
Dear reader:

I am just trying to process all this staggering information from courageous star whistleblower Robert Morrow of Texas. (I have run his exposés before on the JFK assassination, the Bush family and drugs, and the Clintons and rape: http://johndenugent.us/?s=%22Robert+Morrow%22).

I wonder if the zombie majority will not just instinctively, reflexively, shrug its shoulders once again over the whole thing.... not because the public likes pedophiles -- we have not yet had massive liberal media campaigns (as with civil rights, gay marriage, drunk driving, tobacco smoking, etc.) for "tolerance" for those whose "orientation" is "minor-attractedness."  But the whole thing, even to me, a man who takes pride in facing painful truths, is just too frigging overwhelming for the average Joe.

His horror filter kicks in: "I can't deal with this."

The bottom line is that Jewish mega-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein got a cotton-candy sentence in 2007 because he was pandering underage girls to dozens of pedophiles who were five-star VIPs.

The FBI had at least 40 young women that Epstein had molested -- but both the US attorney and local Florida States Attorney allowed the VIP pedophiles to corrupt their prosecutions.

From: Robert Morrow <morrow321@gmail.com>
To: "Morrow321@aol.com" <Morrow321@aol.com>
Sent: Saturday, 17 January 2015, 0:07
Subject: Dozens of VIP Pedophile Friends of Mega-Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

The VIP Pedophile friends of Mega-Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

(Updated Jan 14, 2015)

The detailed 2006 probable-cause affidavit for Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophilia is here:


Master Web Link: http://1984arkansasmotheroftheyear.blogspot.com/2014/04/bill-clinton-close-friends-with-mega.html

Both the Florida State’s Attorney and the Federal government intentionally tanked their cases in 2006 against Jeffrey Epstein due to the enormous amount of VIP pedophiles who were also being given underage girls for sex by mega-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Mega-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein spent 13 months in prison, only having to go to jail at night. Epstein has now settled lawsuits for child molestation with the families of 32 girls. The FBI in 2006 counted at least 40 underage girls who had been molested by Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein has cravings for girls in the 12, 13, 14, 15 year old age range and he would pander them to his VIP pedophile friends, people who are in some cases nationally or internationally known.

The case against Epstein was airtight for many counts of child rape, child molestation. The man should have been put away for 20 years minimum. The state of Florida and the Justice Department stepped in and sabotaged the case against Epstein - but why?

Here are some quick links on Mega-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein:

1) Fantastic legal filing of lawyer for the victims Bradley Edwards about Jeffrey Epstein 4-8-11:http://cases.bms11.com/Documents/FL76/09-34791/ECF_DOC_1603_10567451.pdf

2) New York Mag Philip Weiss on Jeffrey Epstein 12-8-2007


3) Alan Dershowitz - Alan Dershowitz, close buddy of Jeffrey Epstein, is a complete & utter pedophile: just ask former Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/dershowitz-alleging-underage

4) July 2010 Jeffrey Epstein Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free - Conchita Sarnoff -http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/07/20/jeffrey-epstein-billionaire-pedophile-goes-free.html

5) July 2010 The Billionaire Pedophile’s Sex Den - Conchita Sarnoff -http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/07/22/jeffrey-epstein-pedophile-billionaire-and-his-sex-den.html

From Robert Morrow    512-306-1510

Attached (above) is the probable cause affidavit that the police filed on Jeffrey Epstein in May, 2006 after an 11 month investigation into this mega-pedophile by Florida police.

The reason Jeffrey Epstein was let of the hook after massive amounts of pedophilic crimes was because he was providing underage girls for sexual purposes to many of his power broker friends - people who are national and internationally known; people you often or sometimes see on TV. Epstein should have been put away for 20 years; instead he served 13 months just having to sleep at night in jail. The names listed below are just a starter list for Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile friends who he pandered underage girls to. By no means at all is this an inclusive list of Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile friends.

Jeffrey Epstein - Wikipedia page.

Epstein’s net worth was $2 billion and he hired as lawyers Alan Dershowitz, Ken Starr and Roy Black of Miami. But money and high profile lawyers is not why Epstein got off the hook. Any person who spent significant time with Jeffrey Epstein knew exactly what that man was about: a man having sex with underage girls and who was providing them to his buddies. Epstein was (is) a human 50 foot neon sign flashing “Pedophilia” and the too young girls were constantly around him. Some of Epstein’s power broker friends were:

1) Bill Clinton  - 17 trips with Epstein including 10 to Pedophile Island. Epstein had 21 ways to contact Clinton. I am 100% sure that Epstein was pandering Bill Clinton underage girls to have sex with during the time period 2002 -2005. This was also during Clinton’s “Ron Burkle” era. Web link: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/bill-clinton/bill-clinton-and-jeffrey-epstein-908671

I commented to an investigator into Epstein that with Bill’s deep history as a rapist and serial sexual predator the odds of Bill not being pandered underage girls by Epstein would be like one in one million. And the counter-reply to me was that it was more like one in one billion that Clinton was not being pandered underage girls. One of the sex victim lawyers had told this investigator into Jeffrey Epstein that, of course, Bill Clinton was being provided underage girls to have sex with. No-brainer.

2) Prince Andrew - British royalty - Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell pandered Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts to Prince Andrew multiple times. The victim girls say Prince Andrew was very sexually sadistic; they despised this sick, twisted creature.

3) Ehud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel (1999-2001) - pedophile being pandered underage girls by Epstein. Former Israeli Minister of Defense and also a deputy Israeli prime minister under Binyamin Netanyahu from 2009 to 2013.

4) Les Wexner - billionaire businessman who owns the Limited and Victoria’s Secret. Wexner is a hardcore pedophile from Ohio who has given Jeffrey Epstein huge amounts of money. Wexner likes to have sex with underage girls; that is why he was such good friends with pedophilic ringmaster Jeffrey Epstein. Wexner gave $250,000 to Restore Our Future, a Mitt Romney super Pac. Wexner also hosted a fundraiser for Romney. Wexner also gave $65 million to Ohio State University.

5) Jean Luc Brunel - a very key player in Epstein’s pedophile ring. Epstein gave him $1 million for his modeling agency which was really designed to funnel in underage girls for sex by Epstein and his pedophilic circle.

From Michael Gross’ 1995 book Model:

“Jean-Luc is considered a danger," says Jérôme Bonnouvrier. "Owning Karins was a dream for a playboy. His problem is that he knows exactly what girls in trouble are looking for. He's always been on the edge of the system. John Casablancas gets with girls the healthy way. Girls would be with him if he was the butcher. They're with Jean-Luc because he's the boss. Jean-Luc likes drugs and silent rape. It excites him."

"I really despise Jean-Luc as a human being for the way he's cheapened the business," says John Casablancas. "There is no justice. This is a guy who should be behind bars. There was a little group, Jean-Luc, Patrick Gilles, and Varsano...They were very well-known in Paris for roaming the clubs. They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks. Everybody knew they were creeps."  Link: http://jezebel.com/5603638/meet-the-modeling-agent-who-trafficked-underage-girls-for-sex

A CBS 60 Minutes documentary once put Brunel under the microscope and said that he abused and exploited young women. Jeffrey Epstein hooked up with Brunel, and gave him $1 million, precisely because Brunel was a pipeline for pedophilia and the sexual abuse of young girls aspiring to be models. Virginia Roberts says that just like with Dershowitz, she was forced to have sex with Brunel and was forced to watch Brunel having “sexual acts with dozens of underage girls.”

Web link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/10/jeffrey-epstein-decade-scandal-prince-andrew?CMP=share_btn_fb

6) Bill Richardson, former Democratic governor of New Mexico - pedophile being pandered underage girls by Epstein. Richardson’s name was circled by Epstein’s butler as being a pedophile. Bruce King, former Democratic governor of New Mexico, and who died in 2009 at age 85, was also being pandered girls by Epstein.

8) Larry Summers, former Treasury Secretary - like Alan Dershowitz, he is from Harvard and was close to Epstein.

9) Kevin Spacey - actor in House of Cards. People tell me Spacey is gay and my response is “Have you ever heard of the word bisexual?” Spacey very good friends with 2 bigtime pedophiles: Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton. Spacey, big Hollywood star, has 3.78 million Twitter followers.

10) Chris Tucker - actor. Like Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker spent a lot of time hanging out with mega-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

11) Donald Trump - businessman. Trump’s name was circled by Epstein’s butler as being pandered girls by Epstein.

NyMag: And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speaker phone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life." Link:http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/

Note: Virginia Roberts on Trump: ‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’ ’

Web link: http://breakingdeception.com/teenage-girl-recruited-paedophile-jeffrey-epstein-reveals-twice-met-bill-clinton/

12) Alan Dershowitz - longtime friend of Epstein as well as one of his defense lawyers. Dershowitz was the one who negociated that aburd plea bargain for Epstein that gave him a 13 months (served) sentence and a 16 hour/day day pass so he could spend most of his time in his mansion. Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts has said that Epstein made her have sex with Dershowitz numerous times. The real question is how many other underage girls was Dershowitz having sex with?Virginia Roberts says Dershowitz also witnessed Epstein’s pedophilic activities.

13) George Mitchell - former US senator from Maine 1980-1995, chairman of Walt Disney 2004-2007, former steering group member of Bilderberg http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?page=3787&t=222773  George Mitchell, despite his conservative exterior, is a pedophile and he was being pandered underage girls by Epstein. George Mitchell is a freak.

Of that list above, I think it is extremely likely that the vast majority of those men listed were engaged in pedophilic activities with Jeffrey Epstein’s underage girls. Most of those men were having sex with underage girls, committing statutory rape. Epstein was recruiting girls age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. The age of consent in Florida is age 18. In New York the age of consent is age 17. The age of consent in the Virgin Islands is 18.

George W. Bush (president at the time) is a personal friend of Bill Clinton (Bubba he calls him). Actually, GWB calls Bill Clinton “his brother from another mother.” In fact, GWB calls Bill Clinton his “brother from another mother” and the Bush family has pretty much adopted both Bill and Hillary as lovely and wonderful close personal friends.

Alberto Gonzales was the nation’s Attorney General when Epstein was let off the hook by the Justice Department. Get the drift? Alberto Gonzales was Attorney General from February, 2005 until September 17, 2007. So Gonzales was in place right when the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile scandal was breaking (May 2006 probable cause affidavit filed Epstein - that affidavit is attached to this email).

In addition to pressure from Bill Clinton, add pressure from British government, the Israeli government and possibly kingpin GOP donor and pedophile Les Wexner and you have some tremendous forces wanting to put the Epstein case under the rug.

After Epstein was indicted in 2006, Prince Andrew traveled to Washingon, DC and met with the British ambassador to Washington and one can assume that the Epstein case was a high topic of conversation. Additionally, with former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak getting underage girls from Epstein, the govt. of Israel and probably Barak personally were twisting American arms.

The reason the Justice Dept. (and the state of Florida) sabotaged the case against Epstein was because of all the high profile pedophiles that were involved. The Republican Attorney General in this time period (2006) was Charlie Crist who later became governor of Florida (2007-2011). Alberto Gonzales, a Bush lackey, was the U.S. Attorney General.

Billionaire Pedophile Goes Free by Conchita Sarnoff.

Bill Clinton and his brother Roger Clinton used to party with high school girls, have sex with them and give them drugs back in the 1980’s when Bill Clinton was the cocaine-addicted governor of Arkansas.

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s recruiters for young girls was the notorious Ghislaine Maxwell:

1) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363444/Jeffrey-Epstein-Robert-Maxwells-daughter-Ghislaine-hired-girls-paedophile.html

2) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363247/Unsavoury-association-How-Robert-Maxwells-daughter-procured-young-girls-Prince-Andrews-billionaire-friend.html

Note: “Regarding Maxwell, the documents refer to sworn testimony by Epstein’s former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, explaining how Maxwell took photos of girls without the girls’ knowledge, “kept the images on her computer, knew the names of the underage girls and their respective phone numbers and other underage victims.” “- See more at:http://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/news/news/lawsuit-documents-link-jeffrey-epstein-to-modeling/nMGzH/#sthash.iTqTvhNa.dpuf

Bill Clinton is a close personal friend of Ghislaine Maxwell and he invited her to Chelsea’s wedding. The odds are extremely high that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were providing underage girls for Bill Clinton to have sex with. Both Epstein and Ghislaine were heavily into enabling the pedophilic activities of their power broker friends.

Blog posts on Ghislaine Maxwell:

1) meeksiegirl 5ptsFeatured
Apr 23, 2012

I can speak from first hand experience the allegations against her recruiting women for their sick endeavors are true. Two of my college roommates and myself were approached by her on our school's campus in 2001 and asked to come help them with "office-type tasks". She offered $300 per day that we would come work for her. After a few trips to their mansion, the requests moved beyond "answering phones and taking messages". At that point was when we cut all ties with them.

2) truthseekerin2012 Apr 1, 2012

The reporter and the rest of you are just speculating. I know for a fact that ghislaine maxwell did this horrible crap. My ex was one of those girls. My ex is a total mess from having "worked" for these two worthless human beings and she broke down and told me it all when the papers came to her door.. Jeffrey Epstein is in fact a total pervert and so is G maxwell. What is written does not even come close to the actual things the both of them have done. They should both be in prison for the rest of their lives. I know one really sweetheart of a girl that they totally ruin for epstein's egg shaped dick. Rather small as well from what my ex told me. I hope I cross paths with him one day. It may be his last.

marypoppins789 5ptsFeatured
Mar 17, 2011

I know you are dismissing Mr. Epstein's penchant for girls under 18 as an "oddity".It is however breaking the law. Possibly if it was your sister or your daughter who was "recruited" by Ms.Maxwell you would be less than charitable. He has "settled" out of court all pending cases and in return more or less bought Ghislaine a "get out of jail free" card. When their relationship ceased being sexual after almost a decade she was still "with" him and complained about setting him up on "dates."That was a bit odd but people have done more for less money. At no time did I or anyone who heard her say that think she was finding this man, CHILDREN. Since every girl claims she "lied" about her age to Epstein, I can only imagine Ghislaine had versed them on what to say prior to meeting Jeffery, it's called denial culpability.Manipulative and Calculating are two areas Ghislaine truly has excelled. You are aware that when she was finally ready to "move on" she negotiated a multi-million dollar "settlement" from Epstein?At the time it seemed odd, they weren't married, they had no children. In hindsight, Ghislaine's aiding and abetting his perverted life, it makes perfect sense. I'm glad you think she truly cares about anything other than herself. We should call her Madam Maxwell, she basically was a pimp. I'm truly sorry you think it's fine to talk about how fantastic of a person she might be at a party but I can't really imagine she's a fine human being on any level. ( it's too bad she was photographed with Andy and his illegal arm candy, I mean the arm candy had been in Epstein's employ for 2 years) Ghislaine photographed many of Epstein's girls nude so that he could show them off as art in his Palm Beach Estate. Please consider your personal ethics when writing such a glowing piece about a woman who aided and abetted a criminal FOR PROFIT at the expense of girls who are considered CHILDREN in our country and by US laws.

Web Link for those blog posts: http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2011/03/notes-on-new-yorks-oddest-couple-jeffrey-epstein-and-ghislaine-maxwell

Jeffrey Epstein had a 98 page detailed “black book” of contacts. Alfredo Rodriguez, the house manager, was the one who had to go clean up the sex toys after Jeffrey Epstein and the other pedophiles were done, and he took Epstein’s black book of contacts (“the Holy Grail he called it”) and he circled the names of the (mostly men pedophiles) who were being given underage girls for illicit sex by Jeffrey Epstein.

The “circled names” in the Holy Grail black book of contacts were people who Alfredo Rodriguez thought were engaging in sex with underage girls. Alfredo Rodriguez was the house manager, or butler, for Epstein’s house in Palm Beach and he would not know what Epstein and his vastly larger circle of pedophile friends were doing around the world. Therefore, the “circled list” of pedophiles below is by no means inclusive - not by a long shot. Alfredo Rodriguez was the one who would have to clean up Epstein’s sex toys after the orgies and molestations were over.

Here are some of the names Alfredo Rodriguez, now deceased, circled because he thought they were having sex with underage girls:

1) Flavio Briatore - estimated net worth $150 million. Forumula One racing managerhttp://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/business-executives/flavio-briatore-net-worth/

2) Jean Luc Brunel - an epic pedophile in the modeling industry and one of the closest friends of Jeffrey Epstein. Should be in jail for 25 years. http://jezebel.com/5603638/meet-the-modeling-agent-who-trafficked-underage-girls-for-sex

3) Bruce King, former governor of New Mexico, who died in 2009 at age 85.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/14/us/14king.html

4) Bill Richardson, former governor of New Mexico. http://www.billrichardson.com/about-bill/biography

5) Ehud Barak, former prime minister of Israel - http://www.billrichardson.com/about-bill/biography My sources say this man is a big time pedophile.

6) Alan Dershowitz              According to an Undisputed Statement of Fact filed by the victims’ lawyers in April of 2011, “Epstein’s housekeeper Alfredo Rodriguez testified that Dershowitz stayed at Epstein’s house during the years when Epstein was assaulting minor females on a daily basis” and “Dershowitz was at Epstein’s house at times when underage females where there being molested by Epstein.”

For me the question is not did Alan Dershowitz statutorily rape Virginia Roberts numerous times, but rather what other underage girls was Dershowitz having sex with.

7) Courney Love bisexual singer - http://www.nndb.com/people/389/000022323/

8) Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros and the son of Paul Soros - http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/paul-soros-dies-87-article-1.1374061

9) Joseph Rueda (wife is Floven)

10) Ghislaine Maxwell - pedophilic girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein. She is the one who snared a 15 year old Virginia Roberts into the Epstein pedophile web in 1998. She is also very good friends with Bill Clinton who invited her to Chelsea’s wedding in 2010. She is the daughter of Robert Maxwell. She also pandered Virginia Roberts to Prince Andrew.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell

11) Alberto Pinto (1945-2012) - French high end interior designer 1)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Pinto_(interior_designer) 2) his work http://www.albertopinto.com/1en.aspx

12) Valson Vieira - French millionaire

13) Dr. Eva Andersson, a former Ford model - http://www.toryburch.com/blog-post/blog-post.html?bpid=67191 She is also former Miss Sweden: http://prettypublicbeauty.com/dr-eva-andersson-dubin/

14) Les Wexner. Huge Republican PAC donor.  Held fundraiser event for Mitt Romney. Very close to Jeffrey Epstein and gave him huge amounts of money, presumably for money and investment management. Both Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein are ardent pedophiles with a deep sexual thirst for underage girls. Wexner, owner of the Limited and Victoria’s Secrets, has a lot of Republican friends. Epstein has a deep well of Democratic friends. Estimated net worth - $6 billion - huge retailing fortune - http://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2014/09/30/victorias-other-secret-the-low-key-billionaire-behind-the-lingerie-giant/

Some people think Les Wexner has had a man murdered in Ohio. I am referring to the Arthur Shapiro case -http://freepress.org/article/dispatch-goes-re-kill-arthur-shapiro  Gave $65 million to Ohio State University.

Journalist Bob Fitrakis on the Shapiro murder - “Chief Jackson was charged in 1996 for "improper disposal of a public record for ordering the destruction of a report on the Shapiro homicide," according to the Dispatch. What they did not write is the more obvious. Columbus' chief of police destroyed documents pertaining to an ongoing and unsolved Mob-style slaying of a prominent individual tied to central Ohio's only billionaire – Les Wexner.

The Dispatch's key paragraph reads as follows: "The Civil Service Commission eventually upheld the charge against Jackson, who said the report was so filled with wild speculation about prominent business leaders that it was potentially libelous."

The Dispatch pretty much leaves it at that. An unredacted copy of the Shapiro file obtained by the Alive analyzed "unusual interactive relations between the following business organizations" and then listed, among others, The Limited; Walsh Trucking Company; the renamed Schwartz, Kelm, Warren, and Rubenstein Law Firm; Omni Oil Company; the Eddie DeBartolo Company of Youngstown, Ohio; and local developer John W. Kessler.

Jackson destroyed the Shapiro murder file not because of "wild speculation" but because of a detailed analysis linking two of Ohio's richest men, DeBartolo and Wexner, to the Genovese/LaRocca organized crime families. A similar news story appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1988.”

15) Eric Gany - I think but am not sure this refers to Hewlett Bay partner Eric Ganyhttp://thebollard.com/2008/04/24/pingrees-take-tops-1-million-but-at-what-cost/ Big time Democratic donor, so it is probably the right one: http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/eric-gany.asp?cycle=10

16) A”Cindy Lopez” of Karin Models. This would be in the pre-2006 time period.

17) Timothy Newcombe (Ohio) of Newcombe Electronic Systems 1) https://www.linkedin.com/in/timnewcome 2)http://sic.usaypage.com/unclassified-category/newcome-electronic-systems-p668203.html Timothy Newcome listed here as a new member of Temple Israel (Dec. 1991) in Columbus, Ohio.http://americanjewisharchives.org/collections/ms0882/00260/ms0882.00260.1991-12-01.pdf

18) Douglas Schoettle, architect who has both NY and Bahamas residences. NYMag: “After word of the investigation got back to Epstein, through his girls, police served a search warrant at the house right under the noses of New York decorator Mark Zeff and architect Douglas Schoettle, who were there planning a renovation, and seized a dozen or so photographs of naked women the girls had described as well as the penis- and vagina-shaped soaps.”


19) Larry Visoski, a chief pilot for Jeffrey Epstein. Mentioned in this article: 1)http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/billionaire-jeffrey-epstein-shells-money-latest-sex-abuse-lawsuit-article-1.436147 2)  2) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prince-andrew-admits-being-foolish-4961541

20) Tom Sawyers - New Jersey millionaire

21) Christopher Gaie of Florida - I do not know which one. Gaie is listed as a witness of Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilic activities by Alfredo Rodriguez.

22) Donald Trump - NY businessman. Afredo Rodriguez circled Trump’s name as some one who Jeffrey Epstein had pandered underage girls (or girl) to.

Web links with articles relating to the Jeffrey Epstein Case:

List of Jeffrey Epstein’s VIP pedophile buddies:


Fantastic legal filing of Bradley Edwards about Jeffrey Epstein 4-8-11: http://cases.bms11.com/Documents/FL76/09-34791/ECF_DOC_1603_10567451.pdf

New York Mag Philip Weiss on Jeffrey Epstein 12-8-2007 http://nymag.com/news/features/41826/index1.html

Guardian - Jeffrey Epstein - inside the decade of scandal entangling Prince Andrewhttp://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/10/jeffrey-epstein-decade-scandal-prince-andrew

Alan Dershowitz, close buddy of Jeffrey Epstein, is a complete & utter pedophile http://mondoweiss.net/2015/01/dershowitz-alleging-underage

Alan Dershowitz represents pedophile rapist Roman Polanski -  http://deadline.com/2014/12/roman-polanski-rape-conviction-alan-dershowitz-overturn-court-motion-1201326932/

Yet another pedophile represented by Alan Dershowitz: Kirtanananda Swamihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirtanananda_Swami

NRO Ed Whelan on “Alan Dershowitz’s Curious Denials” 1-7-15: http://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/395894/alan-dershowitzs-curious-denials-ed-whelan

NRO Ed Whelan1-8-15 “Alan Dershowitz Responds” http://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/396005/alan-dershowitz-responds-ed-whelan?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Bench+Memos

Alan Dershowitz tried to discredit girl who accused Jeffrey Epstein of Rape 1-8-15 http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jan/08/alan-dershowitz-girl-jeffrey-epstein-teenager?CMP=share_btn_tw

TIME: Alan Dershowitz Sex Scandal Lawsuit has High Legal Stakes http://time.com/3658851/prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein/

Tamara Tabo examines Pedophile Allegations against Alan Dershowitz http://abovethelaw.com/2015/01/a-second-look-at-the-allegations-against-alan-dershowitz/

WSJ: Documents Show Earlier Effort to Link Dershowitz to Epstein Scandal 1-9-15http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2015/01/09/documents-show-effort-to-link-dershowitz-to-epstein-scandal/

Jon Swaine, Guardian - Alan Dershowitz Tried to Discredit Teenager Who Accused Jeffrey Epstein of Rape -1-9-15http://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/alan-dershowitz-tried-discredit-teenager-who-accused-jeffrey-epstein-rape

Defending Alan Dershowitz is Not a Jewish Issue 1-8-15 http://observer.com/2015/01/defending-alan-dershowitz-is-not-a-jewish-issue/

AP: Prominent Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Denies Underage Sex Claims 1-6-15http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/prominent-lawyer-alan-dershowitz-denies-underage-sex-claims-28030352

Ben Swanson on Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein 2015: http://benswann.com/fmr-president-clinton-connected-to-billionaire-engulfed-in-sex-slave-and-underage-girl-scandal/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=nl

Jeffrey Epstein - “The Most dangerous sexual predator America has ever seen” - The Independent, 1-7-15http://www.independent.co.uk/news/prince-andrew-sex-allegations-lawyers-letter-calls-billionaire-jeffrey-epstein-a-dangerous-sexual-predator-9961968.html

Serial Liar and Perjurer Alan Dershowitz Swears he never had Sex with Epstein Sex Slave Virginia Roberts Jan 2015:http://www.newsmax.com/newswidget/Alan-Dershowitz-Affidavit/2015/01/06/id/616797/?Dkt_nbr=10E2C-1

Jonathan Turley on how Child Rapist Alan Dershowitz is hanging himself http://jonathanturley.org/2015/01/07/dershowitz-threatens-to-due-victims-attorneys-for-defamation-attorneys-respond-by-suing-him-first/

Wife of Child Rapist Alan Dershowitz defends psychopathic husband http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/dershowitz-denies-sex-underage-girl-article-1.2066011

Rabbi Shumley Boteach (Jan 2015): Jews Should defend Child Rapist and Psychopathic Serial Liar Alan Dershowitzhttp://observer.com/2015/01/where-are-the-jews-to-defend-alan-dershowitz/

Hollywood Reporter: Alan Dershowitz Vows to Clear Name after Sex Abuse Accusationhttp://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/alan-dershowitz-vows-clear-name-762068 reporter was a student of Dershowitz

Mega Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Accused of “Witness Tampering” on Questions About Prince Andrew Having Sex With Underage Girls http://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-accused-of-aggressive-witness-tampering-2015-1

Life on Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island - 2011 report http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1365733/How-Prince-Andrew-shared-room-Epsteins-Caribbean-hideaway-busty-blonde-claimed-brain-surgeon.html#ixzz1GSs6vBrh

CNN interviews Child rapist and psychopathic Serial Liar Alan Dershowitz - Jan 2015http://edition.cnn.com/2015/01/06/us/dershowitz-sex-allegation/

Bill Clinton invited friend Pedophile Recruiter Ghislaine Maxwell to Chelsea’s Wedding 2010http://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/prince-andrews-pimp-jeffrey-epstein-had-21-phone-numbers-for-bill-clinton-court-documents/story-fnh81jut-1227176619271

“Bill Clinton’s Pedophilic Past Comes Back to Haunt Him” - Alex Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRsrJXWiHNo&feature=youtu.be

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and How He Bought People off http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/jeffrey-epstein-brief-history-of-slime-786903

Vanity Fair Editor 2003 Took out Pedophile Allegations of Jeffrey Epstein story says Vicky Ward -http://www.mediaite.com/online/vanity-fair-editor-reportedly-removed-underage-girls-allegations-about-jeffrey-epstein-from-2003-story/

John Ward on Child Rapists Alan Dershowitz & Prince Andrew https://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2015/01/07/prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein-the-odd-role-of-alan-dershowitz-and-why-this-might-cause-more-panic-at-the-palace/

NY Post - Prince Andrew’s Pimp had 21 Numbers for Bill Clinton - http://pagesix.com/2015/01/06/bill-clinton-tied-to-sex-offender-in-sex-slave-case/?_ga=1.127826317.1870025963.1420473455

NYT Jan 2015 - Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz Accused of Sex with Minorhttp://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/04/us/prince-andrew-and-alan-dershowitz-are-named-in-suit-alleging-sex-with-minor.html?_r=0

Wapo 2015 Prince Andrew and Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein - http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/01/05/the-prince-and-the-sex-offender-prince-andrew-and-jeffrey-epsteins-mysterious-relationship/

Jeffrey Epstein kept a little black book with names of VIP pedophiles and girls for Pedos to molest 2011http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8363169/Jeffrey-Epstein-kept-a-diary-of-his-under-aged-victims.html

The VIP names in pedo Epstein’s black book - some were fellow pedophiles - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2897836/How-Prince-Andrew-s-sex-abuser-friend-Jeffrey-Epstein-kept-list-nicknamed-Holy-Grail-great-good-Bill-Clinton-Tony-Blair-Mick-Jagger-Donald-Trump.html

Russia Today - Bill Clinton’s name found 21 times in Mega Pedophile’s “black book”


Ghislaine Maxwell - a very active pedophilic recruiter for Jeffrey Epstein - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363444/Jeffrey-Epstein-Robert-Maxwells-daughter-Ghislaine-hired-girls-paedophile.html

Ghislaine Maxwell - girlfriend and pedophile recruiter for Jeffrey Epstein - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363247/Unsavoury-association-How-Robert-Maxwells-daughter-procured-young-girls-Prince-Andrews-billionaire-friend.html

Ghislaine Maxwell Stripped down to Undies to Teach 15 year old Virginia Roberts how to Massage Pedo Jeffrey Epsteinhttp://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/alleged-madam-joined-massage-jeffrey-epstein-lawsuit-article-1.2071123

Daily Mail profile of Ghislaine Maxwell, picture of her at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010 -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2900787/Prince-Andrew-Heidi-Klum-Hookers-Pimps-party-New-York-socialite-accused-procuring-underage-girls-billionaire-pedophile-Jeffrey-Epstein.html

Infowars 2015- Bill Clinton & the Pedophile: Sex Scandal That Could Destroy Hillary’s Presidential Ambitionshttp://linkis.com/www.infowars.com/bnoES

2015 Manhattan DA’s office goes to bat for Mega Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein - http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/da-wanted-sex-offender-status-jeffrey-epstein-article-1.2068017

Jane Doe Lawyers Sue Child Rapist Alan Dershowitz for Defamation http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2015/01/06/jane-doe-lawyers-sue-dershowitz-for-defamation/

PDF of Jane Doe Lawyers suing Dershowitz for Defamation -http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/2015_0106_dershowitz_defamation.pdf

Woman Suing Jeffrey Epstein for Sexual Slavery Says Bill Clinton Must Have Known:http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2015/01/woman-suiing-jeffrey-epstein-for-sexual.html

Epstein Sex Slave Virginia Roberts Says Bill Clinton had to have known about Epstein’s Pedophilia -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1363452/Bill-Clinton-15-year-old-masseuse-I-met-twice-claims-Epsteins-girl.html

Jeffrey Epstein’s butler Alfredo Rodriguez (now dead) knew much pedophilic dirt on Epstein:<a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2897939/Houseman-cleaned-pedophile-Jeffrey-Epstein-s-sex-toys-feared-billionaire-make-disappear

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