Comrades are loving this radio show! I and host John Friend in San Diego — a smart and simpatico WN activist whom the Jews fear and even got fired from his job (though he has a little daughter to support) — discuss the defeatism caused by the false theory of “historical cycles” of Spengler (and Nietzsche, Evola, etc.). Then we go into my planned new religion, and why I say this is clearly the best time ever to incarnate and be alive!
If you are curious as to what makes me tick and what I want, you will both enjoy and learn tons from this one show. SOMEONE has to step “outside the box” with a NEW vision.
The interview is based considerably on this article of mine: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/library/oswald-spengler-vs-adolf-hitler-john-de-nugent.pdf
I also go into the anger that Hitler felt at Christianity-bashers, his reverence for Jesus, and what Adolf’s own personal library (now kept at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and at the Library of Congress in Washington DC) revealed: a man fascinated with Christ, the divinely inspired fighter against judaism.
The most disturbing part is my report on how black magic is used by Jews to force demons to obey them, which is what black magic is: performing a ritual in such a “correct” way that it forces a demon to help the Jew. Human sacrifice is what the ritual murder of Gentile children is, and this is at the heart of Talmudism. This is one of the most hard-core interviews ever given.
I also discuss the ONE thing that made Hitler as a teenager go ballistic on the Jews, which he found about while living as a 16-year-old orphan in the slums of Vienna….
==========not nordic and yet very noble!
A part-White supporter in the Caribbean wrote me:
Good day, Sir!
I just read this disheartening article by Nicholas Hune-Brown titled ‘Mixie Me’, about how mixed-race people are transforming the demographic landscape of Toronto. It’s disgusting, revolting, disillusioning–you name it. Here’s the URL:
I’m racially somewhat mixed, but my soul is Nordic! I support the survival of the White race!
I replied:
Hi, friend. In the Third Reich, in a Germany that was certainly not 100% nordic (blond and blue-eyed with a long, narrow face) by any stretch,
…..there was a book that dealt with why non-nordic Germans felt a deep inner support for the survival of the nordic gene pool.
Hitler and Hess — both had blue eyes but visibly were not classic Nordics
It said that pure Nordics (see the liberal Scandinavians, who are the worst leftists in the world and just legalized public masturbation at the beach: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/09/20/14/34/public-masturbation-not-illegal-in-sweden) and see this cartoon….
…these Nordics take their nordic nature for granted..…
BUT those who are a mix of nordic and other genes (or even have non-White blood altogether) FEEL the inner battle going on inside themselves, and they choose the nordic nature in themselves among the various battling elements because they are MORE aware through their own inner civil war of what nordic is than pure nordics are.
Ironic yet true. Both my parents and both my grandfathers had dark hair, and my mother and both grandfathers had brown eyes also.
My father with Ronald Reagan
….and with Gerald Ford
My mother, a beautiful brunette (in a photo I have often shown)
Growing up in Rhode Island, I saw the ethnic rivalries between, on the one hand, the Mediterranean Sicilians and French Canadians (the Quebeckers often have a lot of Amerindian blood in them, since many early French trappers in North America in the colonial 1600s and 1700s took Indian squaws as wives)…. and, on the other hand you had the dying-out “WASPS” (the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), who now are only about 16% of the population of Rhode Island, a state their ancestors had founded.
The square-jawed, blond Lincoln Chafee, one of the last of the Rhode Island WASPs, was a US senator and now is the governor (and an independent). When the Mediterranean Rhode Islanders get tired of corruption, they vote a WASP back in.
(Chafee is way too liberal, btw, but it is a fact of life that you have to be liberal in RI to get elected, which is part of ultra-liberal New England.)
I was very aware thus as a boy of what Nordics looked and acted like and how Mediterraneans were — the strengths and weakness of both groups.
American model Dennis Johnson
The real issue is which element in you rules? The noble side or the lower, selfish animal side? As my recent radio show says (see below), we all are in animal bodies, but the animal side of us does not have to RULE us.
(See also my controversial essay here: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/the-fourth-reich-and-nordic-aliens) In reality, Nordics and East Asians both came here as colonists tens of thousands of years ago — but then were cut off — stranded — by a gigantic, cataclysmic interplanetary conflict that snipped their ties to their original homes far from here. It is in fact possible that Blacks are the original earthlings. This planet has been visited — and is still being visited — by many species.
If you read this essay, be sure to read about the Fourth Reich, which is engaged right now in a cloak-and-dagger war with the US government. Read the whole damn essay and watch all the videos to the end before you comment or snicker.
==========unevolved women and men
Wow, this a stunning — though very one-sided — video to guys to not be hooked on women. It is partly true, BUT the exact same video could be made as well for women, saying “Stop fantasizing that any man can ‘make’ you happy.”
Our real relationship of both genders must be with God and our calling is to defend our race, not, well, to seek hot genitalia like dogs in heat. Thought-provoking… disturbing…. painfully true. (The political relevance of this is that women, being 1) politically more liberal, and 2) focused on the financial safety of the nest, often pressure their husbands to NOT get involved in the WN Cause, saying: “If you REALLY loved me and your kids, you would not put us all at risk for your dangerous racial hobby.” How many men would be with us now but their wives “put their foot down”?)
We must remember that there are just as many manipulative men as women. There is a sad expression:
“Men give love to get sex — and women give sex to get love.”
These are really just unevolved “humanimals,” using each other and being used.
I love love it when selfish people complain that someone just used them. It’s called “instant karma,” baby!)
========== How might a species of highly evolved aliens see us humans?
This is a very profound, extremely unique, impactful video…. It shook me up with its ruthless truth. What would RESPONSIBLE aliens think about, or, gulp, DO about people like us? Eradicate us?
A comrade wrote me that this video seemed to be sort-of anti-White, saying:
This video shows an evil White man and whatever he touches he destroys or kills. If only the world were free of these pale-skinned monsters, all other races would live in peace and harmony throughout the world, but then the blue-eyed monsters came in.
How about this fact? WHITES are the only ones that have protected animals, nature, forest and other peoples’ cultures. I’m thinking of Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Oceanography, Marine Protection and 100s more organizations that are exclusively White.
White Greenpeacers getting busted in Belgium
Asians still do whale hunting, Eskimos kill whatever they can, often clubbing it to death, and how many animals started going extinct in A-freak-once the White pioneers and colonists were booted out and the savages took over? Look at what it was like around 1970 when so many animals in the Dark Continent when the big-game animals started being slaughtered by the tens of thousands for their tusks or gorilla penises to make an aphrodisiac for some Chinaman (as if we need more Chinese babies! ).
Anti-White hate is all I see here!
I replied:
I think there is something to that. No way they would have given the villain semitic, black or Asian features…..
But my point is about the humanimals of all races, who basically focus on devouring and living for their animal desires, the lower chakras. The man-beast never reads books, recites poetry, listens to a symphony, fights for a higher ideal or thinks about the meaning of his life for more than one second.
So the alien has as much mercy with him as he had with his own victims.
The comrade, a fellow former Marine from the now jungle-like city of Chicago, replied:
I understand what you’re saying, John, and in an all-Aryan world this video would be spot-on.
John, you know yourself that once you are completely awake, you can never view stuff just by its surface matter, everything is much deeper and more involved with a bigger picture.
The people now known as Jews were literally neanderthals, a violent, ugly, ultra-clannish “nation” with a gang mentality who are opposed to all other people, but especially to Cro Magnons, the rival species that came later, truly modern humans, and drove them out of most of Europe.
http://www.democratic-republicans.us/solutreanism/jews/neanderthals-and-semites (top half of this page)
The Cro Magnons became the SOLUTREANS, and the FIRST AMERICANS, a truly culture-bringing race of inventors, advanced tool-makers and artists:
A Russian comrade wanted to see my video segment on humanimals. I had told him that the most advanced whites do not look like animals at all, but primitive whites, and most Jews, definitely look animal-like, and frankly act that way too, absolute creatures of the lowest urges.
I wrote:
Primitive people in every race just came out of the animal stage, and look — and still have the nature of — those animals that they were. They are humanimals!
http://blip.tv/realamericanview/pres-1-a-6319715 Go here to 26:00 to 28:14
(Here is a summary of this whole video) White girls in the West taught interracial sex while Israel makes it illegal for Jews. Religion the most practical way to straighten out a nation. Shameless behavior is the proof of actual atheism. Religion provides structure; Christianity not really believed in by most Western males. Beauty reminds us of a higher, spiritual world; angels are no myth; life as challenges and tests. Vedanta the original white religion; young souls that rose recently from the animal stage, look animal-like and are oblivious to anything higher. Why some experience God, and others not; old souls; four key God topics. We are eternal spiritual beings, deliberately taking challenging human journeys.)
I think this is a very important ancient Aryan insight. You never expect too much from a humanimal, who is often on his first or second human life, just above the animal stage, and equipped with only a larger brain to make him a “human.” but his heart and soul have hardly evolved. I know many high-IQ jerks as being vain, self-centered and unhelpful to others, like certain female cats who make you feel lucky to be allowed to pet them!
Or think of a scrounging pig in human form, who looks at you blankly and stupidly, interested only in food, sex and self, whenever you dare try to appeal in him or her to any higher cause!
You seek out, comrade, after understanding reincarnation, only those who (by their lifetimes of EFFORT!!!) have climbed higher.
It has nothing to do with the IQ level…. Lenin had a high IQ and Trotsky too, and both were monsters. We can ask ourselves:
Do I live as a good role model, really live out my principles, and lift up white mankind by the way I live my life and the way I affect others?
This is a good double question:
1) am I achieving my goals in this incarnation?
2) When I die, how many will seriously miss me and sob over losing my loving presence a full six months later?
THAT is an evolved soul, who gives every day TO THE WORTHY, and even a dumb white guy can be evolved. Sometimes brilliant souls come back as farm workers to deliberately re-learn humility, and help others by the noble tasks of growing food, cleaning the toilets and changing smelly diapers.;-)
Sometimes men come back as women and women as men. In each gender you can learn more. Women (to generalize) learn a great deal about caring and compassion, for example. Men learn about conflict, outcomes and results, the harsher tasks of life. In both genders valuable life lessons can be learned.,
And ANY helpful task done well is noble and thus, in Sanskrit, “Aryan.”
The great song “Love lifts up up where we belong” comes from the film “An Officer and a Gentleman,” about a kid who learns to bury his horrible childhood and selfish attitudes, evolving into a true man and future leader. (Btw, I actually met Debra Winger in 1993, the heroine, and a Jewess — who, unlike most Jews, became very spiritual while many whites, yes, sadly, stay selfish animals…. She had a brilliant son with actor Timothy Hutton, Noah, whom my then girlfriend taught. I met her wearing no makeup, in her jeans, cleaning the Montessori schoolhouse as a volunteer like any other parent.)
I thank you all for your support. And this time we win, no matter what the cost, and solve THE problem — psychopaths, and the one people that is riddled with psychopathy, a crime family, not a real people — the Jews.
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
Eternal Solutreanism:
1) it is not enough to be white; you must become Aryan, or NOBLE
Arno Breker, The Calling
2) This world is a testing ground for your soul; God is real, and so is reincarnation and life after death. http://www.democratic-republicans.us/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking /(See God videos at the top.)
3) Psychopaths are literal human devils, born sadists with no conscience whatsoever, torturing animals as children and setting fires. They come from especially vile worlds on the other side, and form 4% of the earthly population. Another 16% are near-psychopaths, with almost no conscience.
4) The task of the Eternal Solutrean is to battle and destroy evil, and then create a wholesome world.We offer to guide the world for the benefit of all races.
5) The Jews of today descend from the Neanderthals, an animalistic, borderline-psychopathic and brutish clan who then became the roving apiru, or Hebrews, a criminal and outcast clan in the Middle East. They even practice incest on their own children, making them inbred psychopaths. http://democratic-republicans.us/pages/video_player_page10.htm
As Neanderthals they have been at species war with us, the Cro-Magnons (the name for early white people) for 40,000 years. They have the upper hand now and it is literally now us or them, survival or genocide.
They are about to get their revenge for being driven from most of Europe 20,000 years ago by a beautiful and superior race.
Scientific depiction of a Neanderthal — sloping forehead, protruding mouth, and weak chin — and a Cro-Magnon — erect forehead, recessed mouth, and strong chin
An almost perfect brunet Cro-Magnon, French movie star Alain Delon, with a strong, upright, square forehead
Child actress Dakota Fanning, Irish and German
Croatian woman who founded the Vril Society, seeking contact with other live forms in the universe for Germany
Depiction of a Neanderthal, Neandertalermuseum, Germany
Former entertaiment mogul Aaron Russo, a Jew who turned courageously against the NWO
Neanderthal skull contemplated by Jewish scientist Svante Pääbo, who after fighting the idea that Neanderthals still exist, confirmed it in a major 2010 study for Science magazine, but lied that all races except Africans have neanderthal genes in equal amounts.
Soviet mug shot of Menachem Begin in 1940
A French Jewish synagogue official
Larry Silverstein
Henry Kissinger and Shimon Peres
A neanderthalic Pakistani and muslim fanatic, Faisal Shahzad, who tried to blow up Times Square
6) We believe in forming a new white tribe and creating white safety zones that we will guard as the corrupt and judaized world collapses.
The ideal locations for American whites: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/solutreanism/race/white-safety-zones
7) If we are with God, God will be with us.
8) All greatness is self-sacrifice, born of love — for our folk, for the splendid virtue of heroism, and for the uplifting power of beauty.
Arno Breker, Apollo and Daphne
Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
This is how you can help financially:
(1) postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”
(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
(3) cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)
(4) PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)
(5) checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two.
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
(724) 596-4284
9/25 @ 12:55 : Tucson, Arizona, US
Giant US air base near Tucson for old warplanes
9/25 @ 12:55 : Stanford, Montana, US
9/25 @ 12:53 : Prescot, GB [ENGLAND]
Prescot is east of Liverpool in Lancashire. Here is a gathering of West Lancashire Freemasons, egad! A great way to get naive Nordics into the Kabbalah!
9/25 @ 12:52 : Sweden, SE
9/25 @ 12:52 : Maxdorf, DE
9/25 @ 12:51 : Döbeln, DE
9/25 @ 12:51 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
9/25 @ 12:49 : United States, US
9/25 @ 12:49 : Van Nuys, California, US
9/25 @ 12:47 : Avrainville, FR
French elected officials always wear a huge blue-white-red ribbon draped around them at ceremonies, such as inaugurating a new school here in Avrainville.
9/25 @ 12:45 : Dielsdorf, CH
9/25 @ 12:44 : Mons, BE
9/25 @ 12:44 : Nieuwerkerk, NL
9/25 @ 12:42 : Plymouth, GB
9/25 @ 12:42 : Bad Langensalza, DE
9/25 @ 12:42 : Mainz, DE
9/25 @ 12:27 : Tuscaloosa, Alabama, US
9/25 @ 12:27 : Dresden, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
9/25 @ 12:25 : Modesto, California, US
9/25 @ 12:24 : Neuötting, DE
9/25 @ 12:23 : Geel, BE
9/25 @ 12:23 : Neuötting, DE
9/25 @ 12:22 : Barataria, TT
9/25 @ 12:16 : Chicago, Illinois, US
9/25 @ 12:16 : Red Deer, CA
9/25 @ 12:14 : Munich, DE
9/25 @ 12:12 : Freudenberg, DE
9/25 @ 12:10 : Rzeszów, PL
9/25 @ 12:10 : Hilliard, Ohio, US
9/25 @ 12:06 : Sandyville, West Virginia, US
9/25 @ 12:06 : Rochester, Minnesota, US
9/25 @ 12:05 : Silver Spring, Maryland, US
9/25 @ 12:04 : Lincoln, Nebraska, US
9/25 @ 12:04 : Van Nuys, California, US
9/25 @ 12:03 : Van Nuys, California, US
9/25 @ 12:02 : Hamburg, DE
9/25 @ 12:02 : Kramatorsk, UA
9/25 @ 12:00 : Germany, DE
9/25 @ 11:59 : United Kingdom, GB
9/25 @ 11:59 : Evesham, GB
9/25 @ 11:53 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
9/25 @ 11:53 : Grosselfingen, DE
9/25 @ 11:51 : Florence, IT
9/25 @ 11:49 : Nashville, Tennessee, US
9/25 @ 11:49 : Freudenberg, DE
9/25 @ 11:47 : Mountain View, California, US
9/25 @ 11:47 : Slovenia, SI
9/25 @ 11:46 : Austria, AT
9/25 @ 11:44 : Oslo, NO
9/25 @ 11:44 : Dortmund, DE
9/25 @ 11:43 : Mcallen, Texas, US
9/25 @ 11:43 : Vorsfelde, DE
9/25 @ 11:43 : Pompano Beach, Florida, US
9/25 @ 11:39 : Richmond, Virginia, US
9/25 @ 11:39 : Paris, FR