This has been an unusual first week for Seth Boyden School and its new principal, Damion Frye.
First, Frye instituted a controversial restriction requiring parents and guardians to provide an I.D. when they pick up their children after school. That was changed after one day.
But also this week, and perhaps as controversial for some, is a new restrictive recess policy that requires students to choose an activity for recess while still in class and stay with that activity during the entire play time.
Parents say this is unfair and too restrictive, adding that children should be allowed to roam among activities during recess. It even initially included punishment for students who do not adhere to the policy.
Assistant Principal Raquel Horn sent this note to one parent explaining the policy:
Frye and school district officials did not respond to requests for comment on it. Several parents say they have been in communication with the school and remain concerned.
Frye responded to one email from a parent with this explanation:
As I was vetting ideas, I presented documents to my staff. None of thesedocuments have the words policy attached to recess nor did I use that word in the presentation to the students. The letter in which I outline lunchroom and recess expectations will be a backpack letter that is sent home tomorrow.Originally, I did indicate that there would be consequences for leaving an area however, as these past three days have proved, such was not needed as most students remained in their areas naturally. This is why I indicated in the previous email I would discuss the expectations with each class tomorrow before recess.There are no imposed boundaries between sections and even a free play area. The only boundaries I put up (which are just cones) create a soccer field that the students have really enjoyed. Some parents I met with requested a safe area for their children - where the idea of the safe passages came from. I will check with district personnel that this fits within all policies and will share the expectations with Mrs. Bohm as so she can review them.Thank you for raising your concerns and I hope this helps ease any you may have.
Damion Frye, Principal