
UPDATED TO v2 - now compatible with Joomla! 2.5 & Virtuemart 2.x

The problem: Virtuemart powers your website's e-shop. Updates are painful, styling is a nightmare.
The solution: K2 for your catalog and K2mart to import and syncronize your Virtuemart products into K2.

Consider K2mart as your middleman to e-commerce success.

So what does K2mart do? K2mart integrates Virtuemart and K2 allowing you to build your product catalog using K2's advanced content, taxonomy and templating options with Virtuemart's powerful cart and checkout functionality.

Why should I buy K2mart?
Because it allows you to build or extend your existing e-shop (based on Virtuemart) with the power of K2, the no.1 content component in the Joomla! community. With K2, updates are easier, styling is a breeze and a ton of template providers already support it on almost any new template release in the Joomla! community.

Check out K2mart v2 in action on our exclusive demo site at: http://k2martdemo.joomlaworks.net



- Adds Ajax based "add to cart" functionality to every K2 item/product.
- AJAX based filters in the frontend allow for better sorting for your products - your customers will greatly appreciate the less page views required!
- 2 amazing themes in 2 different color variations for your "cart blocks" - the designs are neutral and can easily fit any Joomla! template or custom design.
- Built-in migrator will migrate all your Virteumart products and categories to K2 with a single click. The K2mart migrator will also import Virtuemart product/categories images and will create K2 tags for Virtuemart categories, further improving your e-shop's SEO.
- Brings all Virtuemart product properties like manufacturers, discounts, product status, product attributes and so on into K2.
- Create and edit products directly through the K2 item form. "Quick edit" links next to some properties like VAT, Manufacturers etc. will open up a lightbox popup to Virtuemart so you can add/edit them without leaving the K2 item form.
- Redirect all Virtuemart product details and shop browse pages to the corresponding K2 views. Virtuemart will only be used for the cart & checkout procedure.
- The Virtuemart elements output by K2mart are a breeze to theme! Using MVC overrides, you can completely control the output of the Virtuemart elements inside your K2 items. Furthermore, you can control which cart elements to display on the a K2 item page, on K2 listings or on K2 items output through K2 modules. So for example, you can hide the tax rate on product listings, but show it on the product page. These elements are configured from the K2mart component settings without the need to edit code.
- Future updates to Virtuemart will be a piece of cake as you won't have to worry about "Easter eggs" breaking up your site's design...

Check out K2mart v2 in action on our exclusive demo site at: http://k2martdemo.joomlaworks.net


K2mart is designed in tight integration with K2. Despite the additional operations executed in the backend (using the K2mart plugins), your site will actually perform better. Short tests we executed on stock Joomla! installations of e-shops with just Virtuemart and a combination of Virtuemart, K2 and K2mart indicated less queries to the database. That is actually normal as the K2mart/K2 database scheme is far more optimized compared to Virtuemart's. And if you turn Joomla!'s cache on, you can benefit from even better performance using K2's advanced caching layer. All in all, your e-shop will perform better which translates to more happy customers for you!


Since you'll be using K2 as the base for your e-shop, you can count on better SEO for your e-shop as well. That's because K2 uses the Joomla! framework to create search engine friendly URLs (unlike Virtuemart). If you install a SEF component like sh404SEF you can benefit from even better URLs.


You can use HTML and CSS template overrides inside your Joomla! template and completely change the way K2mart elements display on your website!

You can either choose to use the versatile base styling of K2mart or simply override it (both HTML and CSS) by copying the K2mart plugin's /tmpl folder within your Joomla! template's /html folder. K2mart uses 4 files per template - one for the K2 item view, one for the K2 item listings, one for the filters box and one for K2 items displayed in modules.

Of course you are able to override all files or selected files, as you would with any other MVC component or module, with the better exception that K2mart overrides CSS files as well!

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