lightly. In fact I usually avoid it. But when talking about the ability of crystals to amplify your connection with other realities and to move your consciousness outside time, no other word will do. Whether we’re looking at beautiful, luminous Quartz crystals or seemingly dull lumps of rock, we are talking power-full. Each crystal (a word I use for all stones not just the shiny ones) has its own unique, and very specific, beneficial frequency.
Introducing this frequency into your energy field brings about healing on many levels, reintegrating the soul, rebalancing the subtle etheric body and from there the physical not only of the human body but also of the planet itself. But it can also facilitate your journeys to other worlds.
The first religion
Shamanism is said to have been the first spiritual practice of humankind. It not only worked on behalf of individuals but held communities together. As grave goods show, crystals supported that practice right back into pre-history. Archaeologists in northern Israel have discovered the world’s oldest known shaman grave. The 12,000-year-old interment holds an elderly female of the mysterious Natufian culture together with her shamanic tools: animal parts, a human foot and the fragment of a basalt scrying bowl. Shamans operate outside ordinary reality. They, as with crystal workers, recognise that subtle energies influence the physical world, not the other way round.
Shamanic crystal finds: the Upton Lovell Shaman Barrow
The Upton Lovell Stone, compare this to Nubian Temple Quartz
I love it when the archaeological and academic worlds support my reality. My local Wiltshire Museum has an outwardly ordinary but actually rather extraordinary circular Milk (Snow) Quartz stone from the Upton Lovell Barrow. It was found on the chest of the man buried in a ‘Shaman’s grave.’ Traditionally Milk Quartz gives you mental clarity, assists in controlling emotion and enhances trance states. The museum description says ‘The stone may be a working tool or a part of his religious paraphernalia – perhaps the stone that helped him see his visions.’ The fact that this stone was placed over his heart suggests that it was rather special to him. It is very similar to the extraordinarily powerful ‘Nubian Temple stones’ found in Upper Egypt (see www.angeladditions.co.uk and www.judyhall.co.uk).
Nubian temple Quartz Photo copyright Jeni Campbell
The grave is that of an early British shaman who also worked as a goldsmith – the alchemical wonderworkers of the ancient world. There were also four cups made from split flint nodules in the grave. His costume was rather extraordinary too: he was ‘buried in a cloak to the edge of which 36 bone points had been sewn. A further group of bone points found on his chest were possibly from a necklace. Four pierced boar’s tusks found by his knees may have decorated a pouch. Among his grave goods were four axeheads, including a prestigious axe made of black dolerite. At his feet was a collection of stones, which were probably a set of metalworker’s hammers and grinding stones.’ (Also rather special, take a look at http://www.wiltshiremuseum.org.uk/galleries)
Connecting with the shaman’s world
Bumble Bee Jasper connects you to bee power allies
Photo copyright Jeni Campbell/angeladditions.co.uk
To shamans everything in the physical universe is alive and imbued with spirit or life force, particularly crystals. Shamans, intermediaries between the physical and spiritual levels of being, traditionally used crystals for soul retrieval, empowerment, divination and journeying between the worlds to seek insights and solutions. All facilitated by crystals. Certain crystals even have specific allies, power animals or spirit beings, connected to them to assist you in your quest. But this is not the only use for potent crystal beings. Crystals cleanse the environment and create safe, sacred space – and bring healing to the environment.
This Bumble Bee Jasper grid laid out for bee healing attracted dozens of bees. You can just see one on the upper corner of the bee photo. Photo copyright Jeni Campell/angeladditions for Earth Blessings.
Crystals power allies
Bumble Bee Jasper: bee and insect helpers
Celestobarite: coyote energy
Hawk Eye: hawk, eagle and condor
Larimar or Ocean Jasper: dolphin and other sea creatures, the Earth Mother;
Leopardskin Jasper, Agate or Serpentine: jaguar, leopard, cougar or panther energy
Menalite: the Earth Mother, devas and earth-elementals, whichever animal the stone’s shape is imitating
Nubian Temple stones: Sekhmet and the Egyptian deities
Snakeskin Agate: serpent helpers
Rainforest Jasper: forest dwellers
Stibnite: wolf energy
Tree Agate: insect allies
Tigers Eye: Tiger, Snow Lion and the big cats
Shamanic Cosmology
Traversing an ancient stone spiral in Kazakhstan leads you into the inner worlds.
Magical Blue Flint, the portal and grounding stone c. Judy Hall
According to traditional shamanic cosmology there are three planes of consciousness, the Lower, Middle and Upper Worlds. To this, from my crystal shamanic experience, I would add a fourth, the Celestial (or stellar) which could be viewed as an extension of the Upper World. These worlds may be looked on as inner planes, part of the archetypal collective unconscious or the human psyche. Or, as shamanic crystals teach, as different levels of the multi-dimensional reality that surrounds and interpenetrates us.
The Lower World is so called because it has a denser vibration in contrast to the much lighter ‘higher’ vibration of the Upper World. The shaman moves through these worlds in a light form of trance or heightened awareness. This is where crystals are so helpful. Their frequency meshes with the shaman and acts as a vehicle to transport consciousness to the various planes. Many, such as Preseli Bluestone, act instantly. The dense, earthy stones such as Flint or Celestobarite are particularly useful for traversing the Lower World and, indeed, Neolithic peoples interred Flint into their graves to act as a portal to carry the soul between the worlds. High vibration crystals, such as Brandenberg or Moldavite, take you to the Upper World and on to the Celestial. Moldavite actually arrived on this planet from ‘above’, that is from outer space, and it together with Libyan Gold Tecktite knows the way home.
Bringing your vibrations into harmony
Elestial Smoky Quartz, excellent for grounding and
Journeying c. Michael Illas Earth Blessings
Shamanic crystals work when your own vibrations are in harmony with the stone. If a crystal does not appear to work for you, hold it and gently concentrate on your palm. You may feel a tingle and your body will shift slightly as it attunes to the crystal. If so, persevere, sitting for ten minutes a day until the crystal begins to work. If not, choose another crystal. A shamanic crystal may bring about a strong cathartic reaction or healing challenge. If this occurs, remove the crystal immediately and hold a Chlorite or Smoky Quartz point down towards your feet to facilitate the release of energy moving out of your body. Wait a day or two before using the high vibration crystal again.
Crystal Journeying
Crystal journeying can be carried out lying or sitting down in a place where you will not be disturbed (turn off your phone!). It needs to be a safe, sacred space – four or five Black Tourmalines, Clear Quartz, Smoky Elestial Quartz or Selenite crystals set out around you that you have asked to protect you will ensure that the space is clear. You can use a drum or chanting CD to assist if you wish, especially one that has a specific ending to call you back. Some people like to sit or lie beneath a special blanket. Suitable journeying stones are shown below.
Choose your crystals, cleanse it and hold the crystal loosely in your hands and set your intention. Be very clear about why you are journeying. State your aim, whether it is for healing, insight, and so on. And set the intention that you will return with the answers fully available to your everyday conscious mind. (You may also like to set a return time, say in fifteen or twenty minutes.)
You can then either lie back and close your eyes while holding the crystal or place it on an appropriate chakra, or sit and gaze with half-closed, softly focused eyes into your crystal – this is particularly useful if you are using Shaman Quartz or a Quartz with inner planes and inclusions that take your eye deep into the crystal. Breathe gently, establishing a comfortable rhythm. If you are not using the crystal as an entrance to the other worlds, picture a venerable tree with a hole beneath its roots, or a ladder to the upper world, and ask your crystal to take you through that entrance directly to whichever world you wish to access.
Let the crystal transport you, don’t force it. Be aware of vibrations and feelings, sensations and insights that float into your mind. You may feel a whirling, rushing, ascending or descending motion or a deep still space. Ask your crystal and power allies to join you on this journey and bring you the answers or the healing you seek.
When it’s time to return, thank your helpers and ask the crystal to return you to your everyday world. Stand up and connect your feet to the floor and the earth beneath them. Have a good stretch and a little shake to ensure you are comfortable in your body. Then immediately write down your impressions and the answers you received. Consciously disconnect by putting the crystal aside.
Shamanic Journeying Stones
Amethyst Phantom Quartz/Brandenberg
c. Jeni Campbell, www.angeladditions.co.uk
Chakra: past life, crown
Meditating with Amethyst Phantom (or Amethyst Brandenberg) facilitates entry into the pre-birth state, accessing the soul plan for the present lifetime, lessons for the current incarnation, and renegotiates these if no longer appropriate. It removes implants that operate multi- dimensionally, healing the etheric blueprint and reprogramming cellular memory so that the physical body raises its vibrations. It transports you back into lives where you were priest or priestess to access your spiritual wisdom.
Opalised Ammonite (Ammolite)
Image c. The Crystal Bible, Godsfield Press
Chakra: third eye and soma
Ammolite contains the wisdom of the ancients and was worn on the forehead for consciousness activation, metaphysical powers and interdimensional exploration. It is particularly effective on the soma chakra (mid-hairline). Representing coming full circle, Ammolite takes you into your centre and activates your personal empowerment.
Astrophyllite c. Judy Hall
Chakra: higher crown (14th)
Astrophyllite is an excellent stone for promoting out of body experiences to the stellar realms, acting as a guide and protector, but it also assists in standing outside oneself for an objective view. It helps you to recognise that you have no limits.
Blue Barite image c. imgbuddy.com
Chakra: heart, throat
Used by Native Americans to journey from the physical to the spiritual worlds, if anonymity and stealth are required for journeying, Barite confers this. It may bring about a catharsis in which old emotional patterns, hatreds and fears are thrown off – other crystals may be required to restore equilibrium.
Chakra: solar plexus, base and crown
Celestobarite is a shamanic oracle that shows you both sides of the coin, elucidating issues that are not clear, but leaving you to decide what to believe. This stone has a ‘joker’, coyote, energy that presents the dark side in a joyful way and reminds us that nothing stays the same. It looks to past, present and future and explores the multidimensional layers of being. With strong shielding energy, this is an excellent journeying stone that holds you suspended between the base and crown chakras and takes you safely into the shamanic Middle World in which reside soul aspects and entities. Celestobarite takes you to the edge and beyond.
Buy one: www.hehishelo.co.uk
Leopardskin Serpentine, Agate or Jasper
Image copyright The Crystal Bible, Godsfield Press
Chakra: third eye, soma, past life, base and sacral
These stones activate kundalini rise and instigates rebirth. Stone of invisibility and a natural shape shifter, Snakeskin helps you to blend in and travel without being seen in the physical and spiritual worlds and is a useful for soul retrieval in the Lower realms. It lends you the cunning of a serpent in handling difficult situations. It is an excellent stone when you need to ‘shed a skin’, clearing negativity and the past. Leopardskin Serpentine assists you to travel with Leopard as a power or healing animal, or to shapeshift. It is of enormous assistance in reclaiming power especially where this has been misplaced in previous lives or in other dimensions. Leopardskin Serpentine keeps you earthed whilst undertaking otherworld journeys and facilitates trancework, opening a direct channel to spiritual guidance. It offers insights as to why you are living the life you are and assists adjustments that may be necessary to align with your soul plan.
Menalite c. Jeni Campbell, www.angeladditions.co.uk
Chakra: sacral
Menalite reminds us of the endlessly recurring cycles of life and is excellent for rebirth and reincarnation and coming to terms with death. This stone has been used for aeons of time to journey to other realms and carry out metaphysical work. Many of the stones simulate power animals or the ancient fertility goddess and this nurturing stone provides a durable link to the Earth Mother, taking you back into her womb. It also assists in re-membering your soul and reconnects to the wise feminine. It is the perfect stone for conducting the rites of the passage that mark out the transitions through womanhood.
Chakra: third eye, soma
Merlinite holds the combined knowledge of shamans, alchemists, magician-priests and workers of theurgy. Its dual colouring blends spiritual and earthly vibrations together, giving access to all the shamanic realms. It supports during shamanic practices or magical ritual and assists in reading the Akashic record, inducing travel into past or future lives to gain insight on how to live life now.
Buy one: www.hehishelo.co.uk/Merlinite-Tumble-Stone
Nebula Stone
Nebula Stone from Robert SimmonsThe Book of Stones
Chakra: third eye, soma, crown
Nebula Stone blends the vibration of light into the physical body, enlightening the cells and activating their consciousness. This raises overall awareness, bringing remembrance of the soul’s spiritual roots. Gazing into a Nebula Stone takes you outwards into infinity and inwards into the smallest particle of being. Ultimately, the two become one. This is a stone of non-duality and oneness.
Excellent skulls are available from Raven’s Roost on ebay or etsy. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Carved-Nuummite-Crystal-Skull-Face-/250835983968
Chakra: past life, soma, opens and integrates all.
The sorcerer’s stone that assists in seeing beyond the outer façade, and creates an inner landscape to be traversed. A protective stone, strengthening the auric field, Nuummite helps you to travel with stealth and sureness. It needs to be used respectfully, with right intention. Nuummite assists in recognising past life contacts and highlights karmic debts stemming from misuse of power, reminding you not to go there again. Nuummite quickly restores power that has been depleted by karmic debts, or other causes, and clears blockages including those that are self-imposed, reprogramming cellular memory. Severing entanglements that stem from past manipulation or incantations, Nuummite connects you to your true self.
Buy one: www.exquisitecrystals.com
Preseli Bluestone
Preseli Bluestone, c. Michael Illas Crystal Wisdom Oracle
Chakra: soma
One of the ultimate journeying stones, Preseli Blue moves out of space and time to access multi-dimensions. Preseli Bluestone opens a cosmic anchor and attaches you to the core of the earth creating unshakeable inner energetic solidity to stabilise you through earth changes. It aligns your energy to the galactic centre so that you are held suspended between the earth and the galaxy and waves of energy pass through your body to earth themselves. It also works as a shamanic anchor for both Lower and Upper World journeys. Combined with chalk it creates a battery that powers the environment or overcomes energetic depletion. It helps you move through changes and supports your survival instincts during challenging times.
Buy one: https://store6106298.yolastore.com or
Rainforest Jasper
Gorgeous Rainforest Jasper skull from www.skullis.com
Chakra: earth, base and spleen
Inhaling the aroma of Rainforest Jasper immediately connects you to nature. It re-activates herbal healing knowledge from the far past, accessing ancestral matriarchs to reconnect to the family myths by which they lived. If you are lost at a soul level, this stone takes you back to your roots to re-anchor yourself and reassess your situation objectivity. This is a ‘stone of being’ facilitates moving effortlessly back into balance, accepting yourself as you are without needing to change.
Stibnite c. www.exquistecrystals.com
Chakras: base, sacral, soma, solar plexus
Stibnite carries the energy of wolf. It forms an energetic shield around the physical body and is an excellent stone for releasing entity possession or negative energy. It works brilliantly to help you to see the gold in your own centre, and to find the gift in difficult experiences. Assisting in eliminating ‘tentacles’ from clingy relationships, it assists tie cutting rituals and past life releases.
Buy one: www.exquisitecrystals.com
Shaman Quartz/Lodolite
Lodolite www.exquisitecrystals.com
Chakras: Third eye, soma (mid hair line above the third eye), alta major (back of neck), crown.
Shaman Quartz and Lodolite are clear Quartzes with inclusions that form valleys and mountains within the stone. Either stone takes you deep into yourself and assists you to communicate with higher beings and journey through the various worlds. Lodolite in particular helps you to explore past lives and is a powerful manifestation crystal.
Buy one: email Jeni at www.angeladditions.co.uk or www.exquisitecrystals.com