Mixology Joomla! Responsive Template
Mixology : A Pro Joomla Template Designed for DJ’s and Music Artists!
DJ’s and Music Artists Unite! Mixology is your all in one website and promotional tool with features galore. An all encompassing design using some of the hottest extensions for Joomla! along with new custom modules and components from JoomlaXTC.
Tags Community Builder, EventList, JComments, JomSocial, Kunena, XTC Framework, Joomla! 2.5.x
Extensions included Community Builder, EventList, JComments, JomSocial, Kunena
Works with Joomla! 2.5.x
XTC Framework
Built with the XTC framework, our templates provide dozens of parameters for extensive customization with virtually no coding needed.
Joomla! Quickstart
Install a full Joomla! website containing demo content, styles and preconfigured extensions ready to get you going in minutes.
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