….Wall Street Journal confirms my accusations about NUMEC
This is an important new article on the case by the Wall Street Journal (of March 14, 2014) It vindicates me in every point — when I said (see the videos below) that the Israelis were building THE BOMB here in Apollo in the 1960s and were dumping the radioactive waste willy-nilly all over the landscape.
BUT this Jew-controlled newspaper of course does not mention for one second who really was behind NUMEC, namely the Middle Eastern troublemaker state of Israel and the mass-murdering, cancer-epidemic-triggering Pittsburgh Jew Zalman Shapiro.
This “kindly old grandpa,” honored in 2009 by the Zionist Organization of America, got Israel The Bomb. When John Kennedy found out about it, HE WAS MURDERED.
I have done several powerful, high-production-values videos on the topic of NUMEC, where the Israelis illegally built atomic weapons fuel while masquerading as a site making US Navy nuclear fuel.
They smuggled 600 pounds of uranium and plutonium to Israhell.
This was criminal theft of millions of dollars in US property, and violated US policy against nuclear proliferation.
Further, they dumped radioactive waste all over the area and thus, to this day, there is a cancer epidemic in this part of Western Pennsylvania.
My two videos on NUMEC, located in my town of Apollo, Pa.:
…..NUMEC – Israelis make a Pennsylvania town radioactive and kill thousands with cancer as they illegally steal plutonium for their WMDs and dump the waste
1) http://trutube.tv/video/13349/John-de-Nugent-NUMEC-Part-1-Radioactive-Contamination-Kills-Thousands
NUMEC Part 1 – Radioactive Contamination Kills Thousands
2) http://trutube.tv/video/13348/NUMEC-Part-2-John-de-Nugent-Confronts-The-Army
NUMEC Part 2 – John de Nugent Confronts The Army
Young men of 19 are getting testicular cancer here and 24-year-old mothers of two are contracting thyroid cancer.
And now the American taxpayer is expected to foot the 500 MILLION DOLLAR bill for the radioactive cleanup of the lethal mess that Israel made in OUR country.
“Tob shebbe goyim harog!”
Talmud Sofrim 15:10 “R. Shimon ben Yochai taught: ‘Tob [even] shebbe [the best] Goyim harog [should be killed].’ =
“Even the best goyim should be killed.”
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On November 27th, the US Army Corps of Engineers will hold a hearing on the NUMEC (they never say “Israeli”) nuclear waste-dump catastrophe in our area, which has killed thousands of innocent and hardworking Gentile Pennsylvanians of all ages by the dreaded disease of CANCER.
And the Eternal Solutrean Agency and 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JOHN DE NUGENT was there and confronted the US Army and its double-talk!
I asked the federal bureaucrats:
1) IS ZALMAN SHAPIRO AT THIS MEETING at 1119 Dalmation Drive, East Vandergrift, Pa? WAS HE INVITED? IF NOT, WHY WAS THE “PERP” NOT BROUGHT TO THIS MEETING TO FACE HIS VICTIMS? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalman_Shapiro
2) Why is the wicked Jewish mad scientist Zalman Shapiro not under arrest for felony murder of THOUSANDS of Pennsylvanians? For violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? For theft of six hundred pounds of enriched uranium? For violating the Logan Act, which prohibits US citizens from negotiating political and military questions with foreign regimes? For lying to the FBI and the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) about where the 600 pounds of uranium disappeared to?
2) Why is Israhell not being forced to pay for the $500 MILLION cleanup of its own horrendous radioactive MESS? Why is the US taxpayer paying for this???
Reviews on the video so far:
–very professional job, John! (radio show host, Cincinnati, Ohio)
–I saw the new video and really liked it. It is well thought-out, well presented and should cause the average thinker to become enraged at such horrific treatment. The fact that you will be able to attend a public meeting where you and others can voice your concerns is a great step forward and will give you much needed publicity. This is what is needed to get the ball rolling! (Alberta, Canada)
This may be the
N-o-t Obama
John de Nugent — former Marine, high-honors Georgetown graduate, father and leader
– and EMERGENCY, PROVISIONAL President of the Americans!
(“Provisional” until a real election can happen, not yet another miserable choice that every 4 years Wall Street gives us between 2 RICH, PAID-TO-LIE PUPPETS)
I as President will bring back the economy by five clear steps:
(Wikipedia: “$50.7 trillion in debt are owed by US households, businesses, and governments”!)
After WWII Germany CANCELED ITS DEBTS and though 80% destroyed by war, today Germany is the richest country in Europe! The Europeans now beg Germany to bail THEM out! We Americans, like Germany after the war, must be DEBT-FREE! We cannot EVER pay off $50 TRILLION in debts to Wall Street! Cancel all debts. Start fresh! To hell with financial vultures and their bonuses!
STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (paid under-the-table to drive down our wages; 95% of illegals do jobs Americans arehappy to do; only 5% pick vegetables! They are in factories, driving trucks, and doing roofing and carpentry!)
4) A NEW, NON-PROFIT NATIONAL BANK to make ZERO-INTEREST LOANS to CONSUMERS and BUSINESSES – get the money to Main Street, not crooks on Wall Street!
Who runs the puppet US government? Why does it never obey “The People”?
This is whom it obeys: Take out a
FLIP it over!! LOOK at it right now!!! They’re LAUGHING at you!!!!
Go to my website JOHNDENUGENT.COM, and learn the truth about the ECONOMY, the MEDIA, 9/11, JERRY SANDUSKY, the NUMEC nuclear CANCER EPIDEMIC in western Pennsylvania, why kids are getting AUTISM, and why DRUGS are taking over our towns. (I’ll tell you what a fellow Marine revealed, his hands shaking in remorse.)
I will be your FEDERALLY REGISTERED CANDIDATE FOR US PRESIDENT in 2016! This is the start of something BIG! Build for the next election – in 2016! Stop voting for the lesser of two evils. That ‘s WHY America’s becoming evil — ‘cuz we keep VOTING it IN! And the very act of voting them in makes these puppets seem “legit”!
NOW select the real choice!
John de Nugent, US Marine, at your service!
site: johndenugent.com
tel: (724)596-4284
email: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Real Hope and Change – It will definitely NOT come
from the shouting puppets Obama and whoever comes after Romney.
Join the Eternal Solutreans to restore OUR country –
through God, Work, Family and Constitution!
681 Canal Road (along the Kiski river), Apollo PA 15613;
(724) 596-4284
temporary location: last house on left before Roaring Run trail
All our nation’s woes are “because we forgot God”
Sandusky – sentenced — but what about the other molesters?
– its radioactive waste dumped all over our area by wicked Pittsburgh scientist Zalman Shapiro, 92, still living in health and wealth in Oakland as out here our loved ones die
My name is John de Nugent, a former Marine NCO and Army National Guard NCO, a father and grandfather, and high-honors Georgetown graduate, residing in Apollo. My family is from Greensburg; my great-grandfather owned Waddell Motors (Ford) in Vandergrift.
I was ordained a minister in 1970, and am now resuming the Lord’s Work as our nation faces perils on every side.
The Nobel Prize-winning author and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn of Russia spent 11 years in the “gulag” – the Soviet labor and death camps where they put the anti-communists. He was expelled from Russia in 1974, fleeing to America. He wondered how his once God-fearing, religious, traditional and mighty nation of Russia ever could have been taken over by a small number of fanatic communists — who then banned all guns, banned all traditions (except vodka – the communists kept the people and the Red Army drunk), banned “antisemitism” (it was the death penalty after 1917 to criticize anything about Jews), they banned all religions – and then they killed sixty million physically and spiritually disarmed people.
In 1975 at Harvard, Solzhenitsyn shocked the US media by saying we Americans should not get too smug; we could go communist too. And then I look at Barack Hussein Obama – and his cold, angry face – and his plans for the government to control everything (of course “for our own good”), including controling our health and our very bodies. (But to be fair, right after 9/11 the Republican George W. Bush moved us also toward a police state. Just try to go through an airport!) Solzhenitsyn wrote:
While I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disaster [of communism] that had befallen Russia: “Men have forgotten God; that is why all this happened.” Since then I have spent 50 years working on the history of the [Russian communist] revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies…..But if I were asked today the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than “Men have forgotten God; that is why all this happened.”
On my website johndenugent.com you will learn from my videos – fast-moving, passionate yet factual (they are found on the right side of the home page, under “Eternal Solutrean Agency”) that a tough-love God is REAL, as real as CANCER, and while this Real Person does love us, He is a Father, and we, as individuals and as a nation, had better shape up now. As the New Testament says (Galatians 6:7): “God is not one to be mocked. You will reap what you sow.” And the white people who founded America and have let it slip into moral anarchy and economic decline bear a special responsibility, because our ancestors built up and left behind for us a great, free, proud and moral country. What have we done with it? What future do white American kids have? America is now 50% non-white. Will it be safe for them?
Most of all, if we are not evil, are we tolerating evil? Should we “go with the times” if the times are wicked? Has that strategy worked for us since the Sixties? Before then, we had morals, families, safe streets, good schools, powerful industries, high wages, and we had never lost a single war! Look at us now: broke, defeated, obese, drugged-up, and at the mercy of China! And our choice is either a black communist or a white robot! Has “going with the times,” ignoring the eternal laws of God, worked?
A nation of sheep draws a government of wolves.
The videos on “Are God and the soul real?” are 2/5ths down at this page: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/videos-of-jdn-speaking
The Jerry Sandusky case – how it went on for 13 years – was outrageous. As difficult as it is for me to say – though the problem is so widespread there are now millions of victims like me – I was abused myself in the 1950s, and had nightmares from it until age 49. Finally, I overcame my Marine pride, my hating to seem weak, and I got counseling, 18 months of it, for very severe abuse. With the help of God, friends, loved ones and my desire, through prayer, to be a whole and useful person in society (Matthew 25:14-30) I overcame those scarring experiences and healed inside.
Now I am stepping forward, because, as a Tea Party activist from this town said to me: “What we need now is a leader.” Not just a political, but also a moral, religious and spiritual leader, most of all a leader with a vision and the courage to slay some mighty huge dragons: powerful special interests and a momentum of evil. To change this country now, with so much evil prevalent, will require a spiritual war, and the choice is victory – or the destruction of our country. And, mark my words, unless we have drastic change, Chinese troops will be on our soil in our lifetime – as we weep in humiliation and rage as their SLAVES.
Just look at a the products at any Great Wal-mart of China! They are beginning to own our economy. Then they own the politicians and the media. Then they change the immigration laws to let 100 million Chinese in, telling us “they are hardworking.” Yes, hard-working for their own benefit and for the power of China, not for AMERICA! Their products are both shoddy and dangerous, and suck our money out of our country! I would rather pay 20% more and give a job to an American! BUT WE HAVE TO CHANGE THE POWER AND THE LAWS. The pro-Chinese politicians have to go. Or this nation will die. I pledge to stop the Chinese takeover!
My solutions for our national problems
Details: http://wp.me/p1ogG7-cuy — scroll down 1/4
And now the truth about 1) the real rulers of OUR country, 2) Sandusky (the tip of a pedophile iceberg), 3) NUMEC and the cancer epidemic killing young and old, and 4) China.
The real MIS-rulers of America
I was shocked once – even at the words of Jesus Christ! – when I read once in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 44 when Christ said to the Jewish Temple leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil! Lying and murdering are his nature – and yours!” It sounds extreme, but modern science and medicine fully supports the diagnosis that some people are truly wicked, bad to the bone, and they cannot be changed, nor do they want to change. They are quite happy hurting others. They thrive by backstabbing and lying. They get rich while others starve. Why change?
Such people are called sociopaths or, even worse, psychopaths. In 2005, Harvard Medical School psychologist Martha Stout wrote a bestseller, now in eleven languages, The Sociopath Next Door. The key traits of the psychopath are that he (usually it is a male, unfortunately) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, charming, manipulative, yet ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes, insanely dynamic. Alarmingly, Dr. Stout of Harvard says, they are far more numerous than we thought. One American in 25 – a full 4% — may be a full-blown psychopath (no conscience at all), and another 15% are partial psychopaths (with an extremely weak conscience). Worst of all, they cluster upward into leadership positions in media, government, politics, finance, religions, cults, and all other positions of power over others (including the minority of rotten apples within our CIA, FBI, military, and police).
* * *
* * *
And narcissism, which we see in Barack Obama, this feeling of entitlement, is an offshoot of psychopathy. Narcissism is psychopathy without the sadistic element, but the person in both cases is still the center of the universe, “a legend in his own mind.”;-)
But to be fair, think how often Mitt Romney also fits the psychopathic bill. For each audience he has three times changed his views on abortion! He was anti-abortion as a Mormon bishop, pro-abortion when running in Massachusetts for US Senate, trying to “out-liberal” Ted Kennedy!! – and now anti-abortion once again when running as a supposed “conservative” for president! What he really stands for is what benefits HIM and HIS: tax cuts for the rich, just as Obama stands for “print money and give the racial and gay minorities everything so they re-elect me. And every Mexican is a new Democrat!”
But whom do both slick politicians really obey? Take out a “One” – a $1 bill — and look at the back, on the right. Did you know that in 1935 the Great Seal of the United States was changed to form a Star of David at the top? Before that it was 13 random stars.
1898 quarter-dollar coin with the traditional random stars as defined by Congress in 1782
Every dollar bill denomination – the $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 — has changed its design in major ways since 1935, all except the “one,” which seems to have a sacred significance to our crypto-rulers. It has remained basically unmodified for 77 years now.
And here, right in the Los Angeles Times of December 19, 2008, Jewish columnist Joel Stein (who now writes for Time magazine) openly boasted (http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-stein19-2008dec19,0,4676183.column):
“I don’t care if Americans think we [the Jewish people] are running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to KEEP running them.”
Look up that link on the Los Angeles Times website yourself! And on my website you can learn the whole truth! (And that media sure does bash me! To believe the media and government infiltrators in my movement I am BOTH a homosexual and a wife-beater! How does that work?? ;-))
Sandusky – the tip of a pedophile iceberg
On my website you can also learn the truth about Jerry Sandusky and how through “friends in high places” he got away with it for FORTY YEARS. Yes, 40! A relative of the owner of the Rockhopper’s Bar, formerly the Mosey Inn, located in Apollo near the Rte. 66 bridge, told me her son Warren was studying engineering at Penn State in 1971….and at an ice cream parlor he used to frequent right off-campus, they had an ice cream sundae that they sold, the “Sandusky Sundae”…..Two scoops of vanilla ice cream and a banana in-between. Yes, that was back in 1971! …..a whopping forty yearsbefore he was arrested! And he was already coaching young people! No wonder the polls show a drop to 38% approval of Governor Tom Corbett in the wake of the Sandusky scandal. Corbett was Attorney General for eight long years while Smiley Sandusky continued his sicko crime spree against innocent kids at 1) Penn State and 2) at Second Mile Foundation, a MULTI-MILLION-DOLLAR charity whose directors donated $25,000 to….. Attorney General Tom Corbett, then running for governor……..
And it seems if one investigates too much, people just sort-of DISAPPEAR or they RUN AWAY. Even district attorneys! The District Attorney 1985-2005 of Centre County (the location of Penn State), Mr. Ray Gricar, just up and disappeared in 2005! Hmmmm!
Wikipedia: Ray Frank Gricar, born October 9, 1945, missing April 15, 2005, declared legally dead July 25, 2011, was an American attorney who served as the district attorney of Centre County, Pennsylvania, from 1985 until 2005. On April 15, 2005, Gricar went missing under mysterious circumstances and has not been heard from since.
ABC News (Nov. 8, 2011): Ray Gricar served as the district attorney for Pennsylvania’s Centre County in 1998 when Sandusky was accused of sexually abusing several boys. After an extensive investigation, which included testimony by two law enforcement officers that they had overheard Sandusky admitting to showering with multiple young boys, Gricar decided no criminal charges would be filed, according to recent court documents. Sandusky retired the next year. Then, in April 2005, Gricar disappeared.
His car was found abandoned in a Lewisburg, Pa., parking lot and his laptop’s hard drive was recovered from the nearby Susquehannna River, but there was no other trace of Gricar. No clues could be gleaned from the severely damaged hard drive and despite a six-year investigation that involved the FBI and international help, police have as little an idea today about what happened to the former DA as they did then. “We literally used every single resource, national and international,” Bellefonte, Pa., police chief Shawn Weaver told ABC News. “This is baffling. He literally just disappeared off the face of the earth.”
District Attorney Gricar’s friends said he was happy, successful and not in the least bit suicidal. I BELIEVE HE WAS MURDERED BY THE VILE PEDOPHILE NETWORK! And how about this? The next DA of Centre County, in 2009, Michael Madeira, who “won all of the cases he prosecuted” (CollegianOnline, February 2, 2009) and announced he would run for re-election, suddenly dropped out later that year as a grand jury began investigating Sandusky! Hmmmm once again… Sounds like PEDOPHILE TERRORISM!
This terrorism would explain why nothing was done for decades to the villain Sandusky or to his protectors and goom-bas, such as the (can I say this?) Jewish head of Second Mile, child psychologist, Jack Raykovitz, PhD (who with his wife got $233,000 a year in salaries from a “charity” – funneling troubled kids who needed guidance to a pedophile!)
Likewise, nothing was done to the (can I also say this?) likewise Jewish head of Penn State (1995-2011), Graham Spanier, PhD (who was paid $800,000 a year!) (Photo below)
Spanier, who “just happens to be Jewish” – and in many Sandusky-related emails showed no interest in the molested (Gentile) children (according to the official report by former FBI director Louis Freeh) — wrote a paper in 1975 implying wife-swapping and “swinging” were good and normal (Spanier, Graham, 1975.“Mate Swapping: Perceptions, Value Orientations, and Participation in a Midwestern Community,” Archives of Sexual Behavior). Then Spanier was close friends with a pedophile named Ronald Roskens, who was fired in 1989 as president of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln after naked boys were seen in his house! (Interestingly, Roskens was quickly appointed by President George H.W. Bush as Director of the Agency for International Development, in Washington DC, which runs all US foreign aid, has 4,000 employees, and gives $590 million a year to Israel, one of the richest countries on earth…..)
The same Graham Spanier then permitted, in November 2000, a sex festival at Penn State called, yes, “C—T-fest: a Declaration of Independence”!!! http://www.collegian.psu.edu:8080/archive/2001/03/03-12-01tdc/03-12-01dops-letter-10.asp DISGUSTING! The police removed the huge banners with the word “C—T,” but Spanier intervened, and the police had to put them back up! (http://www.dadi.org/c-fest.htm) The second festival, held only months later in February 2001, went by the name “Sex Faire.” Games at this gala included “Pin the Clitoris on the Vulva,”“Smut and other Great Literature,” plus “Orgasm Bingo.” In addition, a “Tent of Consent” allowed participants [JdN: this was an on-campus, taxpayer-funded event] to engage in whatever type of consensual sexual activity they so desired. When enraged PSU students and legislators asked Spanier if he thought these two events were immoral, he responded, “It depends on what your definition of immoral is.” Spanier also publicly pronounced that he sought to make PSU the most homosexual-friendly university in America, and requested that all faculty post pink triangles on their office doors in order to show support for gay and lesbian students.
(With that mindset, heh, why not help Ol’ Jerr’ too? “ After all, “it depends on what your definition of immoral is.” What’s wrong with a little “man-boy lovin’,” right, Graham? Why be so narrow-minded and bourgeois, eh, Mr. Pedophile-Protector?)
Does the censored media talk about Spanier? No, of course not, and now he has a cushy federal job in “national security” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Spanier – in addition to STILL being a tenured PSU professor! Would George Washington – or our own grandfathers — have put up with a taxpayer-funded university holding a“C—T-FEST”?!?
NO! So why do we? Because we have left God! And we have not had a true moral leader. Never will we be saved by replacing the hack Obama by the hack Romney!
[Update: under massive pressure, Spanier just got a five-count indictment. Looks like the Big Boys have decided to throw one of the little players to the wolves to protect themselves and assuage the public.]
Romney is no more “hope and change” than Obama was, but a return to the Bush years of 1) Middle East wars, 2) pro-China and pro-Mexico “free trade”, and 3) billionaire tax breaks! Romney is certain to attack Iran, risking World War Three (yet I note that he never served in uniform — being a Mormon missionary at a Paris, France mansion during the Vietnam War — (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/09/10/romneys-mormon-draft-deferrment-not-legal) and none of his five sons have served either!) Suppose China and Russia come in on the Iranian side? And what if Iran sinks every oil tanker in the Persian Gulf and your gas goes to $12 a gallon? “Change” is all you will have in your pocket – 25 cents!
NUMEC – the cancer epidemic killing young and old – THE LAWSUIT
On my website johndenugent.com you can see the trailer to my new video: “Zalman Shapiro – Apollo’s Nuclear Cancer Chef.” (On YouTube, unless censored: “Trailer Apollo NUMEC”)
Thousands have died a slow, lingering death of cancer in our area from NUMEC. Armstrong County is far less industrialized than Westmoreland but has 20% more cancer!
Homeland Security police at the Parks Township site of NUMEC on River Road/Route 66. Tellingly, the site is called a “Shallow Land Disposal Area,” because the toxins were not buried deeply for safety, but near the surface. The DHS police — and a big new security gate — appeared after the NRC fled, citing the discovery of “complex nuclear materials”….
The neutral online encyclopedia Wikipedia makes it clear in two articles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zalman_Shapiro and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NUMEC) that 1) Shapiro stole 600 pounds of American uranium and illegally gave it to Israel, 2) he dumped tons of radioactive waste around the area (24,300 cubic yards of uranium, plutonium, thorium and americium, says a US Army Corps of Engineers report), 3) Shapiro thus committed felony murder by giving cancer to thousands of Pennsylvanians. Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide):
The felony murder rule says that one committing a felony may be guilty of murder if someone, including the felony victim, a bystander or a co-felon, DIES AS A RESULT OF HIS ACTS, regardless of his intent—or lack thereof—to kill….
And also (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony_murder_rule):
The felony must be an inherently dangerous one, or one committed in an obviously dangerous manner. ….. As of August 2008, 46 states in the United States have a felony murder rule, under which felony murder is generally first degree murder. In 24 of those states, it is a capital offense [the death penalty].
This mass murderer Shapiro also 4) stomped on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Non-Proliferation_Treaty), designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, especially to the volatile Middle East, 5) he violated the Logan Act, which forbids American citizens from negotiating on their own with foreign governments (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_Act). and 6) Shapiro lied to federal officers from the FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about his massive theft, mass-murder by cancer, and incredible NUCLEAR TREASON!
What a way to die. (My grandfather Henry Norman Nugent died of cancer.)
Shapiro, Wikipedia says, was the president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Zionist Organization of America, a wealthy pro-Israel pressure group, and he received an award in 2008 for “60 years of service to the Jewish community.” I wonder if Jewish clout is why he has never been indicted?
Where does this mindset come from, to kill thousands of people and betray your country, a nation called America that was good to the Jews, where they are incredibly rich and totally safe, in fact, where they can persecute OTHERS?
Quotes (WARNING – you will be unable to believe your eyes, but this is psychopathy on parade):
“If Gentiles [any non-Jew] refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence.”
– Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August, 1984, pp. 151-156
“We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them.”
— Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981
“Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap; and we will sit like an effendi [“rich slave owner”] and eat. That is why Gentiles were created.”
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, October 18, 2010, spiritual mentor of the religious fundamentalist party, Shas, in Israel, and a former Chief Rabbi of Israel. He is seen here with the PRIME MINISTER of Israel (1999-2001), EHUD BARAK, now the Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Yosef is a major religious leader with hundreds of thousands of followers, and is a chief coalition partner in the current Israeli government.
“When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2,800 slaves.” – Simeon Haddarsen, Talmud, folio 56-D (photo of the Talmud below)
Below is a screenshot from an Israel TV “comedy” show, and the hate-filled girl is nailing a “Jesus” monkey to a cross, and as he wails “No, no, no” she calls Jesus (“Yeshu” in Hebrew) a “Nazi” who should “stop whining over a few nails!” Find it on YouTube at “Insulting Jesus on Israeli TV – צליבת ישו – The Crucifixion of “Yeshu.”
But maybe you heard the recent claim in certain very modern churches – unlike past Christian teaching – that the Jews are (still) God’s Chosen People and we must support Israel.
Well, in the New Testament, in the Book of Romans, Paul did claim that the Jews were still God’s people even after murdering Christ, the Son of God. Paul, born Saul, was a Jewish militant who after persecuting Christians, and helping to stone to death St. Stephen, suddenly claimed to have seen a vision of Jesus “on the road to Damascus” – and then made himself an apostle – the only ”apostle” who never met Jesus, but somehow made himself into the Number One apostle over Jesus’ original followers…… That’s pretty slick.
Well, here is another opinion whether the Jews are still God’s Chosen People, by a Christian named JESUS CHRIST. The Gospel of Matthew, in chapter 21, shows Jesus Christ clearly warning the Jewish leaders that if the Jews killed not only many of the prophets but now even the Son of God Himself, the covenant with the Jews (because of the faith of their distant ancestor Abraham) would be OVER. Verse 43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people [the Gentiles or non-Jews] who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” And to fulfill this, in the year AD 70, the Romans burned Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple, the very Temple where Jesus had been tried and convicted, then sent to the Romans to be crucified. And remember Matthew 27: All the [Jewish] people answered, “Let His blood be on us and on our children! Crucify Him! Give us Barabbas!” (Yes, instead of releasing Jesus, release the murderer Barabbas.)
Most shocking of all….. is the world-famous Christian prophecy in the Book of Revelation of the Antichrist (see the next page), saying that “NO ONE MAY BUY OR SELLexcept one who has the mark or name of the Beast, or the number of his name, and his number is 666.″ — Revelation 13:17-18 Hmmm, “no one may buy or sell” eh? Sounds like certain rich people control the whole economy! Gee, I wonder who cou