
Hi, there is somebody out there with an idea of what could be happening...basically the "gsc-expansionArea" div tag where the search results need to be returns empty...

i installed googleSearch (CSE) in desperation hoping that something might happen, but nothing...i even bought the JA K2 Filter extension but it's focus is on using the extra fields, it does pick up both content keywords and tags but it can't search through a category with multiple subcategories - meaning if there is no item in the category it wont be able to filter down to the subcategories...it can only do a "search all categories" not a specific sub-category with child categories...

on this site: getk2.org the search is able to pick up tags too - i wish to know what iam doing wrong...if you have any idea please help maybe it can lead to a solution...but iam sure iam missing something

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