Just started to put together a new Joomla 3.2 site and installed K2. Have about seven items in K2 and now every time I click on Items I get the following error:
An error has occurred.
1104 The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay SQL=SELECT i.*, g.title AS groupname, c.name AS category, v.name AS author, w.name as moderator, u.name AS editor FROM w6nbp_k2_items as i LEFT JOIN w6nbp_k2_categories AS c ON c.id = i.catid LEFT JOIN w6nbp_viewlevels AS g ON g.id = i.access LEFT JOIN w6nbp_users AS u ON u.id = i.checked_out LEFT JOIN w6nbp_users AS v ON v.id = i.created_by LEFT JOIN w6nbp_users AS w ON w.id = i.modified_by WHERE i.trash=0 ORDER BY i.id DESC LIMIT 0, 20
Any ideas on what may be causing this? I have removed and reinstalled K2. I did look through this forum and other looking for answers but being relatively new to this stuff am coming up short. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.