

Lawyers should never ask a Georgia grandma a question if they aren’t prepared for the answer.

In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, ‘Mrs. Jones, do you know me?’

She responded, ‘Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I’ve known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you’ve been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you’re a big shot when you haven’t the brains to realize you’ll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.’

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, ‘Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?’

She again replied, ‘Why yes, I do. I’ve known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He’s lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can’t build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.’

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said,

“If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I’ll send you both to the electric chair.”


…….Crop circle in Bavaria next to huge satellite dish park

[German version http://johndenugent.us/deutsch/german-neuer-kornkreis-3-km-sudlich-vom-ammersee-entdeckt-am-18-7-14-warnung-aus-dem-all-1977-durch-kapern-des-britischen-fernsehens]

I spent seven hours on this blog. Many are secretly quite afraid of the alien topic, which knocks us off our pedestal and our mistaken notion as humans of being the crown of creation and the top of the food chain.

But this blog shows that certain species, while they do views us correctly as a semi-barbaric race/semi-civilized race (and the bitter truth is that humans as a whole are viewed by ETs as some of us might view trailer-park “white trash” or the ghetto black underclass), SOME of these species are very friendly and positive toward us, and would not be warning us if they did not feel we are educable.

…..My totally new message

First reactions:

1) Truly professional job, this video, with great background music — and as entertaining as a Hollywood movie!

2) Dear John, I just saw your video, and I am deeply touched by your words. THANK YOU for it. Very moving; I have tears in my eyes …. all the best, R.

I replied: “Dear comrade, thank you for this delightful review! John “

-Glad you liked it, John. My words come from my heart. Never before have I heard a more touching speech.

3) It has begun! In the great battle against the warriors of El (angels) Shaddai (Shadow)! Gather up, seek allies and crash this evil system! Heil Hitler! SPREAD THIS VIDEO, SHARING IT ALL OVER, AND HELP US! NATIONAL SOCIALISM NOW FOR ALL PEOPLES OF THIS WORLD!

I wrote back:

You know, people thought and still think Hitler was an egomaniac, but he understood, as well as all military commanders, that the people give up hope in times of crisis if they have no leader they trust, love and revere! It is only out of duty that a man emerges from the ranks to proclaim: Follow me to victory!

Standard postage stamp during the Third Reich

Conspicuous dark circles in fatigue

Mehr : http://johndenugent.us/deutsch/german-damals-und-jetzt-hitler-und-ich-in-der-not-immer-lern-und-umdenkfahig


…..A new crop circle …… 3 km south of Lake Ammer (“Ammersee”) in Bavaria — discovered on July 18, 2014



A local reported (in my abridged translation): (http://einfachemeditationen.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/ein-neuer-kornkreis-3-km-sudlich-vom-ammersee-entdeckt-am-18-7-14/)

Dear fellow beings of light,

I just got a link about a new crop circle which is almost just around the corner from me, so I drove there myself. When I found it, I was so happy, tears came to my eyes.

I needed just 12 minutes to get there, driving through Unterdiessen on Lake Ammer.

Map of Munich and Upper Bavaria (“upper” refers to altitude, as compared to the flat lowlands)�

Lake Ammer


� Collegiate Church of Mary in Unterdiessen

A villa on Lake Ammer

A distant view of the Alps and Austria (Tyrol) from the lake

There were already some 20 people there when I arrived. Since the grain is ripe, it can be harvested as soon as it gets dry again. Therefore, I can only advise everyone who wants to see it live to get in the car and drive over ASAP. It is still there now because it has been raining a lot here in Upper Bavaria, in fact from Saturday through Monday.


Each crop circle has a message for us humans to awaken and love each other!

We have every reason to celebrate every beautiful crop circle!

Snapped from a hot-air balloon above the site…

With love to you from Charlotte



….Why are crop circles made?

The Wikipedia article on crop circles is so ludicrous, it is the worst disinfo I have ever seen. Crop circles are always beautiful, perfectly executed and symmetrical, and many appear in the middle of the day instantly, with no one seeing them made.

There is no evidence of mistakes or false starts, or evidence of people having been at the site: no trash, no cigarette butts, no tire tracks, no foot tracks, etc. How do DOZENS of workers and vehicles get out to the middle of a wheat field without leaving trampled-down areas of wheat as they approach the spot?� (My maternal grandparents� [photo], had a 200-acre farm in Glocester, Rhode Island, and I spent lots of time there as a boy. There is NO WAY one can silently cut down huge areas of wheat, corn or any other crop in seconds and without bringing in major equipment.)

John and Elizabeth Colwell

Wiki actually says “weather phenomena” (or pranksters) make crop circles, which appear in seconds. There is no doubt that if a team of humans had all night, and paid off the farmer, they could create one of these. It is simply the cutting down of wheat according to a design. But having a human do it can be part of the NWO regime discrediting genuine, ET-caused crop circles.

Here is more likely the truth, and it is reassuring:

Note at between the second and third minute a report by an eyewitness of a crop circle being made in seconds and in COMPLETE DARKNESS.

The intent of crop circles seems to be to use beauty to attract us and then issue benevolent warnings (NOT threats) that our species, humanity, and planet are being taken over by “deceivers.” (I think if they just up and said overtly “Jews,” then brainwashed people would recoil from the message.)

From 4:52 on, a communication is shown and is interpreted. The message was put down in a binary language — the same exact one used by NASA in 1974 — in a crop circle near the biggest radiotelescope in England, in Chilbolton, Hampshire, England. (see also the 1977 Hampshire TV tower incident below.) The date was August 15, 2001 (less than a month before “9/11″….). It says, when the binary language is translated, that they are four feet tall, have one more strand of DNA than humans do, reside on three planets, and total 21 billion individuals. Then they warn:

“Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises. Much pain but still time. eelrijue. [?] There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing.”

….A warning ….. from space

Southern Television broadcast interruption

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Television_broadcast_interruption]

Southern Television broadcast interruption


November 26, 1977


Southern Television





The Southern Television broadcast interruption was a broadcast interruption through the Hannington transmitter of the Independent Broadcasting Authority in the United Kingdom at 5:10 pm on 26 November 1977. The broadcast message is generally considered to be a hoax, but the identity of the hijacker is unknown.


A speaker interrupted transmissions for six minutes and claimed to be a representative of an “Intergalactic Association”. Reports of the incident vary, some calling the speaker “Vrillon”[1] or “Gillon”, others “Asteron”.[2][3]

[JdN: This is inane. The voice states its name, and it does not sound at all like “Vrillon,” “Gillon”, or “Asteron.” Wiki is often terribly disinforming when it comes to ETs who are warning humanity about a gradual planetary takeover.

This is the same Wikipedia where the Jew director, Jimmy Wales [photo], deleted the entire article on me, John de Nugent, saying I was “not noteworthy” — making me the only man that Google has over two million hits on but no article exists on me on Wikipedia! And my life has been far from just blogging! http://johndenugent.us/wn-biography-of-jdn/about-john/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent/]

Now look on the Wiki article on David Duke — reams of info!

That is because his ex-wife and now the wife of Don Black works for the Jewish Fanjul sugar cane billionaires who own Domino Sugar!


The Fanjuls are sephardic Jews, and that is why they run sugar cane (Domino) in America.

And this is the crew that has been blasting me for five years…. and closed my thread “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” on Stormfront that had 264,000 views… and calls ME, via a vast behind-the-scenes email campaign, a con artist, nut, homo and yet a wifebeater!

This book by New Orleans reporter Tyler Bridges, a race-mixing white liberal, unfortunately is virtually 100% accurate in its revelations about Duke’s public life, but does not go into many private issues. (http://www.amazon.com/Rise-David-Duke-Tyler-Bridges/dp/087805684X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1301160140&sr=8-1)  I know these issues from multiple sources. What appalled me when Tyler Bridges contacted ME was how much dirt he and his Jew bosses at the New Orleans Times-Picayune jewspaper had on Duke, all blackmailable material.

This hideous neanderthalic Jew, the publisher S.I Newhouse, has a goldmine of personal-dirt info on Duke.

Willis Carto once told me how angry he was and withdrew from a Duke/EURO conference, and then sighed: “….but David Duke is all we have!”

How would the Jews like it if that was no longer the case? If a white leader arose they could not control?

The goverment agent David Duke’s only “real job” ever, which got him out of Vietnam, was with the Defense Intelligence Agency!

Here is part of my study file on the connection between Don Black, Chloe Black (Black’s wife and Duke’s ex-wife) and the Floridian billionaire Fanjul sugar cane family….

Appendix One:

In March 2009, the day after my then-loyal, then right-hand man Henrik Holappa was arrested by the feds on a bogus “visa violation,” Stormfront.org — by far the largest WN discussion forum, and already suspected of being co-opted — launched a huge campaign insinuating I was a homosexual, pedophile and had “lured” a “poor Finnish kid” Henrik Holappa, into my home.

Then when I objected, Don Black, the owner of Stormfront, banned me and froze my thread, which in the end had reached one hundred thousand views. (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=469441

* * * on the Fanjuls

Chloe Black — Don’s wife — works for the multibillionaire “Cuban” sugar-processing family Fanjul family, which relocated to Florida after Castro came to power. Chloe is also David Duke’s ex-wife. There was a very brief media scandal about that, in the fall of 2008, then it very suddenly died down……

I read in several books by Sorbonne graduate and Hervé Ryssen that in the 1500s and 1600s the Jews totally took over two things, 1) the black slave trade and 2) the sugar refining business. Sugar refining became a SEPHARDIC JEWISH MONOPOLY.

In fact, the psychopathic megalomaniac Oliver Cromwell sent 40,000 anti-Puritan Brits and Irish to Barbados to a JEW’s sugar plantation, where they perished of heat and disease.

I had an exchange of emails with Heidi Beirich, of all people, the infamous collaborator with Mark Potok and Morris Dees at the misnamed “Southern Poverty Law Center,” on Facebook, on the subject of the Fanjuls.

I anticipate that when I start my movement that Black (with Duke behind him) will again go on the attack. That is what he did during the initial Henrik Holappa crisis.

If Black is a fed, that is, “turned,” and if he is now a traitor, he will do it again.

Interesting info on the Fanjuls:


Fanjuls funded effort to bring down Elliott Spitzer, Jew NY governor who however as a prosecutor had been vigorously prosecuting Wall Street Jew fraud and making many enemies:


Here is a rich billionaire Spanish Jewess advised by a Fanjul (fifth paragraph):


Why did the Fanjuls not fire Chloe Black, if they are gentiles, when the SPLC and the rest of the MSM went after them?

And why did the MSM back off this huge story of a Nazi-Klan-WN woman being executive assistant to a supposedly gentile billionaire? Domino’s sugar is a very famous brand!

The Fanjul power circle: Family interested in business, civic affairs — South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
The media sometimes call them the “Sugar Barons.” They’re accused of polluting the Everglades and faulted for making big contributions to politicians and using their clout to get favorable treatment for …

James Pfeifler (note dark hair and neanderthalic, semitic, everted lower lip) is Emilia Fanjul’s husband and the seventh-best “wealth adviser” in the US, according to Barron’s business weekly

Chloe Black, wife of Don Black, works for his mother-in-law.

I wrote Heidi Beirich of the SPLC:

Dear Heidi:

Hmmm, well, I suspect someone URGED you to back off — and I suspect that you learned that the Fanjuls are in fact marranos, closet sephardic Jews, and they are running an “op” with which your exposé was interfering. You stumbled on a running operation.

I am sure that once you learned that Don Black’s income comes from a Jewish billionaire, you decided, or the FBI urged you, to to back off…..

Benjamin Disraeli: “So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Didn’t that awful nazi Disraeli write some horrible things?
President Woodrow Wilson wrote something CURIOUS in his 1913 book, The New Freedom:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately.Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.


They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”


* * *

A legitimate question is raised: are the Fanjuls marranos, and are they Don Black’s handlers?

I can only say this: that Black’s attacks came totally out of the blue on me, and with an unparallelled ferocity, in March 2009. They fit the pattern of someone who has been turned and will follow any order.

And we absolutely MUST proceed from the certainty that ZOG would of course want to subvert and take over the biggest WN forum worldwide, which unfortunately is Stormfront.

Is this the real reason why Don Black’s own son Derek quit Stormfront in disgust? Was he floored and disillusioned?  http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2013/07/17/activist-son-of-key-racist-leader-renounces-white-nationalism/

“Controlled opposition” is the Jews’ classic modus operandi, so as to make sure that anything potentially dangerous will be a “dead end.”

And the controlled opposition will defame any true leader who has not sold out.

The Fanjul Brothers (who employ the wife of Don Black, owner of Stormfront.org)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Fanjul brothers — Alfonso “Alfy”, José “Pepe”, Alexander, and Andres — are owners of Flo-Sun, Inc., a vast sugar and real estate conglomerate in the United States and Dominican Republic, comprising the subsidiaries Domino Sugar, Florida Crystals, as well as the airport and resorts surrounding La Romana in the Dominican Republic.

The Fanjul brothers’ ancestry is Cuban, and they are descendants of the Spaniard Andres Gomez-Mena who immigrated to Cuba in the 19th century and built up an empire of sugar mills and property by the time he died in 1910. In 1936 his descendant Lillian Gomez-Mena married Alfonso Fanjul, Sr, the heir of the New York-based sugar companies the Czarnikow Rionda Company and the Cuban Trading Company.

[I have a question Why does this article say the Fanjul brothers are descended from a man named Andres Gomez? Should it not say they are descended from someone named “Fanjul”?]
The couple’s holdings were then combined to create a large business of sugar mills, refineries, distilleries, and significant amounts of real estate.

[JdN: All this reeks of Jewyness…  Sugar, alcohol, real estate…. same as Jews dominate Wall Street, Hollywood, law and porn…. or the Irish dominate the cops and fire departments…]

With Fidel Castro‘s 1959 Marxist Cuban Revolution, the family moved to Florida along with other wealthy, dispossessed Cuban families. In 1960 Alfonso Sr., the father of the current CEO of FLO-SUN Alfonso Jr., bought 400 acres (1.6 km2) of property near Lake Okeechobee along with some sugar mills from Louisiana and started over. Alfonso Sr. and his son Alfy got the firm off its feet and Pepe, Alexander and Andres joined in the late 1960s and 1970s.[1] As of 2008, the company owned 450,000 acres (1,800 km2) of property.

All marranos since the Inquisition have regular Spanish names or names of trades. There are no distinctive Spanish-Jewish names in Spain that stand out, such as Goldberg or Kaplan.  The Jews who stayed in Spain after the Edict of Expulsion of 1492 by Queen Isabella converted on paper to Christianity, and took on regular Spanish names.

The name “Fanjul”! appears most often in the province of Asturias, on the Atlantic coast. The highest concentration of Jews in Spain is in Asturias.

* * *
Czarnikow-Rionda Company, Inc. was one of the largest sugar brokers in North America for almost a century, acting as a middleman between growers and refiners of sugarcane, with its principal focus on Cuba. Through affiliated companies, the firm also owned sugarcane farms and processing mills, cattle ranches, and alcoholic distilleries in Cuba and a Philadelphia sugar refinery. Czarnikow-Rionda lost all its Cuban property with the rise of Fidel Castro to power, but remained one of the world’s largest sugar brokers until 1999, when heavy losses on some contracts left it too deeply in debt to continue in business.

Prussian-born Julius Caesar Czarnikow [oh my God, how Jewish a name can you get?] emigrated to England in 1854 [“Jews change fatherlands like others change their shirt” — Treitschke] and became a successful sugar broker, founding the firm of Czarnikow & Co. (later C. Czarnikow, Ltd.) in 1861. Czarnikow, MacDougall & Co., founded in 1891, was the New York-based North American branch of this brokerage house. Joining the firm as a commission agent in 1897 was Manuel Rionda, the younger brother of two Spanish-born brothers who had established a business empire based on Cuban sugar. By the end of 1898 both of Manuel’s brothers were dead, and he was the head of the family’s properties and business. Nevertheless, he continued working for Czarnikow, MacDougall which, by means of his energy and enterprise and the parent firm’s capital, was the dominant power in the Cuban sugar trade by 1903.

Manuel Rionda was an investor in, and first president of, the Cuba Cane Sugar Co., which in 1916 bought 17 mills, making it the largest sugar enterprise in Cuba. Backed by J.P Morgan & Co. [a Rothschild bank], this company controlled 16 percent of Cuba’s sugar production. At its height Cuba Cane Sugar also held over 500,000 acres of purchased or leased land and 500 miles of railroad, complete with rolling stock for transporting sugarcane.

* * *

Sugar Baron: Manuel Rionda and the Fortunes of Pre-Castro Cuba (Hardcover)


pictures of the Fanjul billionaires at a New York social event: http://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/socialdiary/2005/01_18_05/socialdiary01_18_05.php

Chloe Black, Duke’s ex-wife, works for the Fanjuls. WHY do they employ her?

The Fanjuls intermarried with this New York/Wall Street Jew, Pfeifler:

Map below of the frequency of the name “Fanjul” in Spain. The highest percentage is in the part of Spain most heavily settled by Jews, Asturias, and in the capital, Madrid. Because of the Spanish Inquisition and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, all marranos today have regular Spanish names…..Gomez, Hernandez, etc. Francisco Franco was a part-marrano, as Leon Degrelle knew. A friend of Pedro Varela sent me this map, showing that the name Fanjul is most frequent in the part of Spain where the Jews heavily settled, and was a name Jews adopted in the 1400s.

If the Fanjuls are Jewish, then they would control Black, who works very closely with Duke, by keeping him/them on a short financial leash. If one pays someone a lot, then they can save up enough money to quit some day. (This is how many bosses operate: never pay your employee enough for him to save any money and then escape you.)

Map of the frequency of the name “Fanjul” in Spain. The highest percentage is in the part of Spain most heavily settled by Jews, Asturias, and in the capital, Madrid, but also in the south, where the Jews and Moors resisted longest the Spanish and Catholic reconquista.


“Mapa del apellido Fanjul en España”

And now you know why Wikipedia has a huge article on Duke — and none at all on me!

And the same Wikipedia poo-poos the whole 1977 incident where an alien voice took over the TV program!

The voice, which was disguised and accompanied by a deep buzzing, broke into the broadcast of the local ITV station Southern Television, overriding the UHF audio signal of the early-evening news being read by Andrew Gardner[citation needed] from ITN to warn viewers that “All your weapons of evil must be removed” and “You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace.”

The interruption ceased shortly after the statement had been delivered, transmissions returning to normal shortly before the end of a Looney Tunes cartoon. Later in the evening, Southern Television apologised for what it described as “a breakthrough in sound” for some viewers. ITN also reported on the incident in its own late-evening Saturday bulletin.

The broadcast took over the sound only, leaving the video signal unaltered.


At that time, the Hannington UHF television transmitter was unusual in being one of the few transmitters which rebroadcast an off-air signal received from another transmitter (Southern Television’s Rowridge transmitter on the Isle of Wight), rather than being fed directly by a landline.

The Hannington transmitter in southern England (Hampshire parish), from where the broadcast signal was hijacked.



Location of the Rowridge TV transmission tower (black dot) on the Isle of Wight on the English Channel


As a consequence it was open to this kind of signal intrusion, as even a relatively low-powered transmission very close to the receiver could overwhelm its reception of the intended signal, resulting in the unauthorized transmission being amplified and rebroadcast across a far wider area. The IBA stated that to carry out a hoax would take “a considerable amount of technical know-how“[4] and a spokesman for Southern Television confirmed that “A hoaxer jammed our transmitter in the wilds of North Hampshire by taking another transmitter very close to it.”[2] However, like the Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion a decade later, the identity of the intruder was never confirmed.

Public and media response

The incident caused some alarm locally, and attracted considerable publicity in the next day’s Sunday newspapers,[5] with the IBA immediately pronouncing that the broadcast was a hoax.[6] The IBA confirmed that it was the first time such a hoax transmission had been made.[7]

The event was reported around the world[8][9] with numerous American newspapers picking up the story from the UPI press agency.[10][11]

The broadcast also became a footnote in ufology as some chose to accept the supposed ‘alien’ broadcast at face value, questioning the explanation of a transmitter hijack. Within two days of the report of the incident in the Times, a letter to the editor published on November 30, 1977 asked “[How] can the IBA – or anyone else – be sure that the broadcast was a hoax?”[12] The editorial board of one local newspaper�the Eugene Register-Guard�commented, “Nobody seemed to consider that ‘Ashteron’ may have been for real.”[13] By as late as 1985, the story had entered urban folklore, with suggestions that there had never been any explanation of the broadcast.[14]

*** (end of Wiki excerpt)

Here is the actual audio transmission (and transcription) as the video of the evening news continued to play.

The exact name of the speaker has been interpreted as Gillon, Glon, Bramaha or Gramaha. The current consensus opinion is to use the name Gramaha. The voice, appropriately enough, uses a British accent (for British television — bizarre how some mock this fact, as if aliens could fly between stars but not master a British accent…. ). It sounds a bit mechanically generated, and has a deep, authoritative, masculine sound without sounding overly “scary.”

Typical appearance of a Pleiadian, an “exonordic” (extraterrestrial nordic human); the U.S. military and NASA simply refer to them as “Swedes” or “Scandinavians”; they are simply highly� advanced humans who eat food, have sex, raise children, use the toilet and are of our species.� Most are blond with blue eyes, but some are red-haired or brown-haired with green eyes. They are known for being very tall (6’5″ or more), usually very handsome, with superb musculature, and wear a Prince Valiant hairstyle (see PV illustration). Most Pleiadians whom regular humans have seen have been male, which is understandable; the Pleiadians who visit earth seem to be soldiers and at war with two other species, the Grays and the Reptiloids.)

Prince Valiant – this hairstyle was common in the British aristocracy in the Middle Ages; very short hair, by contrast, was a sign of a peasant, or even a convict.

Gramaha’s Message


This is the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command speaking to you. For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth.

We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your worlds and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.



For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment.

The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this – that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction.


All weapons of evil must be removed.

The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Peace demonstration on the Leipziger Stra�e in Berlin

Hear now the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you – the energy you all kn

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