
Vegan food has become more popular in Calgary in recent years, and thatrsquo;s especially true when it comes to the baked goods If you want to get your hands on something sweet thatrsquo;s also free of any animal-related ingredients, then Calgaryrsquo;s 6th Annual Charity Vegan Bake Sale is something you should attend.

When? Saturday May 30th 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Where? Community Natural Foods Chinook Station Market, 202 ndash; 61st Avenue SW

This bake sale supports the Rescue and Sanctuary for Threatened Animals as well as the Alberta Spay and Neuter Task Force, so your contributions will be going to something wonderful Both of these are non-profit organizations that provide an immense amount of support to the animals in the area, including vaccinations and neutering for abandoned pets. And whatrsquo;s even better is that 100 of the proceeds earned during the sale will go to the organizations, which means you can feel good about buying as many baked goods as you would like.

Treats to Eat

When it comes to the foods you can indulge in while youre attending, there will be many different delectable delights Cupcakes, brownies, tarts, cookies and many other sweets will all be available from vegan vendors. And if youre in the mood for something savoury, dont worry; there will be a wide variety of tasty foods for you to enjoy. Another thing to look forward to is fresh coffee thats being provided by Community Natural Foods, which means youll have the energy to stay longer.nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;

Stay and Win

A raffle will also be held during the event, and it has some great prizes on the line. Even if you enter just one ticket into the raffle it will be worth it, because even if you donrsquo;t win the big prize, the money will be going to a wonderful cause. Every penny helps keep both of these organizations running so they can help as many animals as they can.

Find New Favourites

Not a vegan? Donrsquo;t worry Even serious carnivores can find treats that they absolutely love at the bake sale. In fact, most people who are new to vegan food are surprised at how great it tastes. Yoursquo;ll find you donrsquo;t miss the milk or eggs because the high quality ingredients are created into something thatrsquo;s 100 delicious. Yoursquo;re sure to walk away with at least five or six different treats that become favourites in your household. And as long as you take information from each vendor, yoursquo;ll know where to re-stock your supply later on.

What to Bring? In order to help cut down on waste, itrsquo;s recommended that you bring a re-usable bag to store your goodies in. This is not mandatory, but it certainly is something worth doing.

Where to Connect with the Event? If you want to learn more about the event or just stay connected with other Calgarians attending, then visit the official Facebook page at https://facebook.com/events/782790591804890

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