
I remember the feeling of being overwhelmed with all I had to learn regarding healthy living.

My marriage, the kids, the house, the dog…You get the picture.  You’re so busy spinning plates that your health seems to come LAST in every single mental to-do list.

But I didn’t have this choice.  I had to be intentional about my health because all of my doctors told me that managing my health was a full-time job.  But honestly, I didn’t want to manage my health full-time because there were other things I’d rather do, however, my body said otherwise.

Maybe you’re not feeling your best and perhaps you’re not looking your best because…well, how could there be time to think about your own needs when every day is so full of challenges and responsibilities?

You’d love to make more home-cooked meals and you know that organic food is better for your family, but it takes so much planning – and healthy ingredients seem so darned expensive.

You’d rather use natural, homemade cleaning products instead of store items filled with unpronounceable chemicals, but you’d also rather spend time with your family instead of mixing together lotions and potions.  But you get tired of the chemical headaches so you know you need to make a change.

You know that lifestyle changes like these could make a huge difference to your family’s health issues – whether that’s your kids suffering with allergies, your spouse struggling with weight gain, or your own lack of energy and focus. A few small modifications to your daily habits could even protect you and those you love against serious illnesses like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

But how are you ever going to find time – let alone hundreds of dollars – for all that research and information-gathering?

I used to feel that way too. But thankfully over time, I found resources that gave me the information I needed to dramatically improve my health and wellbeing.

I’ve overcome many problems with my health – both minor and extremely major – and I can tell you this: there is hope. Equipped with the right knowledge, you have the power to make a real difference to your life and to the lives of those you love.

Now it’s time to pass on what I’ve learned, and make it ridiculously easy for you to access the same benefits I’ve experienced.

So give yourself this extraordinary gift so you can live a fuller life; a healthier life!

Introducing The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle!

Here’s what you get…

Do you ever get headaches from your cleaning products because of their strong smell?  Yeah, me too!  My products are now natural but boy those things can sure be pricey!  These books will give you some new ideas.

When I was eating a gluten-free diet over 6 years ago, I sure wish I had this resource!  Wow, it would have saved me so much time!

I started using essential oils over 10 years ago when my sons were babies.  They had a respiratory virus (RSV) and my other son had asthma.  After rounds of steroids my sons’ lungs weren’t getting strong, but rather weaker.  I decided to experiment with essentials oils and I’ve used them ever since!

Goodness, you can call me the reluctant and lazy cook but a cook who has to make healthy foods.  Sometimes this equates to more time in the kitchen-which I loathe.  But, after many years, I’ve taught myself how to cook with whole foods and I’m always looking for shortcuts!  Kinda like whole food fast food.  Yep, that’s my kind of recipe.

A key to cooking healthy is by planning and budgeting.  Fyi:  It is possible to cook healthy meals without busting the bank.  I know.  I’ve lived it!

We only get one body and how we take care of it will make a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.  As much as I didn’t want to take the time to care for my body, it would always revolt!  So, this has been my mantra for years now:  I’ve got to take care of my body so I could take care of my family and do the things I want to do in life.  Maybe this needs to be your mantra?

Give yourself this gift because your body will thank you, but it’s only good for two days so grab it now!

Live a poured out life for Christ,

This post contains affiliate links.  See my disclosure policy here.

The post The One Extraordinary Gift You Need to Give Yourself appeared first on Jolene Engle.

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