
…..Ret. Special Forces three-star general: “The Jews are the problem.”

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, retired, who now serves as executive Vice President of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian lobbying group, was caught on a live mic telling the truth about the Jews.

Boykin’s comments were captured after an online broadcast of a panel at the National Security Action Summit. This is an event held in protest of the not-really-very-conservative Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), and features speakers who are blacklisted from participating there.  In the clip, Boykin is approached about doing an interview with Israel National News, which is described to him as a “conservative publication.”

“The Jews are the problem,” Boykin says “The Jews are the cause of all the problems in the world.”

This can be heard at the end of this audio, at 1:39-1:48:

[source: http://www.dailystormer.com/lt-gen-jerry-boykin-caught-by-hot-mic-jews-are-the-problem]


…..Book “The American Axis: Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and the Rise of the Third Reich“

My edited re-write of the book’s slanted blurb: Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh have long been exalted as two of the greatest American icons of the twentieth century. From highly-touted jew journalist Max Wallace [Wallach] comes ground-breaking and astonishing revelations about the poisonous effect these two so-called American heroes had on Western democracy. In his wide ranging investigation, Wallace goes further than any other historian to expose how Ford and Lindbergh acted in league with the German National Socialists .

With unprecedented access to declassified FBI and military intelligence files, Wallace reveals how the close friendship and ideological bond between automotive pioneer Ford and aviator Lindbergh culminated in strengthening Hitler’s regime and undermining Roosevelt’s war effort. Wallace traces Henry Ford’s ties to NS Germany back as far as the 1920s, presenting compelling evidence of a financial paper trail proving that Ford subsidized the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, who described Ford as “my inspiration.”

For the first time, the genesis of Ford’s notorious Anti-Semitism is uncovered: The American Axis proves that Ford’s private secretary and life-long confidante was a German spy, who channeled his employer’s anti-Jewish crusades to further the cause of the Third Reich.

Lindbergh’s own anti-Semitism and pro-White views captured the attention of the National Socialists. As the first unauthorized biographer to gain access to the Lindbergh archives, Wallace paints a substantially more germanophile portrait of Lindbergh’s pre-war activities than any previous historian and produces new evidence that the National Socialists secretly plotted to install Lindbergh as the leader of the movement to keep America out of the Jew-instigated World War Two.

The most controversial corporate investigation since IBM and the Holocaust, the book reveals that the Ford Motor Company’s military and political complicity in the Third Reich war effort was considerably stronger than the company has acknowledged and that a US Army post-war investigation concluded that the company had become “an arsenal of Nazism.” Wallace disputes a recent internal investigation into the use of slave labor at Ford’s German plant during World War II – which company officials claimed as a vindication of its wartime activities – and reveals that corporate President Edsel Ford was about to be indicted by the US government for “Trading With the Enemy” at the time of his 1943 death.

I have a certain little connection to the Ford Motor Company myself, both via my Crown Victoria, an excellent car (and I can see why 70% of cops drive one)…

…and also by living in greater Pittsburgh, a very pro-Made-In-America town, where my great-grandfather had a proud Ford dealership.

Here I am enjoying a rainbow……proof that Pittsburgh air is much improved over 50 years ago when smog precluded such heavenly sights.



I have recently met several people who remember Waddell Motors, the Ford dealership my great-grandfather Waddell had, right across the river from Apollo in Vandergrift!



From a 1929 Vandergrift business directory…… Btw, my great-grandfather also met automaker Henry Ford, who wrote in 1920 the classic The International Jew.…



The International Jew, by Henry Ford, which first ran in installments in Ford’s Detroit-area newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, and then appeared as a separate book. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_International_Jew) (Dearborn was and is the headquarters in a Detroit suburb of the Ford Motor Company.) My great-grandfather was the first Ford dealer in western Pennsylvania and knew Henry Ford to some extent. He and my great-grandmother (a maiden name: Berlin) loathed Franklin Delano Roosevelt for his marxophile leanings. (FDR was part-Jewish via father and mother both, and the homosexual Jew who is now mayor of Paris, France is Bernard Delanoe.)

This is the entire work online: http://books.google.com/books?id=cNsfsqyxDl8C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false


…..The Dearborn Independent newspaper

The Dearborn Publishing Company, founded in 1901, published The Dearborn Independent newspaper. At the peak of its popularity from 1919-27, the Dearborn, Michigan paper, owned by auto magnate Henry Ford Sr., boasted a circulation of 700,000. The Dearborn Independent first attacked Jews in its May 22, 1920 issue and continued to do so in 91 subsequent editions.

The Dearborn Independent, also known as The Ford International Weekly finally reached a circulation of 900,000 by 1925, second only to the New York Daily News, largely due to a quota system for promotion imposed on Ford dealers. Lawsuits regarding anti-Semitic material published in the paper caused Ford to close it, and the last issue was published in December 1927.

Many of the paper’s anti-Semitic articles were reprinted by the Dearborn Publishing Company in four paper-bound volumes: The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem (November, 1920); Jewish Activities in the United States (April, 1921); Jewish Influences in American Life (November, 1921); and Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States (May, 1922). Collectively known as The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, these volumes were later published in a variety of languages and disseminated widely in the United States and abroad.

For decades, The International Jew has been in the public domain. It can be reprinted by anyone who wishes to do so. In the late 1950s, anti-Semite Gerald L.K. Smith edited and published an abridged version of The International Jew culled from the original Dearborn Independent articles. The complete text of Smith’s version now is easily found at many hate sites on the World Wide Web.

…..Ford apologizes to the Jews half-heartedly in 1927

A comrade sent me the statement by the famous car maker Henry Ford, issued in 1927, where he recanted his antisemitic views, newspapers and books.




Dearborn, Mich.

June 30, 1927

Mr. Earl J. Davis,

Detroit, Michigan.

My dear Sir:

I hereby approve of the attached statement and authorize you and Mr. Joseph Palma to deliver same to Louis Marshall, of New York City.

Yours respectfully,



For some time past I have given consideration to the series of articles concerning Jews which since 1920 have appeared in The Dearborn Independent. Some of them have been reprinted in pamphlet form under the title “The International Jew.”

Although both publications are my property, it goes without saying that in the multitude of my activities it has been impossible for me to devote personal attention to their management or to keep informed as to their contents. It has therefore inevitably followed that the conduct and policies of these publications had to be delegated to men whom I placed in charge of them and upon whom I relied implicitly.

To my great regret I have learned that Jews generally, and particularly those of this country, not only resent these publications as promoting anti-Semitism, but regard me as their enemy. Trusted friends with whom I have conferred recently have assured me in all sincerity that in their opinion the character of the charges and insinuations made against the Jews, both individually and collectively, contained in many of the articles which have been circulated periodically in The Dearborn Independent and have been reprinted in the pamphlets mentioned, justifies the righteous indignation entertained by Jews everywhere toward me because of the mental anguish occasioned by the unprovoked

reflections made upon them. [...]

I deem it to be my duty as an honorable man to make amends for the wrong done to the Jews as fellow-men and brothers, by asking their forgiveness for the harm that I have unintentionally committed, by retracting so far as lies within my power the offensive charges laid at their door by these publications, and by giving them the unqualified assurance that henceforth they may look to me for friendship and good will.

It is needless to add that the pamphlets which have been distributed throughout the country and in foreign lands will be withdrawn from circulation, that in every way possible I will make it known that they have my unqualified disapproval, and that henceforth The Dearborn Independent will be conducted under such auspices that articles reflecting upon the Jews will never again appear in its columns.

My reaction:

This is a good example of a man who gave up the struggle, preferring money to honor. He was already fabulously wealthy and 60 years old. Why did he need more money? Why did he need to build more cars? Why not take on the Jews in a total war in your final years? I answer this question at the end of this blog.

I assume the Jews also had some blackmail on him (FDR had IRS blackmail on Joe Kennedy), or someone bombarded him with something else they thought might work on a compassionate man like Ford:

“Think of the fate of all those poor Ford workers who will lose their jobs, their homes and their happiness if the Jews shut the company down.”

It is certain that Ford did not sincerely believe one word contained in that statement, because the book American Axis by the Jew Max Wallace shows he remained a hardcore antisemite all his life, and in fact accepted a medal from the Third Reich.

It seems that the Jews were well aware that he had “caved” only under duress and they were content to humiliate him in public, even without any real “repentance.” In fact, Ford actually repudiated the 1927 apology statement to his friends, saying that statement was unauthorized, just as that statement itself had claimed the antisemitic articles and books of 1920-27 had been “unauthorized”…….Ridiculous….

But the apology served the purpose at that time, taking the heat off his company when the Jews were in fact threatening to shut him down.

How? One tactic they used was to threaten that every Hollywood movie would start with gruesome footage of a fatal car wreck involving a Ford motor car, and saying Ford’s cars were being investigated for lack of safety………….. Wallace gloats about this threat.

Here is the entire book by Wallace on Google books, available for free to read, and it shows that the antisemitic movement had two real superstars at that time, Ford as well as Lindbergh, and yet both were not Hitler’s equal in rousing the masses, and both fell short even of the potential they had:


I think also that Ford reached the point within himself where he said:

“For seven years I have published the truth about the Jews and taken a beating. Let another American now pick up the ball and run with it. I am not a politician or a preacher, but a car maker. I have done what I could.”

And so this is where someone like myself is summoned to create a true mass movement. You need a leader who can create such a movement and the key people to join him as staff and donors. It all has to come together before the final step, which is awakening enough of the masses to achieve victory over our enemies.

To give a further example of a man who fell short, we have the other person attacked in American Axis, Charles Lindbergh.

He was a highly admirable man, and yet he was no Hitler either. He failed to run for president in 1940 though he had been alarmed by Roosevelt’s policies for years, and he enjoyed superstar status. It was said that the whole room glowed when this man entered. (And so because Lindbergh failed to run in 1940, both candidates, the Republican Dewey and the Democrat Roosevelt, were secretly pro-war lackeys of Zion.)

And when Lindbergh finally criticized the Jews directly, on September 11, 1941, he did it in such a mild manner that he did not whip up any fiery support among Americans, but only fiery heat from the Jews, and their gentile lick-spittles immediately distanced themselves from him, including many key figures on the board of his own “America First Committee”!

Here is the text of the speech and the audio: http://www.charleslindbergh.com/americanfirst/speech.asp

(Max Wallace gloats about this cravenness too.)

In the end, the only thing that can save the white world is a fiery proclamation of a new racial creed, making men and women ready to live, breathe and die for their race’s survival and glory.

Moderates and their moderate talk (look at the nature and the effect of the David Duke videos) are good but they do not set the world on fire. People want to see a fireball of energy or instinctively they will say, and they will recognize: “THAT is not going to stop the Jews. It does not set me on fire and it will not set anyone else on fire.”

You must speak to excitement, feeling, passion and to the soul, to the search for meaning.


I want to LIVE, not just exist!

And the greatest gift is to awaken in people what they agreed with their angels to do before they incarnated, their dharmic memory, their deep feeling that “This is what I agreed to accomplish.”

This is smirti in Sanskrit, the memory of your mission here on earth.

When they see opening up before them the path to the greatness they sought, and the promise they made as a soul and a child of God to themselves and their angels, and suddenly get it, who they are (not a K-mart shopper….) …… then they say:

I have met my destiny.

If you support me, you will remember who you are.

One of my favorite quotations is from Alphonse de Lamartine:

“Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.”

That is literally true. We come from the other side, and we are here on a mission.

What is YOURS?

Life should be fun and and every day a bold adventure.



…..More damaging info on the turned troll Carlos Porter

Britain’s GCHQ, Government Communications Headquarters,

is the monster hub of spying on citizens and disrupting opposition groups and truthtellers

Edward Snowden: ‘Training Guide’

for GCHQ (British) & NSA (US) Agents

in Infiltrating and Disrupting

Dissident Media Online

Who is Carlos Porter? He is a former US citizen who renounced his US citizenship in protest in 1984 and travels since then on a “Nansen passport” for stateless persons.

He did some good writing on revisionism in the 1970s and 1980s from his locations in Luxembourg, Belgium and England, and collaborated closely with me and Margi in 2010 in translating (his work) and reducing in length (our job) Vincent Reynouard’s magnificent revisionist “In Defense of the Gestapo” series.

But then it seems times got tough economically, or was he threatened with arrest for hate-speech by MI-5 or 6 (like our FBI or CIA) in England?

Out of the blue, he suddenly began attacking me on his website……

Here was my initial, factual refutation: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-the-latest-psychopathic-and-soul-selling-troll-carlos-w-porter

His website certainly violates all kinds of British laws on “hate-speech”: http://www.cwporter.com/two2.htm

This image alone on his homepage is worth a few years in Her Majesty’s Prison for both derogatory depiction 0f Blacks and its attack on British law:

Yet Porter is never arrested.

One could claim “Well, he is not an activist out on the street: he is just a writer with articles online.” Well, that is all that Stephen Whittle and Simon Sheppard of England did! And thy both did over two years in prison!

You can see their story in presidential video four, and then ask yourself why this has never happened to Porter:

John de Nugent Presidential Video 4A

See from the beginning to 7:18 for the issue of free speech, and keep in mind that Carlos Porter, by renouncing his US citizenship, enjoys no protection whatsoever from the US government, and is at the full mercy of Britain’s hate-speech laws, yet is never arrested.


American Dr. James Watson, Nobel Laureate who co-discovered DNA and ran the top genetics laboratory in the USA, says black intelligence different from white. British police then announce criminal investigation of Watson.

Two Britons arrested by US Homeland Security in Los Angeles for free speech about racial troubles in Britain when they apply for political asylum here.

Pre-judice means pre-judging; Dr. Watson caves in, cravenly apologizes, and recants the truths he had spoken – and is fired anyway from his own laboratory

White Marine on leave from Afghanistan and wife attacked at movie theater by racist black mob in Florida. Racist black “flash mobs” attack white fairgoers in Wisconsin.

I wrote about Carlos Porter’s character attack on me to Mike Delaney, the brave producer of the incredible two-hour documentary  “911 Missing Links,” which was the first major documentary stating clearly that Jews and Israelis did 9/11 (and not only Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and the oil industry, as per “Loose Change” and other films done by Jews). The other great merit of this film is that it shows earlier Israeli false-flag attacks on Americans such as the Lavon Affair of 1954 and the attack on the USS Liberty (34 dead) in 1967.


Mike has since gone on to create the WN-owned TruTube.tv, which means that our comrades can upload videos that speak honestly about Jews, race, the Third Reich, etc., and not be censored by the likes of YouTube or Vimeo.

I and Mike in the spring of 2013 in Apollo, Pennsylvania

I wrote Delaney on Skype on Friday, 28 February 2014


[23:33:40] John de Nugent: the latest liar gets it: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-the-latest-psychopathic-and-soul-selling-troll-carlos-w-porter

[23:34:20] *Mike Delaney: Yeah, he trolled me for a couple of years.


This has been the sixth character attack in six months on me in this “movement” (really, it is only a Cause; Adolf Hitler had a “movement”) that is bursting over the rim with both infiltrators and with “turned” individuals who STAY OUT OF JAIL by attacking me on command.


Since March 2009 I have been under constant and vicious attack, and then the very same agents and turncoats accuse me of not starting a huge movement whose assignment has been to dissuade people from supporting my work!


This same Carlos Porter lures people to his site with old Holo revisionism, but in specific cases, again and again he defends Jews.


1) He claims, like the Jewsmedia, that the totally innocent German Bruno Hauptmann killed the Lindbergh baby, not the German Jew Isidor Fisch. (Hauptmann went to the electric chair repeating his innocence.)


http://www.cwporter.com/loonylindynote.htm  Porter even defames the man for his WWI service as a machine-gunner by calling him a “mass killer”! What was a machine-gunner supposed to do when enemy soldiers are charging at you across the no-man’s land, hurling hand grenades at you and firing their weapons at your head and body? Blow soap bubbles? Give the “peace” sign? How “below-the-belt” can an attack get?


I was a machine-gunner (and Guardsman of the Year 1980) in my infantry unit of the Virginia National Guard. Does that make me a “mass killer” for doing my job?


Here is the truth: http://incogman.net/2011/12/jews-are-big-fat-liars/comment-page-2/


2) He claims, again like the Jewsmedia, that the Black janitor Jim Conley raped and killed Mary Ann Phagan, and not the Jewish B’nai B’rith official Leo Max Frank. (http://www.democratic-republicans.us/glory-to-mary-phagan-and-the-white-men-who-avenged-her)


3)  He claims, again like the Jewsmedia, that the CIA patsy Lee Harvey Oswald (whom the Jewish nightclub owner and criminal Jack Ruby silenced with a bullet) murdered President John Kennedy.


Here is his insulting attack on Michael Collins Piper, full of ludicrous assertions that Piper is vague about everything and has no facts. http://www.cwporter.com/pipernote2.htm




And here is the pdf  of the entire book. Judge for yourself!




Everyone and his dog knows Oswald was set up, precisely as Oswald said to reporters after his arrest, and in polls 81% of the American people believe that JFK was killed by a conspiracy — not by “a lone gunman” — and the government is LYING.


The truth is that the Israelis and the closet Jew Lyndon Johnson organized the murder of John Kennedy.


LBJ, his Jewish wife Lady Bird and his Jewish mother, Rachel Baines



http://www.democratic-republicans.us/the-jewish-war-on-the-kennedys and also http://www.democratic-republicans.us/the-jewish-war-on-the-kennedys/lyndon-johnsons-jewish-mother-and-the-1967-israeli-attack-on-the-uss-liberty


And here is Porter repeating as fact every JEW defamation of JFK as a sex sleaze: http://www.cwporter.com/jfksex.htm ……..

So now we have three cases where the same Carlos Porter who once collaborated with me and Margi closely, and then suddenly turned on me without provocation or warning, and mysteriously stays out of jail in England, defends a Jew or Jews in cases where even many Establishment writers doubt the official line.


Paid-Off Porter stays out of jail by attacks on me.


And when that many people attack me (Duke, Black, Holappa — all three have been inside federal prison, and Tom Metzger says “can we trust anyone who has been there?” plus Campbell, Porter, Erich Gliebe, .etc, ete, etc.) in a movement that COINTELPRO infiltrated long ago, then you also know who the one is whom the Jews fear most.


Certainly not the guy with the changed, bionic face….


David Duke before massive cosmetic surgery and after







Liam Standish Right fuckin’ on, John! I couldn’t have said it better… The whole movement is ZOG-funded…. That’s a fact, Jack!

57 minutes ago · Unlike · 1

John D. Nugent Now, here is a real revisionist, Vincent Reynouard over in France,

who wrote me yesterday that he and his wife both were arrested (he for ten hours, she for 45 minutes, then they were released), their computer was seized, AND their camcorder, their DVD engraver and all the DVDs in their home — and now why does this NOT happen to CARLOS PORTER, who ALSO has Holocaust revisionism on his site?

18 minutes ago · Edited · Like

John D. Nugent ORIGINAL EMAIL IN FRENCH TO ME FOLLOWED BY TRANSLATION contact@sansconcessiontv.org
To contact@sansconcessiontv.org
Today at 3:08 AM
Chère Correspondante, Cher Correspondant,
Le 5 mars, j’ai passé dix heures en garde à vue. Une perquisition a été opérée à mon domicile au terme de laquelle ont été saisis : mon ordinateur, mon graveur de DVD, mes stocks de DVD gravés, mon caméscope (et son pied), du matériel de bureau…
A l’origine de cette nouvelle affaire, les plaintes déposées contre ma vidéo “Devoir de mémoire : une jeunesse embrigadée”.
Ma compagne Marie, qui apparaît quelques minutes à la fin de la vidéo, est également inculpée. Elle a été entendue trois quarts d’heure ce 5 mars dans le cadre de l’enquête.
Nous sommes tous les deux poursuivis pour “contestation de crime contre l’humanité” et pour “diffusion d’images interdites” (comprenez : sans le consentement de ceux que l’on voit sur les images). J’ai pu apprendre que mes adversaires ont invité des parents d’élèves qui apparaissaient sur les photos à porter également plainte ; l’objectif évident est de grossir l’affaire afin de mettre plus sûrement en branle la répression.
Je tiens à souligner que l’enquêteur qui s’occupe de l’affaire a été d’une correction exemplaire. Il a fait son travail, obéissant aux instructions du parquet, mais sans zèle excessif.
Pour l’heure, nous reprenons nos esprits et tentons de nous réorganiser après ce sérieux coup. Nous demandons donc à tous ceux qui nous ont écrit un peu de patience pour la réponse.
Quoi qu’il en soit, nous ne baissons pas les bras. La répression sévère qui nous frappe, à cause d’adversaires qui fuient le débat loyal et pour se réfugier dans les jupes de la “Justice”, montre de quel côté sont les gens honnêtes et de quel côté sont les menteurs inquiets. L’Histoire, la vraie, sera écrite par les révisionnistes.
Merci à toutes et à tous pour votre soutien,
Vincent & Marie



to contact@sansconcessiontv.org
Today at 3:08 AM
Dear Correspondent

On March 5, I spent ten hours in police custody. A search was made at my home at the end of which were seized : my computer, DVD burner, DVD burned stock, my camcorder (and even the pedestal), and office equipment …



The origin of this new case , the complaints against my video “Lest We Forget: A youth brigaded.” (= indoctrinated, i.e., to feel guilt toward Jews and hate their grandparents as antisemites)
My companion Mary, who appears for a few minutes at the end of the video, was also charged. She was interrogated for three quarters of an hour on March 5 as part of the investigation.
We are both charged with ” disputing crimes against humanity ” and “dissemination of copyrighted images” ( read: without the consent of those that we show in the video). I learned that my opponents have urged parents of students who appeared in photographs to also complain, the obvious goal being to grow this into a huge effort to crush us.
I want to emphasize that the police investigator responsible for the case was a copy correction. He only did his job, obeying the instructions of the prosecutors, but without excessive zeal.
For now, we are picking our spirits up again and trying to reorganize after this serious blow. We therefore ask all those who have written a little patience for the answer.
Anyway, we are not giving up. This severe new repression against us has come because our opponents flee from any fair debate and take refuge behind the skirts of the “Justice” system. This repression shows which side has the honest people and on which side are the worried liars. History, the true and final history, will be written by us, the revisionists.
Thank you all for your support,
Vincent & Mary


19 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1

John D. Nugent So why is Porter getting off scot-free?

34 minutes ago · Like

John D. Nugent Why were all three indictments against my defamer Henrik Holappa DROPPED? Why was the organizer of the entire defamation campaign, David Duke (who in December 2013 did yet another radio show with Holappa), released after just one day in jail in Cologne, Germany and ALSO after just one day in jail in Prague, Czech Republic?


To give him “cred” with THE HOPELESSLY GULLIBLE!

I repeat: 1) I have had zero friction or “fallings-out” with any of these people attacking me, and 2) all these creatures ARE indeed white nationalists, but of the lowest character. They make a hostile deal with the US feds (or with the British, French, German or Australian secret police) to defame any other comrade they are ordered to. And this, at least temporarily, plus possible bribes and blackmail thrown into the mix (especially with regard to police files on the sex and gambling maniac Duke) keeps them out of jail until further notice. This does not mean they will never go to jail. It means that for now the deal between them and the Jews holds. “Your position is secure for now if you attack John de Nugent on cue.”



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…..Would you like to donate to the real deal?

I need your financial help to run for president and finish MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Both must be done. Race is something, but it is not everything. Most of the scum-bags I know today are WHITE. How ’bout you?

Others have been making big sacrifices. See my donations log: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/donations-log

–March 1, 2014 via Amazon: DVD “Chariot of the Gods” (von Däniken) and Joseph Farrell book, The Cosmic War from G., Australia

–March 1, 2014 $40 via credit card from Will S., Madison, Wisconsin

–February 28, 2014 $500 loan via Greendot MoneyPak from J., Tennessee

–February 25, 2014 $50 via credit card from Michael in Germany

–February 21, 2014 $400 via credit card from J., Australia

–February 21, 2014 $300 via MoneyPak from R., Washington DC

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