


Men Are Just Happier People!

What do you expect from such simple creatures?

Your last name stays put.

The garage is all yours.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Chocolate is just another snack.

You can be President.

You can never be pregnant.

You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.

You can wear NO shirt to a water park.

Car mechanics tell you the truth.

The world is your urinal.

You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.

You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.

Same work, more pay.

Wrinkles add character.

Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental – $100.

People never stare at your chest when they’re talking to you.

New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet.

One mood all the time.

Phone conversations don’t need to exceed 30 seconds flat.

You know stuff about tanks.

A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.

You can open all your own jars.

You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.

Three pairs of shoes are more than enough..

You almost never have strap problems in public.

You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes..

Everything on your face stays its original color.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, even decades.

You only have to shave your face and neck.

You can play with toys all your life.

One wallet, one pair of shoes, one color for all seasons.

You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.

You can ‘do’ your nails with a pocket knife.

You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives

On December 24 in 25 minutes.

Men Are Just Happier People

If Laura, Kate and Sarah go out for lunch, they will call each other Laura, Kate and Sarah. If Mike, Dave and John go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Bubba and Wildman.


When the bill arrives, Mike, Dave and John will each throw in $20, even though it’s only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.

When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.


A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.

A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn’t need but it’s on sale.


A man has six items in his bathroom: toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel.

The average number of items in the typical woman’s bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify more than 20 of these items.


A woman has the last word in any argument.

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.


A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.

A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.


A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn’t.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, but she does.


A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the trash, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.

A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.


Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.

Women somehow deteriorate during the night.


Ah, children. A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.

A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.


A married man should forget his mistakes. There’s no use in two people remembering the same thing!

…..Part-Aryan Japanese

Japan’s beautiful part-white Akita bijin women: Just google “japanese women akita bijin” I met once some of the Akita bijin, super-white-skinned and they were truly beautiful.  They ARE part-white, from both Ainu stock (the original white Japanese) and from race-mixing in the once Christianized, Dutch-used, port cities down in the south of Japan.

The shogun, the military ruler, became alarmed at the foreign threat (the Philippines, Indonesia and other Asian areas had already been taken over by Europeans), he banned Christianity, slaughtered the male Christian converts, and then sent the half-white girls up to Akita.

In the Japanese you can see partly white behavior, partly NORDIC behavior.

The girls I saw ( in person) were STUNNING!!!!!!

I do NOT find Asian girls attractive (and as a WN I have never race-mixed), and I like girls with a good chest, and no slanted eyes , BUT technically they were “tens.” They were the wives of Japanese doctors who were taking American-accent lessons from me in the Boston area 1996-2002. Soft voices, hard-working — no feminism. And Akita is beautiful in itself, up in the snow country of the northern half of Honshu, the main island of Japan.

What I loved about the Japanese was the sense of honor, honesty, punctuality and quality. It was weird in that I half-connected with them.. but the other half felt their Asianness too, and their women never tempted me for even one second, no matter how pretty. My father saw them at their worst in WWII, doing just terrible things to captured live white Marines, and boy, did they pay for that.

In the HBO series “The Pacific,” Marines, as a warning not to surrender, are led past a tree to which the Nips had tied a Marine and then gouged out his eyes and cut off his genitals. (The scene is deliberately darkened, but the unfortunate, dead Marine is leaning up against a tree. After several such incidents, the Marines took no more Japanese prisoners.)

I see them as the strategic ally of the white race against China, the greatest enemy we may ever face, worse than the Jews. The Japanese rightly despise the Chinese as crooks, liars, thieves and, just as bad, producers of shoddy work.

In WWII we really saw the dark side of them. The movie “Bridge over the River Kwai” barely touches on their cruelty. 40% of American POWs of the Japanese perished, as compared to 1% of Americans held by the Germans.

A comrade objected that they were “totally alien,” and I replied:

No, not wholly alien! I know too many personally. I have also met many white scumbags, and THEY were alien. (What can we say about the Brits and Americans who for three straight days knowingly bombed Dresden, roasting to death 500,000 fellow Aryans?)

Japanese art is also minimalist, Spartan, under-decorated, and never overblown or full of dragons and swirls of red and gold, like Chinese. To me, China is truly alien. The Japanese are partly white, and they act the same way — partly white.

Look up on Google “Japanese tea ceremony room”. (See below.) Truly beautiful to me as an Aryan: minimalist, understated, and quietly elegant. The Japanese man is stoic, uncomplaining, and dedicated. I felt like I was back in the Marines in some ways with them.

An earlier blog on Japan: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-roosevelts-planned-false-flag-attack-on-japan-3


…..Battle of Los Angeles: HUGE UFO incident at the start of US involvement in WWII

Battle of Los Angeles: HUGE UFO incident at the start of US involvement in WWII — a three-hour appearance by a huge UFO and the whole US Army opened up with flak. Two people killed by the falling flak, and lots of damage to cars and homes … Front page of the LA Times, spring of 1942

The whole city of two million was awake. Every gun was blazing, the gigantic searchlights sweeping the sky. The US Army fired up the whole sky for hours…. very, very documented.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Los_Angeles The Wiki article is full of half-truths and disinfo, of course. The History Channel had a video on it, however, with actual footage. Here is MSNBC on it:


…..Jew Army soldier and wife have sex with dogs

Welcome to the Obongo military: http://m.nydailynews.com/news/crime/fort-bragg-soldier-wife-cuffed-filming-sex-acts-dogs-article-1.1458372 By the name and appearance, he could well be a Jew.

The Jews promote sicko things so people will 1) do them and then 2) become arrestable and their careers destroyable. All part of a gigantic blackmail process: get dirt on everyone and control them.


An English comrade wrote me:

John, earlier today I was driving back from a friend’s house in the city of Gloucester, England, and I saw a negro kid holding a white boy against a hedge by his throat.

I turned the van around to make another pass and this time I saw a second negro had joined in. I slowed down and held my blackberry out the window to take a picture. The Afros noticed me just before I snapped the pic (they really do have good sensory awareness) and they took their hands away from his throat and started patting him on the shoulder to make it look like they’re friends. The looks on their faces betray the truth of the situation.

There’s actually two negroes in the pic but one of them is stood behind the other one and you can only see his hat. The moment I snapped the picture the negroes went running off in different directions, just like they do in the movies when the cops show up.How I wish there was something like the KKK in Britain. We need a white republic ASAP.

* * *

I replied:

Dear Lawrence,

I read you loud and clear. Thank you for your courage to turn around, take that photo, and save that white boy!

If only action directe, as the French say, would and could solve our problems…. The problem, however, is a kind of tumor in our brain, our heart and soul.

Any KKK would be infiltrated by the police quickly and smashed, as in the USA.

No, the solution is inside ourselves first, an inner Aryanization. Then none of these muddy mlecchas (Sanskrit word for “vile subhumans”) will stand a chance.



I deliberately present myself as a father figure, because the young Whites today have no father, or none they really wish to talk to. (Of those who have worked for me, one had a totally absentee father, and a harridan mother, and two others had a very distant relationship with their father….. Both my father and that of a young assistant said we (their sons) were “bringing shame on the family”….. Talk about cognitive dissonance! A young man chooses the manly path of bravery, heroism, patriotism and responsibility – and his father says he is disgracing the family! Enough to make you vomit!)

I need your support, comrades. A new movement is not started by clicking “like” on Facebook, or sending me an email full of empty praise, but by money and volunteers, plus a convincing, charismatic leader with the right message and organization.

Can I count on your donation? Or are you all-talk, all “click”, a Net surfer dude only??

. .

Go up, top-left or top-right, and click on the blue donate button to make an easy donation! (My donations log: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/donations-log)


Online Payments

Or send your donation of $10, $50 or $500 to John de Nugent, 681 Canal Road, Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

Email: john_denugent@yahoo.com

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)

Facebook: “John D. Nugent

 In 1990 I nearly won the Republican primary for US Congress in Tennessee with just $3,000:



Recent donations:

–January 7, 2014 $100  via credit card from  J.L. in Australia

–January 6, 2014 $22 via credit card from  N.T. in England

–January 3, 2014 $5 in cash in aluminum foil from Minnesota –December 28, 2013 $500 in cash in aluminum foil from Scotland –December 28, 2013 50 Euros in cash and aluminum foil from H.S., Germany –December 26, 2013 $25 by cc from M.W.,  Colorado –December 21, 2013 $275 by Greendot MoneyPak from R.C., Arizona, $15 via PopMoney from J.M., Oregon  and $20 by credit card from T.B., New York City

–December 19, 2013 $100 by credit card from R., Switzerland –December 18, 2013 $500 by credit card from J., Pittsburgh, PA. –December 16, 2013 $200 cash from M.B., Oregon –December 16, 2013 $100 cash from K.B., Massachusetts

–December 15, 2013 $155 by credit card from A., France

–December 14, 2013 $40 cash from W., Depew, NY and $88 by Greendot MoneyPak from D. in Phoenix, Arizona

–December 11, 2013 $35 by credit card from W., Wisconsin

–December 11, 2013 $30 by credit card from W., Wisconsin

–December 9, 2013 $40 cash from B. in Texas

–December 6, 2013 50 Euros from F., Germany

–December 4, 2013 $14 by credit card from an English comrade named Nicholas

–November 28 (Thanksgiving), $100 by credit card from an Australian comrade named Jason –November 27, 2013 Beautiful German DVD of the play “Faust” by Goethe from an Australian comrade named Glen and 50 Swiss francs from Maximilian K., Germany

–November 26, 2013 from Benjamin M., Illinois $100

–November 24, 2013 from Justin B., Nova Scotia, Canada $5

–Chris J., British Columbia, Canada $40

–Janet P., Washington State $15

–November 22-23, 2013 I thank comrades who responded to my emergency appeal for funds using my convenient credit card system at Authorize.net: –Erick L., Massachusetts $20 –Anthony M., Penn. $50 –Jason L., Australia $300 –Th. B., New York, $20 –Lars L., Tenn. $50 –William L. Ore. $10 –Dieter B., Ariz. $88 (heh-heh ;-))

But this is not enough! Every comrade who admires my 35 years of work, huge sacrifices and POTENTIAL LEADERSHIP FOR OUR WHITE FUTURE can send, via CC, $5, or $10, and get a thank-you letter from me personally! –November 18, 2013 50 Canadian dollars and 20 American dollars — from Germany! –November 16, 2013  from a German comrade, 60 euros in aluminum foil:

–November 16 2013 from a comrade in Australia — a Walt Disney video on the rescue of the amazing white Lippizaner stallions of Austria at the end of WWII, and also a Dresden stollen roll which he sent and German cookies. (A “stollen” is a powdered, delicious, fluffy, German kind of fruit cake — light, not heavy — that Americans love):

–November 15, 2013 $7 in cash from Richard –November 14, 2013 $41 cash-money from a former Marine officer, received just fine in aluminum foil –November 14, 2013 A shoo-fly pie from the Amish country from a comrade –November 10, 2013 $150 by check from MM, Pennsylvania –November 3, 2013 $225 via Greendot Moneypak (see below) and then again $60 –November 1, 2013 book from Germany –November 1, 2013 DVD from Amazon.com –October 21, 2013   Ten books in German from Germany –October 21, 2013   $15 “Pop Money” recurring donation from JM, Washington State, USA


…..Jews desperate to race-mix Nordic Finland

Elovena is the main maker of the Finnish national breakfest, oatmeal. The boxes always featured wholesome, blond Finnish girls.

What connects more with your soul than a loving female giving you a steaming hot breakfeast on a cold morning, before the battle of life begins that day?

So this is what the Jew does:

A towering photo overlooking downtown Helsinki of an angry black man-woman (the person has female clothes on but also a large adam’s apple). the sign contains, using a special verb mode, a literal military order to the disciplined Finns, of whom all men all must serve in their military: “See a new perspective.”

Confusion…Is it a man or a woman? Why a gigantic negro looking down on Helsinki?

Why is the negro angry?

A Jewish psychiatrist unquestionably had to have designed this ad campaign…. Subtle terrorism, to create anxiety and thus an inability to focus. Stress shuts down all long-term thinking, all quiet pondering of the situation, all planning for counter-measures, in favor of quick thrills, quick pleasures and quick relief (eating, drinking, sex, Internet surfing, tv watching, shopping…)

The average Finn does not even realize this is a psychiatric assault on his brain.

And so was the Madonna show at the Superbowl, where a negress calling herself “MIA” gave all America, in a quick gesture, quite literally, The Finger. People do not even realize they were assaulted for a SUBLIMINAL split-second, until someone caught it and pointed it out.

The point is to create all-anxiety, all the time, yet have people not understand what is happening, AND THAT IS WHY IT WORKS. THEIR FORCE FIELD IS NOT UP.

Once they see the manipulation, and also take active destressing counter-measures, they can again control their lives, moods and planning, and whites will stop being work animals for the Jews to get richer. They will see the enemy and all of his tricks.



…..”Who’ll stop the rain?”

Long as I remember, the rain been comin’ down.

Clouds of mystery, pourin’ confusion on the ground.

Good men through the ages, tryin’ to find the sun;

And I wonder, still I wonder, who‘ll stop the rain?

I went down to Virginia [home of Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry], seekin’ shelter from the storm.

Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow. [tower of Lord Sauron from "Lord of the Rings"]

Five-Year-Plans [marxist] and New Deals [Roosevelt-American], wrapped in golden chains.

And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain.

Heard the singers playin’, how we cheered for more.

The crowd had rushed together, tryin’ to keep warm.

Still the rain kept pourin’, fallin’ on my ears.

And I wonder, still I wonder: who’ll stop the rain?

The great thing is that everyone who sees the lyrics says: “Wow — I never really listened to the words!”

…..Learning from the Mormons

One of the reasons why the Mormons (such as Mitt Romney) have become so successful is they take charge of your mental health. They lay down rules to make you happy and rich.

1) marry, love, and be totally faithful to your wife

2) she must obey you and you must respect her — no battles for power; the man, as the more logical one (ideally!;) wink), has the last word

3) raise many loving, well-disciplined children

This is how the Mormons depict Jesus, not as a suffering victim, but as a manly white man. (The Orthodox churches also depict Jesus as the “ruler of all, ” the pantokrator, not a guy bleeding from every pore on a cross.)

4) no alcohol (a depressant that also makes some men violent)

5) no tobacco (thus, much less cancer and heart disease)

6) no caffeine (which at high levels can cause anxiety, lack of sleep, nervousness and talking without thinking wink)

The beautiful Mormon Temple in Kensington, Maryland, visible to everyone who drives along the circular highway around Washington DC, the “Beltway,” and really spectacular to behold at night…. It has a marvelous visitors center for non-Mormons to go in and learn about Mormonism, an unusual American offshoot of both Christianity and Freemasonry. Mormons believe in a limited kind of reincarnation: you have ONE life before you come to this earth. Then, if you and your wife live a godly life, you and she after death will reunite and rule as enlightened masters over your own world or planet, and populate the whole planet with your own virtuous children and descendants. Some of their ideas are somewhat similar to Vedanta, which teaches there are many worlds besides this earth and we should be evolving upward to higher stages of virtue and consciousness.

Lubbock, Texas temple

They depict their founder, Joseph Smith, as very blond.

7) no paid clergy — every Mormon minister works a full-time job in the business world and gets no salary whatsoever from the Mormon church, so everyone is PRACTICAL… This is the polar opposite of the Catholic Church in so many ways….

The Mormon and excellent quarterback in the 1990s for the San Francisco 49ers, Steve Young, a direct descendant of the second leader of the Mormons, Brigham Young.

Wiki: Young was named the Most Valuable Player of the NFL in 1992 and 1994, and the MVP of Super Bowl XXIX. He is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame and the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He ranks third in NFL history in career passer rating among NFL quarterbacks who have thrown at least 1,500 passing attempts (96.8). Young also won a record six NFL passing titles.

8) they must donate 10% of their income to their church, and it takes care of their poor

9) they prepare for the coming chaos by storing food, water, guns, etc. and building shelters

The Mormons have always been a big role model for me.

The message of the new website will be:

* * *

Life out of control?
Pessimistic about the country’s direction?

The Eternal Solutreans are a faith-based international organization that helps people get control back over their lives. We are open to all races, but we focus on the civil rights of the one racial group in serious decline: the rapidly shrinking, aging and economically stressed white community, people of European ancestry. It is a proven fact, despite government statistics, that whites are a minority right now in their own country, and we need help. We need to help each other, because the government will not — just make things worse. In fact, the government causes the problems.

The Eternal Solutreans believe and know the scientific facts that prove that there is a Higher Being, we never ever die — even when our body gives out at physical “death,” and we know there is massive proof — accumulated and studied by the medical staff at the University of Virginia Medical School in Charlottesville, Virginia, funded by the founder of the Xerox corporation — of thousands of individuals with exact, precise, detailed memories of having had previous lives. We are here to learn, love and grow each time we come here.

This is a time for heroes, and for caring about each other. Call us!

I need your support, comrades. A new movement is not started by clicking “like” on Facebook, or sending me an email full of empty praise, but by money and volunteers, plus a convincing, charismatic leader with the right message and organization.


Go up, top-left or top-right, and click on the blue donate button to make an easy donation! (My donations log: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/donations-log)


Online Payments

Or send your donation of $10, $50 or $500 to John de Nugent, 681 Canal Road, Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

Email: john_denugent@yahoo.com

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)

Facebook: “John D. Nugent


35 years of commitment to the cause of Whites surviving and thriving again!

Joan of Arc was once mocked: “If God is with you, why do you need soldiers?”  She responded with her usual bold and succinct style: “The men at arms will fight and God will give the victory.” http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-happy-birthday-today-in-1412-joan-of-arc

…..Website visitors worldwide

1/9 @ 10:24 : Clarkton, North Carolina, US

1/9 @ 10:23 : Ashburn, Virginia, US

1/9 @ 10:22 : North Vancouver, CA

1/9 @ 10:22 : Makati, PH

1/9 @ 10:21 : Towson, Maryland, US

1/9 @ 10:21 : Everett, Washington, US

1/9 @ 10:21 : Frankfurt, DE



1/9 @ 10:18 : Santa Ana, California, US

1/9 @ 10:17 : Princeton, New Jersey, US

1/9 @ 10:17 : Menlo Park, California, US

1/9 @ 10:17 : Santa Barbara, California, US

1/9 @ 10:17 : Aliso Viejo, California, US

1/9 @ 10:16 : Santa Barbara, California, US

1/9 @ 10:16 : Santa Barbara, California, US

1/9 @ 10:15 : Paris, FR


French comrades march against “gay marriage”:  ”Un père et une mère, c’est centenaire” (One father and one mother, this is centuries old)


1/9 @ 10:14 : Brooklyn, New York, US

1/9 @ 10:14 : Ashburn, Virginia, US

1/9 @ 10:12 : London, GB


Greater London; the city is now over 50% black, brown and yellow


1/9 @ 10:12 : Lawton, Oklahoma, US

1/9 @ 10:12 : Grand Rapids, Minnesota, US

1/9 @ 10:11 : North Vancouver, CA[NADA]




1/9 @ 10:11 : Baytown, Texas, US

1/9 @ 10:09 : Salt Lake City, Utah, US

1/9 @ 10:09 : New Mexico, US

1/9 @ 10:06 : Sandy, Utah, US

1/9 @ 10:04 : Brisbane, AU[STRALIA]



1/9 @ 10:01 : Redmond, Washington, US

1/9 @ 10:01 : Bangkok, TH

1/9 @ 10:00 : Salt Lake City, Utah, US

1/9 @ 9:58 : Bangkok, TH

1/9 @ 9:56 : Chesterfield, Missouri, US

1/9 @ 9:55 : San Francisco, California, US

1/9 @ 9:54 : Zagreb, HR

1/9 @ 9:51 : Tucson, Arizona, US



1/9 @ 9:51 : Fountaintown, Indiana, US

1/9 @ 9:47 : Vienna, AT

1/9 @ 9:46 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

1/9 @ 9:46 : Burbank, California, US

1/9 @ 9:45 : Hanford, California, US

1/9 @ 9:45 : New York, New York, US


Clock at Grand Central Station


1/9 @ 9:45 : Bexley, AU

1/9 @ 9:44 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

1/9 @ 9:43 : Burbank, California, US

1/9 @ 9:43 : Brooklyn, New York, US

1/9 @ 9:42 : Vienna, AT


Vienna Philharmonic


1/9 @ 9:41 : Vienna, AT

1/9 @ 9:41 : Wilmington, Delaware, US

1/9 @ 9:41 : Tucson, Arizona, US

1/9 @ 9:40 : Nürnberg, DE


Stupendous battle between aliens over Nuremberg in 1561 (woodcut)


1/9 @ 9:38 : United States, US

1/9 @ 9:38 : Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, US

1/9 @ 9:38 : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

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