
…..More deflated tire nonsense

(continuation from http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-fbi-dweebs-twice-in-one-week-attack-my-vehicle-rave-review-of-neanderthals-and-semites

I had the third deflated tire incident last night. There is clearly now someone right in this town of Apollo, Pa. who is on call and who runs right over, guided by a GPS which was attached by them to my car, and lets the air out of the tire. The more successful we are with this the harder they going to come after us. They may want to puncture more than just my tires. So I need bodyguards and security.

Well, the J-Team realizes what is at stake: 1) the NUMEC-Israeli nuclear fuel plant in this town gave thousands of people cancer; 2) the Israelis murdered President John Kennedy when he foud out the uranium for the atomic bomb was illegally being made here and then smuggled to Israhell while the locals withered and died by the thousands of CANCER.

NUMEC – Israelis make a small US town radioactive and kill thousands while smuggling uranium and plutonium to IsraHELL.

NUMEC Part 1 – Radioactive Contamination Kills Thousands

NUMEC Part 2 – John de Nugent Confronts The Army


I just reissued, btw, my blog http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/israeli-writes-me-1-protocols-are-accurate-2-jewry-started-wwii-as-a-kosher-goyim-slaughterhouse-and-3-jews-do-rule-the-world

Any man whose kitten has a Hitler mustache can be trusted!

The Israeli gave me permission to use his words: “Ok, goy, regards.” It has been a quasi- friendly exchange of correspondence, actually. I respect this Jew for at least being honest, and true to his Talmud, to his religion.


I wrote to a WN activist who recently got into an “infighting battle”:

In some cases, the infighter is in reality no more than a paid troll and government asset, an infiltrator hired to divide-and- conquer us: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/paid-trolls-for-jewry-diary-of-an-israeli-shill

But there is also a more innocent explanation:

I think life as a WN is extraordinarily stressful, and disappointing when we, who are on the front line (people like you and me) are not financially supported. Before that, as kids, we may have had sort of an Eminem childhood or youth. (I was molested for years, so there was no “Leave it to Beaver” childhood for me. I felt a lot of anger about a lot of things until age 49, when I finally got counseling.) And now we are making all these huge sacrifices,and yet we still find that we cannot lash out at the Jew effectively, who is sticking needles in us and our race like his voodoo doll. He has all the money and all the power. All that energy that the normal white male feels for combat in reaction to these outrages has to go somewhere, and a lot of it is channeled into infighting. Andrew Anglin attacked me (but he did stop), Brad Griffin attacked me (it is now at the top of Google, page one, on me, though he did close the thread, and you should read it to the end to see how it ended!), and Mike Delaney,

Mike visited us this spring; he created the magnificent trutube.tv

….Andrew Anglin (http://www.dailystormer.com/), Scott Roberts, Rodney Martin (http://wvfoundations.org) and Carolyn Yeager (http://carolynyeager.net)– who all do great work– attacked John Friend – who also does great work!…. (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com)

….and the latest things are 1) Mike Piper –who writes fabulous books such as Final Judgment about the JFK assassination (http://mikepiperreport.com) — going at it with Jim Fetzer (a brave 9/11 truther — http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/fetzer/ — a former professor and a Marine combat vet of Vietnam) and others over Sandy Hook (see my blogs on SH: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/?s=%22Sandy+Hook%22), with truly horrible insults flying….. The latest upshot of all this stress is the report that Piper has now had a heart attack!

And now there is a new war going on 2) between National Alliance people over Kevin Strom…… Margi just pointed out that Strom, with whom I have never been friends, but I did at least know him a bit in 1983-84, may have been railroaded by the Feds, as have been so many others — this is no endorsement of Strom — but the entire thread bashing the Feds and their “pedophilia” evidence — including the crazy anti-WN ex-wife of Strom who admitted sleeping with the cop investigating Strom! — has just been DELETED by Faceberg….

But here is the transcript of the thread (and my only question for Rodney Martin is: “Rodney, you have done great work for our Cause. Go back to focusing on the JEWS and, with your proud German heritage, explaining national socialism to us!”:



I hope to create a movement where we can finally start devastating the true enemy, the Jew, where our rage over our stolen lives can go fully into cutting their throats before they arrest and genocide us all.

The future is militant white brotherhood and unity. I am always available to bring people together again, because we should not add to the pain we all suffer every frigging day in this living nightmare that is jew world.

As I have often written, the mentor of Adolf Hitler was Thomas Carlyle and especially his book “Heroes and Hero Worship.” Carlyle said no religion passes away until the good in it is transferred forward to the new religion.

Frankly, there are many days when I miss even the Jehovah’s Witnesses, which I left at age 21 in 1976. Why?

JW HQ next to the Brooklyn Bridge, across from Lower Manhattan, New York City

Where they print many of their books; they even make their own ink! When I worked there in 1974-75 they had 1600 workers, all unpaid volunteers given good food, nice rooming and a small allowance.

A comrade asked me: “Because Jehovah’s Witnesses have a strict moral code, are highly organised, and expert propagandists?”

I replied:

Yes, all that, but also and most of all because they practiced real brotherhood and love for one another, and preached that infighting, ego and gossip (loving stories about scandal) were wicked!

They endeavor to be “primitive Christians”, and I can understand how the love they experience and the sense of the meaning of life that they imbibe made it possible for early Christians to endure being ripped apart by lions in the Colosseum. That is really the moment of truth….

The new religion must be based on genuine brotherhood, and love of our own race, and the certainty that we have an immortal soul that God judges, based on our thoughts, words and deed in each of our incarnations.

It cannot be based on either “racial realism,” which is true but cold and logical ONLY, nor can it rest upon the hatred of others, whether other races or other comrades!

It must be based primarily on LOVE! Brotherhood! Forgiveness and caring! NOT DISLIKE OF OTHERS!

My video on what Hitler did for the common people:

The Friend of the White Worker

My 2010 video, shot near Brackenridge, Pa. shows why Hitler was loved by the Germans: He loved them back!

He brought 1) JOBS, 2) made the streets safe again, 3) stopped drugs and alcoholism, 3) promoted strong families without divorce, abuse, homo marriage or molesting, 4) he demanded good books, music and movies, and 4) he promoted genuine national pride based on success and hard work.

(This video — repeatedly hacked by Jews — deals with the worries real working-class people have about economic and psychological survival TODAY.)

John de Nugent — The Friend of the White Worker



A comrade wrote me on Faceberg:

Strom was set up, I don’t believe he is a pedophile. If one reads his “Discovery of Evidence” and all the pertinent transcripts, it seems quite clear he was in fact railroaded.

I replied:

The entire fed effort — since we still have the First Amendment, thus we cannot be arrested for hate-speech in this country, and we have massive amounts of guns, unlike every other white nation on earth — is to attack the character of WN activists.

So Shaun Walker = barroom brawler, Kevin Strom = pedophile, Michael Weaver — aggravated assault of an innocent Black man, Edgar Steele = paid a hitman to murder his wife…. ALL LIES. And with Hitler, back in the day: 1) had sex with his niece, 2) coward in battle, 3) paid off by Mussolini or Wall Street, 4) Rothschild bastard offspring, 5) deliberately lost the war…… Slander, slander, slander.

The comrade wrote back:

Don’t forget Matt Hale. He supposedly solicited the murder of a judge who had ruled in his FAVOR!

I replied:

I suggest comrades read the ENTIRE thread that recently was attacking me to the very END, where my attacker is totally demolished! www.occidentaldissent.com/2013/11/21/who-is-john-de-nugent/

Then you will see what LIES are behind THIS attack by the same man: http://whitereference.blogspot.com/2011/06/henrik-holappa-exposes-real-john.html

He called me after he was defeated and said on webcamera he was forced by the police to attack me and he has been a prisoner since 2009: “I have never stopped being their prisoner.”

Margi and I both saw him on webcamera and he said “you have every right to hate me.”

Transcript of the set-up of the Skype webcamera conversation:

Thursday, 19 December 2013

[17:02:47] Eholappa [Esa Henrik Holappa]: Finally, what a hard work! [The Skype contact invitation was repeatedly blocked.]

[17:02:55] John de Nugent: Greetings, Esa Henrik of the Northland. How are you?

Holappa in Sweden autographing a book on Order prisoner and hero Richard Scutari

[17:03:11] Eholappa: I am ok, and how are you? Actually, I am excited.

[17:04:39] John de Nugent: We are very busy and happy. We got in $1000 this week, partly due to Christmas, of course. Even pagans get in the spirit at Yule.

[17:04:55] John de Nugent: Here is a pic out our window….

[17:05:24] Eholappa: Congratulations for the 1000 dollars! I understand. John, do know one thing, the things that I will tell you, it will be hard to believe.

[17:06:15] John de Nugent: Probably not…. I had a bad feeling when you were arrested.

[17:06:46] John de Nugent: We were all nauseous for a week, and even both dogs, especially Spike, were sad.

[17:07:07] Eholappa: But, the sad thing is, as said before, I must use this time right now what I have. We can never go back to the old. And ironically, the more you attack me, you fight them. But this all will make sense when you read my message. All that I am asking is that have an open mind. I will write you a message per day (to your hushmail.com address) for 7 days.

[17:07:25] John de Nugent: ok

[17:07:31] Eholappa: I am not joking.

[17:07:42] Eholappa: Nothing that I will say is untrue.

[17:07:54] Eholappa: I am not playing any game, no tricks, nothing.

[17:08:44] John de Nugent: Does your webcamera work right now?

[17:09:37] Eholappa: In fact, I will give you the “A bomb” (of course completely a word to describe the effectiveness on the net) that would make a complete mockery out of me, if you were to use it against me. Why would I give you such a weapon if I was lying? Yes, my webcam works, or it should work. But, we can not talk. You can see me, however. Is that ok?

[17:10:29] John de Nugent: no microphone?

[17:10:43] John de Nugent: anyone can take a photo of you.

[17:11:13] John de Nugent: If I see you and hear your voice I will know [it is you].

[17:11:20] Eholappa: I have to speak silently, if you understand my cough.

[17:11:28] Eholappa: Or however you write the word.

[17:11:46] John de Nugent: your voice is hoarse from a cold?

[17:12:01] Eholappa: No, other reasons.

[17:12:06] Missed call from Eholappa.

[17:12:44] Eholappa: I will call you now

[17:13:14] Missed call from Eholappa.

[17:13:27] Eholappa: Wait for a couple of minutes. I will be back soon.

[17:15:27] John de Nugent: I and Margi are in the middle of work with [X] also. No rush, and now a German comrade is calling too .. about a huge translation he is doing for me. But it will be nice to finally see you and hear your voice again.

[17:17:53] Eholappa: Ok, are you ready?

[17:18:11] Eholappa: Just give me the “green light”

[17:40:36] John de Nugent: Dealing with [X] the German comrade

[17:46:00] Eholappa: I understand. I have about 15 mins left

[17:46:53] Eholappa: Do you think you can stop with [X] for 2-3 mins?

[17:46:55] John de Nugent: I am ready now. Sorry, but this is a huge project, it is a Christmas offer and Christmas is in five days.

[17:47:03] John de Nugent: We are ready.:-)
[17:49:47] Call from Eholappa, duration 02:36.

[18:24:40] Eholappa: Don’t trust anyone.
[18:33:46] Call from Eholappa, duration 38:27.

[18:37:20] John de Nugent: Have a good night. Thanks.

This is what I always suspected, that Holappa was being forced by whatever they did to him in the 87 days in solitary (Batavia, NY Federal Detention Facility)), to attack my character!

He was like a son to me before: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/solutreanism/important-info/henrik-holappa


Washington Post: Feds have high-tech brain weapons to change moods, create rage, provoke suicidal thoughts and create depression: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-fabulous-new-sandy-hook-video-and-sneaky-youtube-synch-sabotage-search-engine-fraud-against-jdn-dissidenticide-and-mental-torture-by-zog-the-washington-post-confesses Please scroll halfway down to “POISONING, BRAIN WEAPONS AND DISSIDENTICIDE”

Here is an article from the completely CIA-run, Jewish-owned Washington Post.…almost boasting that the regime has long had high-tech weapons to use against the human brain, and drive dissidents to suicide, even talking to them, sending a microwave radio signal into their brain. It is a very expensive procedure…..but they have thousands of neurologists and technicians at the CIA, at work or as consultants under contract, for carrying out their sadistic games, and if there is ONE thing psychopaths enjoy, it is tormenting someone:

What they ADMIT in this Washington Post article (before backtracking in the second half) is positively mind-blowing. Again, this is NOT from some alternative website or the liberal HuffingtonPost; no, this is from the CIA organ and mouthpiece called THE WASHINGTON POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who has the courage to read this whole article? I bet only 10% finish it. It is that scary.

After you read some of this, your own “horror filter” may well kick in and the thought of “our government” doing brain-war on helpless, isolated individuals may seem overwhelming. But this is the kind of thing that turns psychopaths on…. toying with people for fun.

* * *

[source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399_pf.html]

A part-Afrikaner girl, former USMC major and Harvard graduate William Fox (http://www.amfirstbooks.com) (he is 6′ä5″ tall ), and Margi — in 2009 before visiting Holappa in upstate New York, near Niagara Falls. I got Holappa a second lawyer in New Jersey (we had already paid $2,000 for his political-asylum lawyer, Valerie May of Pittsburgh) and I arranged several visits by comrades to him, and wrote him thrice weekly, but I refused to go into the prison because I would have to be unarmed, just as I refuse to go anywhere unarmed, and thus no longer dare to fly.

I and Holappa in the lobby of the skyscraper where Valerie May, Esq. has her office.


ONE signature out of many was missing on the 16-page asylum application which May’s staff filled out (I discovered the error and it was remedied), but this was the excuse for Holappa to be arrested…..for “overstaying his visa”! Similar jew-fed b-s was used on Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf! With them: “You are under arrest for missed your asylum hearing”! But neither activist even received any notice of any asylum hearing!


So you see, the feds want us to be infighting

and attacking each other’s character 24/7

instead of starting a movement to stop the Jews!



As Kai Murros of Finland said on The Renegade radio recently: We are at war, and we can either stop fighting each other or we will die divided.

An often harassed Canadian comrade wrote:

Kevin Goudreau Indeed, they plant agitants to cause infighting and spread false rumours, disinformation etc. — old and obvious tactics, but our people still fall for it at times when we are gaining ground and they don’t put 2 and 2 together.

Fred Finn I’m ashamed that he’s Finnish.

John D. Nugent To Fred Finn: Well, I give him a lot of credit for contacting me and confessing. That also took “sisu” [ = "courage and toughness" in Finnish, considered a key trait in their national character]. And almost anyone can be broken in prison. We will never know what happened in those 87 days in solitary.

Fred Finn No, that’s not SISU. If the things you have said are true, he has no backbone. He will be forgotten. No reason to whitewash him.

I replied:

John D. Nugent  Well, Fred Finn, I understand your outrage. I felt more hurt than outrage over the Holappa thing.

Considering everything in retrospect, I have now had four assistants — and ALL FOUR have received the most intense government harassment imaginable. (This is in addition to the intense targeting and sabotage I myself have received, and I would ask you to really take the time to read this blog on the 23 ways the feds have broken federal laws and the US Constitution to try to destroy me without making a martyr out of me, so far, by outright killing me: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/wn-biography-of-jdn/about-john/two-bushes-and-obama-against-jdn).

THREE OUT OF FOUR have gone to prison, and one was turned under massive pressure (two deputy sheriffs came to our house while I was out, but my video editor saw the whole thing) and then he panicked and stole every penny I had (literally our rent money) after the feds leaned on him over some huge fines that he had to pay IMMEDIATELY or go to prison, so that makes four out of four who got or were threatened with prison.

We just do not know, Fred, what Holappa underwent during 87 days in solitary confinement. Nor do we know that we ourselves would never break.

The key is to turn around and do the right thing in amends. Christianity became a world religion for two thousand years now, not because of its doctrines (some of which have seemed absurd throughout the ages to thinking men and women), because of what the bestselling Harvard grad and author M. Scott Peck said: We all do things we regret, and that make us feel shame, and that includes me too. We want and need to know and believe in the possibility of forgiveness — IF we truly change course and truly repent.

I will end with this: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ce5_1204324555

Black on White male rape in prisons

Black cops with White Boeremag (“Boer Might”) prisoners in South Africa, many of whom, after ten years in jail, just got 25 years in prison.

Wilhelm Pretorius, a key Boeremag fighter. Prominent WN activists should expect no mercy and IMO should always fight to the death, as I have repeatedly vowed to do in the pages of this blog. (See my blog on the slow crushing by arrest of the key people in the Golden Dawn party in Greece: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-whole-golden-dawn-leadership-arrested-when-john-lennon-blasted-the-jews-rave-reviews-of-my-show-with-john-friend)

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ce5_1204324555#G6EM6Gs510mMCu5d.99 Here is a horrifying scenario, and we all know the Jews are expert sadists and expert blackmailers…. Well, I won’t spell it out, nor need I. It would involve video cameras and five large negro prisoners bursting into a prison cell with a guard in tow, as a man sleeps, brandishing “shivs” (prison-made knives, sometimes made out of sharpened plastic toothbrushes, quite good for stabbing kidneys or temples).

A carefully edited video is then made and this is used as blackmail.

I am not saying this is what happened, but knowing the Jews as I do for 35 years now, I would not put anything past these fiends in order to get leverage over a person against his will who is in a position to cause damage to another comrade who might pose a major potential threat to Jewry.

As Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo have shown, the feds are capable of any twisted mistreatment and torture to get a prisoner to say whatever they want.

Dog snarls at hooded, shackled, kneeling Iraqi prisoner at Abu Ghraib; Ernst Zündel experienced this in a Tennessee jail!!!!!!

Fed employee Lyndie English and humiliated prisoners

Israeli guard at Abu Ghraib

Some sort of vise-like device

In the British version of Abu Ghraib, prisoners were beaten to death and slit open.

Prisoner smeared with mud and blood must prance about like an opera star.

Guantanamo front gate

Forced-feeding chair with straps

Blindfolded, kneeling, hearing-deprived, and in stress positions

Holappa, David Duke and Don Black, all of whom have attacked me without any provocation, were all in federal prison. Tom Metzger has said perhaps we can never trust anyone totally again who has been in federal prison.

Don Black, whose disillusioned son Derek (right) renounced the Cause in a letter to the SPLC in July 2013


Finally, I think that this post has made a strong case that the feds consider me potentially as a rather large threat. My WN bio should even add more facts supporting this: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/wn-biography-of-jdn

This is the goal — a counter-president to the illegal alien who is not president at all, and leader of the oppressed Whites in America.

So yes, I think the jew-feds would move heaven and earth to force certain people to say certain things.





Others have been making big sacrifices.

I just received $50 from FRANCE. Merci beaucoup, camarade!


How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

Easy click with a credit card!

Donate via Credit Card

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!


postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”


sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)


PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two.


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

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