
Photobox – Joomla! Responsive Template

Photobox is a flat style template specifically designed for photographers or other artists to use as a portfolio style site. It has many great features to easily showcase one’s artistic talents. There are many great built in features such as full color control, custom highlight fonts, multiple logo locations, optional lowercase letters, and much more!

This month we have also released the brand new S5 Photo Showcase module. This module is a slide module that will rotate through image and optional text, while giving a sneak peek of the prev and next images. The module is fully responsive and loaded with features. Be sure to check out the demo to see it all in action on our demo!


S5 Vertex framework platform

Responsive layout (adapt to any screen size)

Responsive hide classes

94 collapsible core template positions

11 custom module suffixes

Custom Top Row 3 Area background image

Custom Footer background image

Custom highlight, menu, footer colors

Custom highlight font

Social icons integrated

S5 Flex Menu integrated

Choose fluid or fixed template widths

Max body width

Custom column, page and row widths

Mobile device support

Designed with CSS3 – Limited support for IE7 and IE8 through PIE

RTL language support

Drop down panel

3rd Party Stylings for Joomanager, Tienda, Virtuemart, and K2

Google Fonts

SEO optimized

Hide component area on any page

Fixed tabs

Menu scroll to section

Site shaper available (Joomla install that includes demo data)

PSDs included

File compression for core files

Info Slide enabled

Multibox enabled

Lazy Load enabled

Tool tips enabled

Equalizer script

100% tableless CSS

View Current Joomla versions.

Validates with HTML5

Validates with CSS Level 3 with browser specific calls

Compatible with the following browsers:


Firefox 1.5+

Opera 9+



iOS and Android browsers

S5 Flex Menu:

The S5 Flex Menu system is a very powerful plugin that provides functionality far beyond what the standard Joomla menu system can provide. This plugin is intended to be as an extension of the existing menu system in Joomla to add many new features! Please see the full list of features below.

This menu system works off of the core Joomla scripts so no extra javascript library is needed and keep download sizes to a minimum. Also, if you do not want to use this menu you can simply turn it it off from the template configuration page.

Take your website to the next design level by using the robust and feature rich S5 Flex Menu System. Organize your links with ease and show content in places you never could before!

Menu Features:

Automatic onclick functionality for tablet sized touch screens. If a device’s screen is detected as touch screen and is of table size, then the menu will function with an onclick method rather than the onmouseover effect that is shown on a laptop or desktop that has a mouse for use.

Multiple javascript effects such as fade, slide, etc.

Multiple columns for menu items or modules.

Modules load directly into the menu.

Group sub menu items into the same column or fly out.

Optional sub texts for each menu item.

Optional menu icon images for each menu item.

Automatic multi-language menu change. If you are setting up a multi-language site, the flex menu will automatically change if your site’s visitor has a language specific menu setup for their language in the menu manager.

And much more!

Live Demo Download Now!

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