
Umbe Joomla travel template

Every travel agency needs its own website to invite more clients to collaborate and we’re honored to launch ZT Umbe from ZooTemplates- an online website template dedicated to all aspects of travel.Being compatible with popular editing modules such as JV Headlines, JV Slideshow, K2 CKK, etc.  ZT Umbe is full of interesting and unique info about creative design, beautiful art and luxury style. Keeping customers’ specific needs in mind, ZT Umbe‘s very easy to access and organize all of your travel plans no matter how complicated your trip is. If you find any difficulty in editing the templates, you can always make use of our template customization service via Facebook, Twitter, G+,etc.

Let’s take your ticket to sunshine destination, discover the place you’ve never been before and you never forget the experience we’re ready to present you.

Joomla templates features

Can be used for kind of travel, holiday, properties, portfolio, business website…

Build in color tools

Mega Menu supported

100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.

Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 2.5 native

Smartphone template ready

RTL language support

Well-comment CSS and PHP code files

Tutorial + Detailed userguide

Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files

Delivered with QuickStart Package

K2 CCK supported

2 columns layout based template

16 module positions ready

Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome

Javascript, Css compression and Cache supported

Live Demo Download Now!

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