


Amazing Jackie Evancho of Pittsburgh singing “To Believe” (3.8 million hits)



This is an old soul, with a voice like a trained, adulöt thirty-year-old professional singer, and she always sings with great heart.


============I THANK AN AUSSIE


Dear comrade,


Your large donation via credit card was deeply appreciated, my friend.



John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


On Facebook: John D. Nugent

On Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Donate via Credit Card


Every penny is used to find the way to mobilize a very angry yet very passive race.  As I have often written, especially in this recent blog (http://www.democratic-republicans.us/english/english-obama-chemtrails-my-house-again-with-a-huge-x-world-war-three-looms-if-obama-attacks-syria-and-the-end-of-the-jewnited-snakes) – which also announced my close new collaboration with The Rebel in Sydney — humans are being poisoned by neurochemicals (and HAARP) into being passive, and by Facebook itself!


The government actually made a giant chemtrails X right over my house within hours of me talking on my blog about the last time they had made such an X. It was their way to taunt me, and say “Yes, Mr. de Nugent, our chemtrails are defeating you with the masses. You may get an elite but the masses are OURS.”



I just about knocked myself out this spring to get a race for sheriff going, taking the advice of two young souls, and the result was, actually as I feared, zombielike “onlookerhood.”   Now, the Net has indeed been a fabulous information tool, and the distrust of government spread by the Net and that means by the Internauts on it, some of them being very courageous, is what, in my view, helped to prevent for now any US attack on Syria, but it has been a kind of substitute for real street activity as well for the majority.


And rare is the individual, like yourself, who actually decides to make a sacrifice as I make sacrifices and in fact risk my life.


For too many, the Net is about what your fellow Aussie asked in this clip: “Are you not entertained?” (at 9:58)





By the way, ALL MY VIDEOS ARE NOW UP ON TRUTUBE.TV! Just go to the John de Nugent channel there!



Everyone is becoming two-dimensional, watching a flat screen while sitting on his butt!


But to beat the Jew we must act in the four-dimensional world of 1) length, 2) width, 3) depth and 4) time and movement! We must change the power on the streets, in hearts, wallets , bedrooms, classrooms and offices, mines and factories! And we must get back our guns and free speech!!


The other thing to realize is that the spiritually primitive are the ones the Jews get totally under their control.  I just posted this on Facebook with respect to literal mind-control MACHINES which work on the very primitive.


Hearing voices and a CIA weapon:

1) FOXNews.com . . . . Sept. 17, 2013: “Navy veteran Aaron Alexis, who killed 12 people at a Navy building in Washington Monday morning, had been suffering a host of serious mental issues, including paranoia and a sleep disorder, law enforcement officials told the Associated Press. Alexis had been *HEARING VOICES* in his head . . ., the officials said.”

2) The New York Times . . . . Oct. 15, 2000 “On Dec. 6, 1980, Mark David Chapman boarded a plane in Hawaii for New York City, where he planned to win infamy by murdering a Beatle. He had a .38 caliber revolver tucked in his luggage and, by his own account, *A SMALL VOICE IN HIS HEAD* telling him to kill. Two days later, [famous Beatles musician] John Lennon was shot dead.”http://www.nytimes.com/2000/10/15/weekinreview/word-for-word-mark-david-chapman-vanity-and-a-small-voice-made-him-do-it.html

Book: Alex Constantine . . . . *HEARING VOICES*: The Hidden History of the CIA’s Electromagnetic Mind Control Experiments”  ”Controlling human behavior by remote radio transmission isn’t science fiction – it’s a fact. After years of secret experiments, the United States government has achieved its goal: Breaking and entering American minds at will.” . . . . ”Electronics engineer Leonard Kille, claimed his brain had been destroyed in mind-control experiments by CIA-sponsored psychiatrists Vernon Mark of Boston City Hospital and UCLA’s Frank Ervin.”



 Brendon O’Connell and I used to talk a lot, my friend.  I asked him about the Aussie mindset, because I am very interested in Australia for many reasons. It is really a rather important country, as you know, despite its relatively small population, and it has some very good White genes, like all countries peioples by immigrants, who are the adventuresome sort, not the stay-at-homes. Oz is also very threatened by China, which is in fact my main worry after the Jews, both via race mixing by divorced White men and by an economic and immigration takeover.


Brendon said that the Australian spirit of rebellion expresses itself in most men via barroom fights, not in standing up to the government or the Jews in a meaningful way!



And yet there were the spontaneous “Cronach riots” in Australia against Arab (Lebanese) immigrants raping White Australian girls near the beach.



Some “Lebbos” got a good beating


Taking on a government, now that is real courage! In my America, you should have seen all the oafs who joined the military after 9/11, anxious to prove their manhood by killing the enemies of the Jews, who are their real enemies!


In the end, my destiny is to create a heroic Aryan religion, and then a steeled, elite minority will do what must be done, and master the situation, our foes, and the cowardly, inert, obese and pathetic masses.

Ultimately, either we get a spartan, heroic religion that realigns peoples’ nervous systems, or all the facts in the worlds avail us naught. It has been seven years since polls revealed that more than half the American people understand the government did 9/11, and it has been five years since Obama was totally exposed as a fraud, a bolshevik, a homosexual and even an illegal alien, for God’s sake, and all these factoids have resulted in nothing tangible..

Thanks again for your financial sacrifice, brother. With your donation I can write the book to found this new religion. 


Here are my God videos, which illustrate some themes of my forthcoming book. Scroll here one-eight down: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking


=======Some nice feedback on Facebook from a John Berry:

A big thank you with much respect and adoration for your tireless efforts! You are the Man! And you inspire not only me but many others as well. I have been watching your efforts for several years now. You never disappoint.


================2010 news conference: US Air Force officers witnessed UFOs interfering with American nuclear missiles

 If ever there were a front page story, this is it.

On September 27th, 2010 during a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.,  six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man revealed their own dramatic experiences involving UFOs at nuclear weapons sites.

Retired Military Personnel To Confirm UFO Incursions at American Nuclear Weapons Sites



UFOs Visited Nuclear Weapons Sites, Former Air Force Officers Say

By Lee Spiegel for AOL News


(Sept. 21) — UFOs have monitored and possibly tampered with American nuclear weapons, according to a group of former Air Force officers who will make their claims public next week at a Washington, D.C., news conference.

 ”While most of the incidents apparently involved mere surveillance, in a few cases, a significant number of nuclear missiles suddenly and simultaneously malfunctioned, just as USAF security policemen reported seeing disc-shaped craft hovering nearby,” says Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites. (See article below, one-third down)

On Monday, at the National Press Club, Hastings will present six former Air Force personnel who will break their silence and disclose dramatic first-hand experiences with UFOs at nuclear weapons sites.

In a statement, Hastings said, “At long last, all of these witnesses are coming forward to say that, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, UFOs have long monitored and sometimes tampered with our nukes.” Hastings’ co-host for the news conference, ICBM launch officer Capt. Robert Salas, was witness to a UFO incident in 1967 that, he says, caused a missile disruption at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, and he was ordered to keep quiet about it. “The Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases, and we can prove it,” Salas said.

Another officer scheduled to appear at Monday’s conference, Col. Charles Halt, witnessed a disc-shaped object shooting beams of light onto the joint Anglo/American RAF Bentwaters airbase in England in 1980. The lights were reportedly near the base’s nuclear weapons storage area. “I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted — both then and now — to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation.”

Along with the other officers who will be on hand to support this remarkable UFO agenda, Hastings says that he and the auspicious military group will discuss the national security implications of these and other UFO incidents, and they will urge the government to come clean about the subject.


In addition to declassified U.S. government documents that will be offered at the event, the group plans to address the following questions:


Why do UFOs continue to appear at nuclear weapons sites, decade after decade?

What might these incursions indicate about the intentions and goals of those who presumably pilot these craft?

Why has the U.S. government chosen to keep the American public, and people everywhere, in the dark about these dramatic developments?


Consider it the second barrel of the double-barreled shotgun, or the “two” of the proverbial “one-two punch”; the first being Leslie Kean’s new book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Recordand now the upcoming press conference being co-hosted by researcher Robert Hastings and former missileer (Minuteman I launch officer – Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander) Bob Salas. Hastings writes: “Declassified U.S. government documents and the testimony of more than 120 former or retired military personnel have established, beyond doubt, the reality of ongoing UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons sites.”


While most of the incidents apparently involved mere surveillance, in a few cases a significant number of nuclear missiles suddenly and simultaneously malfunctioned, just as USAF Security Policemen reported seeing disc-shaped craft hovering nearby. On September 27th, during a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. , six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will reveal their own dramatic experiences involving UFOs at nuclear weapons sites.


One of them, former Minuteman missile launch officer Robert Salas, is co-hosting the event with me. We hope to draw worldwide media attention to this vital issue by presenting the testimony of highly-credible individuals who witnessed extraordinary encounters which have officially been kept secret for decades. Five of these veterans were rigorously screened by the Air Force and authorized to launch or otherwise work with Weapons of Mass Destruction. Of the remaining two, one headed-up a USAF communications center where he learned of UFO activity at ICBM sites; the other witnessed a UFO directing laser-like beams of light down into a major military base—including the nuclear weapons depot, according to the radio chatter he overheard. At long last, all of these witnesses are coming forward to say that, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, UFOs have long monitored and sometimes tampered with our nukes. If ever there were a front page story, this is it.


At the press conference, Mr. Salas and I will be asking simple questions: Why do UFOs continue to appear at nuclear weapons sites, decade after decade? What might these incursions indicate about the intentions and goals of those who presumably pilot these craft? Why has the U.S. government chosen to keep the American public, and people everywhere, in the dark about these dramatic developments? Hasn´t the time come to speak the truth?

The purpose of this short article is to introduce, in alphabetical order, the individuals who will participate in the upcoming event:


Dwynne Arneson, retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel, was the Officer-in-Charge at the Malmstrom AFB, Montana, Communications Center in 1967, when he read a classified message concerning the sighting of a UFO hovering over one of the base´s Minuteman I Launch Facilities (silos), just as several missiles mysteriously malfunctioned. Although Arneson can not recall the designation of the missile “flight” mentioned, researchers now know that two UFO-related full-flight shutdowns—involving 10 missiles each—took place at Malmstrom in March of that year, at Echo and Oscar Flights.


Captain Bruce Fenstermacher

Bruce Fenstermacher, retired USAF Captain, was a Minuteman III missile launch officer (Missile Combat Crew Commander) stationed at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming in 1976. His Security Alert Team reported a cigar-shaped UFO hovering low over his launch capsule, then ignored a direct order to pursue the object after it raced away and began moving from missile to missile in his flight. Fenstermacher´s squadron´s missile crews were briefed about the incident and told never to discuss it with anyone.


Charles Halt, retired USAF Colonel, was the Deputy Base Commander at a joint Anglo/American airbase, RAF Bentwaters, in 1980. Among other events, Halt observed a disc-shaped UFO directing beams of light down into the base, at one point near the nuclear Weapons Storage Area (WSA), according to several Security Policemen on duty there.


Robert Jamison, former USAF Captain, was a Minuteman I missile targeting officer (Combat Targeting Team Commander) at Malmstrom AFB in 1967. He helped re-start the stricken missiles at Oscar Flight, where Bob Salas was on alert duty at the time of the full-flight shutdown. Jamison says that his team was explicitly briefed about a UFO-connection with the incident before going into the field, thereby corroborating Salas´ report of a UFO being sighted as it hovered over the Oscar Launch Control Facility at the time of the malfunctions.

Patrick McDonough, retired U.S. Navy Intelligence Command Master Chief, was a U.S. Air Force geodetic surveyor at Malmstrom AFB in 1966. A disc-shaped UFO briefly hovered some 300-ft. above his team as they worked at a newly-constructed missile silo. They fled the scene, rolling their truck in the process. A Montana State Policeman responding to the accident told the team that some 20 UFO reports had been made that night by civilians living in the area.


Jerry Nelson, former USAF 1st Lieutenant, was an Atlas-F missile launch officer (Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander) at Walker AFB, New Mexico in 1964. His security guards reported a UFO silently hovering over the Site 9 launch capsule on half-a-dozen occasions over the period of a month or so. The object directed a spotlight onto the missile, frightening the guards. Nelson´s reports to the base command post were seemingly ignored at the time, however, evidence has come to light suggesting that the incidents were classified Top Secret.

Bob Salas, former USAF Captain, was a Minuteman I launch officer (Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander) at Malmstrom´s Oscar Flight, on March 24, 1967, when all of his missiles dropped-off alert status—malfunctioned—just as one of his guards reported a UFO hovering over the Launch Control Facility´s security fence gate. Salas and his missile commander, now-retired Col. Fred Meiwald, were debriefed about the incident and asked to signed non-disclosure statements by an agent from the Office of Special Investigations (OSI). Meiwald has confirmed that, shortly after the malfunctions occurred, a two-man Security Alert Team was sent out to one of the flight´s missile silos to investigate a tripped alarm there. Upon approaching the site, the team saw a second (or the same) UFO hovering near it, whereupon they became frightened and quickly returned to the Launch Control Facility.”


“To present their information in the most credible manner possible, Mr. Salas and I have asked each of the press conference participants to sign legal affidavits attesting to their experiences. Those will be posted at this website following the event.”

Now read this: http://ufodigest.com/news/1008/bentwaters2.html

UFOs and Nukes:

Extraordinary Encounters

at Nuclear Weapons Sites

An Excerpt From the Book

By Robert L. Hastings




The late Lord Hill-Norton, (Admiral of the Fleet and former Chief of the Defence Staff of the UK) also believed that a UFO landed at Rendlesham and repeatedly questioned the UK Government on the issue.[54][55]

Admiral of the Fleet Peter John Hill-Norton, Baron Hill-Norton, GCB (8 February 1915 – 16 May 2004) was a senior Royal Navy officer. He fought in World War II as gunnery officer in a cruiser operating on the Western Approaches and in the North Sea taking part in the Norwegian Campaign, then in a cruiser taking part in theArctic convoys and finally in a battleship operating in the Eastern Fleet. After the War he commanded adestroyer and then an aircraft carrier. He served as First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff and then Chief of the Defence Staff in early 1970s. In the latter role he gave the final commitment to Project Chevaline, thePolaris missile improvement programme. He went on to be Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.

In this video he says either the incident was true as reported or these Air Force men (in charge of nuclear weapons!) were all “hallucinating,” and he finds the latter notion ludicrous.


In this basically good video, at 39:02, I can tell you as a former Marine Corps interrogator that the debunker McGaha is lying. He was ordered and /or paid to come up with a ludicrous debunking theory, that a satellite merely crashed. His eyes have that glassy, memorized look that indicate he does not believe what he is saying. His heart is not in it, and his voice has the false pitch of someone telling a lie with no conviction, maybe even under threat. He is just the sort of fat, flabby wuss who would do exactly as he is told. 

=============Who were the Aliens?

They were almost certainly Nordic Aliens.

I saw a recent History Channel show (I am trying find it now on Youtube) where one of the two men, John Penniston, who was involved in the Rendlesham incident stated that he felt the aliens were “us from the future.” (He experienced pages of binary code being shot into his brain when he touched the spacecraft, a very mysterious thing: http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/The_Binary_Codes.html) But if these aliens are us from the future, that means they were humans, just more advanced humans. That is exactly what the Nordic Aliens are. Whites (“us”) certainly are not going to “evolve” into gray aliens in the future”! — nor into reptiloids or “Tall Whites” either (who are very tall, extremely pale, and unfriendly).

A famous sketch of various alien species by an Air Force recovery team member ; all are humanoid (two arms, two legs, two eyes, two nostrils, two ear holes, and one head, one nose, one mouth etc.) The Nordic Alien is lower center.

They will look like us, but handsome, beautiful, immaculate in health and appearance, doubtless because of centuries of eugenics. Their custom is a blond Prince Valiant hair style. They eat as we do, have sex and make babies, are married, etc. THEY ARE JUST VERY ADVANCED HUMANS.


=======Eisenhower chooses in 1954 to reject the Nordic Aliens and collaborates with the Grays and Tall Whites

A White South African wrote me:

Whites have become too civilised and fair-minded for their own good. I’ve seen this plenty times and only jumped in a few times when I thought it worthwhile. I’ve sometimes left a white to get beaten down because I knew exactly what that white was and he deserved it. A liberal mudshark. Then, on other occasions I have jumped in while everyone else did nothing.

Once I was at the DVD store picking up a movie when I witnessed an altercation between a black and a white in the parking lot. The white guy grabbed a tyre iron and chased the black guy. Then other whites intervened and stopped the white guy. Now herein lies the problem. I don’t care who was right or wrong. If that was a black area, I’ll bet my bollocks to a barn dance the entire crowd would’ve attacked the white guy. But now a black guy can come into a white area and go home unscathed and with no fear and spread the message that if you attack white people, it’s quite safe to do because other white people will be so fair minded that they will first try to ascertain who was right or wrong and probably take your side out of fear of being racist. 

We all know white people like this and it’s a mental illness. One gets the feeling that even if full scale war broke out and they are near you in the trenches, they’d probably stop you from shooting because maybe the poor black guy had a tough childhood or something equally ridiculous. I’d have no qualms in shooting this type of white first because they are far more dangerous to us than any non white.

I replied:

What I must convey is WHY we are overly noble. It is not JUST cowardice. Many White men were brave in fighting the Germans because they were taught they were evil bullies out to enslave the world. Others, like my dad, fought Asians in Japan, Korea and Vietnam and cleaned their clock, including in hand-to-hand combat, not just aerial bombing from 30,000 feet.

The reality is that Whites descend from Nordic Aliens, and this is why we are NOT from this planet and are VERY different from other races. The Nordic Aliens are a powerful but very noble race that seeks peace and justice.

Here is Dr. Michael Sallas on how Eisenhower chose to work with the evil Grays rather than with the Nordic Aliens, who demanded the US give up nuclear weapons or mankind would be destroyed: http://exopolitics.org/Study-Paper-8.htm

“A race of human-looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government [on February 20, 11954 at Edward Air Force Base]. This alien group warned us against the aliens [the Grays, a small, long-nosed, gray-skinned species] that were orbiting the Equator, and [the Nordic Aliens] offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth’s natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament.” 

The more you get up into Scandinavia the more you see this “overly noble” frame of mind, and this comes from the Nordic Aliens, from whom WE descend, and only WE Whites!

All other races are brown and dark in hair and skin, and have only 10% the idealism, or sense of responsibility for others or a search for justice that we have.

Eisenhower chose to work with the Grays to get their weapons technology, and also with a chilling group called the Tall Whites. They are not our friends. http://openseti.org/Hall.html

The Tall Whites are extremely thin, 6-7 feet tall, with chalky-white skin, and they despise humans and are run like a military society. They have a pencil-shaped weapon that can paralyze humans, or cause instant pain or death. Eisenhower chose to work with these people. Of course he would not work with the Nordic Aliens, who reminded him of the “Nazi” ideal. But these are our natural allies.

It DOES take courage to say all these things, The whole “alien” thing causes people to shut down. It overwhelms them. (And yet every poll shows 80% of the people now accept that “we are not alone.”) But this is why I need funding to do the videos and blogs that will get us used to the new reality, and prove to us 1) what is really going on and 2) how we can yet win this. The Nordic Aliens can be our VERY powerful friends!

Btw, Billy Meier (a Swiss farmer who has written extensively on alien visits) came out in 2007 with some statements showing he TOTALLY understands the Jew issue. His website in English proves this. He confirmed what I always suspected, that the Jews are allied to extremely evil aliens. There was a cosmic war long ago, which stranded both us and the ancestors of the Jews on this planet, and this simmering war between the Nordic Aliens and the Grays continues to this day, and on this earth between the Aryans and the Jews. We are ONE part of a HUGE conflict which is being fought out across the galaxy, and big things are coming.

What is comes down to is this: some Whites are just cowards, but others are noble and the Jews exploit this to create White guilt and break down our solidarity. We are just not primitive tribal animals like a large number of the members of other races. And we will never win by trying to be as primitive as other races. This ignores our nature and ultimate origin in the NORDIC ALIENS.





John Edward Mack M.D. (October 4, 1929 – September 27, 2004) was an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.[1]

Dr. Mack spoke with over 200 individuals with no mental illness who had had enconters or been abducted by aliens of various species. His books refer to three species, Nordic Aliens, Grays and Reptilians. I just read his posthumous book  (he was killed by  ”a drunk driver”) entitled Passport to the Cosmos, which also refers to them. http://books.google.com/books?id=C0BBtKPN7V8C&pg=PT282&lpg=PT282&dq=John+Mack+nordic+aliens&source=bl&ots=DVnfgUsNQx&sig=Fbo4ypBu_eWstqmF_92PzO95tLU&hl=en&sa=X&ei=FnUAUqnXKPe64APa4IC4DQ&ved=0CFQQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=John%20Mack%20nordic%20aliens&f=false

The 200 reports discussed by Dr. Mack confirm the widespread reports of Nordic Aliens as being benevolent, friendly, respectful and  urging spiritual advancement, and not engaging in hostile or terrifying abductions, whereas the Grays are seen as icy-cold abductors and the Reptilians as positively evil and possibly even eating humans or their glands.

The Nordic Aliens are described here


An encounter with nordic aliens in Staffordshire, England on October 21, 1954 – an English country woman (Jenny Roestenberg) recalls:


(The “Tall Whites” are a different, though somewhat related species: extremely tall, thin and very pale.)


The Nordic Aliens are advanced but still HUMANS in every way, tall like NBA players. They marry in their world, have sex the normal way, eat food, defecate, sweat, etc., and thus are fully human, but they benefit from centuries of eugenics. They speak telepathically, and it is easy to see where stories of ”angels” come from. These are clearly the Aldebarans and Pleiadians, who, the Vril Society women claimed, were helping the Third Reich but very discreetly and without having any permission to overly interfere in WWII and its outcome. (That is, they were not permitted to simply win the war for Germany. This would have triggered intervention on the other side by the Grays and then — yet another — world nuclear war, I repeat, yet another world nuclear war,  in the 1940s between Grays and Nordics, destroying the planet pointlessly. Once both sides have “nukes,” world war obviously becomes insane; it becomes MAD, “Mutually Assured Destruction.”)


The famous Christian evangelist Billy Graham conceded such ultra-nordic and very spiritual aliens beings exist, and called them “God’s OTHER angels.”……….



They had high foreheads. (Gilliland said sometimes their eyes seem larger than on regular humans.)


“I was mesmerized with fear, but, in their eyes, they seemed so ….. sympathetic.”


These Nordic Alien  are in effect far more like angels. They are Aryans who are extremely powerful and spiritual but do not choose to rescue Joe Sixpack, George W. Bush voter and Christian Zionist idiot, just because he has skin the color of copy paper. Our mutual friend S. in San Diego was telling me a story about being viciously, deliberately knocked to the ice of a skating rink as a little girl by a blond Swedish kid, causing via a deliberate “accident” a lifelong injury. Being “white” does not make one noble, confer good karma or grant any protection. We WNs have experienced ourselves how many Whites are scum and even actively, knowingly, fight for evil, war, death, molesters, satanism, police brutality, and for Jewry. It is Whites with bad karma who have been abducted and murdered by Grays.)



More mind-blowing yet :


12) The highly respected scientists Alan Hynek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Allen_Hynek) and Jacques Vallée (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Vall%C3%A9e) both believe that aliens (good and bad) are moving between dimensions of time and space, hence their ability to dematerialize and even “shape-shift.”



Wiki on Hynek:


“There is sufficient evidence to defend both the ETI [extraterrestrial] and the EDI [extradimensional] hypothesis,” Hynek continued. As evidence for the ETI (extraterrestrial intelligence) he mentioned, as examples, the radar cases as good evidence of something solid, and the physical-trace cases. Then he turned to defending the EDI (extradimensional intelligence) hypothesis. Besides the aspect of materialization and dematerialization he cited the “poltergeist” phenomenon experienced by some people after a close encounter; the photographs of UFOs, some times on only one frame, not seen by the witnesses; the changing form right before the witnesses’ eyes; the puzzling question oftelepathic communication; or that in close encounters of the third kind the creatures seem to be at home in earth’s gravity and atmosphere; the sudden stillness in the presence of the craft; levitation of cars or persons; the development by some of psychic abilities after an encounter. ”Do we have two aspects of one phenomenon or two different sets of phenomena?” Hynek asked.[12]


Finally he introduced a third hypothesis. “I hold it entirely possible,” he said, “that a technology exists, which encompasses both the physical and the psychic, the material and the mental. There are stars that are millions of years older than the sun. There may be a civilization that is millions of years more advanced than man’s. We have gone from Kitty Hawk to the moon in some seventy years, but it’s possible that a million-year-old civilization may know something that we don’t … I hypothesize an ‘M&M’ technology encompassing the mental and material realms. The psychic realms, so mysterious to us today, may be an ordinary part of an advanced technology.“[13]


13) Nordic Aliens have abducted entire White American families and taken them to beautiful planets to work in agriculture and forestry, fearing that earth WILL be destroyed but desiring that White earthlings should be preserved. They are however kept at 1940s technology because Earthlings tend toward ego, violence, and misusing technology to make devastating weapons and, through pollution, to destroy their own environment to get rich quick.


14)  A Gray-Reptilian alliance enslaved many planets with a HAARP-like mind control and neurochemicals, making them into programmed transhumans without free will, slaves and soldiers in their war machine.


The Nordic Aliens were forced to obliterate all life on those many planets and then restore those planets painstakingly so they could again host life.


15) The Nordic Aliens wish the Fourth Reich to take care of the problems on this planet.



Or they will have to do the same thing here.



So, for that matter, is this video shot at the ranch of James Gilliland in Washington State, 13 miles from the beautiful Mount Adams, and an hour by car south of Portland. ….. How would YOU explain what this CROWD of people is seeing?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMbQKWlQ57s#at=254

The Gilliland ranch is a simply amazing phenomenon. Basically, UFOs appear there every single night, and people come by the thousands to see them, just as people come at night on July 4th to see fireworks. Here is a 6-minute report by Sean Hannity of FOX News Channel. Note also that for “balance” they bring in a UFO debunker, a hunched-over geek who says the UFOs are all satellites.


Here is Gilliland on his ranch: http://www.theglobalintelligencer.com/dec2007/fringe

Gilliland’s version of things is that aliens are benevolent; I disagree. Maybe the ones at Mount Adams are, but only maybe. In any case, something very mysterious is going on there.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBNOTEtc5fU In this interview, he clearly describes them as what (see further below) are called “nordic aliens,” saying they are extremely good-looking, and often it is their females who appear to men so as to not to terrify them.

Gilliland say they have given up trying to straighten out the current governments and instead deal with more enlightened people among the masses. Their message is to have a higher consciousness, save the environment and seek peace. But all they permit themselves ethically to do is urge us to change, respecting our free will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35AABb83gtw

I wrote a good comrade who was known as a skeptic regarding Fourth Reich UFOs the following: I am interested in your feedback. I heard in the meantime (I wanted my blog to provoke discussion and it has done that that  ) that you were a skeptic about the Reich UFOs. I fully understand the skeptics! I endeavor below to make a solid case, while also dealing with the emotional blockage associated with fearing 1) the disaster of misplaced hope and 2) the painful dashing of FALSE HOPES. After 35 years myself as a skeptic, I now see this as a reality. In fact, the circumstantial evidence is becoming massive., as with other secret projects. No one says the Manhattan Project never happened. Hiroshima was the proof it did. But from 1942-August 1945 one could doubt it. Then came the big boom…..

As for chemtrails, they were doubted too, but who doubts now? When Thierry Meyssan first uttered the no-plane theory of 9/11 at the Pentagon he was loudly ridiculed, but now? As I stated in my blog in German on this topic (http://www.democratic-republicans.us/deutsch/german-zu-aldebaran-und-dem-vierten-reich-ein-gestrenges-und-hoffnungsfrohes-wort)

Als ehemaliger Unteroffizier der US-Marines im Nachrichtendienst verstehe ich die Notwendigkeit bei wichtigen Operationen der Vertuschung, der Irreführung und der Geheimhaltung. Gerade die Hinüberrettung der Reichstruktur, der neuesten Wunderwaffen, und des wehrwissenschaftlichen Personals des Dritten Reiches erforderte die allerstrengste Geheimhaltung — gekoppelt mit einer diskreten Schlagkraft bei jedem US-Angriff gegens Vierte Reich in der “Nachkriegszeit” , die keine war. Davon waren die US-Angriffe von 1947 (Navy/Highjump) und 1958 (Atombomben) Belege.


As a former NCO in the U.S. Marines in the intelligence area, I understand the need that important operations have for cover-ups, deception and secrecy. The preservation of the Third Reich’s military structure, and of its key new weapons and advanced scientific personnel, required the strictest secrecy — coupled with a discreet use of its weapons to deter any U.S. attack against the Fourth Reich in the wrongly labeled “post-war” period. The war has never ended and is ongoing. Examples of US attacks on the Fourth Reich occurred in 1947 (US Navy/ Operation Highjump) and 1958 (US Air Force dropped hydrogen bombs on the Antarctic under the cover of the “International Geophysical Year.”


for the past twenty – to – twenty-five years or so the former picture of planet-Earth-from-Space which had always showed North America and the Western Hemisphere – was replaced by ANOTHER picture – which is NOW the standard – THE Standard ! – whenever anyone now sees ” the whole world ” as viewed from outer space. It shows the Jews’ NWO capital city of JERUSALEM to be literally ” on the top of the world ” ! and the ” whole ” world consists of entirely black (all of Africa) – and some brown – people’d areas – entirely ! Do you suppose that this was deliberate ? I ask you.

Jerusalem above a BROWN AND BLACK WORLD… but opposing it at the bottom is ….. the Antarctic….


I wrote to a comrade  who suggested I was implying we should “lean back and relax, because the Reich is going to save us”:


First, your argument is entirely on the strategic-psychological level, which is fine, although I find it flawed.


Actually I bent over backwards in the talk show to deal with those ISSUES — “SIT BACK AND RELAX” — .


The fact is that the Fourth Reich is real. And that is the reality we must deal with as much as psychological worries.


Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf


German original: „Die Möglichkeit, für ein Volkstum die Unabhängigkeit wieder zu erringen, ist nicht gebunden an die Geschlossenheit eines Staatsgebietes, sondern viel mehr an das Vorhandensein eines, wenn auch noch so kleinen Restes dieses Volkes und Staates, der im Besitz der nötigen Freiheit, nicht nur Träger der geistigen Gemeinschaft des gesamten Volkstums, sondern auch der Vorbereiter des militärisc

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