
…..Before and after

…..WN in France shows a Muslim whose country it is

What difference is there between a Muslim and a Jew? They both want our destruction and they both descend from violent neanderthals! (http://www.democratic-republicans.us/neanderthals-and-semites)

Classic Cro Magnon faces are found in us, the modern Europeans, North Americans, New Zealanders, South Africans and Australians, with upright foreheads, straight up like the White Cliffs of Dover…..

….and slightly receding mouths and strong chins


John Kennedy, as depicted in profile on the 1965 quarter-dollar coin, with truly perfect Cro Magnon features. (Ireland, home of all his ancestors, has or had until recently, by virtue of its location on the edge of Europe, the most stable Cro Magnon genetics of any European country.)

President Kennedy with German aristocrat and brilliant rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. The chin juts out, as much or more than the mouth.

Dutch actor Rutger Hauer

Irish-Australian actress Nicole Kidman

Miss Iceland 2007, Johanna Vala

French movie star Alain Delon

Depiction of prehistoric neanderthals; note the sloping forehead, protruding mouth, weak chin and semitic nose.

Cro magnon (white) and neanderthal (Jewish) skeletons

Cro Magnons (left) as stated above had foreheads that went straight up, and strong chins but flat mouths; neanderthals (right) have sloping foreheads, protruding mouths, and huge rib cages like gorillas, with a fire-hydrant body

A reconstructed neanderthal face and body

Many Jews…….both sephardic and khazarian/ashkenazic

Note especially the protruding mouth of “Lady Gaga,” lower-left, and (below) that of 1960s singer Carly Simon.

A 2009 picture of Simon

….and yet Arabs. Armenians and other Middle Easterners ALSO have this neanderthal gene.

An Arab-muslim warlord  preparing to attack a white, Christian army defending Europe

The Times Square bomber from Pakistan, Faisal Shahzad

Yassir Arafat, founder and head for decades of the PLO

A French Jew and synagogue president; note the fireplug body, protruding mouth and sloped forehead

German-Jewish Kabbalah writer Gershom Scholem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gershom_Scholem)

Truly infamous Jewish neo-neanderthals: Jewish activist Samuel Untermeyer, creator of the lying Scofield Bible…

Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney chief of staff who feloniously blew the cover of a vital CIA agent in retaliation for her husband’s truthful disclosures about the bogus WMD accusations against Saddam Hussein and Iraq

Menachem Begin as a young man in 1940……


…..Ernst Zündel on CNN’s Crossfire in 1988

I like Ernst but when the Jew mocked him for saying there was freedom of speech under Hitler, Ernst did not have a good counter-argument.

He should have said: “Hitler had open censorship of anything harmful to Germany. America and Canada have a totally Jew-owned mass media that censors, or ridicules and defames, as you are doing now, calling me a loony, Mr., Jew, interrupting me every other word, Mr. Bradley, whose boss is a Jewess, and by the way, you have a pretty huge, crooked nose yourself, and by citing a Soviet general as a fountain of truth. In America you have freedom to either like the Jews or love the Jews.” Anyone other viewpoint is slashed and burned, and you two  are in fact doing it to me right now. This is why reporters are called presstitutes. If your Jew masters told you to stand on your head in a pile of chicken manure you would do so and sing Hava nagila! Let me hear either of you say that Israel is guilty of extreme war crimes. The whole world knows it is true but everyone is afraid of the Jews. In Germany no one was afraid of the Jews,  and if you spoke the truth and were not trying to destroy morale in the middle of the war you had no reason to be afraid of Hitler either.”

…..Sandy Hook video sabotaged by Jewgle

I gave high praise to the original Sandy Hook video by Sofia Smallstorm, a briliant and brave Ivy League graduate http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-sandy-hook-were-no-kids-killed-at-all-meme-feds-take-the-guns-from-the-crazies-spooky-pumpkin-story and, perhaps in part due to my boost, and calling the video (on my own initiative, forthrightly)


it soared up to 118,000 views!

After this video, and now the new and jazzed-up version (see … below!) you can  onjly call it what it was — JUST LIKE THE HOLOCAUST FRAUD, a faked massacre with NO VICTIMS at Sandy Hooknose in Jewtown!

The Star of David flag with 26 stars (“for each murdered child”) is seen flying at the Sandy Hook firehouse in December 2012.

An informed source told me:

“Sandy Hook is so Jewish a neighborhood it might as well be called ‘Sandy Hooknose‘ and Newtown, Connecticut (the larger town around it) is so Jewish it should be called ‘Jewtown.’”

Sandy Hooker Gene Rosen, all grieving... Give this ham actor a very rotten tomato.

Sandy Hook “parent” Robbie Parker with classic Ashkenazi features

—just hours after his daughter was supposedly killed, he smiles before going on camera to tear up and choke up …. Guess he was still in shock…. in smile-shock….

Fake tears on dry cheeks of Neil Heslin, Jew, with a framed pic of his not-dead daughter who was NOT shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, as he lies under oath to the US Senate Judiciary Committee on February 23, 2013.


Note that, as per the below, the photos released by the “jew-thorities” on the one-year anniversary of the fake crime at Jewtown show NO evidence of ANY crime! It was all one big “OP” to promote the agenda that “We aren’t trying to violate the Second Amendment, BUT anyone with mental-health issues should not have guns.”

Angry? No guns!

Combat vet of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghsanistan? No guns!

Broke up with your girlfriend? No guns!

Taking anti-depressants? No guns!

Look at these Jewtown, Connecticut photos released in December 2013, which once again prove exactly N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

Proves nix.

Proves FBI can lay an AR-15 on the floor 

Lanza bedroom — proves FBI can tape garbage bags to windows

Proves Lanza lived in a big house (The name Lanza is usually Italian-JEWISH, btw.)

Proves some marksman shot at paper targets and went to a gun shop….

But where is the body of even ONE dead child?

When Saddam Hussein’s two sons were killed, they showed THEIR bodies!

In every legal proceeding the body must be shown AND IDENTIFIED BY RELATIVES!

But now, after Smallstorm punched in their Sandy Hooknose, what did the Googlejews do?

Sabotaged the sound synch on the new version of the video! On the new super-version!

Here is the new video (AND WELL WORTH WATCHING!):

It is wonderful, starting wven with the sarcastic use of the Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” musical opening….

BUT…. I noticed something weird on the video as it plays on JEWTUBE, and wrote several friends about it…..


Would you tell me if the lip movement-synch is okay for Sofia Smallstorm’s new Sandy Hook video? Here it is on JewTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqu5Yu6AdQY

And tell me this: at 4:54 (or later) do Sofia’s lips seem WAY out of synch in the JewTube version? The J-Team is notorious for messing with the synch of un-p-c. vids! I am accusing the Jews at JewTube of deliberately sabotaging it.The J-Team is notorious for messing with the synch of un-p-c. vids!

Just play the Sofia video, then move the slider forward to around 4:45

On three different browsers her voice is not playing in synch for me at my computer (and I have a modern laptop with super-high Internet speed), and this is what the Jews at Google do, they retard the sound track to make US look “regarded”! Like we make poorly-edited videos!

If you also experience that the sound is out of synch, then this is proof that the Jews really fear this video. When the synch is off, it makes the video look defective and put together poorly, and that it irritates people, causing some to stop watching.

In the same way, if a jewspaper prints a letter-to-the-editor critical of Israhell, and this has happened to me, they will ADD egregious spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes to make the writer look illiterate, devious snakes that they are.



A whistleblower and researcher replied:

Yes, it seems to be off for me too. Let me ask Sofia about this.

I replied:

I am sure that her video editor, who added all the great new razzmatazz and special effects to her original video, knows perfectly well how to synch the audio to the video!

So my assumption is that Jewgle did it.

A friend in Nashville, Tennesse also said to me that the video was out of synch, and so did my webmaster in the Northeast. That makes three different people reporting the same thing.



The most brilliant part of it is Sofia’s ANALYSIS.

“Don’t wory. We won’t take your guns unless you are mentally ill…….As defined by the Department of Homeland Security.”

Stressed out? No guns!

Argument with girlfriend? No guns!

Combat vet? No guns!

Afraid you might lose your job? No guns!

Depressed? No guns!

Think Obama’s birth certificate is bogus? You’re suffering from paranoid delusion! No guns!




…..1 American kid in 5 is mentally ill

Now you can see the plan that they have had all along … vaccinate and radiate our kids to ruin their neurology, then pronounce them mentally ill and require the state to oversee them … because they might turn into another Adam Lanza !!! And only those with a clean mental bill of health from the FEDS can own guns! http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/05/18/cdc-1-in-5-us-children-may-have-mental-disorder/


…..Website visitors worldwide


1/2 @ 3:53 : South Africa, ZA


Cathkin Peak, site of a reported Exonordic encounter with a white South African woman, Elizabeth Klarer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Klarer and http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgoldenageofgaia.com%2F2012%2F03%2Felizabeth-klarer-ufo-contactee-and-space-traveler%2F&h=oAQHNTj7a)  This is a rather interesting encounter. It is funny how Wiki speaks of her “having sex with an alien.” These aliens are fully human, Swedish-looking, and as gorgeous as Greek gods, or movie stars! What woman would not be somewhat fascinated? Or drawn to a planet full of peace, beauty and responsible, caring men and women, to a world not racked by crime, rape alcoholism, and race wars?


1/2 @ 3:53 : Mumbai, IN

1/2 @ 3:52 : Vienna, AT [AUSTRIA]


Saint Stephen’s Cathedral


1/2 @ 3:52 : Germany, DE

1/2 @ 3:51 : Chennai, IN

1/2 @ 3:51 : South Africa, ZA

1/2 @ 3:50 : Vienna, AT

1/2 @ 3:50 : South Africa, ZA

1/2 @ 3:49 : South Africa, ZA

1/2 @ 3:47 : Pretoria, ZA

1/2 @ 3:47 : South Africa, ZA

1/2 @ 3:46 : Haarlem, NL [NETHERLANDS = HOLLAND]



1/2 @ 3:46 : Hernando, Mississippi, US

1/2 @ 3:46 : Pretoria, ZA

1/2 @ 3:46 : United States, US

1/2 @ 3:44 : Pessac, FR[ANCE]


A nice little product of this suburb of Bordeaux


1/2 @ 3:43 : Branson, Missouri, US

1/2 @ 3:43 : Aachen, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]

1/2 @ 3:43 : Leinfelden-Echterdingen, DE



1/2 @ 3:42 : Graz, AT

1/2 @ 3:40 : Berlin, DE

1/2 @ 3:40 : Van Nuys, California, US


Meeting of the Van Nuys Tea Party


1/2 @ 3:39 : Aachen, DE

1/2 @ 3:38 : South Africa, ZA

1/2 @ 3:37 : Sacramento, California, US

1/2 @ 3:37 : Pretoria, ZA

1/2 @ 3:36 : Pretoria, ZA

1/2 @ 3:36 : Castle Rock, Colorado, US

1/2 @ 3:36 : Concord, California, US

1/2 @ 3:36 : Athens, GK [GREECE]




Google and Yahoo in 2011 had the number of hits on the search term “John de Nugent” at near or over the figure of three million hits.

Then Jew-gle ratcheted the number of hits WAY down…..

The two Jewboy billionaires and CIA assets who own Google…..Larry Page and Serge Brin

Bing, the Microsoft search engine, back on September 27, 2010: 3,160,000 hits for “John de Nugent”

Yahoo’s search engine the same day in September of 2010: 3,010,000 hits


But Google’s search engine went from 3,000,000 in the spring of 2010 down NOW to 38,400 hits!


And now Bing has followed suit! Screenshot of Feb. 24, 2011, claiming an absurd forty-six hits!

Ditto for Yahoo….(see middle of left column)…175 views!…..


Ironically, it seems I am getting less famous all the time….. I thought I would at least be IN-famous by now!   Soon I will find Google has me down in negative numbers, and sadly I will read I am so obscure I was never born...

Still breathing — (in fact, breathing delicious frosty  air) and feeling great at Freeport Beach, Pennsylvania, on the Belle Rivière (the Allegheny)


A European comrade opined I might be paranoid about attempts on the life of WN dissidents IN PRISON. I replied:

Well, you must remember that I have been in this Cause almost as long as you have been alive (since 1978), and I have seen many comrades I knew personally go to prison. And I have seen a more overt arrogance now being displayed by the Jews, and many almost overt murders. Moses Maimonides, the “revered” sephardic Spanish-Jewish author in the Middle Ages, predicted the day would come, just before the Messiah’s arrival, when the Jews would not need to hide their power but could flaunt it to the goyim. And openly take vengeance.

As for poisoning, Henrik Holappa (http://democratic-republicans.us/henrik-holappa) told me a year after his 2009 arrest that he still had an intestinal infection from his 87 days in a US federal prison, in Batavia, upper New York State (March-June 2009)!

Myself with Henrik at PPG Square in downtown Pittsburgh in 2008.

And a former Order prisoner told me the same thing….POISONING.

Let us recall the “heart attack” in prison of the onetime Serbian president Milosevich as well.

Poisoning is an age-old Jewish trick, and prison is an ideal place for doing it.…and best of all FROM THE JEW-POINT-OF-VIEW, because it is the most sadistic of all, is giving the prisoner a debilitating disease….. so you are always TIRED. You do not become a martyr to your comrades by actually dying; no, you must linger on and live on with pain that no one else can see, and of course do not wish to talk about it. Henrik did not tell me until a year had passed about his intestinal woes, being a typical proud, private Scandinavian.

I always listen to my intuition, comrade, when I advise other comrades to NOT go to prison but escape to a third country.

This is is how I myself stayed out of prison for over 32 years now (1978-2011). (My WN bio: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/wn-biography-of-jdn)

My Stormtroop demonstration against homosexual “pride,” leading three other comrades, at my university, Georgetown, in 1979…..

I also knew Marian Shelton, the wife of a major Vietnam prisoner of war, an Air Force colonel, ….who protested against the Washington regime forgetting him, and abandoning him in a North Vietnamese labor camp…….until she “committed suicide.”

Here is an article from the completely CIA-run, Jewish-owned Washington Post.…almost boasting that the regime has long had high-tech weapons to use against the human brain, and drive dissidents to suicide, even talking to them, sending a microwave radio signal into their brain. It is a very expensive procedure…..but they have thousands of neurologists and technicians at the CIA, at work or as consultants under contract, for carrying out their sadistic games, and if there is ONE thing psychopaths enjoy, it is tormenting someone.



What they ADMIT in this Washington Post article (before backtracking in the second half) is positively mind-blowing. Again, this is NOT from some alternative website or the liberal HuffingtonPost; no, this is from the CIA organ and mouthpiece called THE WASHINGTON POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who has the courage to read this whole article? I bet only 10% finish it. It is that scary.

After you read some of this, your own “horror filter” may well kick in and the thought of “our government” doing brain-war on helpless, isolated individuals may seem overwhelming. But this is the kind of thing that turns psychopaths on….toying with people for fun.

* * *

[source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399_pf.html]

Mind Games

New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that.

By Sharon Weinberger

Sunday, January 14, 2007

IF HARLAN GIRARD IS CRAZY, HE DOESN’T ACT THE PART. He is standing just where he said he would be, below the Philadelphia train station’s World War II memorial — a soaring statue of a winged angel embracing a fallen combatant, as if lifting him to heaven. Girard is wearing pressed khaki pants, expensive-looking leather loafers and a crisp blue button-down. He looks like a local businessman dressed for a casual Friday — a local businessman with a wickedly dark sense of humor, which had become apparent when he said to look for him beneath “the angel sodomizing a dead soldier.” At 70, he appears robust and healthy — not the slightest bit disheveled or unusual-looking. He is also carrying a bag.

Girard’s description of himself is matter-of-fact, until he explains what’s in the bag: documents he believes prove that the government is attempting to control his mind. He carries that black, weathered bag everywhere he goes. “Every time I go out, I’m prepared to come home and find everything is stolen,” he says.

[JdN: I know ALL about that.....and so did Brendon O'Connell.]

The bag aside, Girard appears intelligent and coherent. At a table in front of Dunkin’ Donuts inside the train station, Girard opens the bag and pulls out a thick stack of documents, carefully labeled and sorted with yellow sticky notes bearing neat block print. The documents are an authentic-looking mix of news stories, articles culled from military journals and even some declassified national security documents that do seem to show that the U.S. government has attempted to develop weapons that send voices into people’s heads.

“It’s undeniable that the technology exists,” Girard says, “but if you go to the police and say, ‘I’m hearing voices,’ they’re going to lock you up for psychiatric evaluation.”

The thing that’s missing from his bag — the lack of which makes it hard to prove he isn’t crazy — is even a single document that would buttress the implausible notion that the government is currently targeting a large group of American citizens with mind-control technology. The only direct evidence for that, Girard admits, lies with alleged victims such as himself.

And of those, there are many.

IT’S 9:01 P.M. WHEN THE FIRST PERSON SPEAKS during the Saturday conference call.

Unsure whether anyone else is on the line yet, the female caller throws out the first question: “You got gang stalking or V2K?” she asks no one in particular.

There’s a short, uncomfortable pause.

“V2K, really bad. 24-7,” a man replies.

“Gang stalking,” another woman says.

“Oh, yeah, join the club,” yet another man replies.

The members of this confessional “club” are not your usual victims. This isn’t a group for alcoholics, drug addicts or survivors of childhood abuse; the people connecting on the call are self-described victims of mind control – people who believe they have been targeted by a secret government program that tracks them around the clock, using technology to probe and control their minds.

The callers frequently refer to themselves as TIs, which is short for Targeted Individuals, and talk about V2K — the official military abbreviation stands for “voice to skull” and denotes weapons that beam voices or sounds into the head. In their esoteric lexicon, “gang stalking” refers to the belief that they are being followed and harassed: by neighbors, strangers or colleagues who are agents for the government.

A few more “hellos” are exchanged, interrupted by beeps signaling late arrivals: Bill from Columbus, Barbara from Philadelphia, Jim from California and a dozen or so others.

Derrick Robinson, the conference call moderator, calls order.

“It’s five after 9,” says Robinson, with the sweetly reasonable intonation of a late-night radio host. “Maybe we should go ahead and start.”

THE IDEA OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE CONVINCED THEY ARE TARGETED BY WEAPONS that can invade their minds has become a cultural joke, shorthanded by the image of solitary lunatics wearing tinfoil hats to deflect invisible mind beams.

“Tinfoil hat,” says Wikipedia, has become “a popular stereotype and term of derision; the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia and is associated with conspiracy theorists.”

In 2005, a group of MIT students conducted a formal study using aluminum foil and radio signals. Their surprising finding: Tinfoil hats may actually amplify radio frequency signals. Of course, the tech students meant the study as a joke.

But during the Saturday conference call, the subject of aluminum foil is deadly serious. The MIT study had prompted renewed debate; while a few TIs realized it was a joke at their expense, some saw the findings as an explanation for why tinfoil didn’t seem to stop the voices. Others vouched for the material.

“Tinfoil helps tremendously,” reports one conference call participant, who describes wrapping it around her body underneath her clothing.

“Where do you put the tinfoil?” a man asks.

“Anywhere, everywhere,” she replies. “I even put it in a hat.”

A TI in an online mind-control forum recommends a Web site called “Block EMF” (as in electromagnetic frequencies), which advertises a full line of clothing, including aluminum-lined boxer shorts described as a “sheer, comfortable undergarment you can wear over your regular one to shield yourself from power lines and computer electric fields, and microwave, radar, and TV radiation.” Similarly, a tinfoil hat disguised as a regular baseball cap is “smart and subtle.”

For all the scorn, the ranks of victims — or people who believe they are victims — are speaking up. In the course of the evening, there are as many as 40 clicks from people joining the call, and much larger numbers participate in the online forum, which has 143 members. A note there mentioning interest from a journalist prompted more than 200 e-mail responses.

Until recently, people who believe the government is beaming voices into their heads would have added social isolation to their catalogue of woes. But now, many have discovered hundreds, possibly thousands, of others just like them all over the world. Web sites dedicated to electronic harassment and gang stalking have popped up in India, China, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Russia and elsewhere. Victims have begun to host support meetings in major cities, including Washington. Favorite topics at the meetings include lessons on how to build shields (the proverbial tinfoil hats), media and PR training, and possible legal strategies for outlawing mind control.

The biggest hurdle for TIs is getting people to take their concerns seriously. A proposal made in 2001 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban “psychotronic weapons” (another common term for mind-control technology) was hailed by TIs as a great step forward. But the bill was widely derided by bloggers and columnists and quickly dropped.

Doug Gordon, Kucinich’s spokesman, would not discuss mind control other than to say the proposal was part of broader legislation outlawing weapons in space. The bill was later reintroduced, minus the mind control. “It was not the concentration of the legislation, which is why it was tightened up and redrafted,” was all Gordon would say.

Unable to garner much support from their elected representatives, TIs have started their own PR campaign. And so, last spring, the Saturday conference calls centered on plans to hold a rally in Washington. A 2005 attempt at a rally drew a few dozen people and was ultimately rained out; the TIs were determined to make another go of it. Conversations focused around designing T-shirts, setting up congressional appointments, fundraising, creating a new Web site and formalizing a slogan. After some debate over whether to focus on gang stalking or mind control, the group came up with a compromise slogan that covered both: “Freedom From Covert Surveillance and Electronic Harassment.”

Conference call moderator Robinson, who says his gang stalking began when he worked at the National Security Agency in the 1980s, offers his assessment of the group’s prospects: Maybe this rally wouldn’t produce much press, but it’s a first step. “I see this as a movement,” he says. “We’re picking up people all the time.”

HARLAN GIRARD SAYS HIS PROBLEMS BEGAN IN 1983, while he was a real estate developer in Los Angeles. The harassment was subtle at first: One day a woman pulled up in a car, wagged her finger at him, then sped away; he saw people running underneath his window at night; he noticed some of his neighbors seemed to be watching him; he heard someone moving in the crawl space under his apartment at night.

[JdN: This all sounds totally crazy unless you met someone such as Clarence Malcolm. He and I went walking to the Alexandria (Va.) Library in Dec. 2005 and lo and behold, his stalker, a Jewess in a silver-gray Miata, who had not noticed me walking with him, suddenly peeled rubber (on a slow street) and shot down the road, engine roaring, when he whipped around, pointed at her and yelled: THERE SHE IS, JOHN!" In any case, this was an amateur sayan.]


Girard sought advice from this then-girlfriend, a practicing psychologist, whom he declines to identify. He says she told him, “Nobody can become psychotic in their late 40s.” She said he didn’t seem to manifest other symptoms of psychotic behavior — he dressed well, paid his bills — and, besides his claims of surveillance, which sounded paranoid, he behaved normally. “People who are psychotic are socially isolated,” he recalls her saying.

After a few months, Girard says, the harassment abruptly stopped. But the respite didn’t last. In 1984, appropriately enough, things got seriously weird. He’d left his real estate career to return to school at the University of Pennsylvania [JdN: one of the top universities in the United States and an Ivy League school, founded in Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Pennsylvania], where he was studying for a master’s degree in landscape architecture.

Upper Quad gate, University of Pennsylvania

He harbored dreams of designing parks and public spaces. Then, he says, he began to hear voices. Girard could distinguish several different male voices, which came complete with a mental image of how the voices were being generated: from a recording studio, with “four slops sitting around a card table drinking beer,” he says.

The voices were crass but also strangely courteous, addressing him as “Mr. Girard.”

They taunted him. They asked him if he thought he was normal; they suggested he was going crazy. They insulted his classmates: When an overweight student showed up for a field trip in a white raincoat, they said, “Hey, Mr. Girard, doesn’t she look like a refrigerator?”

Six months after the voices began, they had another question for him: “Mr. Girard, Mr. Girard. Why aren’t you dead yet?” At first, he recalls, the voices would speak just two or three times a day, but it escalated into a near-constant cacophony, often accompanied by severe pain all over his body — which Girard now attributes to directed-energy weapons that can shoot invisible beams.

The voices even suggested how he could figure out what was happening to him. He says they told him to go to the electrical engineering department to “tell them you’re writing science fiction and you don’t want to write anything inconsistent with physical reality. Then tell them exactly what has happened.”

Girard went and got some rudimentary explanations of how technology could explain some of the things he was describing.

“Finally, I said: ‘Look, I must come to the point, because I need answers. This is happening to me; it’s not science fiction.’” They laughed.

He got the same response from friends, he says. “They regarded me as crazy, which is a humiliating experience.”

When asked why he didn’t consult a doctor about the voices and the pain, he says, “I don’t dare start talking to people because of the potential stigma of it all. I don’t want to be treated differently. Here I was in Philadelphia. Something was going on, I don’t know any doctors . . . I know somebody’s doing something to me.”

It was a struggle to graduate, he says, but he was determined, and he persevered. In 1988, the same year he finished his degree, his father died, leaving Girard an inheritance large enough that he did not have to work.

So, instead of becoming a landscape architect, Girard began a full-time investigation of what was happening to him, often traveling to Washington in pursuit of government documents relating to mind control. He put an ad in a magazine seeking other victims. Only a few people responded. But over the years, as he met more and more people like himself, he grew convinced that he was part of what he calls an “electronic concentration camp.”

What he was finding on his research trips also buttressed his belief: Girard learned that in the 1950s, the CIA had drugged unwitting victims with LSD as part of a rogue mind-control experiment called MK-ULTRA. He came across references to the CIA seeking to influence the mind with electromagnetic fields. Then he found references in an academic research book to work that military researchers at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research [JdN: http://wrair-www.army.mil/] had done in the 1970s with pulsed microwaves to transmit words that a subject would hear in his head. Elsewhere, he came across references to attempts to use electromagnetic energy, sound waves or microwave beams to cause non-lethal pain to the body. For every symptom he experienced, he believed he found references to a weapon that could cause it.

How much of the research Girard cites checks out?

Concerns about microwaves and mind control date to the 1960s, when the U.S. government discovered that its embassy in Moscow was being bombarded by low-level electromagnetic radiation. In 1965, according to declassified Defense Department documents, the Pentagon, at the behest of the White House, launched Project Pandora, top-secret research to explore the behavioral and biological effects of low-level microwaves.

[JdN: Hollywood did a movie about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pandora_Project Suspiciously, Wikipedia has NO article on this topic, as it has NO article on ME.....]

Remember, it is the Washington Post that published this article…………

For approximately four years, the Pentagon conducted secret research: zapping monkeys; exposing unwitting sailors to microwave radiation; and conducting a host of other unusual experiments (a sub-project of Project Pandora was titled Project Bizarre). The results were mixed, and the program was plagued by disagreements and scientific squabbles. The “Moscow signal,” as it was called, was eventually attributed to eavesdropping, not mind control, and Pandora ended in 1970. And with it, the military’s research into so-called non-thermal microwave effects seemed to die out, at least in the unclassified realm.

But there are hints of ongoing research: An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person’s head.

“The signal can be a ‘message from God’ that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender,” the author concluded.

In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory [http://www.wpafb.af.mil/AFRL/] patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone’s head.

That work is frequently cited on mind-control Web sites. Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research laboratory’s directed-energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the field, citing the lab’s policy not to comment on its microwave work.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified documents surrounding that 2002 patent — records that note that the patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility. Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear — the research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials.

The official U.S. Air Force position is that there are no non-thermal effects of microwaves. Yet Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center, tagged microwave attacks against the human brain as part of future warfare in a 2001 presentation to the National Defense Industrial Association about “Future Strategic Issues.”

“That work is exceedingly sensitive” and unlikely to be reported in any unclassified documents, he says.

Meanwhile, the military’s use of weapons that employ electromagnetic radiation to create pain is well-known, as are some of the limitations of such weapons. In 2001, the Pentagon declassified one element of this research: the Active Denial System, a weapon that uses electromagnetic radiation to heat skin and create an intense burning sensation. So, yes, there is technology designed to beam painful invisible rays at humans, but the weapon seems to fall far short of what could account for many of the TIs’ symptoms. While its exact range is classified, Doug Beason, an expert in directed-energy weapons, puts it at about 700 meters, and the beam cannot penetrate a number of materials, such as aluminum. Considering the size of the full-scale weapon, which resembles a satellite dish, and its operational limitations, the ability of the government or anyone else to shoot beams at hundreds of people — on city streets, into their homes and while they travel in cars and planes — is beyond improbable.

But, given the history of America’s clandestine research, it’s reasonable to assume that if the defense establishment could develop mind-control or long-distance ray weapons, it almost certainly would. And, once developed, the possibility that they might be tested on innocent civilians could not be categorically dismissed.

Girard, for his part, believes these weapons were not only developed but were also tested on him more than 20 years ago.

What would the government gain by torturing him? Again, Girard found what he believed to be an explanation, or at least a precedent: During the Cold War, the government conducted radiation experiments on scores of unwitting victims, essentially using them as human guinea pigs. Girard came to believe that he, too, was a walking experiment.

Not that Girard thinks his selection was totally random: He believes he was targeted because of a disparaging remark he made to a Republican fundraiser about George H.W. Bush in the early 1980s. Later, Girard says, the voices confirmed his suspicion.

“One night I was going to bed; the usual drivel was going on,” he says. “The constant stream of drivel. I was just about to go to bed, and a voice says: ‘Mr.

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