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WHAT’S NEW? When Did You Die? 8 Steps to Stop Dying Every Day and Start Waking Up

That’s a pretty “in your face” title for a book – but truthfully a question we should all be asking ourselves. For those of us on a spiritual path – the process of waking up is critical and the heart of our personal work.

That’s why I love this book by Unity minister Temple Hayes - it challenges us to ask the deep questions we need to be asking of ourselves.

Rev Temple’s profound eight-step program guides readers through a simple belief-examining process that will propel them to a healthier and more prosperous life.

Chapter by chapter she encourages them to create their own life  -path by getting to know the truly divine creations that they really are, accepting and loving all of who they are, and embracing the fundamental truth of life as a never-ending journey.

This is definitely one to read! Pick a copy up on Amazon.

Blessings and love, Sheri Rosenthal

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Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes with Dennis McKenna: Peru

August 5-15th, 2015

We invite you to join us in Peru for a very special Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes program. We are honored and excited to present this week-long ayahuasca gathering – featuring three transformative ayahuasca ceremonies and a series of fascinating lectures by the well-known ethnobotanist Dennis McKenna, PhD – all in the luxurious rejuvenating spa environment of Willka T’ika Guesthouse. We’ll also be visiting Cusco and Machu Picchu the first few days of this journey before beginning our Ayahuasca ceremonies.

Ayahuasca and Ayni: Ayni is the traditional Andean practice of reciprocity. We’ll work with the Mother Plant in the form of ayni – first you must give to the plant to gain from it. What you ask for must come from the heart.

Informed by over 30 years of research experience in the field of ethnopharmacology, Dr. McKenna’s lectures will include: An overview of ayahuasca – its botany, chemistry, pharmacology, and its traditional uses, Shamanic Medicines – an overview of the major psychedelic plants and fungi used in shamanic practices. Includes discussions of their botany, chemistry, pharmacology and current “state of the art” research on their therapeutic applications and so much more.

Trip tuition: $3560.00 USD per person double occupancy, most meals included.

Details for Peru here.

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Retreat Planning & Profit Secrets Live

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

April 29th – May 1st, 2015 – LAST CALL!!

For those of you who have always wanted to run your own transformational destination retreats OR uplevel the retreats you are currently doing – I’d like to invite you to a special 3 day event in sunny Ft. Lauderdale!

We’ll be going over the basics of how to Plan, Fill, and Profit from destination retreats while having a great time meeting new like-minded people and possibly finding some awesome folks to team up with for your next retreat!

If you’d like the whole low-down on the event you can find it here:


I’d love to be able to meet you in person too – I hope to see you there!


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Why Not Taking Anything Personally in Life is Forgiveness in Action!

Let’s take some time today to see how not taking anything personally in life is actually the expression of forgiveness in action. Why you ask?

Well, when we perceive someone or something that is upsetting us, this is happening because we are judging what we are seeing according to our belief system and personal point of view. What follows the judgment is an emotional reaction to our own thoughts and judgments – not to what is happening outside of us. When we do this, we’re mentally condemning someone or something and the result is our instantaneous unhappiness.

Unfortunately, most folks don’t have an understanding of the way the mind processes information and so they think that what’s happening outside of them is what’s upsetting them and this is not truth. What is truth is that they’re upsetting themselves with their own thought forms.

Forgiveness means we understand that we don’t have to agree with what we’re seeing; we realize that everyone takes actions based on their personal beliefs. Of course some actions are uplifting and others are not.

As spiritually aware people we recognize that people don’t always have awareness of the effects their actions and words are having. We forgive not because of what others have done or said – but because they are unaware that any fear-based actions ultimately hurt themselves.

If we get angry and judge them, we’re as unaware as they are in the moment because; first, we’re not acknowledging that they have a right to have a point of view; second, we’re in ignorance of their non-awareness; and third, we’re not aware of how we’re taking their words and deeds personally!

Truly, life gives us infinite opportunities to practice forgiveness since we’re constantly confronted with situations that we can judge – if we choose to. If you no longer get upset or judge others, essentially you understand the truth of life (that nothing is personal), and you’re practicing forgiveness in every moment.

As soon as you make the commitment not to take the words and deeds of others personally you’re putting forgiveness into action.

However, once you take the action (consciously or unconsciously) to make a judgment, you’ll become upset and then you’ll need to forgive. But if you choose to change that pattern of judging and decide to acknowledge that – people do what they are going to do and it isn’t always what we want, wish or hope for – you’ll be living your life in a constant state of forgiveness.

And that’s the ultimate blessing and expression of unconditional love and compassion!

I encourage you to take action and let go of your ego’s need to be right and to take everything in life personally. Put forgiveness into action in every moment and see how peaceful your life becomes!

With All my love & blessings, Sheri Rosenthal

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The Land of Legends

Wales, Celtic Britain

Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton

June 17—27, 2015


Mysteries + Sacred Sites of England

Sacred Britain

Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton

July 21—30, 2015

Crop Circles + Summer Lectures Intensive

Sacred Britain

Trip Leaders: Glenn & Cameron Broughton

July 30-Aug 3, 2015



Ayahuasca & Ayni in the Andes with Dennis McKenna


Trip Leader: Dennis McKenna

August 5-15th, 2015

Dive Into the Ancient Magic + Mysteries of Turkey


Trip Leader: Rev David Ault

August 17th–26th, 2015

Want to see our whole line-up for the upcoming year?
Visit our Trips at a Glance page.

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