
Two of Philadelphia’s best-known media personalities have joined to create the first beer-focused podcast live from Philadelphia.

Longtime sports talker Glen Macnow and Don Russell, the writer behind beer reporter Joe Sixpack, have launched BAR TALK – a sudsy, downloadable hour-long conversation about all things beer.

BAR TALK features newsy updates on beer trends, taste tests, interviews with brewery personalities, and of course candid talk about the delights of drinking beer. The fun banter wanders from beer into sports and movies and pop culture – just as it would when two friends belly up to their favorite bar to trade stories.

BAR TALK is exactly the kind of witty, upbeat conversation you might find yourself overhearing at your favorite tap room. Crack open a cold one, plug in your earphones – or come out to one of the live shows.

Join Glen & Joe for their first podcast before a live audience at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 11, at Rose Tree Restaurant (1243 N. Providence Road, Media).


In the beer business? You can be part of BAR TALK

Ask us how you can partner with BAR TALK to reach a mix of both devoted and casual beer fans, foodies and sports enthusiasts to:

Build your brand.

Promote events.

Draw a new audience to your bar, restaurant or other venue.

Contact us now for details on partnership opportunities, including:

Title sponsorship.

Venue hosting.



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